
Friday, November 27, 2015

Viewer Log: Jessica Jones ep 6

Episode 6 begins with Malcolm musing about Kilgrave and his power over folks. He feels that part of the reason that he kept going back to Kilgrave wasn’t just for the drugs, but because it was so easy to let go and have someone else do the thinking for him. We also see a bit of Kilgrave at a poker game, where he uses his powers to win several million dollars without playing a card. Back with Jessica and Malcolm, their talk interrupted by the return of Luke Cage.  Cage wants to hire Jessica to help him find someone, Antwan Greer. Greer’s sister got Cage to help her, on the condition that she hand over information on his wife’s death. He wants Jessica’s help, as she’s a skilled PI, and has super strength. Always a bonus. Jessica is reluctant to help, given her history with Cage, but agrees. Malcolm grills Cage about Kilgrave, to see if perhaps Cage has been taken over. Cage hasn’t, but his interest in Kilgrave has been piqued, and he wants to learn more, to help Jessica if he can.
In a flashback, we learn that on the night Jessica escaped Kilgrave, he’d ensnared Riva and forced Jessica to dig up something Riva had hidden beneath a building. After he has the prize, a flashdrive, he orders Jessica to “Take care,” of Riva. Jessica takes her out, and causes the bus crash.
Her codenames include Jewel, Knightress,
and Power Woman. I can see why she just
goes by Jessica.
Back in the present, after doing some investigating and chasing, they find Antwan. The moron had taken the money his sister had lent him to pay off his loan shark and invested it in a pot farm. They’re attacked by Antwan’s Loan Shark, and his goons. Jessica decides to ditch Cage with the thugs and try to get the info on Riva first. Unfortunately for her, Luke Cage handles thugs as effectively as a jackhammer handles concrete. He arrived mere minutes behind, and learns the all-important info, that the driver of the bus was drunk, and was never charged for the crash. Cage goes to get payback, but is stopped by Jessica before he finished the job. She revealed her hand in Riva’s death, and age walks off in utter disgust.
Two side plots this time. We learn that Hope paid for her beating, as she hoped to give herself a miscarriage. Yeah, Kilgrave is a bastard. Jessica and Jeri Hogarth get her some pills to take care of her problem, but Jeri also has the fetus transferred to a medical testing site. Just when I thought I couldn’t detest this woman more.
At the same time, we see Kilgrave attempt to buy a house. Interestingly, he tries his best to do it without using his powers to get it. He fused the money he won in the poker game, and while the owner is at first reluctant, he agrees. As the episode ends, we learn that it was the house Jessica grew up in. Weird…
As some plots end, new ones begin. I’m glad that they didn’t drag out the whole Jessica keeping her hand in Riva’s death a secret until the end of the season. Both Krysten Ritter and Mike Colter are excellent throughout. I especially liked Colter portrayal of the mixed bag of emotions he’d felt throughout the episode, from bitter fury to utter contempt, he is excellent. While Kilgrave is still a very minor character, it’s good to see his overall involvement going up. The whole “not using his powers” thing is an interesting subplot, which will feed into later episodes. I find it especially creepy that Kilgrave has bought Jessica’s house, and was intrigued to see where the heck they are going with this plot. I hate Jeri Hogarth, and every moment of screen time she has. This has only increased since the first episode. But, aside from that, excellent show. Episode Seven to follow.

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