
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Viewer Log: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ep 6

Captain America takes flight, and he looks DAMN good doing it.

Last time on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, things finally came to a head with Walker. Distraught and clearly having a break down following Hoskins’ death and his execution of a Flag Smasher on camera, Walker was in a bad way. This led to a brawl with Bucky and Sam, with the titular Falcon and Winter Soldier coming out on top. He lost his title, rank and career after that. Bucky saw Zemo recaptured, the Baron of Sokovia crossing out his name in Bucky’s book personally, and asked the Wakandans for a favor. The Flag Smashers gained Batroc as a mercenary ally as they prepare to attack the GRC summit. Sam is able to get his folks boat fixed up thanks to reaching out to the community, and spends some time training like crazy with the Shield. As the Flag Smashers attack the GRC summit, Sam opens up the case Bucky brought him, the product of that Favor from Wakanda, and smiled before the episode ended. Enough set up, let’s get to it!


NOW, Cap is Back.

We open with Karli and the Flag Smashers prepping for their assault. The GRC summit is on total lockdown and the NYPD has the area secure for the moment. We’re shown Sam flying in at high speed. On the ground, Bucky arrives and meets up with Sharon Carter who busted out that face altering mesh Natasha used that one time in Cap 2 to get in unmolested. Karli noticed that Sam flew in and orders her men to begin the attack. Oh, so this is an ambush. They release gas grenades to clear the delegates from the room. Sam hurls the Shield through a window, taking a Flag Smasher down before rolling in. He announces to someone who asked that he is Captain America!


Do I think they contrived a reason to get Sebastian
Stan on a motorcycle? Yes.
Am I complaining? No.

Cap realizes that the Flag Smashers are luring the delegates out. He tries to warn the others but a Flag Smasher kicks him to the ground. Well, it’s actually Batroc in a Flag Smasher mask. I kind of love this killing boner he’s got for Sam now. They trade a few sniping comments, with Batroc using a French idiom that translates to “The robes don’t make the monk,” before they brawl. Sam warns Sharon and Bucky that he has his hands full and tell them to handle the Flag Smashers. Karli calls up a goon and has her pass it to Bucky as he walks by. She tries to get high and mighty over Bucky, claiming she’s fighting for the greater good and chastising him for killing for less before. Bucky says that all he’s ever tried to do is fight for something bigger than himself, and he’s fallen twice because of it. Meanwhile, the Flag Smashers get the delegates into trucks before using some kind of device to lock them in tight. Sam keeps battling Batroc. Bucky warns that despite Karli’s belief that the ends justify the means, in the end the nightmares won’t go away and she’ll remember every person she’s killed. Karli isn’t listening and reveals the call was just to slow Bucky down. He curses, runs down to the parking area, grabs a motorcycle and chases after the trucks. Sharon bumps into one of the Flag Smasher’s goons, seemingly by accident, but planted some kind of acid explosive on his chest, setting it off and killing him a moment later.


One of the Flag Smashers (no, I never learned their names) have delegates loaded into a copter and are about to take off. Sharon, on the ground, calls in and lets Sam know. Sam asks Bucky if he can handle it, but Bucky can’t get to them, either, so Cap is forced to force back Batroc before leaping from a window he Shield smashes open. His new suit is fast and he’s quickly able to catch up to the copter. He lands on the side, but the Flag Smasher nearly hits him with bullets. He launches Redwing and has the drone determine if anyone in the copter has flight training. It identifies one before being forced back by gun fire.


Karli’s team preps for their guys to arrive with the hostages. She’s ready to kill the hostages to get their message across, but the rest of her team need a little convincing. They do agree though, after a recitation of their One World, One People mantra.


The Flag Smasher copter hits an NYPD copter, causing it to spin out. Redwing and Cap same the two pilots, Cap landing on a bridge and being forced to use his wings to block the wreckage of the downed copter from hitting them. This does lead to a cool moment of him fully spreading his wings and people cheering, though, so I think he thinks it’s worth it. He leaps into the air and follows the copter.


The Flag Smashers block the Delegates trucks before taking out their guards and stealing the trucks. Bucky pulls up and launches himself at one of the Flag Smashers. Karli decides to sacrifice a truck to distract Bucky, lighting it on fire with gas and prepping to drive away. She would have, but Walker walks up and screams for her. Karli claims that Lemar’s life didn’t matter to her fight, which royally pisses off Walker, who starts taking on multiple Flag Smashers. Bucky is able to rip the lock off the Truck and starts getting the delegates out. Walker is forced to the ground, his fake Shield holding up but getting dented. Bucky saves him from being clobbered with a parking meter. He gets forced into a construction site.


Captain America contacts the pilot among the delegates. He gets dropped into the water for a second, but he recovers and warns her to be prepared to grab the controls when the countdown from five ends. She counts down and at one, Cap launches the Shield into his hands, does a spin to build momentum and hurls it at the copter, breaking the door of the copter enough for him to fly through it, grab the Flag Smasher and fly out the other side. The delegate grabs the stick and saves her group. Sam drops the Flag Smasher into the water and congratulates the pilot.


