
Monday, September 28, 2020

Viewer Log: My Hero Academia ep 55

It's filler time. And that's not an insult.

Last time on My Hero Academia the Provisional Hero License Exam (PHLE) began in earnest. UA was immediately mobbed by other school, wish is apparently a tradition for the exam. Izuku and the rest of his class are separated when Ketsubutsu academy Izuku…er Yo Shinto used his vibration power to cause an earthquake. He quickly runs into a Shiketsu High student named Camie Utsushimi who hits one of his targets. Izuku seemingly escapes her and a group of attacking students are Uraraka comes to help… only for “Uraraka” to be revealed to be Camie in some kind of shapeshifted disguise. He’s saved by Sero and the real Uraraka, and the three retreat to form a plan. Meanwhile, Todoroki is cornered by a group of students dressed as Ninja. This should be interesting. Let’s get to it.


We open with Todoroki’s battle with the group of Ninja. I really need to know if that’s a legit school uniform or are these guys cosplayers? Oh, they’re filler characters, right. The Red Ninja has the ability to increase the size of objects that he throws at Todoroki. He seems to have a preference on nuts and bolts, his comment about using objects made of tungsten which has a high melting point, implies that he prepped for Todoroki’s flame. This seems to be more or less proven when the rest of the group attack, two of his Ninja have water powers and two have enhanced strength and throw stuff at him. Realizing that they’d overwhelm him, Todoroki unleashes a massive fire blasts that the Water Elementalists put out, but he runs in the steam that the attack created. Todoroki works out that this factory was made to be as realistic as possible, and finds a large tanker, he pierces it to confirm his theory. He draws the Ninja in, and when they’re close, hits it with a fire blast. The explosion isn’t as big as it probably should have been, only slightly burning the Ninja’s uniform and ringing their bell pretty thoroughly. Todoroki knocks them out and leaves this industrial area. He’s told via his targets that he should go to the reception area to wait for the rest of the test to wrap up.


In voice over, Present Mic explains that the targets are super advanced pieces of equipment. They are able to track the students, determine who hit their target and a bunch other “neat” thing. Once placed, they remain fixed in place unless unlocked by a magnetic key.


Of all the eye-wear options, why a monocle?

We then cut over a group of girls in fancy uniforms. (This part is filler) The lead girl, referred to as Miss Sei, is drinking tea when she’s told that a group of students are approaching the area they set up shop in. Her friend has a hologram eye, and shows Yaoyorozu (creates non-living objects), Shoji (multiple tentacle arms he can grow additional body parts onto), Tsu (is a frog), and Jiro (extendable earlobes that she can hear through or project her heartbeat through as a sonic attack). Miss Sei triggers her quirk, which seems to cause a bunch of complex formula and numbers to appear around her, smiles knowingly and tells her team to prepare.


We jump back to Todoroki whom had just made it to the reception area (This part is not filler). He enters and spies Yoarashi. The enthusiastic hero-in-training is talking about some hero he’s a big fan of to another student, who has no idea who Yoarashi is, who the guy he’s talking about is, and seems to just want to leave the “conversation.” Todoroki finds it odd that he doesn’t remember Yoarashi, as they would have taken the same test since they both were recommended to the school. Yoarashi sees him, glares, and then gets back to his one-sided convo.


Not a team I'd have chosen, but it's a good group.

Over the intercom, we get told that 56 students have passed. The foursome had entered a large building, went up to one of the top floors (because reasons) and were using Shoji’s eyes and Jiro’s ears to try and locate other examinees. (This is filler) Initially they were looking for classmates, but after hearing only 44 spots are still open, decide to switch to passing themselves. This is when the girls of Seiai Academy start their run. First, Jiro detects a small group approaching their floor at a deliberate pace, just before incredibly loud rock is played with rings Jiro’s bell real well and pretty much disables her as a recon asset. They then have a sniper, she uses energy balls launched from a slingshot, to shatter the glass on their floor, making it impossible for Shoji to see out of, blinding them. Wanting to go down fighting, Jiro tries to charge, but the sniper is good enough to shatter bother of her wrist mounted amps and hurt one of her earphone jacks. And then they turn up the AC and drop heavy shutters over the windows. Yaoyorozu believes Seiai Academy is trying to freeze them, a strategy that works incredibly well with Tsu. Apparently, her animal-based powers also come with extreme susceptibility to temperature extremes, and our little froggy is going into hibernation. It’s not so bad for the others, but they’re all shivering. Yaoyorozu wants to help her, but knows that this group probably has contingency plans for her creating anything advanced to warm them up, and the sprinklers make just going caveman and starting a fire a bad plan. She makes a blanket to keep Tsu warm, just as all the doors to their area are welded shut save one. Yaoyorozu tries to think of a plan, and knows that the air conditioning is their biggest immediate threat. She thinks about blocking the vents by making clay to cover them.


Outside, Miss Sei has already determined Yaoyorozu’s course of action. She’ll use up her lipids (she burns these fatty acids when she makes items) blocking the air conditioning, removing herself as a possible threat and then her team can storm in and take them all out. It’s only at this point that it’s revealed that she’s Saiko Intelli, second year at Seiai Academy and her quirk is IQ. She drinks tea and it boosts her intellect. What a… bizarre power.


Oh, sleepy froggy.

