
Sunday, October 28, 2018

Viewer Log: Jessica Jones ep 15

Who killed Robert "The Whizzer" Frank?

Last time on Jessica Jones, things haven’t been going well for our superpowered detective. As her best friend and adoptive sister Trish Walker looks into the mysterious IGH that gave Jessica her powers, she was approached by a crazy man looking for protection. Said crazy guy, Robert Frank aka The Whizzer, claims to be a speedster created by IGH and was looking for Jessica’s help to protect him. It’s revealed that Whizzer is if fact a speedster, and that someone was after him, as he was killed by collapsing scaffolding. Not a great way to start a week, is it Jessica?

We open on Jessica drowning her sorrows in a bottle of whiskey. Apparently seeing the facility and remembering some of the IGH experiments messed her up bad. After a few more shots, a failed call to talk with Trish, and a less then satisfying rendezvous with a random drunk, Jessica tries to get back to work. She calls Malcolm, who’d been on research duty. The recovered druggy had discovered that the building was leased to Dr. Kozlov, which comes as a shock to nobody. He’s given the new task of finding Kozlov’s home address. While he does that, he’s texted by someone named Annette. How odd.

Huh, searching a dead man's house during his funeral, I
wonder if this is a career low for JJ?
Jessica takes a taxi out to the burbs. Using her superstrength to leap Kozlov’s fence, she slowly approaches the house. Her guard is up because there are guys in black everywhere. Turns out, there’s a reason for that, other than the obvious “hired muscle” scenario. No, turns out, Kozlov died in a car accident and the men in black are mourners. Well… crap. The funeral itself causes Trish to flashback to her family’s funeral, and the crappy advice Dorothy Walker gave to her to at least act sad. She also hears an amputee vet singing Kozlov’s praises. Apparently, when he’s not kidnapping people to perform unethical performance enhancing experiments on them, Doc Kozlov was a real swell guy, checking up on patients and the like.

Trish meanwhile is meeting up with her soul sucking mother. Ms. Dorothy Walker is pretty much your former starlet’s mother stereotype, in case that wasn’t clear. All bad advice, judgmental snide comments about being a failure in acting, that sort of thing. After getting through some niceties, Trish cuts to the quick and asks for the home address of someone named Max.  Her mom makes it sound like he’s a guy that she had a small falling out with, keep that in mind. Dorothy tries to deflect Trish’s intrest, but she isn’t deterred. Trish demands mama Walker give it up. Dorothy relents, giving her daughter the address and the ‘advice’ to get her boyfriend Griffin to put a ring on it before her talk show hits the crapper. Got to love supportive mothers. When the mother and daughter part ways, we’re shown that Simpson is in fact following her. He takes a hit on an inhaler, which seems to clear up his bloody sclera… for some reason.

Jessica snoops through Kozlov’s office while the funeral is going on. She only sees a picture of Kozlov with an old acquaintance of hers, Will Simpson and his old squad. (I mistakenly called him Frank earlier, that’s the character he’s loosely based off of.)  The amputee soldier from earlier, Isaiah, rolls in and attacks her with a retractable baton. He didn’t bye her story about knowing the doc. Jessica, being a bruiser, brushes it off and flips him onto the ground. She wants to know what he knows about Kozlov. He keeps singing Kozlov’s praises and claims that his killer was the traitor, Will Simpson. Well isn’t that convenient?

After getting cleaned up back at her place, Jessica starts doing some research of her own. She can’t seem to find a connection between Will Simpson and Robert Frank, shocking the former solider and conspiracy nutter didn’t cross paths very often. She gives up on an internet search, and instead digs Frank’s keys from his bag and goes to check out his house. She’s stopped by a pair of cops, who are looking into Robert Frank’s death. Jessica claims she didn’t see anything, but the cops don’t seem convinced. She takes them to see her Super, who’d seen the whole thing, but he pleads ignorance. Dick. She moves onto Frank’s apartment. It looks like he was prepping for the fricking apocalypse. Other then Frank’s precious mongoose, the place is deserted. She find’s Frank’s tablet, and plays a video on it. He left a video message to somebody. In it, he explains that he’d broken his back after a stupid stunt when he was eighteen. After a stay with IGH, he was suddenly superfast. The crappy thing is that his powers are physically painful, and parodies Spider-Man’s catchphrase. With great powers comes great mental illness… Where would he have heard that? Anyway, Jessica legs it with Frank’s tablet as the cops show up.

Meanwhile, Trish tries to recruit Malcolm to help her with a secret project. He’d been enjoying an evening with, I assume, Annette, but because he’s a good guy he agrees to help. She disguises him as a production assistant before going to confront Max. Turns out, Max is the director. The two have a meeting in his trailer. He initially thinks she’s looking to get back into movies, but instead she asks for his help. She wants to use his clout with the hospital he donates to get a look at Jessica’s files and anything else pertaining to IGH. Max refuses. When he does, Trish gives him the ultimatum of “Help me, or I’ll reveal the fact you’re a predator.” He tries to turn it around on her, ‘oh you came onto me’ type bs. Hey, Maxhole, it doesn’t matter if she went full on Varsity Blues (1999) on you, (ya’ll know what scene I’m talking about) IF an underage girl hits on you, you say nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Sorry, that got really real for a second. She gives him some time to think it over. Unbeknownst to Max, Malcolm was recording the whole thing from his bathroom.

