
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Viewer Log: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ep 2

 We meet a new Cap, and an old one nobody talks about.

Last time on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier,  we’re shown how Sam and Bucky have been doing post Blip. Sam is working with the US government, and giving up the Shield to be put into storage. Bucky meanwhile is dealing with his PTSD by seeing HYDRA goons arrested and being friends with the father of one of his victims. A group called the Flag Smashers stole large sums of money while showing off clear superhuman strength and agility. Amidst this turmoil, the US government unveiled their NEW Captain America, John Walker. Bastards. Enough recap, let’s get to it.


Opens with the “new” Captain America, John Walker, walking through his high school locker room. His wife, Olivia, comes in to give him a pep talk. Surprisingly, John seems to have a real reverence for the title he’s been given and is worried that he won’t be the Captain America the world needs. Olivia advises him just to be himself. She leaves and tags in his friend Lemar Hoskins. Hoskins also tries to psych up Walker. Walker expresses a desire to just do the job of fighting, but Hoskins reminds him that the handshaking, meetings and politicking is part of being Captain America. Time to get to work.


Look at him standing there with his evil, stupid

Walker walks onto the field to a funky remix of “A Star-Spangled Man with a Plan,” he shakes hands, poses for photos and signs toys. … This MOFO has toys already? What the hell. He makes it to the stage and starts his Good Morning America interview. The interview is clearly a puff piece to show off this new guy in the red, white and blue suit. We’re given a brief background on Captain John Walker, he was the first person to receive three medals of honor, specialized in counter-terrorism missions, and tested off the charts in all categories of strength, speed, and so on. He claims that he has guts, which is the most important aspect of Captain America. Bucky is watching the video and is clearly upset. Walker goes on to say that he never met Captain Rogers, but followed his career since his return and claims to have modeled himself off Cap. He didn’t know him but believed him to be a brother.



I’m picturing that scene in Harry Potter 8 where Harry yells “How DARE you stand where he stood,” at Snape. Seriously.


Later, Sam is looking at a picture of John Walker, captioned Cap is Back, before his next mission. He meets with Torres who makes sure he’s prepped. As he walks to the plane, Bucky comes out and yells that he “shouldn’t have given up the Shield.” Sam is clearly upset about the Walker thing as Bucky but he has work to do so he can’t stick around and be angry. Bucky is also clearly pissed that Sam gave up their best friend’s legacy. To try to extricate himself from the situation, he tells Bucky he’s on the way to Munich to investigate and possibly take care of the Flag Smashers. He thinks that they might be part of the big 3, Androids, Aliens or Wizards. It’s the scene from all the trailers, where Bucky reveals he knows who Gandalf is because he read the Hobbit back in the 30s, and Sam explaining that a Sorcerer is just Wizard without a hat.  It’s a fun scene in context as well as out. Despite Sam’s objections, Bucky comes along.


I think Bucky is wishing his codename was
the Winter Paratrooper.

There’s an awkward scene of the two of them fly into Munich airspace. Sam seems to be refusing to speak to Bucky as they fly in. Bucky asks if there’s a plan, and Sam does say he has one but not feeling like sharing. Sam leaps from the plane and flies away. Bucky asks for a chute, but Torres tells him that they’re flying to low for one, so Bucky just says screw it and leaps from the plane planning to use his arm to protect him. It goes… badly. He smacks a few trees on the way down and ends up on his back. Redwing flies in and Sam via his radio mention that he recorded the whole thing. Bucky tells him to get that thing out of his face.


Bucky catches up with Sam in what looks like an abandoned factory. The Flag Smashers are nearby, Sam wants to do recon, but Bucky is still a fan of the direct approach. He runs in while Redwing follows. Sam comments that a few months in Wakanda turned Bucky into a White Panther, and Bucky corrects him that it’s White Wolf. Bucky finds the Flag Smashers loading up a pair of trucks. They’re lifting a LOT of heavy equipment effortlessly, revealing that they’re all superstrong. Sam joins him a moment later. Bucky wants to go right in, as he just sees two guys, but with his Redwing scanner, Sam confirms seven total goons. They hold back, are almost noticed but get off. As the trucks pull out, Redwing detects an 8th person in the back of the truck, and assumes that that might be a hostage.


