
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Viewer Log: The Mandalorian ep 5

What could possibly go wrong on Tattooine?

Last time on The Mandalorian, the Mercenary and the kid found a planet that they might have liked to settle down on. Sorgen, home of a few farming villages, blue krill, and a group of bloodthirsty raiders and their AT-ST walker. Oo… Mando gets roped in to helping a small farming village protect themselves from the raiders and recruits another merc on the run, Cara Dune, to help in the fight. In classic western fashion, Mando and Cara get the villagers into… well, not fighting shape but close enough, and they’re able to drive off the raiders and destroy their AT-ST. Mando considers leaving the kid on Sorgen, and possibly taking off his helmet and giving up being a Mandalorian to be with a kind widow, but has to stow that plan when it’s clear that the Bounty Hunters Guild is still after the Kid. I think he thought he was the target, hence why leaving the kid in paradise seemed like a good idea. He and the kid parted ways with Cara and their chance at peace. Let’s get to it.

Chapter 5: The Gunslinger

Apparently, the “Razercrest” that was mentioned last time on Sorgen was just where Mando parked his ship, because we open this episode in space during a dog fight. The other ship does well against Mando’s ride, right up to the point where the other bounty hunter gives the “I can bring you in hot, or I can bring you in cold,” line that Mando delivered in the first episode. This pisses the Mandalorian off something fierce, maybe, but definitely causes him to fly better, out maneuvering his opponent and turning him into space dust. Their ship, unfortunately, is badly damaged and Mando has to land on the nearest planet to get repairs. Unfortunately, the nearest planet is the one that’s farthest from the bright, shining center of the universe. Yeah, it’s Tattooine.

Never thought I'd think of the Three Stooges and Episode 1
at the same time...
He lands in a repair shop on the planet’s surface. He tucks the tuckered-out child in a storage closet and goes out to meet the person in charge of the repair depot. It’s run by an eccentric woman named Peli Motto. His ship is in need of a number of repairs, most likely due to being on the run for several weeks, and while he has money, apparently 500 Imperial Credits don’t carry the same weight after two blown up Death Stars, and two dead Sith Lords. It’s really only enough to get him use of the hanger. He tells her he’ll get the money, so long as she remembers to not use the droids on his ship. He goes out looking for work.

He goes outside and sees a LOT of stormtrooper helmets on pikes. Dark. While he’s gone, a poker playing Peli and her droids find the Child when he wakes up from his nap. She seems pretty instantly smitten with the kid, like most of us, and decides to look after him while the Mandalorian is out. She tells the Child she is going to look after him and charge him extra for babysitting. Clever loon.

Mando arrives at a cantina and asks the droid bartender if there is any local “hunter” work. The bartender says that since the Guild no longer operates out of Tattooine, there’s not much there. A young bounty hunter named Toro Calican overhears and offers The Mandalorian a cut of his bounty if he helps Toro bring her in. His target is Fennec Shand, an assassin that worked for the empire. Mando isn’t interested in helping, as Fennec Shand is an omega level badass. He does agree to help Toro when the kid offers to let him have the whole bounty, so long as he gets the credit. Turns out, he’s actually not in the Bounty Hunters Guild, but wants to and thinks Shand will be his ticket in. Mando agrees and tells Toro to meet him at his hanger in half an hour. And for him to bring two speeders. Mando tries to also take the tracking fob, but Toro smashes it. You know, to ensure Mando doesn’t cut him out of the deal.

The Mandalorian returns to his ship to find the Kid gone. He freaks out, until Peli comes out with him. She scolds him for poor parenting, but Mando, I think, is too relieved upon see him to get too pissed. She started to work on the repairs, believing that since he has an infant to look after, the Mandalorian would absolutely find money to feed it. She follows Mando out, clearly trying to extort more money out of him, as he meets Toro. Mando loads up his speeder, and asks Peli to look after the kid for him while he’s out.

I was 100% not prepared for this scene to end with a peaceful trade,
no honking screams and gaffi stick waving. 
The two hunters travel across the dune sea on their speederbikes.  After some travel, they come across some Banthas and Tusken Raiders. Sand People still aren’t SUPER fond of non-natives. Toro tries to sound tough, insulting the Raiders, while not realizing two snuck up on them while his back was turned. Mando is able to speak with them using sign language… huh, I suppose that’s easier on the throat than the honking they do, and negotiate a passage price for the two of them. Turns out they just wanted his binoculars. Considering how often the Raiders have been show to be “Shoot first, ask questions never” type, I’m with Mando in thinking that the binoculars are a cheap price for passage, just saying.