Sidenote, this is the guy that Trish’s mother acted like they’d just had a falling out. The man that abused her daughter. And she seems to know about it. If your immediate reaction in that situation isn’t “Castrate the SOB with a pair of rusty sheers” you fail as a parent.
Oh thank God, he hasn't gotten the face tattoo.
That would NOT translate well to live action.

At her apartment complex, Jessica runs into and confronts her Super about him lying about what he saw at Whizzer’s accident. He claims that he wants to stay out of it as it might affect an ongoing custody battle he’s having with his ex. Jessica thinks he’s just a powersist. You know, someone who is prejudiced against people with superpowers. In her apartment, she goes over Whizzer’s tablet. She’s finds what you might expect; comic book sites, Trish Talk, conspiracy sites… wait what was that second one? Yeah, turns out he was reach out to Trish and was willing to talk to her about IGH. Jessica realizes that if Whizzer was killed for reaching out to Trish, then Trish is probably also on the hit list.

She first goes to Trish’s apartment, but only finds a frantic Griffin. He’d started going through Trish’s research, found she was looking into highly illegal experiments conducted by shady corporate types, and since she’s not picking up her phone he’d starting to freak out. Jessica tells him to head back home, not before he mention’s Trish’s meeting with her mom, and let her search for Trish. She thumbs through Trish’s research. She finds a bunch of disturbing stuff, chief of which being a Death Certificate issued to Jessica Jones. Well that is probably one of the weirder things to find on a case. She dials up Dorothy, who basically tells Jessica to screw off. Well, her exact words were she’s “living in the present, you should try it.” Which is funny because she’s sitting in a room surrounded by memorabilia from her daughter’s TV show. From (minimum) 14 years ago.

Back at the lot, Malcolm goes to confront Max. The little prick actually thinks Malcolm is trying to rob him. He, instead, demands that Max admit to what he did to Trish. Max-hole tries to brush it off, the old “oh you just heard her side of the story” method. Malcolm, who is not a flipping idiot, get’s sick of the sleaze-ball’s sleaze-ball-ness and breaks the heifer’s nose before running off. Nice. Though I shouldn’t be surprised that he’s up for a little vigilante justice, I mean, he works for Jessica and is a former Power Ranger. Seriously, look up Eka Darville, Red Ranger for Power Rangers RPM. Trish, who’d been hiding in the backlot to regain her composure, hears a noise and goes to investigate. She find’s Simpson. She pulls a gun and shoots him when he tries to get near her, but he doesn’t seem to notice. Superhero steroids are a hell of a drug.

Huh, not how I was expecting this to turn out.
Jessica busts down Dorothy’s door, threatens her, and then get’s Trish’s location. But not before Dorothy proves once again to be an awful parent by saying she trusted her daughter’s former abuser over Jessica. Like, seriously, Dorothy sit down and shut up.  Jessica makes it to studio lot, and finds Trish… holding Simpson hostage. Well, that took a turn. Will claims that he had nothing to do with the murders, and that he’d been stalking Trish to protect her from IGH’s wetworks specialist. (wetwork = assassinations) He claims that he’d been drying out in an IGH facility for the last year, when he heard from some of the scientists that they’re going to ‘handle’ Trish. He broke out, stole an inhaler version of his old super pills, and started following her. Its at this exact moment that the IGH wetworker cut the lights to the building they were in. Simpson, once freed, takes Trish’s gun and says he’ll make sure they escape.

They hear several shots fire as they run, and then someone ran through and leaped over them to make for the exit. Realizing that the IGH assassin was after Simpson, not Trish, they go back to check on him. This thing was able to twist Simpson’s head a full 180 degrees. Not a pleasant way to go. Jessica muses that Simpson was right, it takes a monster to fight a monster, he just wasn’t the right one.

Oh, and while this is going on, Jeri Hogarth is spiraling a little after finding out she’s dying. She spends a lot of money on drugs and hookers before Pryce Chang shows up and forces her to refocus. Again, not shedding a tear.

Well, that was a jarring turn. I totally expected Will “Nuke” Simpson to be a recurring antagonist throughout this season. Was not expecting him to perform a heel face turn and then get killed in the second episode. That’s a bit of wrestling terminology I picked up over the years. A Face Wrestler is a good guy, A Heel is a bad guy, and a turn is when they shift between the two. Classic example being the Rock going from good to bad and back again. Sorry, bit of a tangent there. Simpson’s death was shocking. But, might be fitting. If he was on much longer, folks might expect him to get that American Flag Tattoo on his face that Nuke sports. I imagine that would have fallen under “looked good in comics, looks bizarrely silly in live action.” This IGH conspiracy plot is thickening. If they’re killing those likely to expose them, seems odd that they’d taken out one of their best scientists. I wonder if Kozlov was killed because he was going to expose something or because he reactivated and lost Simpson. With an evil organization, I could believe both. That all being said, having IGH’s Hound kill Simpson, one of the physically toughest guys that Jessica has come up against seemingly easily is a good way to up the ante. I’m intrigued to see how this thing connects to IGH and how soon Jessica or Trish end up on it’s hitlist. So yeah, a very good continuation.

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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