
Monday, December 28, 2020

Viewer Log: X-Men: Evolution ep 17

While Xavier is away, the kids will play. 

Last time on X-Men: Evolution, Jean’s powers started going haywire. For reasons unknown, could be stress, could be psychic connection to an elemental avatar of destruction in the shape of an ancient Greek monster, who can say, her powers grew out of control. This took the form of constantly hearing people’s thoughts and throwing objects telepathically at random. Things came to a head when she nearly destroyed the X-Mansion. She’s stopped by Rogue taking some of the pressure off by absorbing a bit of her power, and Scott talking her back to reality. The episode ends with Jean repeating a line Scott said to her during her more manic episode, signaling hope for his crush or so it seemed. Oh, and the students were introduced to Mr. Hank McCoy, a beefy new chem/phys ed teacher at Bayville. Wonder if he’ll be important? Whatever, let’s get to it, shall we?


We open at Stokes County Maximum Security Prison, the abode of one Cain Marko aka Juggernaut. A prison guard doesn’t notice until it’s almost too late that the system is warning that Juggernaut is waking up. They’re able to keep things contained for now, but the system needs repairs and there’s only one person who can do it, Cain’s half-brother, Charles Xavier.


Back at the Mansion, Charles awakens his senior class of X-Men to let them know the situation, that he got a call from Warden Stone that the system is malfunctioning and he needs to repair it. While Scott says he can get the team suited up in five minutes, Xavier forestalls him, having elected to go on this mission alone. That said, he’s in a bit of a pickle as Ororo is out of the country visiting friends in Kenya (She and her in universe sister are Kenyan Natives), and Logan has just sort of bikered off somewhere. With not real other option, he offers Scott and Jean the chance to co-captain things while he’s away, which they agree to. He heads out. Scott asks if anyone is up for an early Danger Room session, but no one is, not really even him. They head back to bed.


Later that Day, Xavier arrives at Stokes County, and consults the Warden on what to do. Apparently, the only way to fix the system is to completely reboot it while Charles makes some adjustments. There’d be twenty second delay as the system reboots, the warden is afraid Cain could break free in that time, but Charles thinks his paralysis should hold that long. And they really have no other option, so they prepare, putting the prison on high alert.


The Juggernaut stirs...

At Bayville high, Jean stumbles upon an interesting sight, her friend Taryn hitting on Scott, asking to see… his eyes. Oh, hunny, very poor physical trait to focus on. She persists for a few minutes, much to Jean’s clear annoyance before leaving, telling Scott she will learn all his secrets someday. Scott walks around the bulletin board Jean was crouched behind. She tries to play if off like she wasn’t spying… but like come on, she totally was. And storms off when he points this out.


Kitty, meanwhile, accidentally crashes three different computers in a programing class. Nearby, Risty is cheering on Webber Torque a he plays through an online game instead of programming. Webber, preferring to go by his gamertag Arcade, gets caught much to his chagrin. After class, Risty asks Kitty if she knows about any parties that weekend. Kitty hadn’t, but Risty puts it into her head to throw a party at the mansion. She tells the other three younger X-Men, Evan and Kurt are down, but Rogue points out that Scott and Jean are less than party animals. Thankfully for their evening plans, X-Men are problem solvers.


How many guards lives flashed before their eyes
when Juggy started moving?

Back at Stokes county, Charles begins the reboot and repair of the system holding Cain. While completely surrounded by armed guards, aka meat-shields, I might add. As Charles works, Cain starts waking up. The colossal brother is only able to lift his arms and break the chains holding his arms before the system reboots and he gets put under again. Warden Stone lets out a sigh of relief, but Charles isn’t relaxing, he believes the system was sabotaged.


Meanwhile, Jean meets Scott at a secluded cliffside. Scott had been told by Kitty, and Jean by Kurt, that one of them wanted to talk the other about something. Scott, rather smugly, thinks it has to do with Taryn flirting with him, but Jean scoffs at that. While they’re talking, Kurt bamfs him and Kitty in. Kurt takes something from under the dashboard and Kitty steal’s Jean’s phone. Jean assumes Scott’s car not starting is him trying to keep her secluded for that mysterious talk, much to his chagrin.


Back at the mansion, the party is in full swing, with Risty arriving with Webber. Everyone seems to be having a good time, eating, dancing, and all that jazz. Risty shows Webber around, they find a suspiciously open elevator. Risty mentions that it probably leads to the big computer Rogue told her about, and Webber couldn’t go down faster if someone mentioned alcohol and scantily clad girls. They reach a biometric scanner, but Webber is able to hack it… who brings a hacking device to a party? Whatever, he’s able to crack the door open and the two of them walk into Cerebro.


Back at the cliff, Jean and Scott are both miffed at each other. Scott tries to lead the way to a payphone at the base of the cliff. Jean, not wanting to follow, pulls him all the way back to her telekinetically and then trudges passed him.


