
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Viewer Log: X-Men: Evolution ep 38

A Mind break of epic proportions. 

Last time on X-Men: Evolution, Wanda finally tracked down her dad. The angriest Maximoff twin was lured to her father’s secret base on Mt. Arrowrose. Magneto, deciding that Wanda’s attempts to destroy him were inconveniencing him, got his latest recruit Mastermind to rewrite her memories to remove all the horrible stuff and lead her to believe that Magneto was a loving and attentive father. At the same time, Toad was attempting to trick Wanda into loving him by using Kurt’s stolen Image Inducer to make him look like a not-Toad. It doesn’t work, but his hounding her is what let him know she was in trouble. He convinces Kurt to help him free Wanda, which was a harder sell than normal as Toad ruined Kurt’s meeting with his girlfriend Amanda’s parents, but he does go along with it. They free Wanda, Amanda tells Kurt she’s not going to listen to her parents to stay away from him, and Pietro convinces Toad to not tell Wanda the truth about her past as it’ll keep her from running off again. Dark ending, really. Enough recap. Let’s get to it.


Rogue and headaches really don't mix...

We open with Scott and Rogue playing racquetball. The two hit back and forth a few times before Scott misses, and I assume Rogue wins. I don’t know that rules of racquetball. She nonchalantly asks if he wants to play again tomorrow, but he’s seeing a concert with Jean. Rogue tries to play off not being super bummed out by this but fails kind of miserably. To me, that is, Scott doesn’t seem to notice. Once alone, Rogue has a migraine of some kind and gets flashes of Jean’s memories.


Later, Mystique meets up with her precognitive “friend” Destiny. Destiny has come to warn her that Rogue is in danger. She says that Rogue has always had a part to play in Mystique’s greater destiny, but her presence is growing dimmer. She believes that might mean that Rogue might not have a future. This dialogue is played over Rogue smacking the racquetball back and forth a few times before hitting it so hard into the wall it explodes and suddenly, she’s having another headache memory, this time of draining Blob. She throws her racquet, and it imbeds itself into the wall.


The next day, Rogue is doing her hair and getting more flashes of Jean memories. Logan knocks on her door. He wants to check on her because he found the remnants of her racquet, but Kitty runs in and grabs her before she’s forced to either tell the truth or lie. They meet Jean in the garage, she’s giving them a lift in her new SUV. Kitty suggests Jean drive a carpool to the big concert, but when Jean mentions going with Scott, she, and Kurt who teleports in a moment later, start teasing her about going on a date with Scott. Much to her, and Rogue’s, discomfort. Later, Rogue is heading to the bathroom, but when she goes to push open the door, she has a flashback of copying Kitty’s power and phases through the door. Oh my. Inside is Mystique… I mean, Risty. You remember that Risty is Mystique, right? Right. She claims that her parents back in the UK had kept her coming back to the US for a few weeks after the Sentinel incident, to explain her disappearance. Rogue apologizes to Risty for hiding the Mutant thing, goes for a drink of water, but then flashes back to her first episode where she drained Storm and fries the fountain with a lightning blast. Whoops. She runs off. Risty follows her and a frantic Rogue tries to explain her powers to Risty. She claims that she retains some part of everyone she’s absorbed, and after the last year or two, it’s getting crowded. Risty suggests going to the concert together to laugh at nerds and to get Rogue’s mind of things, to which Rogue reluctantly agrees.


Giving Rogue Shapeshifting powers right now
is... problematic.

That night, the concert is going on and everyone seems to be having a good time. We see Tabitha rocking out, Kurt and Amanda dancing along, Kitty comes in with Jamie (he was the only one who didn’t have plans) and Jean teases Kitty for being on a “date” when she sees the two of them walk by. Jean and Scott are both super awkward about them being on a date and it’s kind of cute. Rogue sees Scott and Jean and has a flashback to when she took Scott’s power on the mountain back in episode 7 when she joined the X-Men. Risty asks if she still has a thing for Scott, which she denies. Risty and Rogue push forward in the crowd. She keeps getting bumped and having flashes of people she’s absorbed. A girl who’d been sitting on her friend’s shoulders falls, ripping Rogue’s sleeve off and she accidentally absorbs from randos in the crowd, further filling her head. She finally bumps into Risty, transforming her back into Mystique. Now having a large dose of shapeshifting power in her system, when Rogue has her next flash, her body shifts to match it. And, unfortunately, her next flash is to Sabretooth. Whoops. As Sabretooth, she runs onto the stage and roars at the crowd before causing a bunch of damage by knocking over amps. Jean stop the crowd from being crushed, Kitty keeps her from pancaking a bystander, Multiple tries to restrain her, Kurt teleports some debris she threw to keep it from hitting anyone, and finally Scott blasts her into a wall. While covered in debris, Rogue has another flash and swaps to a new form and powerset, Juggernaut. She runs through a wall and escapes, with Mystique in pursuit. The X-Men decide to regroup at the Mansion.


