
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Viewer Log: Iron Fist ep 11

So… Danny has found out that one of the people that he trusts implicitly, Colleen Wing, is in fact a member of the Hand evil Ninja cult. Considering the fact that Danny already has some major trust issues, and for the last fifteen years he’d been trained to DESTROY the Hand, you can understand him freaking out. And if that wasn’t enough, the wound on Danny’s side that Bakudo gave him isn’t getting any better.

Fighting a dragon feels like a ton of work to get a tattoo,
a glowing hand, and eternal guard duty.
This time, we open to a flashback. In said flashback, Davos comes across Danny just after facing off against Shao-Lao. Shao-Lao, for those just joining us, is an ancient Dragon, whom a warrior must defeat to claim the title of Iron First. And, no, we’ve yet to see the dragon. Danny had defeated the magic dragon, and claimed the Iron Fist. I wonder if anyone let him know that he’d get Shao-Lao’s mark burned into his chest. Davos helps him to his feet, claims that he’ll be Danny’s second, and the two prep to perform their duties. Which, personally, makes me wonder why Davos just gets to do that. The lead Guardian has to fight a dragon, but his immediate #2 just… get’s to be it? Don’t get me wrong, Davos is one of K’un-Lun’s best, I just find it odd he doesn’t have to perform a test of his own. Weird.

In the present, Danny is still reeling from Colleen’s apparent betrayal and being stabbed by Bakudo, another leader of the Hand. Danny tries to access his powers, but unfortunately his chi is still out of balance after everything that’d happened. Davos wants to return to K’un-Lun, partially to force Danny to do his flipping job, and partially to get the elders to use their powers to realign Danny’s chi. Danny refuses to leave, though, because his desire to destroy the Hand is rapidly growing out of control. Davos is willing to help, on the condition that the moment things are handled, they’ll return to K’un-Lun. Their first objective, though, is to patch up the giant gaping wound in his side from Bakudo’s dagger.

Meanwhile, Colleen returns to her dojo. It’s still pretty messed up from when the various Hand factions broke in and kind of kidnapped them. She’s snuck up upon by Bakudo, who wants to know why she ran off the previous night. Bakudo has decided that Danny’s a lost cause, but Colleen still… hmmm if I’m feeling nice I’d call it naïve, but if I’m being serious I’d call her stupid, so… Colleen is still naïve enough to believe that she can sway Danny into believing that their Hand isn’t evil. Bakudo demands that she drop it, and get back to finding Danny. Did anyone else get a serious 90s TMNT Shredder vibe from Bakudo? Just me?

Danny and Davos arrive at Claire’s apartment and convince her to patch up Danny’s wound. She’d going to start having to charge Danny, Luke and Matt for medical expenses. After getting Davos to leave them alone for a bit, Danny explains that Colleen is part of the Hand and what had happened since he’d been taken. She finishes the patch job, and gives Danny a shirt to replace the bloodied one he’d had. It was one of the bullet hole riddled shirts that Luke Cage left behind.

The more I see these two together, the more I worry that
Things will NOT end well.
With the Meachum’s, Harold seems to be slowly losing control of himself. He punches a punching-bag until his hands start bleeding and the bag itself tears. He then goes to check on Joy. While he’d been training, she’d been hacking the tablet that Danny had stolen from Madam Gao’s assistant a couple episodes back. She’d discovered that there are a number of Hand accounts in the Rand corporate machine, and while they’d been designed to syphon money, they’d recently been redirected to transfer the funds to a single account. They assume it’s Bakudo’s, which puts a smile on Harold’s face. They’ve got some ammo.

While Danny is out trying to refocus his chi, Claire and Davos chat. It’s clear that the foreign martial artist is uncomfortable with the outside world, what sort of sane person insults Pizza, and is eager to get back home. Claire gets a little more Iron Fist background, namely the whole having to fight Shao-Lao thing, and that while Davos clearly wanted the responsibility of being an Iron Fist, it’s a once in a generation sort of thing. There can be no other Iron Fist until Danny dies. Their discussion is interrupted when the Pizza arrives.

Outside, rather than finding the delivery guy, she finds Colleen with said pizza. Colleen wants to talk, but Claire is obviously more than a little hesitant to trust her right now. Two seasons of Daredevil and most of Iron Fist have taught her that the Hand very rarely play fair or nice. Colleen keeps trying to swing the bs that ‘That’s the other Hand, my Hand is the good hand’ but Claire isn’t buying it. But she also realizes that Danny’s hurting and needs to talk to her.

