
Friday, April 24, 2020

Viewer Log: My Hero Academia ep 43

Villains start pulling out all the stops to capture an explosive individual.

How’s everybody doing? I’m sure you’re stir crazy but you’re surviving, so that’s a win in any book. Let’s lose ourselves in anime for a while, shall we?

Last time on My Hero Academia, Izuku got his bell rung by a powerful villain called Muscular. The two Strongman type fighters duked it out in a battle of fists. While Izuku put in a valiant effort, Muscular’s defensive powers and immense strength almost finished him. Thankfully, Kota used his water manipulating power to distract Muscular long enough for Izuku to unleash One For All (OFA) 1,000,000 percent (figurative not literal) to defeat him. While that was going on, the Wild, Wild Pussycats were being attacked by two more of the League of Villains Vanguard Action Squadron, I’m going to shorten it to VAS after this, Spinner and Magne. The two villains had taken out Pixie-Bob of the Pussycats, sending Tiger into a muscular, murderous rage. The rest of the students ended up being hunted by the rest of the VAS, as the villains are targeting students… well… one student in particular. Care to guess? Everyone who guessed Bakugo gets a thumbs up. Let’s get to it, shall we?  

Izuku Midoriya dreams of the day where he can win a fight without
breaking 15 bones and getting a concussion. But it is not this day.
We open with a quick recap of Izuku first almost losing to, and then ultimately defeating Muscular with Kota’s aid. At this point, judging from Izuku’s arm, he’s got more splinters than solid bone left in it. That’s very bad, but far from the worse thing happening here.

We cut over to Shigaraki and Kurogiri relaxing at the villain bar. The shadow man asks if Shigaraki shouldn’t be with his VAS, but Shigaraki has decided to shift strategies for this attack. He explains that he’d been playing the “game” as he put it like an RPG, gathering a team, getting them gear and then throwing them at the meat grinder of a boss at lv. 1 in the hopes of winning with numbers. That didn’t work out, so now he’s treating it like a real combat simulation. He’s sent his pieces out to disable and capture as many of his opponents as possible. But before the big attack, he’s sent them on this errand to create cracks in the hero world. He’s weirdly confident in his new crew, if I’m being honest, and heavily implies that they’re going to try and recruit someone they feel is also being “repressed,” meaning Bakugo.

Back with Izuku, Kota tries to convince the young hero to sit down before he collapses, but Izuku refuses. He knows he has to get info to Mandalay and the other teachers, both the power of Muscular (and the implied power of the VAS as a whole) and that the VAS is targeting Bakugo. He’s fairly confident Muscular is down for the count, but worries that the others will be overwhelmed if the other villains are at his level. He also wants to take Kota towards the fire so he can use his water manipulation powers to put it out. He picks up Kota and leaps across the mountain, while stating in his head that he has a bad feeling about this.

Well, this image would haunt my nightmares forever, were I Aizawa.
We then cut back to the main campus of the training camp, and back five minutes to when Aizawa ran outside and was seemingly napalmed by Dabi. Turns out, he was able to leap up and out of Dabi’s way thanks to his scarf/reflexes, and then disabled Dabi’s power. The two fight for a moment before Aizawa gets him wrapped in the scarf and pinned to the ground. He tries to interrogate Dabi, breaking his arm in the first few seconds to imply how serious he’s being. A massive explosion and Iida’s group making to the main building distracts him enough to let Dabi slip out. He tangles him up in the scarf again, but Dabi breaks apart into goo, asking Aizawa if he’s “Worried about your students?” as he falls to pieces. Well, with a creepy exit line like that, how could he not? Aizawa tells the students to get inside as he runs off.

I'm 90% certain you'll fall in love with this nutjob by the end of
the next season.
We cut back over to Dabi and are introduced to Twice. He’s a bit bonkers, often speaking in contradictory statements and in a general “Deadpool” style. He’ll do stuff like do somebody a favor, and then when they try to thank him, he’ll say, “It was nothing,” and “PRAISE ME!” in rapid succession. So yeah, he’s unstable. Get it? Got it? Good. It was his power that made that Dabi look alike, and Dabi orders up another to keep the heroes distracted. I’ll note that Twice’s copies are about as strong as the original, but not nearly as durable. Odds are the Dabi copy was within a few seconds of falling apart from the broken arm, if future examples of his cloning are any indicator.

Izuku meets up with Aizawa as they both run through the forest. He quickly explains what he’d learned, where he’s going, and leaves Kota in Aizawa’s care. His teacher calls him back. Aizawa notes Izuku’s extensive wounds and figuring the kid is running on very few fumes at this point, but also knows that there’s very little he can do to stop Izuku from running. He gives Izuku another message to pass onto Mandalay.

Speaking of, Mandalay and Tiger are holding their own against Spinner and Magne, but the two villains are tough. Apparently, despite not having a physically based power, Magne hits with about the same force as Tiger, which shocks me just a little. Spinner goes into cleave Mandalay in half, but Izuku zooms in and shatters Spinners hodgepodge sword into pieces with a kick. He relays that he saved Kota, and that Mandalay needs to contact everyone via telepathy. She is instructed to tell them that Aizawa has used his status as a pro-hero to authorize the students into using their powers to defend themselves.

