
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Viewer Log: X-Men: Evolution ep 8

Extra credit assignment turns into a smackdown with an extinct apex predator. So typical high school.

Last time on X-Men: Evolution, Scott went on a field trip with Rogue. Blizzard conditions and the manipulations of a certain blue femme fatale lead to Scott being alone with Rogue and said blue femme fatale, Mystique. She reveals that she’s Ms. Raven Darkholme and that Xavier knew and kept it from Scott before shoving him off a ledge. This proves to be the final straw for Rogue, who grabs her boss and learns what really happened the night her powers manifested. She and Scott regroup and try to escape Mystique, but she hounds them. Quite literally when she shapeshifts into a wolf. Rogue is able to hold her off long enough for help to arrive in the form of the Blackbird and Wolverine. On the flight back, Rogue officially changes groups, becoming an X-Man and being welcomed with open, but completely covered arms. Enough recapping, let’s get to it, shall we.


No good has ever come from Victor Creed's smile

This episode opens with Victor Creed aka Sabertooth, Wolverine’s age-old nemesis, breaking into a restricted area and climbing the Bayville water tower. Well, that’s ominous.


We then jump over to Evan Daniels, who just got a bad grade on a history report. Apparently, he mixed up Regan’s Star Wars defense program with the hit film franchise, as I think we have all done at least once. His teacher decides to give him a chance to make up his grade with an extra credit assignment. He gives Evan a video camera and tells him to do a report on current events important to him. Evan’s stoked to use a camera that is so beyond obsolete at this point it’s silly. Evan plays with the camera a bit, and sees that the zoom is good enough to see Logan pull up to the Mansion several miles away.


So we have a preppy girl, goth girl, and sports guy together?
The Cliques at Bayville high must be so confused by the Institute

He’s spooked by Kurt, who is hanging from the window sill. After nearly spiking Kurt, he gets told that Kurt’s bouncing early to his image inducer checked out. Unbeknownst to them, Sabertoot is watching them both from the water tower via a set of binocular and smiling evilly. It’s NEVER good when that beast smiles.  


Still oblivious to Sabertooth’s presence, Evan goes about his day and plays with the camera a bit. He spies to two of his fellow Xavier kids, Kitty and Rogue, arguing about a book. It’s Kitty’s, Rogue has it, it’s this whole non-important thing. They’re interrupted by Kitty bumping into a dude, and starting to flirt relentlessly, to Rogue’s disgust. The dude, who we will never see again, get’s Kitty interested in trying out for “Dracula The Rock Musical.” Is this a thing? I’ll look it up later. Rogue makes fun of Kitty for wanting to try out for a play just to impress a dude, and Kitty thinks Rogue is jealous for not having the moves. They’re interrupted by noticing Evan and start yelling at him for recording them without their permission. He deflects by asking about the musical and defuses the situation. We sure Evan’s an only child? Because he can play de facto siblings incredibly well.


Oh no, he's figured out our technology!

After school, Evan goes to skateboard and get some footage of him in motion. At the same time, Sabertooth lands on the rooftops and starts following him from above. Which I’m so confused by. Victor Creed is a six-and-a-half-foot tall behemoth biker in a trench coat, how could anyone NOT notice him? But Evan doesn’t until the beast tackles him and swipes the camera. Sabertooth scampers off, and is able to switch on the camera. Oh no, he’s discovered technology! He finds the video of Logan and the mansion and smiles evilly again. Okay, how did he know Evan had footage of Logan?


Evan recovers from the fall, tracks down the camera and reclaims it. There’s a brief interaction with an attention seeking Toad, but Evan blows him off. That’s just rude. Sabertooth continues to watching Evan from a distance and smiles evilly while licking his teeth. That is somehow creepier than just smiling.


The next day, Evan gets up and accidentally launches a pair of spikes, shattering one of his lights and his mirror, not for the first time. Ororo comes to check in on her nephew, when she sees the camera and hears the premise of Evan’s project is quite adamant that she and the other X-Instructors review it to ensure Evan’s not showing any Mutant funny business.


He spies on Jean for a bit, before being caught and tossed aside, and then decides to record something more interesting. At that moment, Scott and Logan start running an obstacle course in the Mansion’s front yard. They basically run along the sidewalk and dodge projectiles. Evan records while skateboarding behind them. Yeah, that’s getting cut in editing. Logan saves Evan from a buzzsaw launcher and starts yelling at him for being stupid and careless. He erases that scene, and then looks over the rest of Evan’s recordings. Turns out, Victor recorded a thank you message to Evan for showing him where Logan is. It’s at that moment that Sabertooth attacks.


