
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Viewer Log: Jessica Jones ep 2

Okay, so for the second Viewer Log of Jessica Jones things start going a little crazy. Where the first episode seemed to be focused on establishing character, motivation, and even subplots, with the main plot being sprinkled in towards the end, episode two seemed hell bent on making up for lost time. I’ll do my best not to spoil this bit, but at the end of the last episode, Hope Shlottmen is forced by Kilgrave’s command to perform an awful crime. Jessica is interviewed by the cops, and then has to quickly apologize to Luke Cage. The cops thought he might be involved when they found a bunch of pics of him in a certain PI’s apartment. Color Jessica embarrassed.
I wonder why they dropped AKA from the title?
Jessica starts looking into Kilgrave’s miraculous recovery, despite her and Trish’s confidence in his death a year prior. Kilgrave had apparently been killed in a bus crash, the thing ran him over, so I can understand Jessica believing her tormentor was dead. Upon looking into it, Jessica learns that an EMT that had been dispatched to the crash site went AWAL. He had both of his kidney’s taken and suffered a severe stroke in the week he was missing. Jessica then tracks down the doctor that performed the surgery. Said Doctor Kuratta…Kooratta… Kur-rot-a, no idea how to spell it, was forced by Kilgrave to do the highly unethical surgery of removing two kidneys from an unwilling patient. Kilgrave went through the procedure without anesthetic, which leads Jessica to believe that Kilgrave’s powers are disrupted if he’s put under.
Mike Colter as Luke Cage and Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones filming... News Photo | Getty Images: Cage Netflix S, News Photo, Luke Cage
I feel really sorry for whoever crosses these two.
A major side plot is Luke learning one of his regular…dates isn’t as single as she appeared. Jessica told him that the husband of said date hired her to follow the date. Luke tells cheating wife, wife talks to her husband, learns husband had no idea she was stepping out, and then essentially tells Jessica “Screw you for messing with my fun.” She also mentions her husband and his rugby team are going to pay Luke’s bar a visit. Jessica rushes to Luke’s aid, but really, he didn’t need it. Seriously, Mike Colter does a perfect job during said fight, making him look more annoyed than anything as angry husband and his team rush him. For those who didn’t know before this scene, Luke has impenetrable skin, and super strength. So yeah, drunken angry rugby players would only annoy him. Luke later confirms his imperviousness at the end of the episode to Jessica, after breaking into her apartment. We also learn that Trish is going through some pretty intensive martial arts training. Everybody wants to kick a little ass.
We also see a bit of Kilgrave, as he walks into a family’s apartment, takes over, and has children lock themselves in a closet. Dick.
This episode is the first full episode to focus on the season one plot, Jessica getting Kilgrave. It was hinted at in points of the previous episode, but now she knows he’s out there and she’s hunting him. Jessica is still delightful in her witty sarcasm, and also her obvious self-destructive behavior. She’s hurting, and doing her best to live with it. We see a more caring side to her too, as Jessica becomes hell bent on getting Kilgrave, not just for her own benefit, but more of Hope, who’ll remain in prison unless they can prove there’s a man who can take away free will.
We also learn a good deal about how Kilgrave operates, just from the trail Jessica followed and that quick scene at the end. Jessica is dealing with a remorseless, egocentric sociopath that has zero problem with uprooting other people’s lives for himself. A little less awesome than Wilson Fist planning to take over the criminal underworld, but still entertaining in a “I hate you so much,” kind of way. So yeah, a good continuation. Next time, part 3.

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