Do I like the guy? No, but I will give him credit
for choosing to be a hero over seeking revenge.

Walker keeps fighting the Flag Smashers, holding his own against three of them. Karli makes a run for the truck, but he stops her and forces her back with several hard blows. She gets around him and knocks him to the ground with a kick. She runs back and drives off with a truck. She intentionally crashes it over the side of the road and leaves it to fall into the construction site Bucky is still fighting in. Walker runs up to see it, he has the choice between fighting Karli or saving the truck and shockingly he chooses the truck. What? He was a vindictive son of a bitch, I assumed he’d take revenge. The Flag Smashers grab him and force him to let go and drop to the construction site floor. But he stopped the drop long enough for Sam to fly in and use his new suit to force the truck back enough to safety. A crowd of onlookers cheer him on, with an old man calling him the Black Falcon, and someone correcting him, saying “Nah, that’s Captain America.” Redwing laser cuts the lock off.


Karli, not to be stopped, throws something at Bucky to try to sucker punch him. Bucky grabs it, and then Sam hurls the Shield at her, knocking her and the other Flag Smashers for a loop. She chastises him, shocked that he “bought into that bullshit.” Sam claims he’s trying something different and maybe she should too. Batroc arrives and launches smoke grenades as a distraction. Sam’s new suit can track heat, though, so they’re able to follow after.


Bucky and Walker go down one route and Sam continues on his own when the Flag Smashers split up. Someone does Karli’s whistle thing to draw her around. She thinks it’s her missing, dead goon, but it’s revealed to be Sharon. Turns out they know each other… why? Because Sharon Carter is the Power Broker. Dun dun dahhhh! Yeah, I kinda saw that coming after she got Batroc to work for Karli lasts episode. She offers to take them all back in, but Karli isn’t interested. What’s the Power Broker without super soldiers? Batroc joins, shocked to find out Sharon is the Power Broker. Batroc is tired of all the intrigue, so he tells Sharon she’ll pay him four times as much to keep his silence. She doesn’t do Blackmail, so shoots and kills him. Karli shoots her in the gut, drawing Sam over.


Cap tries to appeal to her better nature again, but Karli’s not having it. He flying tackles her away from Sharon. He shouts he’s not going to fight her, but Karli keeps attacking him. She tells him to stay down, but in a very Captain America way, he gets back up and says “No.”


I 100% believe Bucky spent the last few days figuring
out phone apps specifically for this situation.

Meanwhile, the Flag Smashers get a ping on their app about allies having a way out for them. They make it to outside only to be met by Walker, who quotes Lincoln, “Mercy bears richer fruit than strict Justice.” Bucky and he used the app to lure them into an ambush. They let NYPD surround the Flag Smashers and the two men walk off to find Sam. They have this kind of weird buddy moment where Bucky ribs him for the Lincoln quote, which feels a little out of character for their previous convos, but hey, maybe Bucky immediately stopped hating him when the Shield dropped out of his hands.


A Super Soldier can dish out hits.
Captain America is about taking the hits and
getting back up each time.

Karli keeps wailing on Sam, but he’s only taking her blows and occasionally hitting her into objects to try to slow her down. He gets knocked to the ground but stands up again. Karli has a gun on him, but isn’t able to shoot before Sharon shoots her in the gut several times. As she lay in Sam’s arms, she grips the little bookmark thing of the Flag Smasher logo the Donya had and says “I’m sorry,” before dying.


Captain America carries her to the surface and then flies her back to the site of their battle, leaving the body with EMTs to handle. Walker and Bucky join him as well. He meets with the delegates and chastises them for forcing the relocation bill. He gives a speech about how relocating them is the easy answer and they need to use this common struggle to unite them. When the Senator accuses him of not understanding, Sam counters by pointing out that he’s “a Black man carrying the Stars and Stripes. What don’t I understand?” He tells them that while he knows that he’ll have to deal with the racism and the judgement and the people hoping he’ll fail, he’s going to face it. He’ll stand there, no Super Serum, no blonde hair and blue eyes, and take it, because that’s what Captain America has to do. The only power he has is that he believes that they can do better. He warns them that they have to, or another Karli Morgenthau will step up and they don’t want to see 2.0. It’s a solid speech, not as polished as Captain Rogers, but Captain Wilson has a passion that makes up for it.


Sam passes Walker who gives him a nod. Bucky ribs him about his speech and congratulates Cap on a job well done. They meet up with Sharon, who is doing an emergency patch job to herself. She compliments his new look. Sam is going to keep his promise to her about the pardon. Oh no. Captain America gets tasked with grabbing the last Flag Smasher that fell into the river, so he flies off to grab them.


Later, the surviving Flag Smashers are loaded into a truck to be taken to the Raft. One of the guards whispers One World, One People, making it seem like the Super Soldiers would fight another day. They might have too, but Oeznick sets off a bomb, killing them. That’s Zemo’s butler, if you forgot. We’re shown Zemo in his cell at the Raft. He hears the radio report of four of them being killed in a car bomb attack and smiles to himself. Looks like his butler earned a raise. We also hear that the GRC had decided to alter their policies after Sam’s speech, which is nice. Unrealistic, but nice.


