
Thursday, January 26, 2023

Viewer Log: My Hero Academia ep 103

Training starts, again!

Last time on My Hero Academia, Izuku, Bakugo and Todoroki began their Work Study with Todoroki’s dad, Endeavor. Things started with a bang as Endeavor leads the boys into a fight with a crazed villain named Starservant who was using his glass manipulating power to cause havoc. Endeavor stops him and Starservant’s goons were captured by the boys and Hawks. Earlier in the episode, wew saw Hawks getting tied closer to the League of Villains, with an implication that he may have attacked the recovering Best Jeanist as a test of loyalty. Hawks gives everyone a copy of the Meta Liberation War, a book written by revolutionary Destro. He speaks in incredibly obvious code to Endeavor before leaving. Endeavor, thinking hard, realizes that Hawks left him a code in the book. He reads the second word in each highlighted section to get the message. It’s a warning that the Meta Liberation Army is growing, the group is 100,000 strong and they will attack in four months. So, no pressure. Enough recap let’s get to it.


Hawks standing before a shadowy board of directors. Togeta, Spinner and Twice can just barely be seen in the shadows.
It's weird seeing school girl Togeta on this shadowy
board of directors.

We open with Hawks flying to that same city in the mountains. He lands, walks in and gives a status report to the leaders of the Meta Liberation Army. It’s a mix of the original League of Villains and several new faces. He gives them all good news about how he’s been spreading the Meta Liberation War book and how his influence with teens and 20 somethings will be a big boon for their group. Togeta of the League of Villains distracts everyone by squeeing over seeing Izuku’s picture in a report about the Starservant capture. Dabi claims they haven’t grown that much, to which Hawks agrees as they’re just high schoolers. He’s dismissed. As he walks out, Hawks leaves one of his feathers in the crack between the doors. His Quirk is powerful enough to let him feel the vibrations in the air around a single feather and interpret what is being said. He learns that according to Spinner, the lizard with the big sword, and Togeta that things are going to plan and that in four months they think Shigaraki is going to rule the world. Oh no.


We jump over to Endeavor cracking the code again. There’s additional information this time from Hawks, explaining that his movements are limited and his ability to gather information is too, as he can’t spread his feathers about like he likes. He plans to send a signal before the fireworks set off. Hawks is at the same time wandering the Liberation Army base, but is having difficulty finding anything useful. He muses about just surrounding the main building with heroes and throwing down, but he knows that won’t stop them and that he needs info on all their bases if he wants to really end this group. His final note to Endeavor is that in case of his failure, he’ll need additional manpower. Endeavor realizes that the whole point of the Work Study’s this go round is to prep that additional manpower.


Outside the office, Endeavor’s chief Sidekick Burnin is giving the boys the rundown. Namely that the sidekicks will look after the other two as Endeavor only wants to train Shoto. Endeavor comes out of the office and lets them know he’ll actually oversee all their training himself. He muses that he doesn’t agree with the decision to use the kids as insurance but he’ll go along with it.


Hawks, meanwhile, remembers Dabi saying that the kids from UA haven’t grown much. He smirks to himself, happy that he stole their glory since it led to Dabi underestimating them. He’s confident that they could have taken those goons by themselves. He reveals that training with Tokoyami lead to him reevaluating how he thought of the students and he believes that Tokoyami and his friends are improving even faster than him. We get a quick shot of all the hero student’s we’ve met, both at UA and other schools, prepping for their Work Studies. Hawks vows that this won’t go the way the villains want and that the next time the cherry blossoms bloom, they’ll be ready.

Todoroki, Izuku, and Bakugo hitting the street for training.
The boys are ready for training.