Rogue as Juggernaut almost gets caught by police, but she swaps to Magneto and magnetically throws the cop car back. She then swaps to Quicksilver and runs away, before almost being cornered again, but this time swapping to Arcade, that one off villain from last season. She enters an alley and transforms back to herself. Mystique finds her and tries to explain what happened. She claims that she did it to be close to Rogue, but Rogue doesn’t believe her, knowing that Mystique used her to spy on the X-Men. They fight, both in Mystiques form before Rogue returns to normal. Mystique drops the bombshell that everyone who knows the lore between these two already saw coming, but was probably shocking to newbies in the 00s, that Mystique is her adoptive mother. She adopted Rogue when she was four. Rogue runs off, and Nightcrawler teleports away, but doesn’t take his form for some reason.


This is, what, the third time Mystique has
lied to Rogue's face?

She turns into Sabretooth again; smells Logan driving by and attacks him. Logan’s sense of smell tells him that that isn’t Sabretooth in front of him. Scott and the others arrive in the X-Van, and Scott blasts her without realizing what’s going on. Logan explains and he and Scott move into the warehouse he blasted into her. Scott tries to reach out to her, but that causes her swap personalities to Scott and blasts him, before turning into Lance and almost crushing them with debris. She returns to normal and asks for their help. Logan and Scott both say they will, but when Scott says they’re her ‘friends’ she remembers Risty, says she ‘has no friends,’ turns into Storm and causes a storm. Logan and Scott are thrown out of the building. Jean asks what’s going on, and Scott explains that it’s like every personality she’s ever absorbed is fighting to take over. Rogue, flying on air currents, returns to her normal form, and fires an optic blast. Jean just barely pulls them out of the way. Logan thinks that means she’s gotten control of all the powers and once and that’s bad. The X-Jet flies toward her, carrying Ororo, Xavier and Hank, and she magnetically tosses it aside. Everyone is okay, though. As Rogue optic beams everything in sight, Storm takes to the sky.


Giving Rogue multiple powers is always neat but
also extremely dangerous.

Jean tries to pull Rogue down but she fights back, throwing Jean instead. Kurt teleport grabs her, but she teleports right back. Storm flies up and tries to lightning blast her, but Rogue throws back a bigger blast, dropping her. Jeans saves Storm, and Logan tells them to get back. He can take more punishment than anyone. He has Bobby ice launch him into the sky. He tackles Rogue to the ground. When she lands, she makes copies of herself as Logan tries to talk her down. He also has experience with things not making sense in his head. One Rogue lifts him up magnetically and the other four optic beam him. He gets swarmed by Rogues and he says that she’s letting the voices in her head push her around, and the real Rogue wouldn’t stand for that. She takes the clones back in, but she’s not sure she can get control. Xavier rolls up and tells her telepathically to help him delete the excess minds from hers. They do so, visually represented by Rogue shapeshifting into the form of each person she drained, from the football guy to Kurt to Pietro to Storm to Scott to Blob to Mystique to Risty to Kitty to Sabretooth to Lance to Arcade to Magneto to Jean to Toad to Beast to Juggernaut. I guess the various randos and less important characters like Multiple didn’t leave enough of an impression to get a shapeshifted form. Logan asks if she’ll be okay, and Xavier says he’s not sure.


Back in the mansion, Scott goes to talk with Xavier. He explains that Logan hasn’t left her side since she was brought in, and that driving out those other minds left her weak. And that’s on top of learning her connection to one of the series big bads. Logan tells her that getting over this won’t be easy, that something about betrayal sticks around, but that she’ll learn to deal with it, and to do that she just needs to let her real friends help her. Rogue grabs his hand and starts crying. Outside, Mystique and Destiny pull up in Destiny’s limo. She says that Rogue is back in her future, but now a great darkness looms on the horizon. Both their fates are in the hands of an ancient mutant that is about to rise again. She takes off her glasses to show her clouded eyes for dramatic emphasis.



Apocalypse! Apocalypse! Apocalypse!


That’s not in the episode, I just like foreshadowing the rise of En Saba Nur.


This was a great episode. It’s established canon that the memories Rogue absorb messes with her head, and that she does retain a piece of the people she absorbs. Hell, her super strength, and flight powers that most versions develop is based on draining Ms./Captain Marvel so completely that it’s effectively permanent. So, the idea that Rogue keeps the power she takes in, she just normally doesn’t have access to it is tracks. Adding Mystique’s shapeshifting and the mentally jarring truth about their connection, ya, I could see why Rogue would retreat into her own head and let the little bits of people she’s absorbed take over and run amuck. It is unnerving when Rogue gets enough control that she keeps her form but has access to all the powers. Like, I’m used to Rogue showing off one ability she only has for a limited time, but seeing her fly, shoots lasers from her eyes, controlling storms and magnetically moving thins is just… wrong. Rogue and Mystique’s connection is something I knew about (having seen X-Men: The Animated Series in my youth), I saw this reveal coming. I find it odd that this is new info for Rogue when she’s absorbed Mystique’s memories before, but maybe she didn’t dig deeply enough that time. I don’t know, (shrug). I liked Logan opening himself up to Rogue to try to talk her down. Logan is a reserved character, so him admitting he’s been betrayed before, and it hurts feels like a big deal. Oh, and the crush on Scott thing is dull. Sorry, I hate love triangles. Rogue is going to be recovering for a while, which I also liked, if a character is hurt and doesn’t recover by the next episode, you know they’ve been hurt bad. We’re going to do two more episodes of X-Men: Evolution before switching to She-Hulk. So, next time, another key to Apocalypse tomb reveals itself. 

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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