Okay. Wait one second here. Sabertooth, whom has all the same powers as Logan, (IE can track by SCENT), works for Magneto and with Mystique, had no idea that Logan worked for Charles Xavier at his lavish estate? Da hell?


Whatever, Sabertooth attacks. The X-Men are scrambled by Xavier, who was watching via cameras and telepathy, and also activates the mansion defenses. Logan wants to fight alone, but Storm isn’t having that. She lightnings blasts Sabertooth, Cyclops eyebeams him, and Jean throws objects telepathically. They, plus the defenses, drive Sabertooth off who roars that this isn’t over! Logan chases after him, but loses him in the woods near the mansion. Logan returns to the mansion and gives Charles a status report. They know Sabertooth won’t attack the mansion again since he knows it’s too well defended, but Logan believes he’ll take a hostage to draw him out. Dark. Evan overhears this and decides to do something about it.


He runs into Kitty and Rogue, who are arguing again, this time about the Dracula soundtrack to help with their auditions. Evan again inserts him into the conversation, and offers to help them with their situation, if they’re willing to improvise with him. Evan and the girls leave the mansion, with Sabertooth watching from a distance. He smiles evilly and says that this is too easy. Yes, it’s almost like they’re luring you out. Ya dumb extinct cat.


Scott tries to leave the mansion for dinner as Logan comes down. He shuts that idea down and tells Scott the mansion is on lock down until Sabertooth is handled. He asks were everyone is, and is annoyed to hear that Evan, Kitty and Rogue slipped out.


So with this takedown, Rogue has officially taken out
more baddies than anyone. You go girl.

The three escapees set up in a park just a way away from the mansion. When Rogue looks like she can’t get into the groove, he suggests tapping a finger against Kitty and absorbing her dance moves to better coordinate. Rogue does, and the two actually start moving in sink. Just in time for Sabertooth to charge and try to grab one of them. He goes for Evan first, but the kid pulls his porcupine routine. He throws Evan aside at Rogue, and charges at Kitty. She just phases past him, but gets grabbed and thrown when she tries to check on Rogue and Evan. He goes after Rogue, who’d recovered. She tries to get a hand on him, but can’t get her hand on him. Logan arrives and starts wrestling with Sabertooth. They clash and toss each other around, but Rogue is able to sneak up on Sabertooth and grab him. She drains him and knocks him out. This causes her to transform into a beasty, hairy form, and delivers one of her best one liners, “And I just shaved my legs last night!” Logan figured out that Evan set this all up, and grounds him for putting himself in danger and both girls for going along with it. When they ask what they’ll do with Sabertooth, Logan says they’ll put him somewhere to cool off. They fly Sabertooth out to Alaska or Canada and drop him off. He’s clearly disorientated, so I guess it’ll be a while before he can make his way back to New York.

Fun sight gag, but begs the question why Rogues BMI
doesn't increase when she drains Blob. Someone else ask
her that question, though. I'll monitor from a safe distance.
The Moon.


The episode ends with Evan’s video, which he dedicated to his new family, showing the X-Men doing some of their less insane activities. It ends with Kitty and Rogue dancing along with Dracula in the play. I’ll call bs on that musical being ready to go in a week, but otherwise that was a sweet way to end it.


While it’s not in my top tier list for X-Men: Evolution episodes, this was on the better side. I liked the focus on Evan, it’s been a while since he got much attention. He’s about as much of an early 2000s kid as you’d expect, so many of his phrases and interests feel a bit dated, but not in a bad way. Just in a very familiar way for those of us that grew up at the turn of the last millennium. I especially liked his final plan. He’s largely untouchable with his spikes, Kitty can’t be grabbed if she knows it’s coming, and touching Rogue is about as dangerous for the grabber as the grabbie. I’m sure his plan would be to force Sabertooth to try to get Rogue, who can disable him. But it was a good thing Logan showed up to help, as the plan clearly wasn’t going great. My only real complaint was the logical inconsistency of Sabertooth somehow not knowing where Logan lives. Again, given his own abilities to track and his connections, I just don’t see how there’s any way that he couldn’t know where Logan is. Other than somehow Logan blocking his scent and Magneto deliberately keeping the info from him. But I just don’t see that happening. So yeah, a solid episode. Next time, though, we get to see a family reunion of sorts. Charles’ favorite brother Cain is stopping by to see him. Note* Charles only has one brother, so that’s not saying much. 

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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