On top of a roof, Danny is performing his meditative kata. Unfortunately, his various angry and bitter emotions are keeping him from recharging his powers. He has a quick flashback to when he and Davos were guarding the pass to K’un-Lun. While Davos is 100% into the job, Danny is clearly not completely set on the idea of spending the rest of his days guarding a mountain pass. He’s drawn from his reflections when Colleen arrives. She begs him to listen, but Danny refuses. He’s seen enough of the Hand to know that the group is bad news. Colleen leaves, but not before apologizing for hurting him.

In Claire’s place, it becomes clear that Davos has taken one too many blows to the head. He eats pizza for the firsts time and only says its ‘not terrible.’ Head trauma is the only way I can explain such insanity. Danny comes in and tells the two that he’s going to bring the tablet he stole back to Harold for him to search through. Clarification, Danny has the physical tablet, while Harold had downloaded all of the files to peruse at his leisure. While Claire doesn’t’ try to stop them, she makes it clear that she’s not 100% okay with Danny’s fixation on finishing off the Hand.

Colleen, across town, tries to make amends with Danny. She’d been told that Claire was running out of antibiotics, so goes to a former student that’s working at a hospital. She tries to get some antibiotics, but, in the end is captured by the Hand. The student ratted her out.

Danny, along with Harold, Joy, and Davos, meet and work out a strategy. It’s a pretty simple one, Joy will shut down all of the accounts feeding into Bakudo’s. When he comes to Harold, seeking vengeance, Danny and Davos will jump him and end this. Not the most intricate plan, but hey, it could work.

At the Hand Compound, Colleen is brought before Bakudo. He’s upset that she didn’t report back Danny’s location and about the obvious insubordination. He’s done with the nice guy act, too, as it’s clear that Colleen isn’t going to buy the kind Sensei act anymore. He has her taken to a small lab, with the veiled remark that she’ll still contribute to the Hand. Not sure if they’re going to just drain her of blood, or perhaps turn her into one of the Hand’s zombie Ninja, but Colleen’s not having it. She is able to smack around a few former students, escape her bonds and make a run for it.

Davos, you're watching you buddy reconcile with his gf
that works for evil Ninja. That's several types of creepy.
Outside, Danny and Davos stake out the place. While they wait, Danny explains why he decided to leave K’un-Lun. Namely, he was wondering if it was right to just guard the pass for his entire life, and when he asked for a sign, he saw a bird fly through the mountains. This being a subtle sign that the passage between K’un-Lun and normal space had been opened. He set off that day. Davos also reveals that he’d been harboring a lot of anger against Danny of late, for taking Davos’ supposed birthright as the Iron Fist, and then abandoning them with it. Can’t say I blame him. They’re interrupted by seeing Colleen flee. Danny catches up to her and the two seem to reconcile slightly as rain falls around them.

This series should have started in K’un-Lun. Heck, it should have started right where this episode did, with Danny getting the mark of Shao-Lao emblazoned upon his chest. The first four episodes could have been him learning about the duties of the Iron Fist in the city, episode five could have been him coming to America, six reclaiming Rand, and then the remainder of the series fighting the Hand in New York. Is that timeline perfect, no, but it’s a better use of time then the episodes we got. Davos is a much more interesting character then most of the folks Danny has dealt with. He’s a legacy warrior, from a line of warriors, that missed out on the greatest honor his people can bestow, to his best friend, for unknown reasons. Seeing that alone could have made up an entire season, with Davos doing his best to support his friend and also see the ill will he feels slowly build up over time. Just saying. Colleen is a little insufferable of late. I can understand why she’s loyal to the Hand, it’s a group she’s been a part of for years, and she’d mostly only seen the ‘good will’ that Bakudo performed. But, seriously, I can only take so much BS about ‘yeah we’re the Hand but not THAT Hand.” Claire gets it right on the head when she points out that, if they were all that different from Madam Gao’s version of the Hand, why not change the name? Keeping it implies that while methodology is different, their goals are obviously the same. Colleen, you’re smart enough to see that, aren’t you? Danny’s inner turmoil is good too. It feels a lot like what he dealt with in the early episodes, when he was drugged out of his mind and unable to call upon his powers, but done slightly better. It’s one thing to lost your abilities because of drugs, it’s something else entirely when it looks like you’ve straight up lost your powers. Where was this stuff six episodes ago? Well, that’s eleven down, two to go. Have a good night everybody.

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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