Not sure Izuku needed a One For All empowered kick to break
that sword. It was held together with belts!
We jump back to Aizawa, who is kicking himself metaphorically for not telling Izuku to fall back immediately after relaying his message. Kota, who’s scared and feeling like dirt for damaging the Midoriya family jewels, asks if Izuku is going to be okay and if he’ll get the chance to apologize. Aizawa tells him that Izuku will, as that kid is not one to give up.

Mandalay tries to tell Izuku to fall back, but he charges onward to find Bakugo. He tells her to tell “Kaa-chan” via telepathy that he’s a target and that he should stay low. Magne, recognizing Izuku, tries to take him out, but she’s stopped by Spinner. Why? Because while Shigaraki has Izuku on his “Kill on Sight” list, Izuku was named a hero by Stain, so Spinner won’t allow him to be hurt. Okay, so while Spinner dresses like a wannabe, it seems like he’s holding hard to Stain’s credo. Tiger and Mandalay use this distraction to knock out their respective opponent. This is why you don’t fight with your allies while enemies are still conscious, fools.

What a shock, telling Bakugo to stay low just puts him into a frenzy where he’s at. He and Todoroki are battling Moonfish, an escaped death row inmate. The black leather clad psychopath uses blades generated from his teeth to lift himself into the air, dodge around and slice his opponents. He seems to be fixated on cutting meat, as he puts it. Bakugo somehow knows without proof that it’s Izuku’s fault that he was told to defend himself but then to run and hide in such rapid succession. His clairvoyance is scary sometimes.

We then cut over to the class 1B students Tetsutetsu and Kendo. Tetsutetsu is just kind of running around in circles without a real plan, before Kendo stops him and explains something that she noticed. Namely, that Mandalay didn’t mention the fog in her report, and that the fog doesn’t seem to be spreading beyond a given area. She deduces something is creating the fog and spinning it around in a given area like a super slow hurricane. Tetsutetsu, catching on, figures out that that means someone is making the fog with their Quirk, and that taking him out will stop it.

Wow, that's a spooky image. Too bad Mustard really isn't.
We’re then shown Mustard, think the deadly gas not the condiment, a kid in a WW2 era gasmask and a school uniform of all things. He’s manipulating the fog and senses the two coming in it. He easily dodges around Tetsutetsu as the steel-shifter attacks, pulling out a six-shooter revolver and starts taking potshots at him. His first shot destroys Tetsutetsu’s gas mask, and the follow ups seem to weaken his armor. That or the inability to breath does. He takes a shot at Kendo too, having sensed her approach and figured out their pincer attack. The kid starts ranting about how he hates UA and how the school’s students are treated as elite, I think someone has an inferiority complex, and shooting Tetsutetsu repeatedly. Kendo takes a swing at Mustard, and even hits the little gremlin by using her Quirk to expand her fist. He mocks her for her weak power, before she schools him. Kendo expands both her fists and uses the supersized hands to whip the fog around them up. This is actually a very well-timed distraction, as it gives Tetsutetsu time to get up, and keeps Mustard from sensing his movements, as the gas is being shifted around too much for him to feel it. Tetsutetsu knocks him out with a punch, shattering his gas mask for good measure. Go team!

So, if you’re keeping score, that’s Muscular, Mustard, Spinner and Magne of the VAS taken out and/or restrained, with Dabi, Toga, Twice, Moonfish and two others still at large. The VAS had ten members, if I hadn’t made that clear yet. That’s half the attack group down, so it’s progress.

Izuku, unaware of this, is running towards when he believes Bakugo and Todoroki would be at. He’s rushed by something, tries to dodge, but his broken arms make him too slow. Thankfully, he’s saved by Shoji, the dude with six tentacle arms. Well, five right now. He was hit earlier in the fight, and explains that is what caused this issue. Driven into a fury by seeing his friend attack, and the darkness of the night, caused Tokoyami’s quirk to go into overdrive. They’ve got a very angry, very powerful Dark Shadow standing between them and Bakugo. Not good, but I think Izuku has handled worse odds before… I just remembered most of his limbs are broken, so maybe not.

Okay, so this episode is mostly a buildup episode. It’s mostly Izuku forcing himself to keep running through the pain, and seeing how the other VAS members measure up. Obviously, Mustard isn’t quite up to the same level overall as Muscular or Dabi. I mean, his ability is useful, but on his own he was fairly easily schooled by two heroes-in-training without much real-world combat experience. Spinner and Magne are obviously much more impressive, but they were taken out like punks. It was interesting to see that they have a few different types of followers in the new League of Villains. You’ve got guys like Spinner, Dabi, and Toga that were drawn in by the apparent connection between Stain and the League, and others that are there for other reasons, like Magne. Sure, that division in ideals got them captured fairly easily but it was still interesting to see. With about half their group taken out, we’re about to see how their heaviest hitters act on the mission. Oh, and obviously Izuku is going to have a hell of a time stopping Tokoyami’s Dark Shadow from rampaging and slicing everyone to pieces. Fun times. Have a good night. 

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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