
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Viewer Log: My Hero Academia ep 86

 It's Party Time. P. A. R. T. Why? because I Gotta!

Last time on My Hero Academia Izuku faced off against Gentle Criminal. He was able to apprehend them for a moment, but then La Brava used her Quirk, Love, to boost her Gentle into a powerhouse. Despite the power boost, Izuku was still too powerful for Gentle to overcome. We learn of La Brava’s history of becoming a NEET after a failed confession of love and only bringing herself out of her depression when she discovered Gentle’s videos years later. And Gentle’s past as being a failed hero student that accidentally caused someone to be killed (I don’t care what the dub says) in an accident and his own depression spiral. He created Gentle Criminal after an old classmate didn’t recognize him years later. Izuku finally defeated Gentle, but the villain threw him off in a bid to try to save La Brava from reprisals for their crimes. Enough recap, let’s get to it, shall we?


Dude is way calmer in the hands of what is 
essentially a werewolf than he has any right to.

Opens with Gentle turning himself in to Hound Dog and a group of Ectoplasms. Hound Dog has no idea who he is, but Ectoplasm recognizes him as that YouTuber that posts his crime videos. Hound Dog, seeing the destruction in the area and clearly smelling someone else, asks who Gentle fought. He insists that he tripped and fell. Hound Dog knows a student was here, and we’re shown Izuku landing a few yards away.


Izuku runs back to them after the opening credits. In time to hear Gentle Criminal say that he’s done a lot of evil things, but the worst was kidnapping and brainwashing one Manami Aiba. Mentally, he realizes that he’s lost everything save his heart that beats for another person.  His goal now is only to try to save his most devoted fan. He also mentally thanks Izuku for being his final opponent. La Brava start sobbing, as she’s fighting two impulses, one, to go along with what Gentle says, and, two, to do anything she could to be near him. Hound Dog asks Izuku if he fought with this man. Izuku does admit they did, but seems to try to downplay it, claiming they had just sparred, but everything is fine now. Snipe calls Ectoplasm, asking what happened. Hound Dog and Ecto tell him not to worry, a criminal just turned himself in, there is no emergency. Hound Dog and most of the Ectoplasms start hauling him off. Gentle stops them and tells Izuku that he once trained as a hero and that the guise of Gentle Criminal was the result of his failures. He hopes Izuku that he hopes that he can reach those he is hoping to reach and wishes him a bright future. One Ectoplasm stays back, telling Izuku he’s got about a half hour before the performance and offers to show him the fastest way back. Izuku, remembering the stuff he left behind to fight Gentle, says they have to run back to get them.


I feel like they should have been this concerned like
a half hour ago.

As Izuku runs to get his stuff, his classmates are finally starting to get nervous for him. Nervous and angry, in some cases, as they just think he got lost or something going to buy rope. As Izuku runs, he finds and retrieves La Brava’s camera. He muses that Gentle was so difficult for him to face is because he could see himself in the villain. And I roll my eyes.


He and Ectoplasm run into UA’s campus, meeting Aoyama. They arrive right at 9:50. Izuku hurries to get into the gear Aoyama brought, but Ectoplasm tells him to take the time to get healed up. As the audience will probably focus more on his bleeding face than the performance. All Might tells Aizawa that Izuku had been found. Eri, whom is with them, asks Togata if he thinks Izuku will make it, which he says will happen.


Jiro and the Edgelords.

It hits ten and the performance begins. In the crowd, Eri is up on Togata’s shoulder and Present Mic and Aizawa are watching from the back of the room. And the two General Studies students that Bakugo saw bad mouthing them are in the crowd to. Aizawa explaining the obvious, that folks like those two are just there to see class 1A fail. Jiro remembers her Dad telling her she can do whatever she wants. Bakugo shouts “Let’s start, damn it!” and the performance starts with a literal explosion. Jiro starts singing, with the 1A Dance team, Izuku included doing a choreographed dance number. They strike poses, Iida does the robot, and Izuku and Aoyama do this sort of mid-air grab, throw into the air and Aoyama raining lasers sparks down on people. Izuku runs off stage to start the next part. The two GS students are clearly acting like they’re more unimpressed than they truly are.


1A uses Kota’s birds to manipulate the lights. They also use Sero’s tape and Todoroki’s ice to make paths for them to walk around. Yaoyorozu fires off fireworks as Izuku carries Aoyama around and Kirishima runs across from them scattering ice. While this happens, Jiro has a moment where she remembers telling her parents she wants to be a hero instead of a musician and they’re super chill about it. Tsu throws Uraraka around with her tongue, who touches folks in the crowd so they can float about the stardust Aoyama and Kirishima make.


And with that, she's finally free of that shadow
strangling her.

We get this really cool looking visual of Eri, enclosed in a dark bird shaped shroud, the vestiges of Overhaul’s abuse, as she throws it off and starts cheering with everyone. Togata smile with tears in his eyes, asking in his head if Izuku and Sir Nighteye are seeing this. Even Bakugo looks less angry after the show closes. I’d definitely look up the sequence if nothing else, it’s a really pretty number.


After, we’re shown a few seconds of Romeo and Juliet and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Return of the King, which also rips off Star Wars. It’s a fine mashup story from the bit we’re shown. After, All Might chastises Izuku for not checking his phone. It looks like All Might had been calling him once a minute for his entire fight with Gentle Criminal. Hound Dog jumps in as well, telling Izuku made a bad call and he should have gotten one of the teachers to handle Gentle. They care about the school too. They send Izuku off to enjoy the rest of the day, and Hound Dog grabs All Might and starts shaking him angrily while growling incoherently. According to Ectoplasm, who’d been watching this whole thing, Hound Dog only forgets how to talk when he’s real mad.


