
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Review: Avengers: Endgame pt. 5 Team 2014

Two Stones to go, and they're in the clear. But Thanos knows, so live in fear.

So, thus far the Avengers have gathered the Time, Space, Mind and Reality Stones. And Thor grabbed Mjolnir, to prove to himself that he’s still worthy and maybe as a “just in case” something hits the fan. The something being brown and gross. We just have one more team and two more stones to gather. This has been a pretty simple mission; I can’t imagine how things could get complicated.

 Black Widow, Ronin, Nebula and War Machine drop onto Morag, where the Power Stone was hidden. They break down one more time, with the assassins Nat and Clint going onto Vormir to get the Soul Stone while Nebula and War Machine stay to pick up the Power Stone.

There's no one I think Clint would want to go into battle with more.
And vice versa for Natasha.
Let’s go with Clint and Nat first. They arrive on Vormir and are greeted by the ghostly specter of Red Skull. He takes them to the altar of the Soul Stone and tells them the whole having to give a soul to get the Stone. Nat and Clint instantly start bickering over who should sacrifice themselves. Nat feels like she is the most expendable, where Clint thinks he is because of the five years of slaughter he’d lived in. They actually start fighting, literally fighting to see who makes the big drop. Nat ultimately sticks a life line on Clint’s back and forces him to let her drop. Nat dies on the altar and Clint get’s the Soul Stone. Five down.

Rhodey and Nebula walk to their positions. Nebula is held up for a moment due to her cybernetics acting up. They only have to wait a bit on Morag until Star-Lord shows up. It’s freaking hilarious to watch his Karaoke from their perspective. Without the music it’s just Peter Quill being an idiot. Rhodey and Nebula knock out Peter, and then nab the Power Stone.

On Sanctuary II, Thanos’ warship, his girls are prepping to meet up with Ronan the Accuser to get the Power Stone. To their shock, Nebula starts having a stroke. Thanos looks over his second favorite daughter and they pull up her neural net. Here’s the complication, both Nebula’s run on the same mental network. When 2023 Nebula came back to 2014, 2014 Nebula started picking up her thoughts. Thanos and his minions are able to learn about everything that is happening in the distant future. And he’s PISSED.

I know that Thanos is a bad Dad, but seriously, he is a BAD Dad.
Rhodey is able to travel back to the future with the Power Stone, but a glitch in here system strands Nebula. Unfortunately, her Dad and his crew show up and take her prisoner. They remove her newer cybernetics and plating, swap them out with 2014 Nebula’s parts and send her into the future. Oh no.

The team gather in the present, semi-victorious. Everyone takes it rather hard when they learn that Natasha didn’t make it back home. But resolve to make her sacrifice worth it. The tech savvy team, Tony, Bruce and Rocket, assemble a new Iron Infinity Gauntlet and set the gems inside. After that, they need to decide who will use it. They know that the feedback of using such a powerful object is immense, having seen Thanos’ burns after he used the Gauntlet only twice. Thor is the first to volunteer, as he is an Asgardian so he could probably survive the feedback. Hulk disagrees and takes the gauntlet. He explains that he feels like this was his mission all along, as the energy readings the Gauntlet gives off is largely Gamma radiation. That and he has the necessarily brilliant mind to calculate all the changes that will need to be made to also restore individuals that died due to the Snap. The passengers on flights whose pilots were dusted and the like. The pain of the feedback almost seems like it’ll be too much, but Hulk is able to snap, savagely burning his arm in the process.

Meanwhile, past Nebula opens up the Quantum Tunnel, and pulls her father’s entire ship through. Once in the future, Sanctuary II bombs the crap out of the Avengers Compound. Hulk, Rocket and Scott are buried in the rubble and the Iron Infinity Gauntlet is lost in the wreckage.

On board the ship, 2014 Gamora and 2023 Nebula have a heart to heart. Nebula reveals to her that, yes, she did hate Gamora and once actively tried to kill them. But in more recent years they’d actually formed a real, true sisterly bond and considered each other friends. Thankfully, 2014 Gamora was already having doubts about Thanos’ vision, so she is quickly moved to free Nebula and help the Avengers.

Thanos sends his minions, the Chitauri, the Black Order and the scourge of monsters at his beck and call to get the Gauntlet, while he waits for the next challenge. Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America escaped the earlier bombardment and are the only ones standing to face off against the mad Titan. Let’s it. Next time.
Recreating the single most powerful artifact of your universe?
Yeah, a single energy shield should be enough protection.

I liked Natasha and Clint’s dilemma in who should make the big drop. They both obviously want to make the sacrifice over their dearest friend, and according to some source’s former lover. Natasha wants to make the drop as she’s a former remorseless assassin with a TON of red in her ledger. Clint wants to make the drop as he’s currently a remorseless assassin with a TON of red in his ledger. What a conundrum. I’d read that they’d actually filmed their scene with Thanos and co arriving and bombing the area, and Natasha running to make the drop to save the mission. They reshot it so as to make it more Natasha’s choice. Which I think was the right call. Natasha Romanoff has been a staple of the expanded MCU since she was introduced in Iron Man 2. She’s fought along side the likes of Iron Man, Captain America, and The Hulk, she deserved to the opportunity to make the heroic sacrifice. If he hadn’t already, I bet Clint would name one of his kids after her. Scarlett Johannsen aka Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow, I salute you.

Again, the bit about Nebula and Rhodey watching Peter’s private dance number was flipping hilarious. The complication of Nebula’s neural net intertwining with her past self was kind of surprising. I mean, once they introduced a time travel element, I figured they’d bring back Thanos for the final battle, but I didn’t think it’d be Nebula to accidently tip them off. I almost forgot that during 2014 Nebula was hellbent on earning daddy’s love. Shame her future memories didn’t affect 2014 Nebula more. The build up to the big, final battle was intense, and I’m looking forward to talking about it at length, next time. 

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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