
Friday, November 29, 2019

Viewer Log: The Mandalorian ep 3

The Mandalorian isn't big on letting things go, it seems.

Last time on The Mandalorian, the job just got a little more complicated. After finding the target, which turned out to be a baby of the same species as the late great Master Yoda, The Mandalorian swiftly executed his short lived partner IG11 and took custody of it. He had to fend off a few lesser hunters trying to steal the bounty from him, only to find out that his ship had been chop shopped by a bunch of local Jawas. With the help of the Ugnaught Kuiil, he brokered a deal with the Jawas, he gets them a special egg, he gets his parts back. The only part they neglected to mention that it was the egg of a giant mud rhino. The Mandalorian was pretty beaten up by the beast and is only saved by the child revealing it has force powers. They’re able to get the parts back and with Kuiil’s help get the ship space worthy again. They fly off into the blackness of space.

Chapter 3, The Sin

Like most parents on a road trip, the Mandalorian learns that
sometimes it's just easier to give the kid what he wants.
So, the Mandalorian and the Kid make it back to orbit around his home planet. After reenacting every “parent says don’t touch that, the kid touches it anyway” scene involving a little silver ball at the end of one of his control switches, they land. He immediately takes the Kid to the Imperials… huh, not conflicted even a little, eh, Mandalorian? The Client and Dr. Preshing are both extremely excited to get the little guy. And I of course am not totally sensing nefarious intent from these two. None at all. He’s given the Beskar Steel, and told to be on his way. The Mandalorian does ask what they’re going to do with the Kid, but just gets reminded of the Guild’s stance on such questions. Don’t ask them. Okay, so maybe he’s a little conflicted about leaving the Kid with him.

When you bring mom home a prize, and your big brothers
show up to ensure you don't get a swelled head. Pretty much
He takes the Beskar steel back to the Armorer. She’s quite excited to get the rather sizeable amount of Beskar back, but his brother Mandalorians are less than pleased to hear one of their own has been dealing with Imperials. We get more vague references to a Purge that happened some years back, which greatly reduced the Mandalorian numbers. This is what drove the warriors into hiding and why they try to only send up their kind one at a time to hide their true numbers. Must really suck when one is off planet for weeks at a time and no one else can go out. Just sayin’. Our Mandalorian and the other’s almost kill each other, before the Armorer makes them back down. Given what she says, I guess the Mandalorians adopted a new tradition of never removing their helmets. I say new because I can name several Mandalorians Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Sabine Wren, Duchess Satine Kryze, and Pre Vizsla, all of whom are still canonical that showed their faces quite often. Anyway, the Mandalorian asks that his portion of the Beskar be used to make him a new set of armor, as his was badly damaged by the Mudhorn beast last episode. The Armorer is very impressed by this and offers to make the beast his personal signet, but he refuses as “an enemy” helped him kill the beast. How could anything as cute as the Kid be someone’s enemy? It’s impossible. Instead of a signet, she uses the left-over metal to make him Whistling Birds, a special ammo used against multiple enemies. Huh, I wonder if that will factor back in. Just like when she forged his shoulder pad, the forging process caused the Mandalorian to flash back to some kind of massacre that killed his family. It ends just as a droid appears to kill the young Mandalorian.

Gotta use context clues to figure out if this is him conflicted.
happy, sad, annoyed, tired, or hungry.
The Mandalorian goes out in his new duds to meet Karga, who is in a fairly happy mood himself. He got a piece of Beskar as part of his reward for contracting the Mandalorian. He offers to take ol “Mando” as he refers to him out to celebrate, but The Mandalorian just wants more work. He gets fobs for more contracts, gets on his ship, and almost takes off, before noticing the little silver ball is off of one of his control switches. That apparently was the straw that broke the camels back and causes the Mandalorian to shut down the engines and run off to save his little green friend. Apparently, he was way more conflicted than he let on.

The Mandalorian uses his rifle and some surveillance gear to listen into the Imperials plans. Preshing seems to be trying to protect the little guy, but the Client wants him to just him to extract the needed DNA and run. The Mandalorian begins his attack by ripping off their front camera and drawing a few guards out. He then walks around to the back door, blows an enormous hole in it and starts assaulting the base. He easily dispatches several Stormtroopers as he descends into the bowls of the beast. He takes the Kid, but spares Preshing, as the doctor seemed to have done his best to try and protect the Kid. The Mandalorian kills several more Stormtroopers as he escapes, even using the Whistling Birds from earlier to dispatch a large group.

How many years of Mandalorianing do you think you have to
put in to get the jetpack? Because I want to do exactly that amount
of Mandalorianing.
Once outside, I guess that the Client called a hit out on The Mandalorian. Every bounty hunter on the planet, including Karga. They force the Mandalorian into a corner, so to speak, and things start to look very grim for out faceless hero. Right until all of the other Mandalorians that were in hiding fly in on Jetpacks and start wasting EVERYBODY. The big guy that the Mandalorian was fighting with earlier tells him to run. The Mandalorian points out that by coming to save him, they’ve revealed that there are a LOT more Mandalorians in the area besides him. Big Guy kind of shrugs and tells him to get moving. Karga follows the Mandalorian and tries to get him before he can take off. The Mandalorian shoots him and drops him from the ship. He flies off, and then it’s revealed Karga is still alive, as the Mandalorian either intentionally or accidentally shot him in the piece of Beskar steel Karga was keeping in his shirt. The Mandalorian sees Big Guy fly by his ship for a sec to give him a sendoff, laments that he needs to get one of those jetpacks, and then gives the Kid the silver ball to play with.

This episode did a good job show casing what a bad ass the Mandalorian is. He mows down Stormtroopers, beats the heck out of his fellow bounty hunters and is a general bad ass throughout. Well, excluding the parts like almost selling out the Kid forever. The best moment that showcase his confliction was right at the end when he almost took off, but the thing that stopped him was that missing ball bit. Despite the mask, I could all but feel Pedro Pascal’s writhing emotions as he judged what to do. Side note, that was a very Mandalorian thing to do, take the prize offered to him but then immediately turn around and steal back what he’d just handed over. Mandalor would be proud. And while that final bit where the other Mandalorians showed up to save him was a little hokey, it did show off how dangerous they can be as a group. Mandalorians are like any warrior culture but in space. They’re the Spartans, the Immortals, the Spetsnaz, the Marines, warriors trained to kill and to kill super well. A group of them could overwhelm a force twice or three times the size of theirs. It was really cool to get a hint of that fighting power when we saw what could only have been about a half dozen of them shooting down dozens of Guild bounty hunters. I wonder if Karga surviving will have any significant to the plot? He’s Carl Weathers, so I guess the answer is maybe? Who knows? And that’s all I have to say about that.

I’ll for sure have episode four out by the end of the month. We’ll see if I can squeeze one more post in after that. Have a good night!

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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