
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Hero Profile: The Flash (Bart Allen)

Seriously? Don't even want to try a different
primary color. A blue Flash would look good.

We come to the fourth and final Flash, to date, Bart Allen. A quick background, he is Barry’s grandson and was sent back in time to counteract an unfortunate side effect of his powers, accelerated aging. At two, he was physically twelve. You can see the issue right? He’d been kept in a Virtual Reality that kept pace with him to ensure his mental development was relatively normal. His Grandmother, Iris, discovered this method wasn’t helping much and then sent him to the present. Wally West, the Flash at the time, convinced Bart to race around the world against him. Wally managed to shock Bart's over stimulated metabolism back to a normal rate.
Bart went through two other hero identities, Impulse then Kid Flash. Speedster's change quickly. He was literally forced to grow up when battling an insane Superboy-Prime. (Superman from an evil parallel universe.) After spending four years of relative time in an alternate reality trying to hold Superboy-Prime in check, the two returned to their own reality finding only days had passed. (At this point he’s like five, but physically in his twenties, damn time is screwy.) With the aid of other heroes Bart stopped Superboy-Prime and attempted to retire.
The hoods a little much for me
Surely that gets blown off.
This did not last long. When his college roommate became a supervillain, stuff like this seems to follow superheroes around, he accepted his destiny and donned his Grandpa’s costume. He beat down his former friend, who'd taken on the name The Griffin, and did his best to live up to the Flash legacy. He seemed to try to emulate Barry as much as possible, he even joined the LA Police Academy focusing on forensics. That level of emulation is a little creepy, but hey, to each their own. Things went well for Bart, until his evil clone Inertia got a bunch of Flash villains together into what they called the Rogues and beat to death. Dang. JOKER, you and the other DC villains need to take a page from the Flash villains’ book. They can actually kill their hero.
I resent that.
How many times have you killed Batman? Oh, that’s right, ZERO. Two Flashes have bit the dust. Obviously you’re doing something wrong.
You’ll live to regret that remark.
I’m shaking in my boots. Bad guys can be real prima donnas. In case I haven’t hammered this in yet, death is rarely permanent for superheroes or villains. Basically everyone beside Uncle Ben, Gwen Stacey, Superman's folks, and the Waynes have a chance at coming back. SO yeah, Bart was gone for a while but eventually came back, as a teen again, re-donned the Kid Flash gear, and got back to being a superhero in training. Sometimes you gotta go slowly if you want to be the fastest. Or something like that. I don’t know.
He has all of the same powers as the previous three Flashes, but his power fluctuated from time to time, depending on who was in charge of writing him. It could be said he has a greater control of his powers than his predecessors simply because he was born with his powers. Good genes make everything easier. 
What about the Speed Force makes
Lightning come out of the eyes?
Of the Four Flashes, Bart appears least often in the expanded DC-verse. Not that surprising really, since he’s the youngest character to hold the title and he needs to fight three other guys to use the title. To my knowledge, he really hasn’t appeared as the Flash at all, just as his first persona Impulse. He was the one modern Flash in Smallville’s universe, the other Flash’s names were dropped as aliases Bart used as he raced around the world. His code name is Impulse, I believe it was due to difficulties getting the rights to use the Flash’s name, but his costume design is distinctly the Flash. Damn lawyers and their complex legal stuff. Except my brother, love you Scott.
He was also heavily featured in the Young Justice animated series, again as Impulse but we do see him take on the Kid Flash costume during the series finale. His two main appearances and yet not once was he the Flash, sorry Bart.
Bart is an interesting character. From what I’ve seen of him, he has a lot of the other Flash’s quirks minus their impulse control. Hence the original codename. This is due largely to his rabid grown in that weird VR simulator. In the incarnation’s I’ve seen, he also loves to go against the usual rules of time travel rules. He spills a lot of secrets, and doesn’t seem to care. But, like Wally West before him, when he gets serious its best to stay out of his way. He can throw a whole lot of punches and kicks in those fifteen seconds it takes for the average person to react to him. He is fiercely loyal to his friends. How loyal, as I mentioned before he took on Superboy-Prime mostly alone when after the Kryptonian murdered several of Bart’s friends. So Superspeed and a little lightning vs. a Kryptonian, do I need to list the number of ways that will go wrong? I didn’t think so. Next time, Professor Zoom, the Reverse Flash. His timeline is even more confusing, if that’s even possible.
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All of the Flashes. From left to right, Barry Allen, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick, and Wally West. It's a good group. I still think the hat is stupid

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