They chase after the trucks, with Winter Soldier climbing into the back while Falcon flies behind. Winter Soldier notes that they’re transporting medicine and vaccines. A young red headed woman is in the back, he tries to talk to her, but she punches him out the back of the truck and into the one behind. Yeah, she’s a Flag Smasher. Three more Flag Smashers pull him onto the top of the truck and prepare to beat the crap out of Winter Soldier. Redwing flies in and starts shooting, but the drone gets smashed by Red. Falcon flies in and the two heroes start battling the Flag Smashers.


I think Bucky is adding a vibranium gauntlet
to his Christmas gift list from Wakanda.

The group of super soldiers actually hold their own against the veteran heroes, Falcon almost gets curb stomped by Red, but she gets hit back by the Shield. John Walker and his buddy Hoskins arrive in a helicopter. Four on six is much better odds. Winter Soldier ends up nearly under the truck, but holds on with his robot arm. Falcon ends up swooping in, pulling him out and the two end up summersaulting in a field. As they get up and dust themselves off, Bucky points out that they’re all Super Soldiers. Back at the truck, Hoskins gets tossed from the back and is almost gets roadrash, but Walker saves him with the Shield. He tries to hold on but is booted into a car.


Sometime later, we see Sam and Bucky walking back to the airport that their plane landed at. They agree that need to figure out where the Flag Smashers got Super Soldier Serum, since it seems really weird that there are now 8 Super Soldiers running around after 80 years. Walker and Hoskins pull up in a Jeep, they want to exchange information, but Bucky is 100% not interested. Walker offers them a ride, which they end up taking because they’re 20 miles from the airport. Sam asks how they tracked the Flag Smashers, and they admit they didn’t, they tracked Redwing, much to Sam’s disgust. So, hearing that they actually don’t have no new info, and hearing Hoskins’ codename of Battlestar, Bucky says screw this and gets out. Walker tries to appeal to Sam, saying he’s not trying to replace Steve, he’s just trying to be the best Cap he can be. He thinks the job will be easier with Cap’s wingmen beside him. That last comment makes Sam also say screw this and get out.


Meanwhile, the Flag Smashers make it to their drop off point. A gushing fan led them to a backroom that he and his wife set up for them. As her team gets set up, Red get’s a text from someone accusing her of stealing from them and that they’re going to kill her. Her computer guy checks files and sees that they’re already on most wanted lists, he goes to start trying to cover their internet tracks. We’re shown her mug shot and it’s revealed that Red’s name is Karli Morgenthau. Karli claims that the Global Reparations Council, an international group designed to help people post-blip, cares more about the people who came back than those who never left, and they’re going to fix it. Their chant is “One World, One People.”


On the flight back state-side, Sam is annoyed that they did all that and have nothing to show for it. Bucky, clearly uncomfortable the whole time, mentions that there is someone that Sam should meet. They flyout to Baltimore. As they walk to their destination, they walk past some kids that call Sam Black Falcon, and Sam asks that if he’s Black Falcon because he’s Black, does that make the kid Black kid? It was just a funny interaction. They reach a house, and Bucky knocks. A young man answers the door, and tells them to beat it when Bucky asks to speak to Isiah. Bucky stops Eli and tells him to tell Isaiah that the guy from the bar in Goyang is here to see him. Eli goes to talk to him. While alone, Bucky mentions he faced off against this guy during the Korean War.


Salute Captain Bradley, you uncultured swine!

Eli lets them in. They walk in and meet Isaiah Bradley. Bucky mentions that they met in 51, but Isaiah corrects him by saying he whipped his ass in 51. The only reason he let Bucky in was to see if he got a replacement for that metal arm he ripped off. Bucky says he’s not a killer anymore, but Isaiah doesn’t think it’s that easy to change his stripes. Bucky explains that they’re there because there are more of them running around, and that makes Isaiah get pissed. He tosses a metal case and embeds in the wall at the mere mention of it. He tells them that, after getting the injections and serving his country, he was arrested and held for 30 years as the US government and HYDRA experimented on him. He kicks them out.


Outside, Sam is clearly pissed he didn’t know about this Black Super Soldier. Bucky explains that he never told him or Steve about Isaiah, believing the old soldier had enough to deal with. They start arguing, and cops pull up. Oh… this is not going to go well… the cops clearly have their backs up about Sam until they realize he’s the Falcon. They go to their radio to call off more patrol cars, but then come back and inform them that Bucky is under arrest. Turns out, he missed his therapy appointment, so his parole was revoked. Yikes.


