
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Viewer Log: The Punisher ep 10

This is a very bloody walk down memory lane.

For this one, we open up on Lewis doing more deplorable things. Namely, murdering a random dude and breaking into his apartment, assumedly to use as his new base of operations. He tries to free the dead man’s birds, for some reason, but they stay put.

FYI, this is one of those “Shooter” type stories. Over the course of the episode, we’re shown different perspectives of what transpired before begin given the full picture. Not my favorite framing device, but hey, got to work with what you’re given. The framing device is that everyone is giving Sgt. Brett Mahoney their testimony on what happened when Lewis busted in to murder Senator Ori. He’s an anti-gun senator introduced in the last episode. Fun fact, Brett Mahoney is an officer that has been a recurring character in the Marvel Netflix shows. He’s the cop that Foggy Nelson would bribe with cigars for his mother and he had a few run ins with Jessica Jones as her kidnapping case got more and more screwy.

Mahoney is clearly thinking "Oh great, another crazy one."
We start with Russo’s perspective. After informing his new client on the best ways to avoid getting murdered, he gets a call from Frank. Castle knows that Lewis is going after Ori, and that he’ll help Russo take him down. Russo pretends to agree, but I think we all know he’s planning on killing Castle along with Lewis. Lewis, meanwhile, sneaks in and up to the room Ori is staying at in a stolen ANVIL uniform. He also two guards on the way.

Senator Ori and Karen Page are interviewed back to back. They tell basically the same story, they were chatting about Ori’s gun control legislation when the door was blown open. Lewis busts in and starts shooting. Castle follows and does his best to stop said shooting. The main difference in their remembrances is that Ori remembers firing on Lewis himself before running for help, while Karen remembers him sniveling cowardly before Castle literally dives in to take a bullet for them, and shoves Karen into Lewis as he runs away. Classy. Lewis uses a bomb vest to keep Castle from doing what he does best and makes a break for it.

Madani has some info too. She’d just come off leave and informed her boss about what she knows about Castle, Cerberus, Kandahar, and Rawlins. She also uses the hidden bug in her office as proof. Her boss, Rafael, gives her the files on the goons that jumped her sting, and she notes that all of them work for ANVIL. She was at the hotel to confront her casual partner about what he knew. Russo plays dumb, claiming that guys like these are true mercenaries, jumping between agencies and causes based on who’s paying best. They’re interrupted by Lewis’ explosion.

While Lewis was escaping Frank, Madani was tracking down Frank. She corners him in a stairwell, and reveals she knows he knows about Kandahar and Zubair’s death. Frank pulls the “if you’re going to shoot me, then shoot me,” bit and puts his head to her gun. They’re pulled out of their standoff by Castle getting shot in the head. Well, not quite, he just got winged, but he’s bleeding badly. Russo claims that he thought Castle was going to kill her. Both Castle and Madani realize that Russo is evil, just as a bunch of cops bust in to end the standoff. Madani and Russo are pulled out, but Frank makes a break for it. He uses a firehose to bungie down to the bottom floor.

In the present, Madani meets with Karen. She tells Karen that she knows Castle is a… not-bad-guy and wants to work with him. The plot thickens.

Considering this latest GSW, I'm starting to think Frank has the
ability to simply ignore bullets.
Back in the past, Lewis makes it to the kitchen, still keeping Karen on a short leash. Karen tries to talk him down, but the kid is obviously barely holding it together. Frank busts in, Lewis grabs Karen and the standoff begins anew. In a bit of brilliance, Frank distracts Lewis by talking to him, while feeding Karen the info she needs to free herself. He mentions that Lewis is a CREATURE OF HABIT, that he did the right thing by telling Castle to PULL THE WHITE WIRE to save Curt, that Karen is also a CREATURE OF HABIT, and that EVERYTHING she has is IN HER PURSE. Karen, taking the hint, yanks the wire out, and then uses the gun she had hidden in her purse to blow a hole in Lewis’ foot.

Lewis falls back into the freezer. Frank tries to talk him down again, but Lewis just rewires his detonator and kills himself. Frank pretends to hold Karen hostage to get to an elevator. Once inside he escapes out the emergency roof exit and ziplines away. Cover in blood, arm and possibly leg broken. Not good. But, terrorist handled and now Castle knows that Russo is against him. Better.

Again, not a fan of the disjointed narrative. If you’re going to show me something, at least keep it in sequence, all I’m asking. This isn’t an epic Greek poem. But, I did like seeing Castle take on Lewis, and the way that Frank was able to outwit the kid. It’s a shame that the kid ended up choosing to end it all rather then face the consequences of his actions, but seeing Frank show off some tactical brilliance was almost worth it. I don’t know if I’d consider Karen Page to be either incredibly brave over the last few episodes, or if she’s suffering from a death wish. She seems to have a bad habit of pissing off very dangerous people of late. Maybe the apparent death of Matt Murdock has left her with an adrenaline itch to scratch or something.  Russo making it clear to both Castle and Madani that he’s part of whatever conspiracy that’s going on was a little odd, but hey, now they both know that the guy is a psycho. Maybe now they can make some headway against Rawlins. Fingers crossed.

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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