
Friday, November 30, 2018

Viewer Log: Jessica Jones ep 18

Oh no, Jessica is in jail. Again.

Last time on Jessica Jones, it was good news, bad new sort of day for Jessica and her crew. For good news, Jessica is able to get her Super to drop his vendetta against her, and they’re able to track down a former nurse that worked for IGH. For the bad, Pryce Cheng hired a guy to steal all her research in a hope to find dirt on her. And to make things worse, Not-Hansen attacked the thief, rips him to pieces, steals the research, and leaves the scene for Jessica to take the blame. So yeah, not a great situation.

We open to Jessica in lock up. She’s cooling her heels and trying to mentally prep herself on her next move. She reasons that Not-Hansen probably didn’t internally plan on killing someone and framing Jessica, it was just an unintentional benefit to the situation. While Jessica is musing, Not-Hansen burns the IGN files and her blood covered clothes. Back at the prison, Jeri is brought in to consult. At the moment their only real option is to play ball and let the cops know what they know. Why? Because if they find anything and that she’d kept it from them, she goes right to jail for 18 months. Parole is a pain, no? Jessica tries to pressure Jeri into getting her out of jail, but Jeri leaves in a huff.

Back with Trish, she’d gotten bailed out by her harpy. I mean her mother. Yes, mother. Anyway, she seems to be crashing after Simpson’s super strength inhaler starts wearing off. Dorothy Walker does her best to distract her daughter from worrying about her best friend by letting her know a network wants to interview her. Trish, who is uncharacteristically unsuspicious of her mother, goes along with it. Considering all Trish does for Jessica, I think we can let her indulge in some selfishness just once.
It's like watching that tigress with the piglets that replaced her cubs.
I don't THINK there will be an issue, but if one occurs there's
nothing you can do about it.

We’re shown a day at Not-Hansen’s house. She seems to have a rather nice house in suburbia, complete with a baby grand piano. She begins to play, but is interrupted by a neighbor stopping by. Said neighbor compliments her on her playing, and asks to sit and listen as it’s the only thing that’s been able to calm her infant son in days. Not-Hansen gets to hold the baby for a moment, which feels really tense, before trying to play again. Something about their presence causes Not-Hansen to start messing up, which causes the baby to start freaking out. The neighbor leaves, and in her fury Not-Hansen shatters her piano.

Jessica uses her phone call to call Malcolm and get the low down. All of their research is gone, but they still have Inez. So, it’s not all bad. She tells Malcolm to keep an eye on her until this gets sorted out. A short time later Jessica is interviewed by the cops. She decides to play ball and let the cops know all about what happened to her with IGH. She even gives them a picture of Not-Hansen and tells them that she also has powers.
Think they realize those handcuffs may as well be made of
rubber bands in terms of their effectiveness to slow her down?

Back with Malcolm, he starts quizzing Inez about what happened at IGH. He’d found a picture of the other nurse that Not-Hansen killed the night Inez’s back was nearly broken. Apparently, the other nurse, Luanne McClure, had her death covered up and pinned on a janitor, David Kawecki.

The cops come back in. After Jessica’s testimony, they found security cam footage of a woman landing hard in front of her building. The woman is clearly Not-Hansen, so they decide to let her go. While one of the cops is hesitant to believe Jessica, the other offers his support. The detective, Costa, gives her his card and offers his help. Apparently, he was at the station when Kilgrave came in last season and forced them all to put their guns to their heads to get Jessica out. Since she but Kilgrave down, he believes she’s on the up and up. Jessica leaves the station, and ask Jeri’s help in hiding Inez. Before they can get the details worked out, Pryce Cheng storms over and starts berating Jessica. Wait… so you believe that she murdered your buddy, and your plan is to scream at her to prove she’s a murder? I’m starting to think Pryce is dumb.

