
Monday, March 14, 2016

Viewer Log: One-Punch Man ep 3

Episode 3 picks up immediately after episode 2. Armored Gorilla explains his creator’s, Dr. Genus, background in some detail. Saitama is rather bored by this, and Genos gives the “20 words or less” advice. Short version, Genus is a mad scientist obsessed with artificial evolution. He figured out how to make himself young again after 70 odd years of research, made a bunch of clones of himself, and created horrible abominations. He’s “interested” in Saitama’s body. Not like that, but that’s where Saitama’s mind goes. He and Genos decide to attack Genus’ “House of Evolution” right away. Their reasoning? Genos, because it makes sense to strike before the enemy has a chance to prep. Saitama, because there’s a sale on Saturday at the local market. The man has his priorities in order.
Genus is warned by Armored Gorilla what is coming his way and preps. He actives booby-traps and internal defenses on the six upper floors of the House of Evolution, and orders his clones to prep their ultimate weapon, Carnage Kabuto. Saitama and Genos arrive shortly, and Genos obliterates the upper part of the House. Bet Genus was real annoyed with that one. Saitama discovers the secret underground levels, and they proceed downwards. Genus, after losing several clones to his oversized super monster, is able to convince Kabuto to fight Saitama, to prove that he is in fact the strongest.
Ugh, it's like if the Tick and Clayface had a baby.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
After smacking around Genos a little, and then having Genos rain fire down on Kabuto, who isn’t really affected by it, it’s Saitama’s turn. Kabuto rushes in, but backs off at the last possible second, because he sensed Saitama’s “killer intent.” This also happens a lot in anime, various skilled warriors or mystically attuned characters can “sense” the destructive capability that another character possesses. In the oversized Hercules Beetle’s own words, it was like every nerve of his body was screaming at him to run away. Which was particularly disconcerting for Kabuto when he realized that Saitama’s stance left him completely open to attack. Standing, with his arms at his sides, and yet he strikes fear into the heart of a supposedly fearless monster. Kabuto, Genus and Genos all demand to know how Saitama gained such incredible power. After some prodding, Saitama reveals his super-secret training method… One hundred pushups, sit-ups, squats, and a 10k run, every day. Oh, and eat three meals a day, and don’t use the AC in the summer to help build mental strength. Doing this for a year and a half caused him to 1. Lose his hair, and 2. Be super strong. Who’d a thunk it?
No one is happy with his answer, Genos thinking Saitama was making a bad joke, and Kabuto believing that what he sensed was wrong. Kabuto goes Super Saiyan…er into Carnage Mode, and claims that in his ultimate form he can rampage for a whole week. The fight is on. Once again, the ending is too funny to give away, just know that Genus, whom survives the brawl, ultimately decides he’s done with evolution.
Another very solid episode. I really loved finding out Saitama’s “Super-secret training method,” and seeing everyone’s reaction to the revelation that it was really pretty light training. It was a great character moment for Genos, as he actually yells at Saitama when he thinks his bald mentor is telling an awful joke during a crisis. I also enjoyed Saitama’s motivation, needs to get this done today because of the sale tomorrow. The man is frugal if nothing else. Like last time, the design for the monster is really well done, if incredibly… I really don’t know the best word to describe it. Off putting, maybe? All I know is, when I saw Carnage Kabuto, he made me shift uncomfortably in my chair. Which, I think more monsters should strive for. Genus is a pretty generic mad scientist, but they have some fun with him too, like when Kabuto uses him as a projectile, and his decision to give up his life’s work after seeing Saitama in action. So yeah, another good one. Next time, episode 3.

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