
Friday, July 8, 2016

Viewer Log: Voltron ep 5

We begin pretty much right where last episode left off, with Commander Sendak sending his five Robot Drones to kill Pidge. They hack Pidge and Allura’s communication to figure out where she’s going. Clever little buggers. But, I do have to question sending your entire squad of robots to take out a single intruder. Sure, it may increase the odds of stopping the intruder, but decreases security around the control room. You’ve got the castle, the Lions, and most of the paladins. Sendak doesn’t even need to take off, really. Just call the boss, they’ll send a fleet, and then the bad guys win. I’m thinking too hard about this, aren’t I?
File:Shay (Voltron).png
Not sure why Shay's species doesn't have pupils.
Pidge makes it to the generator room. Flashes back to her back when she went by her birth name of Katie Holt, having one last dinner with her brother and father before their mission to Kerberos. It’s the kind of sweet, happy moment that if we hadn’t already seen them disappear, I’d have called disappearance or death. After Shiro, and her family’s disappearance, she breaks into the office of a Galaxy Garrison official for answers. Her snooping has told her that the official story that everyone had died in a crash was complete bull spit. She’s caught, it’s stated that it’s happened before, and told she’s forever banned from GG property. Katie swears she’ll never stop looking for answers, which she obviously didn’t. Back in the present she gets attacked by the drones. Allura then enlists her mice to help with the whole force-field disabling thing. Who knew being telepathically connected to rodents would be useful?
Pidge is able to escape the Gulra Guardbots thanks to a hologram, and her whip like Bayard. She escapes to the training deck, and uses the invisible maze from a few episodes ago to trap and disable two of the guards. One of the remaining guards chases her into the ventilation and nearly kills her. She smashes it, nearly falls down the same airduck as the bot, but is saved at the last moment by Rover. Such a helpful little machine.  
Back with Coran and Hunk, they bond with the local Balmerans. The lizard-like people are very pro-family and generous. Except for one of them, Rox, Shay’s brother. He says and does things that make it clear he’s going to make bad choices. He’s very much a “keep our heads down and deal with life, because a sucky life is better than death,” sort of fellow. These guys never make the right choices when baddies show up. Shay lets them know that there’s one “star ship class” crystal that they are looking for, but it’s pretty much impossible to get. The crystals are incredibly rare, even before the over mining, and the Gulra jealously guard these as soon as they’re discovered. Coran goes to do some recon while Hunk repairs the ship.
Back with Pidge, she flashes back to her first day at Galaxy Garrison, and meeting Hunk and Lance. She runs into the commander whose office she’d broken into several times before, who is apparently an idiot. Why? Pidge modeled her “Guy” look off of her brother. Same hair style and color, to the point that she’s just a shorter version of her bro. Someone the command would either have known personally or by reputation. So how the flying cuss word did he not figure out that Pidge Gunderson was Katie Holt? Or at least connected to the Holts. No idea. She blows off Hunk and Lance to do more snooping. Back in the present, Pidge finally gets she’d been kind of a jerk to her team in the pasts and resolves to do better now. And she’s going to start by saving the day today. You go, girl.
Back on the Balmera, Hunk bonds with Shay the Balmeran. Shay has no idea what the sky looks like, having been forced to live in the caverns of the Balmera all her life. Kind of messed up, right? Hunk is kind of flabbergasted by the fact that the obvious slave, the latest in countless generations of slaves, doesn’t have a concept of freedom. Damn, Hunk, I know you’re not always the brightest, but come on. Rox interrupts their discussion and keeps being a dick. Not even going to waste time trying to think of a D I C K acronym. Rox is just a dick, plain and simple. He basically tells Hunk to buzz off and stop filling his sister’s head with impossible dreams.
Pidge is able to further sabotage the castle, overloading the ships main engine and disabling the Gulra soldier for a moment. She and the soldier, Haxous, duke it out after he recovered. Grown Gulra Male vs. pre-teen/teenage girl, it’s not the most even fight. Not being sexist here, no teenager could hope to go toe to toe with a full grown adult and a soldier at that. Haxous has the height, weight, strength and experience advantage. Despite these obvious handicaps, with Rover’s help she’s able to cause Haxous to die pretty horribly. She trips him up with her Bayard’s energy chain and knocks him off the side of the platform they’re on. He grabs Rover, who opts to power down, killing itself to finish off Haxous. I’d scream noooooo, if Rover had been a slightly more memorable character. I kind of forgot about the little guy until the last two episodes. Pidge is heartbroken to see her little drone dying, but isn’t really given a chance to grieve. Sendak contacts Pidge via the comms, tortures Shiro and tries to force Pidge to surrender. Jerk.
Return to the Balmera
Yet another living planet. They seem to be pretty common
across the universe.
On the Balmera, Coran comes up with a harebrained scheme to get the Crystal, it goes horribly, but they’re able to disable the guards and get their hands on the crystal. They free it using the old techniques, at the cost of Coran’s back, but they are caught by the Gulra robot Guards. Quick flash of Sendak making evil speeches, before returning to Hunk and Coran in prison. They’re freed by Shay, who had stolen the crystal, stuck it in their ship before freeing them. Huh, pretty lucky that one Balmeran is strong enough to move a battleship class crystal without an escort, isn’t it? They make a break for it, but Rax turns them in to the Gulra. Again, he’s a dick. Shay communes with the Balmera, who disables the guards with a cave in. Shay’s captured in the escape, but Hunk vows to free her.
In one of the strangest scenes I’ve seen, the mice kill the remaining drone and disable the shield letting Keith and Allura back inside. Most vicious yet brilliant little vermin, ever. Pidge uses more holograms to distract Sendak, but the Gulra commander is craftier then she anticipated and sees through her rouse. He nabs her in his robot arm and starts crushing her. Keith and Allura arrive, Sendak implies he’ll crush Pidge in his robot hand if they don’t stand down. In the excitement, no one notices that Lance momentarily wakes up. Somehow he’s able to read the situation, summon his Bayard blaster, and shoots Sendak in the back. The impact is enough to force him to drop Pidge, but not kill him… for reasons. The group then rushes Sendak, literally disarming him of his robo-arm, before capturing him inside a force field. Keith and Lance have a bro-bonding moment, as Keith helps the injured Lance up and he grumbles “we make a good team.” Awh. Hunk and Coran just barely escape the Balmera thanks to Pidge’s tinkering with their pod. She included a booster rocket, which could have turned the pod into a fireball, but doesn’t because… reasons. Makes you wonder why they included the two lines setting up the possible consequences of using the booster rocket. Once they get back, they plug in the new crystal, Lance is stuck in a cryogenic healing pod, and Pidge decides to stay with the team. Hooray for teamwork.
This is a very Pidge centric episode. It answers a whole bunch of questions about her past, why she decided to infiltrate Galaxy Garrison, why she hid her gender, and also helped give her some character growth. Killing Rover to reach that end felt a little forced, but meh, I’ll let them have it. It also helps to set up Hunk’s story arc for the next few episodes, as watching Shay get captured to save them hits him pretty hard. Shay’s capture is Hunks, to quote Tallahassee from Zombieland, “Time to Nut up or Shut up” moment. Everybody needs one of those. The fight scenes, both between Haxous and Pidge as well as between most of the team and Sendak, are really well done despite only being a few seconds long. Once again, no Voltron, but as we established earlier, this isn’t really a bad thing. Less stuff about Voltron means more stuff about the characters, just about always a good thing. So yeah, a good episode. Next time, episode six.

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