
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Viewer Log: Iron Fist ep 6

Okay, before we get started, we need to have two moments of silence. One for Mrs. Joan Lee, wife of Marvel’s Stan Lee. While she was never directly tied to the company, we can pretty much thank her for all of the characters and stories that have sprung forth from them. As she was the one who encouraged Stan to make heroes and stories on his terms, rather than fall in line with his editor who wanted DC style characters. She was a classy lady, by all accounts, and will be missed.
 The second is on a more personal note, as on 7/7/17, my family had to put down our beloved dog Harley. He was fourteen, nearly blind, stone deaf, and seemed to have some kind of arthritis. Despite all this, seeing him get put to sleep was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. It sucks when what you know is the right thing makes your heart and soul ache, doesn’t it?
Iron Fist is Iron Pissed.
Okay, now that we’ve gotten the somber stuff out of the way, let’s talk Iron Fist. I’ll start by saying that I have no idea what the director or editor were thinking when they filmed this episode. I don’t know the technical stuff that goes into shooting a scene or anything, but I can say that when the scene is so dark that I can’t even see the characters in places, it’s too damn dark. The only reason I can think of as to why they’d do this is to make it easier to slip in Finn Jones’ stunt double for the fighting. Not a good reason, if that’s the case. Let’s get to it.
The episode opens to Danny meditating. Again. At the same time, a number of assassins are given some sort of summons from the Hand. Each smile and mention that it is ‘finally time.’ Danny ends his mediation by reciting a line from his master, “Doubt leads to Death.”

Ward watches the video again, the one where Danny apologizes for the Rand chemicals giving a woman’s son cancer. He reaches for his pills, but is interrupted by Joy. Joy reveals she had called a team that specializes in crisis response. To help minimize the damage that Danny caused. Joy convinces Ward to dump his pills. He goes to get Danny. Danny has, meanwhile, discovered several warehouses that might hold the Chemist’s daughter. Ward tries to convince Danny to put it off in favor of the crisis response meeting, but Danny won’t listen. Ward goes along in the hope he could force Danny to come back.

They go through four warehouses before they find the trailer that Danny smashed though. Rather than the Heroin that he’d expected, they find the severed head of the goon that failed to stop Danny. In his mouth is another summons this one for Danny. Danny blows off the meeting to accept the challenge. He talks to Colleen and Claire, who are looking after the Chemist. He explains that if he fights and defeats the Hands top assassins, they have to listen to his demands. Claire thinks it’s a bad idea, but can’t think of what else to do. Like calling a hero that she knows, who has had dealings with the Hand. Did she lose Matt Murdock’s number since last year?

His first mistake was thinking a tournament that started
              with a 2 v 1 fight would be honorable.
Danny meets Gao at the area the Hand has prepared. His terms, if he wins, the Hand will hand over the Chemist’s daughter and leave Rand Enterprises alone. Madam Gao’s terms are, if he were to lose but live, he’ll have to keep his nose out of the Hand’s business. His first fight is against a pair of knife wielding weirdos. They slash their hands and form a circle of blood. If Danny falls out of the ring, he loses. Danny fights and defeats them. The next round is against a woman with a spider tattoo. She plays mind games with him, and sticks him with several acupuncture needles tipped with Singing Spider venom. This disorientates him for a moment, but he regains his senses and defeats her too.

The final round is against a guy with a dozen weapons line around the room. They duel, with Danny once again getting the upper hand. But, before he can defeat the fighter, Madam Gao comes back with the Chemist’s daughter. She orders that Danny forfeit or she’ll kill the girl. Despite his own reservations, Danny does the morally right thing by forfeiting. Before leaving, Danny learns that Madam Gao has gone up against a previous Iron Fist, and knew Danny’s father Wendel Rand. He tries to get info from her, but she smacks him around with telekinesis… or something. He leaves the arena, his spirit clearly broken.

Claire, stop acting like the only thing you can do is make
               the situation worse and call Matt Murdock.
Meanwhile, Ward is going through serious withdrawal. He keeps seeing the severed head of the goon he saw earlier. He abruptly leaves the meeting and tries to get new pills. He stops at an Urgent Care and none to subtlety demands more pills. Joy saves him from embarrassing himself.
Colleen and Claire are looking after the Chemist. When his condition worsens, they’re forced him to take to an actual hospital. Unfortunately, the Hand learns about it, and steal him away despite their best efforts. Not good.

            Hm… I have to say, I really wish this first season had taken place in K’un-Lun. We could have seen Danny’s training, the hellish and deeply psychologically damaging events that he had to go through to become the Iron Fist. We could’ve seen the trials, the tribulations, the spirit breaking moments he must have gone through to be this supreme warrior. Instead, we just get Danny spouting snippets of philosophy and have darkly lit Kung Fu fights. Lame. I am also not a fan of how we really only see Finn Jones clearly during the closeups and really easy Kung Fu moves. If I am wrong and Finn Jones actually did all of his stunt work, and that the unclear fight scenes were 100% on the director and other crew, then I am truly sorry. Iron Fist has been difficult to get through, I’m not going to lie. I will thankfully get a small reprieve when I review Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Have a good night everybody.

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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