
Monday, September 27, 2021

Viewer Log: X-Men: Evolution ep 28

It was Agatha all along. But not really, this time. 

Last time on X-Men: Evolution, we got a brief history of Logan’s relationship with Captain America. He’s forced to relive meeting and working with the ol’ Hitler puncher when Magneto steals the equipment for Operation Rebirth, as relayed to him by Nick Fury of SHIELD. He brings Rogue and Kurt along to help. It’s revealed that Magneto stole Rebirth because his research had proven the procedure could rejuvenate him. He’d rapidly aged to more like what his chronological age should be, appearing to be in his mid-70s or so. His genetic enhancements kept him fit and young for longer than natural, but I guess the piper finally came calling. Kurt couldn’t bring himself to destroy Rebirth before Magneto put himself through the procedure, and it does rejuvenate him. They destroy Rebirth, and Magneto looks like he might kill them, but he spares them as Kurt spared him, and as payment for a favor owed to Logan. It’s revealed in flashbacks that on the mission Logan undertook with Cap that they saved a young man who used magnetism to help them escape, yep, that’s Mags. The episode ended with Logan visiting Captain America in his frozen pod and promising to find a cure for the cellular degeneration that put him under. Enough recap, let’s get to it, shall we?


Wanda is pissed. Again.

We open on a gothic, cathedral looking building.  Xavier is brought through heavy security and put into a locked cell to meet a patient. The patient is removed from her own, even heavier duty box of a cell. Hello Wanda Maximoff, you’re looking… spry. Her hands are totally bound in a straight jacket… but she still has eyeshadow and lipstick on? … Kay. Wanda is able to get her hands free as they try to lead her out, releasing her destructive powers to blow out lights, blasting guards, and melt steel door… just to rush to see Charles. Huh. She lunges at Xavier, but he’s able to soothe her with his telepathy. He also calls the guards off, so he and Wanda can have their session. He tells her that while a spot is open for her at the institute, he can’t risk bringing her there until she has her anger under control. She demands to be let out, but Xavier is still adamant she needs control before being released. A doctor comes in, telling Xavier they need to cut the session short as Wanda needs additional MRIs.


The Doctor leads Wanda through security, but then right by Radiology. They make a run for the exit, Wanda’s powers causing tremors as they run, implying I think that while she wants freedom, it’s still triggering anxiety. The doctor takes her to an old woman outside. She mutters something magic sounding which knocks Wanda out. The Doctor, obviously, reveals himself to be Mystique, whom tells her companion to keep Wanda under while she handles other business, shapeshifting into a guard as she reenters the hospital.


We cut to Bayville High, where Kurt is forced to try awful muffins Kitty made, and it’s revealed both Scott and Jean are having relationship troubles with their non-Scott and non-Jean partners. Summed up a five-minute scene in two sentences. Also, Jean, lass, if you aren’t happy with Duncan, BREAK UP WITH HIM. Light, this subplot annoyed me when I was a kid and even more so now that I’m an adult.

Honestly, the most dysfunctional version of their
relationship... okay, second to the Ultimate version


Later, as a storm is kicking up, Mystique bursts into the Brotherhood house, announcing “Guess who’s back?” The boys are clearly shocked, with Toad confirming this is really Mystique when she throws him as punishment for their failures. She berates her team for their continued failures, for wrecking her house and for generally being screwups. Tabitha comes down and is clearly unimpressed with Mystique. The blue shapeshifter demands she get her stuff out of Mystique’s room. Tabitha tries to threaten her with her bombs, but Pietro stops her. He passes the bomb to Blob, who throws it to Toad and then throws Toad to escape the blast. The scene did have me snorting. Tabitha storms off to get her things. Mystique reveals that she has a secret weapon to let them finally defeat the X-Men, and brings in Wanda. She and Pietro lock eyes and Wanda immediately tries to kill him. Her powers start wrecking the place worse, and that’s when Pietro reveals to the team that Wanda’s his sister. Lance tries to force her back, but she’s able to redirect his seismic wave back them, and she does the same with Toad’s slime spit. The old witch comes in and puts her under again, leading her from the room.


Pietro is pretty upset at Mystique for pulling Wanda into the Brotherhood. We’ll say 30% fraternal concern, 70% fear for his own safety. Mystique thinks that her friend, Agatha Harkness, will get Wanda to channel her anger into something useful. … QUICK, SOMEONE PROTECT THE DOGS! Sorry, had a WandaVision flashback. Pietro is doubtful that she’ll be willing to cooperate, specifically because she clearly hates him with a sizeable number of fibers of her being. Mystique reveals what she downloaded from Cerebro when she led Arcade into it, Wanda’s full psychological profile. She knows she can manipulate Wanda’s hatred of Magneto in her scheme to kill the master of magnetism. Tabitha leaves, telling Mystique she can have the room, just before a bomb goes off. Boom Boom, indeed.


