
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Review: Avengers: Endgame pt. 3 Team 2012

Hulk, Cap, Iron Man and Ant-Man take Manhattan!

Alright, so when we last left the Avengers, the team had developed a Hail Mary plan to undo the Snap and restore to life the half of life Thanos destroyed. Using a new and improved Quantum Gate and a bunch of Pym Particles to travel to the past and gather the Infinity Stones. They’re breaking into teams to save the universe. FYI, in the movie they cut between each mission. For simplicities sake I’ll just run through each team’s mission and then final battle. Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk, Ant-Man, Black Widow, War Machine, Nebula, Rocket, Thor, and Ronin suit up. They open the Quantum Gate and jump back to in time.  Up First, 2012 with Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk and Ant-Man.

The four arrive in 2012 during the middle of the Battle of New York. It’s actually right around when the OG Avengers Assembled for the first time and faced off against the Chitauri. Hulk leaps away towards the Sanctum Santorum while the other three slip into the top floor of Stark Tower.

The Ancient One sure loves giving people out of body experiences.
Hulk arrives at the Sanctum, and is somewhat shocked when he’s greeted by the Ancient One. He hadn’t realized that Stephen Strange was relatively new as the Sorcerer Supreme. The Ancient One, thankfully, is fully up to speed thanks to her own precognitive abilities. She still refuses to hand over the Time Stone, as giving up the protection of stone means that the human race is somewhat vulnerable to invasion by forces of evil, like Dormamu.  When he tries to insist that she hand it over, she instead uses that forceful Astral Projection power of hers to separate Banner from his body. Forced to play nice, Banner explains that with their plan, the current timeline will only be without the Time Stone for a few minutes. The plan is to take the stones to the future, use them, and then drop them off a few minutes after they’d left. Banner mentions that the whole reason they’re doing this is because Stephen handed over the Time Stone to Thanos during the last battle. This seems to surprise The Ancient One, but she has faith in Stephen and his allies so hands the stone over. Hulk uses his Pym Particles to return to the future. That’s one down.

Cute shot, but why didn't Scott just summon an ant or any other
flying insect to carry him?
Steve, Tony and Scott reach the top just as the Avengers capture Loki. They remain just out of view as Loki is arrested and the stones are divided up, with the Avengers keeping the Tesseract and HYDRA infiltrators in SHIELD nab the scepter. Tony and Scott go after the Tesseract, and Cap eyes the scepter. Tony plants a minimized Scott on his past-self and the two wait until they reach the ground floor to enact their plan. When SHIELD-HYDRA, Fury and Thor all bicker over who gets custody of the rock and Loki, Scott knocks some wires out of place in Past-Tony’s Arc Reactor putting him into cardiac arrest. Current Tony grabs the case in the confusion. Steve has an even easier job. He just gets into the elevator with the Double Agents, whispers “Hail HYDRA” in their ears and just takes the scepter. Show of hands, is anyone legit shocked that HYDRA goons actually believed Steven Trucking Rogers is HYDRA? Idiots. Then things hit the fan.

The Past-Hulk busts in on the show, knocking the case from Current-Tony’s hands. Loki, sensing an opening, just grabs the Tesseract and portals away. Crap. And, to make matters worse, they call in Loki’s escape. Past-Cap runs into Current-Cap and believes that he is Loki in disguise. The two have a pitched battle over who gets the scepter, with CC using its mind control powers to disable PC long enough to get away.

The three reconnect and realize they might be boned. Until they have a stroke of brilliance. They decide to send Scott back with the Mind Stone, while Cap and Tony travel back to the 70s. Why? Because back then, The Tesseract was kept in a SHIELD facility along with a younger Hank Pym. Whom obviously would have a healthy supply of his trademark particles. Brilliant!

I've heard of being at war with yourself but this is ridiculous. 
 In the past, Steven goes for the particles while Tony goes for the Tesseract. Oddly, things go surprisingly well. Steven is able to nab the particles pretty easily, but is temporarily stopped when he spots old flame Peggy Carter working at the facility. He doesn’t DO anything about it, but we’re reminded of what he’d lost in order to fight the good fight. Tony has a fateful encounter of his own, meeting his dear old Dad in the armory of the SHIELD base. Tony has a pretty heartfelt conversation with his father about parenthood and all that jazz. Steve and Tony meet on ground level are return to the future. So that’s three stone’s down. Overall, that was pretty easy. I can’t imagine how things could go horribly wrong. Right? Right?

Overall this part of the heist was pretty easy. Sure, there was that major hiccup of losing the Tesseract, but they fixed that pretty quickly. Sure, Loki escapes with the Tesseract, but I’m sure he’ll use it wisely. What’s that? This was before he had his heel-face turn? OH, right. Oh, that’s terrible. I’m sure they’ll tie that loose end up with the Loki streaming show on Disney+. Right? Right?! The scenes in Stark Tower were really cool, as they actually got back all of the characters that appeared in the previous films, which included Robert Redford’s Alexander Pierce. Yeah, I was shocked to see him too.

The entire scene at the SHIELD compound in the 70s was great. Not just because it officially opens with Stan Lee driving by tossing up a peace side while driving by in a big sports car. Miss you Stan! We also get to see that, while Steve has been doing a good job keep fighting the good fight and all that, he obviously hasn’t gotten over Peggy. I’m honestly shocked that he didn’t try to reconnect with her, but he’s able to hold himself back. Tony obviously doesn’t have to worry about freaking out his father, as at this point, I’m not sure if the Starks had settled on Anthony as their son’s name. It’s really sweet to see Tony get to spend time with his father while trying to keep the reason why he’s fanboying out to Howard Stark a secret. Much like with Morgan’s quite encouragement before they went on his mission, I think being reminded that, despite the trouble the two had had prior to his death, Howard was immensely proud of his boy even before he drew his first breath. Love is a far better motivator then just vengeance. All I’m saying. Next time, we’ll see what happens when a God and a small mammal try to break into Asgard. 

Twitter: @basicssuperhero

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