
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Viewer Log: The Defenders ep 4

Before we get started today, it’s time for another round of self-promotion. Hm… is it self-promotion if it happens on the site that I run? A thought for another day. Anyway, I took part in a writing contest presented by the good people at Sec Semper Serpent publishing. Said contested, entitled Spontaneous Combustion, had local authors write up a short story in only 24 hours. In addition, we had to use three prompts. 1. That at some point a balloon sword would be used instead of a real sword. 2. Sage wisdom delivered by a non-human entity. And 3. The phrase “Uff Da, this lutefisk is limp.” 100% honest, number 3 was the hard one. Well, I was able to do it, and my story “Bizarrely Typical,” was chosen as one of the fifteen finalists. If you’d be so kind as to click the link:, read my work, and then vote for me, that’d be greatly appreciated. Voting runs until Tuesday 10/31/17. Enough of that, on with the show.

We pick up a couple of minutes after the last episode ended. The fledging Defenders escape their pursuers, and end up setting up shop in a Chinese restaurant. Danny gets them pretty much free reign of the place by offering to play the rent on the place for the next six months. Danny’s finally tapping into his real superpower, a ridiculous bank account balance. The next few minutes are filled with of the characters that know each other, Luke and Jessica, touching base, the group arguing, sharing information on the situation, and more arguing. But they do get to start enjoying some fine cuisine part way through. There’s some tension involving Matt and his initial hesitance to take off Jessica’s scarf and show his face, but he does ultimately opt to reveal his identity to the crowd. Kind of funny that, technically, in this group of superheroes, Matt really is the only one that has a secret identity.

It's a good group.
Back at the Hand’s base, Midland Financial, Electra is examining a few old scars. Apparently, while the Hand’s resurrection techniques can raise the dead, cure illness, and even remove cancer, scars are still permanent. Alexandra comes in and seems to try very hard to convince Electra that she isn’t the same person as she used to be. She is the Black Sky, Electra was the name she held before her rebirth, that kind of BS. Electra goes along with it, but you’d have to be an idiot to think she bought it completely. Apparently, most of the Hand’s plans ride on Electra’s effectiveness in battle, and her having any sort of past would negatively affect that effectiveness.

The Defenders kind of explain their backgrounds to each other, specifically their previous dealings with the Hand. There’s still more arguing, as we’re dealing with four very different personalities, but that’s all put to a stop by the arrival of a now one-handed Ninja master, the Stick. He reveals he’d tracked them using Danny’s cell, and pretty much lets the group know that there is a good chance that they’re all hosed. Thanks Stick, real encouraging.

We then jump over to a pretty creepy scene of a man gutting a bear. This is another Hand leader, a fellow named Murakami. Alexandra arrives and ends up asking for his help in whatever she’s planning. Whatever Alexandra is planning, she needs all five members of the Hand’s leaders. Murakami is pretty disinterested, due in part to the fact that the Hand is officially out of whatever supplies it needs to resurrect its members. Also, him disemboweling the bear is pretty messed up. But, with only a little prodding from Alexandra, he seems willing to throw his hat in with hers. Whatever is going to happen, it looks like it’s something big enough to interest even a potentially immortal man.

Meanwhile, Electra examines some of the weapons in the Hand’s armory. She seems drawing in particular to the sais. For those who don’t know, sais were Electra’s weapon of choice… during her first life, anyway. And for those who don’t know what a sai is, it’s that big fork looking weapon that Raphael from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles favor. My understanding is that they were a weapon designed to catch and even potentially break a katana between its progs. Making Electra’s current choice of weapon somewhat Ironic. I think. White Hat walks in a moment later flanked by some goons. He reprimands Electra for not killing the four intruders, and openly wonders if it was the right call to use the last of their materials to bring her back. She easily kills his two goons, tells him to keep watching and see if he’s right, and marches off.

At the restaurant, The Stick explains that the Chaste were a private ninja army that followed the teachings of K’un-Lun and that they serve the Iron Fist. Too bad the group’s membership has officially dropped to one, The Stick. He claims that the Hand is planning something big, on par with what happened at Pompeii, and Chernobyl in terms of destruction. Apparently both places and disasters were tests for the main even, whatever it is. It’s at this point that Jessica claims she’s done and storms off. Luke tries to dissuade her from leaving, but she’s not having any of it. There’s clearly a certain level of awkwardness between the two of them, which given their past isn’t too surprising. Is there a good way to be friends with someone you used to <cough> “date” casually and kind of ended when you attacked her in a mind controlled state and she shot you in the face? Yeah, I didn’t think so. He doesn’t try too hard to stop her, though, and they both admit it was nice seeing the other.

Back inside the restaurant, The Stick mocks Matt for choosing to be a superhero instead of a ninja warrior, and then mocks him again for giving up on doing the vigilante justice thing. To borrow a line from Team Four Star’s excellent Dragonball Z Abridged, The Stick feels that Matt is “The Grand Central Station of disappointment.” Once Luke rejoins the others, it’s clear that he and Danny want to hear the Stick out. Matt is much much more skeptical of his former mentor’s motives, but is at least willing to listen.

