
Monday, August 28, 2017

Viewer Log: Iron Fist ep 9

Back to Iron Fist. Yes, I’m finishing this before I go onto The Defenders. We open to a phoenix rising from the ashes. No, wait, no, a business man rising from the swamp. Harold Meachum, whom had been patricided by Ward two episodes ago, has apparently pulled a Lazarus and come back to life. The dagger Ward used on him is still in his gut, but he’s more annoyed than anything else. He pulls it out and start wandering back home.

Meanwhile, Danny and his allies were able to get Madam Gao back to New York, and into Colleen’s dojo. Not really sure how they possibly could have pulled that off, but let’s just keep moving. Danny tries to get the old woman to talk, but, honestly, I don’t have the words to describe how little she seems to care about being held hostage. The team convenes off to one side and try to brainstorm ideas. Claire suggests that Danny goes to Rand’s laboratory and get her some sodium pentothal. It’s the ‘truth serum’ that you see in most flics.

Harold at the moment is wandering around New York. He has a weird conversation with a housewife and her child. His brain is clearly not firing on all cylinders, if you catch my drift. He wonders off again, clearly out of it.

Seriously, I should not be this intimidated by a little old Asian lady,
Who is also tied to a chair!
Joy is kind of freaking out again. Apparently between episodes, Joy looked up the history of the building that Ward showed her. She’d found out that dear ol’ dad had bought the building shortly before his death. Ward is remaining silent, and seems to have vanished from the map. That’s not good. She runs into Danny, (she’d been looking for him by Colleen’s dojo) and lets him know about recent events. Specifically losing their positions at Rand and that her brother has vanished. She wants his help, but Danny is kind of in a hurry and blows her off. He makes it to Rand, sneaks in again, and breaks into the lab to get the drugs.

Meanwhile, Gao is playing mind games with Claire and Colleen. Namely threatening loved ones and implying a possible connection to Colleen’s grandfather. Not good. And, unfortunately, Colleen seems to be suffering from some kind of illness.

Back at Rand, Harold arrives at the building and starts getting back some more of his mind. He bumps into a scary looking hobo, and then breaks in. He gets to the offices, and finds out that Ward and Joy have lost their jobs. Not good. He finally gets enough of his mind back to call his assistant to pick him up. On the drive back, he fills Harold in on all that had happened over the last few days. He is concerned but not overly. He’s more interested about his marvelous resurrection.

The hobo from earlier, silently, knocks out a food truck driver and ties him up. He start watching Rand, menacingly. He entertains himself by making origami throwing starts and hocking them at his captive. Creepy.

Ward visits his father apartment again… for some reason. And imagine his shock when he sees his father standing there. Crap. Rather than being mad, Harold asks for his forgiveness and hugs his son. Not the reaction I’d expect after stabbing a loved one. Ward eventually tells his father that he wants out, of Rand and of his father’s life. Harold is hesitant, but says he’ll allow Ward to go. But, he’ll have to bring Joy inn on things. Not good. Ward still walks off though, the jerk.

So did the Iron Fist become the... Steel Palm?
Danny and co inject Gao with the truth serum. She starts talking gibberish, but the group is distracted when Colleen drops to the floor. Apparently, being stabbed by the weapon back in China had a delayed effect on her. Somehow. Gao then reveals that she's perfectly in control of her mental facalties, and claim that torture won't work on her. Why? Because she spent most of the 17th century getting tortured. Hm... the plot thickens. Maybe. The group is then attacked by a group of mercs working for Gao. They’re able to disable them and hog tie the intruders.

Meanwhile, Ward goes to the Ax Gang. He’d heard from Danny that they had had some information about the Hand. He hopes that they had a means of killing Harold for real. The clan leader shakes his head, but imparts on Ward a story he’d heard back in China. His village had a legend about a shepherd that was given the power to resurrect by the Hand. He fell many times in battle, but continued to rise up. The problem was, that each time the shepherd died and came back, he came back a little worse. The story goes that one day the shepherd, who was incredibly far gone by this point, killed his oldest two children by roasting them alive. The clan leader advises that Ward runs, as the resurrected target their loved ones first. Not good. Once he leaves them, Ward takes a hit of Iron Serpent Heroin and goes for his car. Unfortunately, a pair of cops were searching his car, as there was heroin left of the seat.

As if to illustrate the crazy point, Harold brutally murders his assistant. Why? Harold had made him a nice breakfast of ice cream, as the assistant had said that’s what he’d do if he found himself to be immortal. The assistant, though, commented that he wasn’t a fan of the flavored ice cream that Harold had spread out, but thanked him all the same. This caused Harold to snap and murder him. Oh that’s not good at all.

Ward gets taken to the psyche ward, the same one that Danny spent some time in, with the very same doctor. How crazy? Ward wants out, but the doctor isn’t letting that happen. He diagnosed Ward as having psychological disorders coupled with a drug addiction, so he’s not going anywhere for a while. Meanwhile, Harold lures Joy to his secret apartment and the two have a shocking reunion. Crap, that’s definitely not good.

Woman with daddy issues reconnects with her manipulative,
abusive, and unstable father... This would be bad even if
evil Ninja weren't involved.
Colleen’s sensei, Bakudo arrives at the dojo. He tells Danny to heal Colleen. When it’s clear that Danny has no idea what he means, Bakudo explains. Basically, Danny has to focus his chi to his hand, unclench his fist, place his chi infused hand to the wound, and burn out the poison. He does this, but the experience leaves him drained. Bakudo summons his minions, and they pretty much kidnap Danny and Gao, with Colleen going along willingly. Oh, and the crazy hobo is still following them. Nothing sinister about that.

Once again, we seem to be on an upward swing from the first half of the season. Honestly, if they’d squeeze the first six episodes into three and gave greater focus to things like Danny’s difficulty finding a good work/Iron Fist balance, and/or Ward’s drug problems and extreme stress and this probably wouldn’t be such a bad season overall. Madam Gao is once again one of the best things of this episode. Seriously, I shouldn’t be so unsettled by a tiny Asian woman that is ALSO bound to a chair. Hearing implications like that she might actually be centuries old was interesting. It’s the Marvel universe, and she’s one of the higher ups of an evil Ninja cult that can give people resurrection powers, so it’s entirely possible. On that note, the resurrection of Harold Meachum is creepy and well done. It was just unsettling to see him… reorient himself. It’s kind of understandable, he did go several days without getting oxygen to it. Since this resurrection seems to take time to regenerate various parts, obviously it would take some extra time to fix the brain damage. The Ax gang’s story was also a nice touch. They included a few side notes about how overjoyed the shepherd’s wife and family were when he returned, which was a nice juxtaposition to the moment when he lost that last bit of sanity and murdered his children. It helps to highlight that whatever the Hand does to give this power, it’s unnatural, a perversion of natural laws, and as such chips away at the person they bring back bit by bit. I’m not trusting Bakudo, or what his group represents. Call me crazy, but I really don’t trust someone that can casually take out a bunch of trained mercs and has a small squad of minions at his beck and call. So yeah, another decent episode for a show with such a lackluster start.

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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