At Jessica’s apartment, she is filled in on what Malcolm found out about Luanne’s murder and the frame up. Apparently, David Kawecki is a simpleton. Literally, like he has the mental capacity of a ten-year-old. Kind of hard to believe he intentionally killed anyone. Jessica wants to interview him, but he’s being held in a maximum-security mental health prison. No one goes in without the proper security pass. Jessica is going to figure that out, and sends Malcolm to drop off Inez with Jeri. After stopping Inez from stealing his computer, by threatening to use her as bait for Not-Hansen if Inez runs, Malcolm gets her to Jeri’s.

Jessica goes to see Oscar. It’s a good thing that the two have worked out their issues, as Jessica needs a favor. Remember, the Super just got out of jail for forgery and he was Really good. He agrees to help, he just needs three hours and a photo. As she leaves her apartment complex, Jessica gets a call from Griffin, telling her to get to Trish ASAP as she’s in trouble. Oh no.

Trish and her mother make it to her interview just before Jessica. Thankfully, this isn’t a ‘someone is going to die’ emergency, it’s a ‘be here for a special moment’ emergency. Yeah, there is no interview, Griffin is just surprise proposing to Trish. Things are awkward between Jessica and Trish initially, but Jessica does congratulate her friend before leaving. A moment later, Trish pulls Griffin aside as they need to talk.

Jessica returns to Oscar’s place to get the ID. His son, Vido, and his mother try to convince Jessica to stay for dinner, but our intrepid PI is on a time crunch.

Not-Hansen burns the wreckage of her piano. Given the suburb she lives in, I’m shocked no one has asked about the bonfires she keeps having. Just saying. And, at the same time, Jeri and Inez have a conversation. The jaded form nurse refuses to believe that Jeri is doing this out of the kindness in her heart. Which is true. Jeri wants to know about IGH, specifically it’s experiments. Oh dear, it’s Kilgrave all over again.
Wow, she really just looks like a rando in a lab coat.
Oscar deserves an award for his forgeries.

 Jessica is able to break into the prison psych ward to see David. As soon as she sees him… hey, it’s the world’s heaviest man from The Greatest Showman. What? I like musicals and Hugh Jackman, so sue me. Anyway, David spends his days sitting in his cell drawing pictures. Jessica interviews him. It’s clear that his confession had been rehearsed. She starts poking holes in his story until he shuts down and tells her to leave. Jessica, noticing his drawing, asks about Octopuses, the subject of his drawings. The dude is a cephalo-fan, telling her all kinds of fun facts about the sea creatures. He learned all this stuff from Dr. Karl, who used to take him to the aquarium to watch the octopuses during his lunch break. How interesting.

Back with Trish, we learn that she broke it off with Griffin. Dorothy, being the lackluster parent that she is, starts berating Trish for calling off the engagement. Trish explains that she couldn’t marry Griffin as she was more interested in being Griffin, the world-famous reporter and globe trotter, then being with Griffin. Dorothy keeps yelling, claiming that she gave Max sexual favors to get her story. This causes Trish to snap, slapping her mother. Dorothy storms off in a huff. Good riddance. But then Trish takes another hit on the super-strength inhaler. Shoot.

Jessica, at the aquarium, calls Detective Costa and gives him the 411 on what she’d learned thus far. She spends the next two days staking out the aquarium looking for doctor Karl. She finds the good doctor, as he meets Not-Hansen. The two kiss and enjoy the attractions for a minute before seeing Jessica. Not-Hansen shatters the aquarium tank glass to help them escape. The episode ends as the glass shatters. Crap.

Well, that was a rough couple of days. Considering the two smooched, I think it’s safe to say that Karl and Not-Hansen are in cahoots. Curious if Karl is using her to hide his old project, or keep his current research hidden. I’m calling it right now, not having read any spoilers or summaries, Jeri is going to try to use IGH’s Gene editing research to cure her ALS. And, like using Kilgrave to try to get her ex-wife to finalize their divorce, this is going to blow up in her, and Jessica’s, face. I hope that Trish doesn’t start spiraling back into substance abuse. This season has established that she’d abused a lot of drugs in the past, and I think few could compare to a drug that makes you super strong. I’d be more concerned about her mother leaving, if Dorothy had a single good characteristic to her. Abusive parents are terrible, just terrible. I’m curious to see where this goes.  

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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