He was a Blind Ninja Master before it was cool.
Who am I kidding? That was always cool.
Across town with the baddies, Alexandra is prepping for a night out. Every night can’t just be filled with evil plans and plots for world domination, you’d burn yourself out. She gets all dressed up, but suddenly start getting some sort of painful sensation in her stomach area. Shot in the dark, but it seems that whatever is killing her is getting progressively worse. She pops a couple pills before canceling her plans.

Jessica, meanwhile, heads home, takes a few swigs of whiskey, and boots up her computer. She started looking through the files she’d taken photos of from the library/archive, while chugging a little more booze. To her shock, she’d noticed that the signature on all of the documents, which were signed across hundreds of years and under different names, all have the exact same handwriting. Further confirmation that Alexandra has been at this for a very, very long time.

Back with the other Defenders, The Stick tells them the story of The Hand. He makes it clear that when it happened was unclear, could be 500 years, could be 2,000. What they do know, is that some time ago, the elders of K’un-Lun began learning to control their chi to help heal themselves and the world. Like in most groups, there were a few that saw such techniques and thought they could be used for personal gain. They tried to use their chi control and other techniques as a means of gaining power and immortality. These five heretics, as The Stick referred to them, were cast out of K’un-Lun. They became the leaders, or Five Fingers, of the Hand. While loosely untied under that banner, they spent most of the following ages in their respective countries, forming bastions of power. The woman now going by Alexandra took Europe and was the de facto leader of the group as a whole, Madam Gao ruled China’s underbelly, a fellow named Swande (who I believe they said is also White Hat but not 100% on that at the time of writing) was a major war lord in Africa, Bakudo was in charge of an undisclosed location, and Murakami was in charge of Japan. I assume they all took an interest in and watched over things in the US of A. Stick also mentions that Murakami was the superior of Nobu, the Hand assassin that was the kind of last minute villain of Daredevil’s second season. Matt is obviously troubled by all this, but is pretty adamant that they all stay out of the Stick’s machinations. The previous betrayals that his old master had put upon him have obviously left a bad taste in his mouth.

Jessica checks in on Mrs. Raymond again. At like 2 in the morning. And Jessica is pretty close to being smashed. Jessica might possibly, definitely have a serious drinking problem. Mrs. Raymond is surprisingly cool with it, though, especially when Jessica mentions that she was just checking in on them. Mrs. Raymond mentions a ‘cop’ that’d been staking them out, and is legit concerned when she learned Jessica hadn’t set up the observation. Not good. Jessica has her return inside like nothings up, and goes about prepping to kick some ass. A short time later, she circles back and beats the guy within an inch of his life. She warns him to back off, but he doesn’t seem to get that right away, so she hurts him more.

So could we actually make Sigorney Weaver immortal?
Is that an option?
Back with the guys, Luke and Danny do a little more bonding. The two seem to get along great, and, while Luke is pretty certain that their cooperation ends when the Hand is dealt with, it’s clear Danny doesn’t completely believe it. And Stick and Matt have a secret conversation. The two point-out how both of them failed to mention that they knew the mysterious woman that attacked them. Can’t see how that could backfire later. Matt is hopeful that some part of his former lover is still insider her, as she hesitated when they’d fought, but the Stick crushes that hope hard. He’s well versed in the resurrection ritual, as well as the Hand’s other techniques, and knows the Ninja purged any memories of her past life during her rebirth. Matt did note that she didn’t have a heartbeat, a previously established sign of undead Ninja warriors, but still doesn’t seem that convinced.

Matt and the Stick notice that they’re being watched outside. They gather the others and start prepping the restaurant for an attack. To their surprise, Alexandra slipped in when they weren’t looking. How do you sneak up on two blind Ninja with hyper sensitive hearing? No answer is given. She wants to ‘talk this out.’ Basically, she wants Danny to come with her to fulfill her plans. She’s even willing to let New York survive and his friends as well. When the group collectively tells her to screw off, she calls in Electra to mess them up. Electra vs. the Defenders, Round One. It ends right away when Jessica shoves a truck through the front of the restaurant, knocking her on her ass. Jessica joins the rest of her squad. So now, Electra vs. the Defenders, Round Two can begin. Next time!

This is largely an expositional episode. Not much action, lots of talking. The History of the Hand was rather interesting. I liked how the Stick points out that he isn’t really sure of many of the details, like when exactly that it happened. It sounds a lot like the basic plot of Paradise Lost, i.e. things used to be good, some selfish people decide that they know better, and then get banished and screw with regular people. I’m hoping that they go into some of the basics of how the five original members of the Hand gained their resurrection technique. Just like maybe mentioning one or two rare ingredients of their resurrection cocktail, or how they first developed it. They keep mentioning how they’re ‘out of resources’ to do it anymore, and I hope that doesn’t just turn out to be a lazy bit of plot convenience. And I would like to know why Alexandra seems to be dying now, despite having gone through the procedure/ritual. Does it only slow the aging process, as well as give them the power to come back to life, or was she dying before the ritual and needed to be constantly rejuvenated because of it. So not having the resources to do it any more is what’s killing her. Questions atop questions, for over analyzing nerds like me. Electra’s ‘I forgot who I was but remembering pieces’ story is pretty basic, but they do get points for subtlety. Things like hesitating for just a moment when fighting Matt and gravitating to her previous favored weapon are good little things to suggest her having some memory without going full on ‘disjointed flashbacks’ to describe her remembering things. So in summation, good episode. Ready for more. 

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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