After the least violent interaction that I’ve seen involving Tusken Raiders, EVER, they shortly there after find a dewback and a dead rider. He’s another bounty hunter that got dropped in pursuit of the bounty. Shand takes several sniper shots at Mando from a ridge nearby, thankfully his Beskar armor protects him from the shots. He makes it back to Toro and tells the kid they’ll go after Shand after dark. Toro isn’t stoked on the plan, but goes along with Mando.

After Suns set, Mando reveals his plan. Basically, they’re going to rush Shand’s position on their speederbikes, occasionally setting off flares to disrupt her heat vision scope. Mando’s bike takes a disabling hit when one of the flairs fails to go off, and he crashes, but he’s able to walk away from the crash. He sets off another flare to let Toro get the rest of the way there, and takes another shot to his chest plate. Toro makes it to Shand’s position, and the two get in a fist fight. Shand outclasses the kid in just about every way, but Mando walks up and pulls a blaster on her before she can do more than almost dislocate Toro’s arm. Woo.

Realizing that they’re down to just one speederbike, the partners decide to collect that dewback from earlier as an extra bit of transport. Mando goes to do it, leaving the rookie with an expert assassin. What. Could. Possibly. Go. Wrong? A few hours Shand tries to convince Toro to let her go, offering him double the bounty if he gets her to her rendezvous point. When he makes it clear he’s more interested in the glory than the money, she drops a bigger bombshell on the rookie, that his Mando is a traitor to the Bounty Hunter’s guild he’s so into, and capturing him and his little green friend would be worth so much more glory than even her. Toro, being an idiot, decides that he’ll bring the Mandalorian and his alien in. But, not being a complete imbecile, he shoots and kills Shand rather than try to work with someone who could easily murder him and he has no leverage on. The Mandalorian returns shortly there after on the dewback and sees the corpse.

Want to know the secret to a long life? Don't threaten things
important to someone that can kill you with negligible effort.
Toro can take that with him to the next life.
He rides back into town and arrives at the hanger. Inside, he finds Toro has the Child in his grasp and Peli at gunpoint. He demands that Mando hand over his blaster and surrender. Mando does so and puts his hands over his head. Peli is ordered to cuff him. When she does, he draws her attention to another flare he’s got in his hand. She whispers “You’re smarter than you look,” and pretends to cuff him. While Toro is pontificating, Mando sets the flare off, blinding him. Mando gets his gun and drops him with a shot. I, personally would haven’t been able to shot with the Kid in his arms, but Mando is a much better marksman than me. They find the Child after he ran off and hid. Mando bids farewell to Peli, after paying her in for the repairs. He stole Toro’s money pouch from off his corpse. Well, waste not, want not.  

Meanwhile, a mysterious figure finds Fennec Shand’s corpse and leans over it menacingly. Yeah, that’s probably not good.

For me, this is probably the weakest episode thus far. I liked Peli and her… eccentricities, as well as her bits with the Child, and Fennec Shand is an omega level bad ass that leaves an impression despite only getting like five minutes of on-screen time. It probably helps that she’s played by Ming-Na Wen, an actress that has spent a good chunk of the last five years playing the bad ass on Agents Of SHIELD. She’s one of the gals I think of when one of the more outspoken sexist politicians makes cracks about the strength of women. Be willing to bet that Ming-Na Wen and Gina Carano (Cara Dune from the last episode) could put 90% of guys on their asses. Just saying. No, the weak point in this one is Jake Cannavale’s Toro Calican. He’s such an unlikable whiny prick, and was just aggravating to be around the entire episode. Like, I’m shocked he made it this far out into the Outer Rim without getting shot already. He’s way more interested in acting the bad ass and trying to perfect the gun twirl than actually being a badass. And this guy thinks, “Hey, I got my ass kicked by Fennec Shand. But I can totally beat the guy that helped me capture her, no problem.” Granted, I’m a 29-year-old whom, at least not to my knowledge, never indulged in the youthful fantasy of immortality. I just might not get the headspace of an early 20 something high on my own self-importance. It was very satisfying to see him get shot. All that being said, while I didn’t like the character, Cannavale portrayed the too cocky for his own good wannabe bounty hunter extremely well. I really did believe he was an insecure kid hiding behind bravado a good chunk of the time. I did like the moment with the Sand People. It was nice to get a couple of minutes with them for once where they weren’t shooting at people or screaming in rage. Fun fact, the actor playing the Sand Person that signed to the Mandalorian is actually deaf and was communicating with actual American Sign Language. A neat bit of behind the scenes info there. I assume they did this to humanize the Raiders a little bit, and to make communication easier for we the viewers. The video game “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic” had a long bit of dialogue with the Raiders where you find out about their history and those honks get aggravating. The mysterious figure going out to and, more than likely, picking up Shand’s body is interesting, and more than likely suggests to me that she’s not quite done yet. But we’ll have to wait and see. Good night, everybody. 

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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