I lived in the 2000s, and Arcade must be some kind
of idiot to think any game could look as realistic as
the Danger Room Footage would be.

Arcade is able to hack Cerebro, because electronics genius, and starts perusing programs. Thank god he doesn’t have the telepathic powers to fully utilize Cerebro, just saying. Risty asks if the computer has any games, and that revs Arcade up. He finds bios on the new X-Men, but assumes they’re game characters. Risty, claiming she could use them for her game in the programming class, asks him to make a copy of the data. He burns her a DVD and then tells her to leave so he can concentrate. He finds the Danger Room program and boots it up.


Jean and Scott have gotten towed and are on their way back to the Mansion.


The X-Mansion party has hit the “people starting to break stuff” phase, but the X-Men really can’t deal with that right now, as Rogue got an alert that the Danger Room is active. She and the other four suit up to check it out, finding that the door won’t open. Nightcrawler bamf’s in to shut it down, but is almost immediately overwhelmed by weaponry, being knocked to the ground and knocked out. Shadowcat phases in, see’s Nightcrawler and then pulls the other two in to save them. Arcade, thinking this is a game and not questioning why the characters look like three of his classmates and one looks like a blue Kurt, is excited to see new players and turns up the difficulty.


He basically overwhelms them using the Danger Room’s weapons, laser turrets, grasping claws, buzzsaws, etc. Shadowcat gets knocked out after either misjudging how many walls of steel popped in front of her or from overusing her power. Psyched he knocked out two of them, Arcade lowers them all into a crevice and nearly crushes them between to giant balls, but Nightcrawler wakes up enough to bamf them out. Arcade, annoyed at such obvious cheating, accidentally activates “Defcon 4,” whatever that means.


Outside, Jean and Scott arrived at the mansion to find the party still in full swing. They apologize to each other, sort of, just as the mansion seals itself down behind heavy blast shields and weaponry starts coming out of every object. Scott switches shades for his visor while they try to figure out how to get into the mansion.


Inside, Risty is trying to find an exit, when she’s blasted by one of the newly activated lasers. She hits the ground, knocked out… and then slowly turns blue… Yep, Risty Wilde is in fact Mystique, Now sporting a darker blue, yellow eyed look. That can’t be good.


Cyclops and Jean, (I guess they both had costumes in his car?) dodge and blast through the yards defenses to get to the hanger and into the mansion. They’re immediately confronted by a big drone that tries to blast them, but they break it to pieces instead. Mystique wakes up just before they enter the room, and avoids notice. She slips around then and gets out how they got in.


While Rogue, Shadowcat, Spyke and Nightcrawler dodge through fireballs in a hallway, Cyclops and Jean make it to a security terminal. They can’t shut anything down, but Cyc is able to get a visual on Cerebro and see’s Arcade using the system. The other four drop in, with Kitty explaining who Arcade aka Webber is. Just before he finds them on the security feed. He tries to knock them out with an electric blast, but they escape, and as a group get into Cerebro, Rogue draining Arcade just enough to knock him out.


She's baaaacccckkkk.

The kids are sent home, and the four party organizers are set to cleaning. Rogue, Scott and Jean ‘debrief’ Arcade. He apologizes for hacking the system, but that game was too entrancing to pass up. They’re initially shocked that Webber still thinks that was all a game, but Charles comes in and telepathically confirms. He sends Webber home in a taxi. Afterward, Scott tries to apologize for what happened, but Charles has deeper concerns. Namely, he believes his trip, the party and even Arcade’s shenanigans were all part of a greater master plan. The episode ends with Mystique leaving the mansion grounds, shapeshifting back into Risty and walking off into the night. Oo, ominous.


This was a very interesting episode. Mystique’s plan was relatively simple but brilliant. Remove Charles while the other adults are away, use teens to throw a party because teens, have Webber get her the data she wanted and then leave him to cover her escape. And to think it ALMOST didn’t work due to getting knocked out. I liked the callback to Cain and his prison, it was a solid reason for Charles to be gone, and to see him legit start sweating as his half-brother ALMOST broke free was tense to say the least. And the use of Arcade was inspired. Arcade is a mercenary villain from the Marvel universe, often trapping his targets in his amusement park of traps and tortures he calls Murderworld. This slightly toned down, civilian ID of Webber Torque was a show original, although his design does look like a teen version of the adult assassin. The subplot about Jean getting jealous that her friend is attracted to Scott is kinda basic, but I know the execs thought they needed to inject teen angst into this show to make it marketable. I’d have just fast forwarded to Jean and Scott being a thing in season one, but I tend to rush like that. Mystique getting her hands on not only the X-Men, but assumedly all other Mutants that Charles has detected over the years is something that will come back to bite the crew in the ass later, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. 


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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