Izuku returns to the gym, finding Togata and Eri. Eri rather excitedly describes the whole show, in that cute way kids do. Izuku is obviously overjoyed to see the reserved little girl gush like this. That is until Mineta runs by and yells at him to help clean up the ice. As they clean, a bunch of students come up to different 1A kids and thank them for the performance, including the two GS kids. Bakugo is quite smug as he announces that they won. I 100% believe he put in all of the effort he did just as a screw you to those two. And while Iida and some others wonder if everything will be okay, given that not everyone saw their show, the kids that did assure them they’ll spread around to everyone that didn’t see it the effort that they put in. Hopefully that’ll help restore 1A’s rep around campus. Bakugo wants to fight the doubters, but no one is paying attention to him. Mineta runs by and is super insistent that everyone focus on cleaning. Why? Because he’s not missing the beauty pageant, damn it! Show of hands, who is not shocked by this information? No one? Good.


A true queen.
We cut over to the pageant, where Kendo shows off first by breaking a bunch of boards in her dress. Neat. Kenrazaki then comes in, piloting a giant golden mech of her own head. She claims that the goal of beauty is to leave your audience dazzled. Then it’s Hado’s turn. She comes in and flies about on her energy spirals. She dances in the sky and is able to make a rose out of her energy trails. It’s real pretty. The students are told that the results will be announced at 5. The 1A kids decide on the activities they’ll do for the rest of the day, imposed over a simple drawing of Monoma loudly calling on people to vote for Kendo, Awase barely holding him back. Just for Kendo to walk up and knock him out. An oldie but a goodie.


And good luck getting her to eat real apples again.

We get a montage of the students doing various activities. They eat at different booths, go through a haunted house and obstacle course, see Hatsume show off her non-exploding Crimson Dynamo power armor, Izuku and Sato spend some time cooking something, and, ultimately, we learn that Hado won the pageant. Good for her.


That night, Izuku says bye to Eri. But he has one last treat for her. Tada, a candied apple. Togata is shocked because he couldn’t find anyone selling them. Izuku reveals that he’d seen that no one was planning on selling candied apples this year, so he endeavored to make them himself. Those were the things he bought on his convenience store stop and what he and sweet baking expert Sato had made at one point today. Eri bites the candied apple and smiles brightly, Izuku promising to make her another when they see each other again.


Hope for the hopeless.

In an after-credit scene, we’re shown La Brava and Gentle Criminal… okay, probably more accurate to say Manami and Danjuro being interviewed by the police. The cops are really shocked to find out that Manami’s computer skills were all self-taught. She claims her job is La Brava and that the only thing she wants in the world is to help her Gentle. Danjuro, meanwhile, is told by a Gorilla looking cop that they know Manami wasn’t brainwashed and he should drop the act. Danjuro keeps defending her though, claiming that he never let her be more than an observer to his crimes, so she can’t be charged equally to him. Gorilla, I feel like I should call him Darius for some reason, tells him that yeah, Danjuro failed a lot, but maybe getting caught was a good thing. He explains his personal philosophy is that the folks that say there are no do-overs in life are people that are either too lazy or just too unwilling to change. If Danjuro wants it, he could do it. The words bring Danjuro to tears, as I literally think those are the first non-Manami based words of encouragement he’s heard in over a decade. When the cop offers tea, Danjuro asks for Earl Grey and he loudly announces he’ll get what he gets and like it.


I really enjoyed this dance number. Seeing kids performing after several episodes of buildup was satisfying. They did the whole hero one knee land pose a couple times, Aoyama’s laser beams were really cool, and Izuku was very useful as a makeshift winch. It might be slightly unrealistic that this one performance that only a percentage of the school saw could completely wipe away the bad feelings most of UA has for class 1A, but I’ll give it to them. Way more unlikely stuff has happened in anime, let’s be real. I especially liked Eri’s… I guess release is the best term, release from Overhaul’s hold. The visual representation of it being a black cloak with his somewhat iconic bird-like plague doctor mask was great visual story telling. That could have been the only goal that succeeded for the UA kids and I’d have been satisfied. And seeing the little montages of them doing just normal festival activities was nice. A good little palate cleanse after Izuku’s fight with Gentle. I’ll say again, not a fan of this idea that Izuku could have been Gentle. Like, come on, if Izuku actually went full evil because he never got powers, he’d actually be effective at the villain thing. All I’m saying. But, I will admit that seeing Danjuro and Manami’s story end with a… ray of hope was kind of nice. They easily could have just had them go in chains and leave it at that, villains getting their comeuppance. Instead, they seemed to imply that there won’t be all that much jail time for them. While he didn’t finish the thought, it sounded like Gentle Criminal and La Brava’s crimes were relatively minor. Who know, maybe he’ll get off with community service. What really mattered was the cop basically telling him that he can do better. It seemed like that was all Gentle really wanted to hear, from the councilor, from his mother, from anyone, that he has a chance to do something despite his mistakes. It’s a fitting ending for someone that just wanted to feel like he mattered, and the person that did everything she could to make that happen. So, we’re all done with the school festival arc. Just two more episodes and that’s it for season four. And boy, are they a douse of a pair of episodes. But more on that later, good night everybody!


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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