Back at the mansion, Xavier tells Scott, Kitty and Kurt to gather the team so he can fill them in. This saves Kurt from having to sample another muffin, which leaves a crater in the kitchen floor when dropped. Xavier informs his team about Wanda, reveals that her father left her at that hospital after she became unmanageable. And he thinks she broke out for a reason.


We cut back to the brotherhood house, where we get a few scenes of Wanda being trained by Agatha Harnkess. Both exercises, being in the center of flames while being able to breath calmly and creating an aurora borealis with a crystal, are hampered by memories of when she was left at the hospital. She is able to get some control, though. Later, Wanda cuts her hair into a pageboy look. Pietro compliments his sister’s new look, but Wanda is still more than a little peeved at her twin. He tries to connect with her, though, saying that he didn’t want to leave her at the hospital, but Magneto convinced him that it was the right thing to do for her. We get a full look at the scene, then, of Wanda being forced into the hospital by several orderlies while Magneto and Pietro watch from across the street. She watches them drive away from an upper window, sobbing. In the present, Pietro does the absolute stupidest thing and tells his abandoned, emotionally distraught sister to try to see it from his perspective. Wanda obviously gets livid and storms off after yelling that “Monsters don’t have a perspective!” When alone, Mystique asks Pietro where his loyalties lie, with her or with Magneto. He says her, as while his childhood was better, Magneto wasn’t much of a father to him, either. She is pleased and tells Pietro they’re almost ready to enact her plan to fight Magneto, but she arranged one final tests.


Back at the Mansion, Xavier tells his team that Cerebro got a hit on Wanda’s location. She and the Brotherhood Boys are at the Bayville Mall. He tells the team to suit up and check them out, which they do, with Scott and Kurt in particular confident at their odds of winning.


We're getting close to the finale of this Westside Story,
me thinks.

At the mall, they split up to search. Kitty, high strung and nervous, leaps at what she thinks is a Brotherhood boy, but instead hits a mannequin. But then Lance shows up, Avalanche telling Shadowcat to get out of the mall or she’ll get hurt. Kitty refuses to go, though, when she hears Spyke wrestling with Blob. Blob is lobbing TVs at Spyke, but he’s able to distract the Brotherhood’s muscle by flipping the TVs on and then spiking them, blinding him in electric sparks. Pietro faces off against Kurt, doing this bit where he pretends to be a tailor, measuring the Nightcrawler and then burying him in clothes. Kurt teleports away and then knocks Quicksilver into a shoe rack.


Jean battles Lance, Avalanche’s seismic power starts to overwhelm her. She gets a little assist from Cyclops, but then Toad steals his visor. Rogue gets it back, though, by draining Toad, and Jean gets a second wind, driving Avalanche back. Then… Wanda arrives. The soon to be dubbed Scarlet Witch flexes her vaguely defined powers, causing the earth to quake, electronics to explode, and even cause their powers to start malfunctioning. She manipulates Cyclops’ optic beam, Nightcrawlers teleportation, Kitty’s phasing and eventually causes the whole building to come crashing down. Jean calls a tactical retreat, and the X-Men run.


The Brotherhood celebrate their first win against the X-Men… I mean, I guess it’s their win, but I feel the need to point out they lost every individual match until Wanda was brought in. X-Men lead in points, is all I’m saying. Pietro compliments his sister, but then goes the complete wrong way by bring up what Magneto might think of her control. Wanda swears everlasting vengeance against him. Outside, Xavier meets his team and tells them that the fault lies with him, as he never trained them to fight someone with a power set like Wanda. He tells them that defeat builds character, and that this was a much-needed lesson. Downer ending.


This was a very interesting episode to introduce a very different Wanda. The goth punk look definitely works for her, as does a more aggressive attitude. Most interpretations I’ve seen of her have her either extremely timid until pushed or in ridged control of herself until pushed, so this version that is one misspoken word from wrecking the place is interesting. It’s also a unique take on her and Pietro’s relationship. Typically, the two are very codependent, relying on each other above anyone else. So, to see Wanda be furious at him and try to inflict bodily harm on him multiple times was definitely a change of pace. I think the one weakness to her here is that her powers are a little too vague. Wanda in almost all of her appearances have a combination of innate Magic power and a mutant ability to enhance negative probability. The two together make for a potent destructive combination, but we never really hear what Wanda’s powers are in the episode. They way as well be a will that alters reality as far as we know. Mystique’s plan, by the way, is devious, and you may have noticed some clues as to what it is here if you’ve been paying attention. The biggest negative is that completely nothing b plot about Kitty’s cooking. This is something I noticed as a kid, and again during the rewatch is that a lot of the high school kid problems just seem kinda tacked on. This episode loses nothing from dropping the Kitty bakes bad muffins joke, and could have given us more time to develop Wanda’s powers is all I’m saying. But, no use crying over spilt milk. Next time, we get re-introduced to Magneto and his new team, and truly introduced to another of the X-Men’s iconic villains. See you then.  





Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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