Back at the hearing hall, Countess Valentina is with the Walkers. She lets them know about the deaths as they wait for Walker to come out. He does so, revealing his new suit. It’s basically his old suit, but black. Valentia dubs him the US Agent, for situations that don’t need Captain America. Walkers are both clearly stoked about this, but I have my apprehensions.


Bucky visits Yori. The old man invites Bucky in. With tears in his eyes, Bucky reveals his metal hand and his role in Yori’s son’s death. Yori is brought to tears, but we don’t see his reaction beyond that. Bucky walks out. Dr. Raynor arrives at her office to see a gift bag and a note. She pulls out Bucky’s notebook to see all the names crossed off. The note reads “I finished the book. Thanks for all the help, Doc.” Later, Bucky walks by the restaurant and sees Yori there with the bartended. He looks lighter in a way, so Bucky smiles and keeps walking.


Honoring another man that should have borne
the title Captain America.

Sam stops by the Bradley house. Eli asks “Whatch you want, Black Falcon?” Isaiah was actually behind him getting something for the garden and tells his grandson, “He ain’t the Falcon no more, but he’s still Black.” Sam follows him to the backyard. Isaiah seems mildly impressed in the old curmudgeon sort of way. Says Sam is special, even if he’s no Malcom, Martin or Mandela. Isaiah warns that it won’t be easy, but Sam isn’t deterred. He’s not going to let anyone tell him he can’t fight for this country. He has a gift for the Bradleys. He takes the two to the Captain America exhibit. He leads them to another wing of it, where they put in a statue of Isaiah and a display honoring his and his fellow Super Soldier’s work. Isaiah doesn’t say a word but hugs Sam tightly as he clearly is holding back tears.


Later, we’re shown Sam, Bucky and the whole town having a big party to celebrate him. Sam and Bucky look out across the water and smile just before the credits roll. It closes on a title change, Captain America and the Winter Soldier. Ah…


In a post credit scene, we’re shown Sharon’s pardon hearing. She receives a full pardon and reinstatement as a SHIELD agent. As she walks out, she calls up someone and says that they might have lost the Super Soldier Serum, but now they’ll have access to all the spy tools they could want. Well, crap.


So, much like with the WandaVision finale, I think this was a good ending, but not a great one. The action was great, I especially liked seeing how Sam incorporated his existing skill set with his flight suit with the Shield. Seeing him lob it and fly around to grab it was a lot of fun. I liked seeing Batroc again and how Sam and he faced off. It’s kind of a shame he died. I know I poke a lot of fun at him, but he’s was a solid mercenary character with a fun fighting style along with it. Like with Crossbones, I’m sorry to see him go. The MCU actually could use more merc villains, just saying. I liked Sam speech, even if the results of it were significantly more optimistic than reality would allow. I could buy Sam convincing them to alter plans a little, but he would never stop it entirely. Just sayin’. And I liked how they resolved Isaiah Bradley’s story. The memorial in the Captain America museum was a very elegant way to honor Isaiah for his work, to let the world know that there were Black Heroes on par with Captain America for a long time, but allow Isaiah to continue to have his anonymity in his supposed death. I liked how he didn’t actually say a word to Sam but just gave him a Super Soldier hug. On to my complaints. I thought Walker’s heel face turn was a bit abrupt. The ending of the last episode and his initial appearance in this one made me think he was on a full killing spree. The fact that he almost without hesitation decided to give up vengeance to be a hero just seems… off. Despite his happiness at being made the US Agent, I’m with those that think Valentina is setting him up to use him just like everyone else. Maybe he’ll be a Dark Captain America for the Dark Avengers, maybe he’ll just be used as muscle and then toss him aside when she’s done. I also don’t get how jazzed he is, with Karli and the Flag Smashers gone, and Isaiah still believed to be dead, folks have two options for sources of Super Soldier blood to look over and no one is going after Bucky. Speaking of, I did like the fact that Bucky told Yori what happened to his son but not his initial reaction. Because that’s not what really mattered. Bucky told him, so they’re both a little freer. Doesn’t matter if Yori broke down sobbing or cursed at him, the truth set them free. I’m curious as to what Sharon’s reinstatement and mole status will bring. Will she bring about a new HYDRA? Sell them to new groups? The Skrull? Guess we’ll have to wait for Cap 4 to find out. Karli and the Flag Smashers were interesting in concept but the end result they were kind of generic. We heard a lot about their fight, about how they’ve suffered at the hands of the GRC but we weren’t really shown it enough for me to care. Like, we mostly saw them delivering supplies and then reacting to their civilian friends being arrested for associating with them. That’ll hardly get me invested in their struggle even if I empathize in principle. I think the Flag Smashers could have used a full flashback or something to flesh them out a little. Just sayin’. So, overall, I liked this episode. It wasn’t a perfect ending but a solid one. I’m still looking forward to Loki and future Marvel projects, but that’s nothing new. Since we’re a few weeks out from Loki, I think I’ll try to finish up season 4 of My Hero Academia before then. We’ll see if I can get to the point where I’m only a season behind. Have a good night, everybody.



Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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