Sam makes it to the lockup, and meets up with Bucky’s Therapist, introduced to us as Christina Raynor. Sam thanks her for bailing Bucky out, but she admits he just came because she was called. No, turns out the bail was posted by John Walker. He tells her to sign whatever she has to, to get Bucky cleared, as he won’t exactly be having a regular schedule from now on. Raynor tells both the released Bucky and Sam to come with her for an emergency session.


More chemistry here than between the two cops
in 12 episodes of that old USA show Common Law

She’s going to treat this as a couple’s therapy session. She tries to ask them what is one thing they’d want to change about their partner, but neither gives a real answer. She has them face each other and do a soul gazing exercise. They have to face each other and get in real close, legs interlocked together. They stare at each other, Raynor realizes they’ve turned this into a staring contest and makes them blink. She asks Bucky why Sam aggravates him so much. Bucky asks why he gave up the Shield. Sam acts like he’s being a dick again, but then Buck digs in deep and lets everything out. Basically, he knows Steve trusted Sam and knew he’d be a good fit for Captain America. But Sam doesn’t want to be him. So that means that Steve was wrong about Sam. And if Steve was wrong about Sam, what if he was wrong about Bucky? Okay, yeah, I can see why he’d be upset if that was running through his mind. Sam says that he thinks he did the right thing. They agree to work together this one last time, and then take a long, separate break from each other for a while. Sam walks out. Bucky gets up to follow, asking what rule 2 was again before departing.


Outside, Sam and Bucky run into Walker and Hoskins. They found Karli’s name and think she’s taking the meds to a refugee camp in central Europe. Walker wants to work with them, but Sam thinks that the public eye and regulations that go with being “Captain America” means that he wouldn’t be a good fit for free agents like Bucky and him. When he brushes them off again, Walker warns them that they need to stay out of his way. Super.


The Flag Smashers are loading up a plane in Bartislava, Sakovia. They get a text telling them that the Power Broker’s men are after them. One of the Flag Smashers volunteers to stay behind and hold them off. Karli and her crew load up the last of their supplies as he drops a powerline to delay them. He gets gunned down while the plane takes off.


Back state side, Bucky has an idea of who they could contact to get info on the Super Soldier Serum. Someone who knew quite a bit about HYDRA’s projects. Sam is vehemently against contacting him, but they have no other leads. So, they’re off to Munich to have a chat with the single greatest terrestrial villain the Avengers ever up against, Baron Helmut Zemo.


I liked how this episode characterized John Walker in the first few minutes. He’s a confident man, but a tad arrogant. He believes in the importance of Captain America, but doesn’t seem to get that one can’t be NAMED the Captain, Captain America is made not chosen. I don’t think he’s a bad man in this episode, just not the right man for the Shield. But we’ll go into more detail about him as we go. The Flag Smashers are an interesting crew. I like how they’re in principle a group that believes they’re bringing about a better world, even if their methods are far too extreme. Fun fact, Karli Morgenthau is a gender swapped character of Karl Morgenthau. In the comics he’s part of an international terrorist group called ULTIMATUM and goes by the alias Flag Smasher. He’s an anti-Captain America of sorts, being against nationalism and government in general. The depiction of the character as a teenager seeking to break up nations again is a nice spin on the character, I think. We’ll see more of Karli in the episodes to come. Oh, and I loved seeing Isaiah Bradley. For those who don’t recognize the name, he starred in a miniseries called Truth: Red, White, and Black. The story is of a group of Black soldiers that were given a copy of the Super Soldier Serum and sent on suicide missions for the government. There were some 300 men in his original unit, 150 that made it through the procedure, and eventually it was whittled down to Bradley. He raided a concentration camp, but was arrested for stealing a Captain America Uniform. That version of Bradley only spent 15 years in prison, but he was in solitary for the majority of that time (that is soooo screwed up) and that coupled with side effects of his imperfect serum left him mentally diminished. Like, not braindead, but it’s implied his family has to help him with just about everything and he’s pretty much incapable of speech. They updated his background, obviously, so he didn’t work concurrently with Steve Rogers, but otherwise it sounds like it’s very similar to his comic book origin. His Grandson, Eli, end up carrying on the legacy of patriotic heroism as the Young Avenger, Patriot. I’m hoping we’ll see some of that down the line. The legacy of Captain America and Super Soldiers is going to be explored in this series, so I hope you’re ready for that. Oh, and Zemo is coming back. How fun. Have a good night, everybody.


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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