Back inside, Yaoyorozu starts making the clay, but stops before she materializes any. She realized that their opponents forced her into this situation and were probably planning on attacking once her lipid reserves were burnt up. She tries to think of a new plan, and fixates on the thought of ‘how would Todoroki, Iida or Midoriya handle the situation?’ She remembers Izuku speech from around when Bakugo was taken, and comes to the conclusion that he’d focus on saving his team, his friends, above all else. She has an idea, she makes copies of Jiro’s headphones, and then makes something large from her back. Oh, how interesting.


HA, group attack for the win.

Saiko, believing the UA students were either frozen or Yaoyorozu was disabled, has her team prep to attack. That is until a massive sound burst comes from the room, more or less instantly incapacitating most of her team and leaving Saiko stunned. Yaoyorozu, as it turned out, created a giant speaker for Jiro to plug into and use her favorite heart-beat as a sonic blast technique. The noise is loud and intense enough that it even gets through their ear protection, but they only had to hold the noise for a few seconds to make sure all of Seiai Academy were knocked out. They go out to claim victory, only for Saiko to pop out from behind the door, grab Yaoyorozu and force her back into the other room, shutting and locking the door behind them. Apparently, she decided that if she can’t win, she’ll at least make sure Yaoyorozu doesn’t pass either. Thankfully, Yaoyorozu is able to hold her off on her own long enough for the others to burst back in and disable Saiko. She’s confused as to why they’d waste time saving Yaoyorozu, as for all they knew she had already been taken out, but the others explain UA Class 1A looks out for their own. Saiko surrenders.


We then jump over to Kirishima, Bakugo and Kaminari climbing up onto an overpass of some kind. While it wasn’t mentioned before, it seems Kaminari followed the other two when they broke off from the group. No idea why, considering Bakugo verbally abuses him only slightly less than he does Izuku. Just sayin’. At the top, something hit’s Kirishima. Whatever it is, it turns him into some kind of lumpy potato looking thing, and drags him back to a Shiketsu academy student standing in a bunch of the meat potatoes. Gross. We hear over the intercom only 40 spots are left.


Izuku and his crew are still in hiding and trying to think of a plan. Izuku is hoping that the time crunch might work to their advantage, hopefully eroding the larger groups coordination as spots are taken up. Sero is a little confused by this explanation and asks why Izuku wanted them to stay in a big group, since the same thing might have happened to them. Izuku explains that he assumed that it would be easiest with a large group, as their class have a lot of folks with capture and Area of Effect powers, so they could have disabled a big group in one go and then taken points at their leisure. Shinto and his crew are coming up on them, so time is running out. Izuku elects to run out ahead and distract them, allowing Uraraka and Sero to use their powers to hopefully nab six of them so the three UA students could pass. Uraraka isn’t a super huge fan of that plan, but lets her obvious crush go when he pulls the ‘it’s the only way’ card, and she reaffirms to herself that she has faith in him.

Not going to lie, this Quirk kinda grosses me out.


Back with Bakugo, the Shiketsu high student gives Bakugo and Kaminari a speech about how his school is all about order and discipline and how wearing hats sin battle signifies that. I don’t get it either. Kaminari feels dumb listening to him, and Bakugo just gets pissed. The Shiketsu kid says that he has respect for UA, but thinks that Bakugo is a degenerate that sullies the schools name, as does the rest of class 1A. Be makes a bunch of large, finger shaped appendages that look like they’re made of sand materialize behind him. Bakugo isn’t impressed and rushes him.


Shame they can't smile and be within 100 feet
of each other.

As Izuku tries to lure opponents in, we join Aizawa and Ms. Joke in the stands. They seem to be killing time, waiting for this stage of the test to be over. She offers him some gum, but he declines knowing it’s one of those trick gum things. She notes that he seems attached to this group, which is unusual and wonders if he’s worried they’ll pass. She also says that seeing him care about things is gross, which isn’t important but funny. Aizawa explains that he really isn’t worried at all, as he has two students that seem to have an effect on the others. They aren’t the most popular, and they don’t get along, but they have a habit of bring out the best in everyone. And we close the image on a still of Izuku and Bakugo fighting the good fight.


Okay, so this is 90% a filler episode, but like all previous filler episodes of My Hero Academia, I don’t feel like it’s a waste of time. Got to give it props for that alone. This is in part, I think, to My Hero sticking to filler stories that fit into the larger arc. Shows like Naruto, Bleach and even Dragonball Z had a habit of throwing up filler episode that kill the pacing of the story at large. Hell, all three have had multiple episode long arcs, Naruto and Bleach had literal seasons, that were entirely pointless filler. My Hero’s filler at sticks to the story, and expands upon interesting characters. Like Tsu’s time with her internship. And, in Todoroki’s case, it was all stuff that might have happened. As I said above, his fight and early win occurred entirely off screen in the manga. So, really, any story about what he did after leaving the rest of the group could work. I did like how they took a moment to highlight his continual frustrations with learning how to use both his elements concurrently. And in Yaoyorozu’s case, they pretty much wrote a story about her that reinforced that closing idea, that class 1A is better for just having Izuku specifically being apart of it. As it was her memory of his speech about saving friends that motivated her to think outside the box in defeating her Anime only opponents. And kudos to the writers for highlighting Jiro and Shoji, two minor characters that need more love and attention. I’d include Tsu in that too, but I know she’ll be getting a lot relatively soon. No spoilers, though. Finally, the closing segments did do a good job setting up Izuku and Bakugo’s upcoming fights. The dude from Shiketsu is a tough opponent, if his body capturing power wasn’t enough of a hint, and Izuku has an uphill battle, being his group’s strongman as Uraraka and Sero try to do subtle work behind him. But we’ll get into that next time. Have a good night. 


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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