Izuku and co begin their training with Endeavor. He gets a run down on the student’s powers. Izuku explains that he wants control of his power, revealing that he can manifest just a little of blackwhip to show Endeavor. He also explains how he can use airbullets and then starts muttering because he’s Izuku Midoriya. Endeavor sums it up, that Izuku just wants to be able to control his power level throughout a fight. Endeavor tells him that he’s not alone in having trouble controlling his power, but then immediately switches to Bakugo, who says he’s here to figure out what he can’t do. He muses that he figured out raw power isn’t enough to make him strong, and that he’s only here to learn how to be stronger than Endeavor. Endeavor begins to walk off to show them the ropes, but Shoto asks if he gets a turn to explain. Endeavor, annoyed, says that he’s just there to learn his Flash Fire technique, right? Shoto explains that he’d spent time perfecting his ice technique. He realized that hating his dad limited him in ways. He is wiling to do what his father wanted, but he’s modeling himself after All Might, not Endeavor. Endeavor remembers Shoto telling him that he’s impressed by Endeavor the hero but is still figuring out if Enji Todoroki has earned the right to be his father, as he’s still not forgiven Endeavor for his abuse of him and his mother. He tells the boys they’ll learn by joining him in the field.


As they patrol Endeavor’s beat, he explains hero work, it’s about fighting and rescue,  most heroes specialize but Endeavor prefers to be an all-rounder. He knows his beat and because of that, he’s got one of the fastest response times in the country. He tells the boys that their goal by the end of their work study is to try to beat him to a situation just one time. Endeavor gets a warning beep from his earpiece and rushes off to investigate. The boys rush after him.


Endeavor having stopped a truck with his bare extended fist. A woman and teenage boy are laying in the crosswalk, having just barely avoided being run over.
Hope the driver is okay...

They track down the perp, a guy on motorcycle. Endeavor knocks him off the bike and he’s arrested for the hit and run he just caused. The boys arrive and Endeavor chides them for being slow. Bakugo claims that he has trouble getting warmed up when it’s cold. Shoto is impressed at his dad’s ability to turn and accelerate like he did just a second ago to catch the perp. Endeavor then draws their attention to one final point, that he used his flames to intimidate the suspect and make him too nervous to try to turn into the busy highway. They race off again, Shoto trying to use fire to increase his ice sliding, but he’s not nearly good enough yet to make that work. Izuku asks if they’re going to work with his sidekicks, to which Endeavor says he believes in working on his own as much as possible. He tells the kids that this is the real world and they’ll need to work hard to not make mistakes because in the real world if they’re too slow people die. To punctuate this, he lands and stops a lady from getting hit by a truck. While Izuku looks after the lady, who is screaming at the driver so I assume she’s fine, Endeavor gives Shoto and Bakugo a homework assignment. They need to condense their power and release in one big burst. They need to focus either on one focused or one high power shot, and then combine them. Endeavor tells Izuku to focus on using Air Force, he believes that learning to get control of Air Force will help him with Blackwhip. He believes all powers are based on a steady accumulation of skills. All Might was an exception, as he seemed to just get how to do everything. Everyone else builds their skills brick by brick. Izuku, enthused by Endeavor, vows to go beyond. But doesn’t say plus ultra, which feels wrong.


This episode was largely set up, which is fine, but as a consequence there isn’t that much to talk about. Endeavor learns that he actually does need to train the three students equally, which is weird for him, he gets a run down of their powers and their goals for their training. Izuku wants greater control, Bakugo wants more power, and Shoto is figuring out what he can do with his flame side, pretty box standard stuff for them. It was impressive to see how Endeavor operates. Say what you like about his parenting, the man is a very efficient hero. He’s fast, powerful, and decisive. It’s no wonder he was the number 2 hero for so long. The espionage angle for Hawks is pretty interesting. We only get a taste of it here, but it looks like he’s in deep with these guys already. Not that he’s deep enough, yet, since he needs more info. The next arc should be rather interesting once we start getting the steam going. But got some filler to get to before that. And maybe a couple movies, I’m still deciding. Next time, for sure, Uraraka and Tsu are going on a sailing adventure. See you tomorrow. 

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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