
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Viewer Log: The Punisher ep 5

The Punisher and Micro are going to rough it in the woods.

When we last left the Punisher, he and David “Micro” Lieberman had interrupted a Homeland Security sting, stealing a bunch of weapons and ammo. While… well, stinging the sting, Frank and Agent Madani had a chase, followed by a game of chicken. Said game was interrupted by Micro slamming into her car. Frank dragged her out of the wreckage and told a concussed Madani to stay out of his way.

Back at their base, David and Frank are arguing. Frank berating David for nearly killing a federal agent, and David arguing that he did what he had to so the mission would succeed. Frank leaves in a huff, shouting “Going to see your wife” when David inquires where he’s going. David rather sheepishly replies “Now you’re just trying to be hurtful!” At the Lieberman’s, Frank bonds with 2/3 of the family and gets invited over for dinner.

At Homeland, Agent Stein and Director Hernandez are looking into what happened at the Sting. Madani, despite being told to rest, arrives and insists on working. Hernandez does let her stay but lets her know that there is going to be an internal investigation. Unsurprisingly, Feds get upset when they lose a bunch of weapons. He asks is she has additional info that they can turn over now, but she keeps the Castle Card close to her chest. Why? Well, keep in mind after the whole thing with her deceased predecessor, Carson Wolf, she’s not 100% certain on who she can trust with this info. Shortly after, she sees a picture of Castle during his trial, with Karen Page beside him, and decides to interview her about it.

Think Karen misses the days when the men she met didn't
have a 50/50 chance of being a vigilante superhero?
Back at the lair, Frank makes an offhand comment about David’s son being kind of a dick, like David. David, deciding to take the high ground, ignores the comment and asks Frank a simple, but important question. Who took the video? Who was it that was troubled enough by Cerberus’ actions to risk their job, very possibly their life, to expose this. Frank, having a pretty impressive memory, states that it was Gunner Henderson. I assume he either A. Remembered who was standing where, or B. Knew that Henderson was the most troubled by their actions. They decide to track Henderson down, to find out what he knows about Cerberus, the drug traffic, and/or Agent Orange. 
Agent Orange, meanwhile, is actually running a CIA training program in Fairfax, Virginia. It is during his interdictory speech to the recruits, and a later medal awarding ceremony, that we learn his real name is William ‘Bill’ Rawlins. And that Rawlins is the Director of Cover Operations at the CIA. Oh, and he’s up for a promotion, to Deputy Director of the CIA. Hm… the corruption runs deep with this one, me thinks.

Back with Madani, she interviews Karen Page. The Agent in Charge and the Reporter have a surprisingly tense moment, with both women all but stating their thoughts. Madani “I know Castle’s alive, and you know where he is,” and Page “Yep, but I’m not telling you, and its better if you drop this.” Later, she tries to get Stein to help her with the Castle Case, but he’s not interested. He believes, rightly so, the internal investigation takes precedence over a dead man’s quest for vengeance. She tells him Frank is alive, much to his shock. After their both interviewed for the investigation, Stein didn’t talk, he agrees to help her. On the condition that, if they don’t find Castle or legit proof to move the investigation forward, they kick it up the chain of command. Madani reluctantly agrees.

Frank, meanwhile, checks in on Karen. They exchange info, with Karen pretty much begging Frank to go back into ‘retirement.’ Or, if that is impossible, capture these guys instead of killing them. After relating a very sad, in retrospect, story about his son, Frank rather angrily tells Karen that he’s not stopping until they’re all dead, end of story. Karen walks off in a huff.

Hm... should I make an Oliver Queen slumming it joke, or
point out the Irony of a guy named Gunner favoring a bow?
Decisions Decision.
A short time later, Frank and David gear up to track down Gunner Henderson. Frank doesn’t really want David along, but the hacker is being rather insistent about this. Since being discharged, the guy has been living completely off the grid. No running water, power, or any other modern comfort. The only reason they did find him was because of the land he owned. Once they make it to Gunner’s property, David stays with the van while Frank goes a hunting. He finds Gunner’s cabin, and nearly gets killed by him via several arrows. Oh, the irony of a guy named Gunner being an expert bow and arrow marksmen. Things calm down, though, and the two former soldiers touch base about their recent histories. The death of Frank’s family and so on. When asked, Gunner explains that the final straw had started with a kid. The kid had lent Gunner a knife shortly before said kid’s death. Gunner had gone to the grave, to posthumously return the knife and pay his respects. Instead, he found his superiors taking the boy’s body and stuffing it with drugs, to be shipped stateside. Yeah, I can see why he’d want to metaphorically roast the sons of #$!#@es after that. Their info exchange is cut off by a kill squad’s arrival. See, what with a new job opening up, Rawlins had been keeping an eye on things. He’d learned that Madani had been working on the Castle Case, and that Henderson was on her list of people to interview, and thus decided to nip that problem in the bud.

Using improvised traps, a customized spy drone David had brought, and special forces bad-assery, Frank and Gunner take out the goon squad. Frank also take the time to deliver an ultimatum to Rawlins via a headcam. To Rawlin’s credit, he doesn’t immediately void his bowels. Both Frank and Gunner are wounded, pretty badly, though and both pass out due to blood loss. Unfortunately, looks like Frank won’t make it to the Lieberman’s for dinner. Micro finds Castle and rushes him back home. One more battle down, dozens more to come.

The plot is definitely beginning to thicken with this one. Discovering who Agent Orange really is, and that his career is riding on Cerberus’ and the drug running remaining the blackest of ops, does suggest that Frank has a shite storm on his way. People have a tendency to play rough and dirty when their jobs and positions are on the line. I don’t understand it personally, but then, I kind of really hate my day job. So, there’s that. I’m curious to see where things will go with Micro’s family. The Liebermans seem to really like Frank, and he them, but as this episode proves his mission makes having a social life… difficult. At best. Finally, I will say I’m curious to see what Madani and Stein are going to do if/when they catch up with Frank. Madani is almost single minded in her pursuit of Frank, to find out what he knows about Officer Zubair’s death. And yet, I could see them siding with Frank, in only on the idea that as monster’s go, this one is really good at killing bad guys. Here’s hoping they keep the bar high.

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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