
Thursday, June 29, 2023

Viewer Log: Beast Wars ep 11

 Rattrap hits the spy gym.

Last time on Beast Wars, Optimus was struck by a cyber bee from Scorponok. The bee was designed to infect his mind and make him into a coward… but Scorponok is bad at his job and instead turned Optimus into berserker. He could barely control his rage and was placed in a holding cell. He’s freed by Cheetor, who was convince by Optimus who thought he can aim his rage at the Predacons to try to get the antidote to the virus. When the others aren’t sure, he says, “Screw you guys, I’m doing it anyway,” and flies off. The others follow, causing a distraction that gives Optimus enough time to confront Megatron. Megatron offers him the antidote in exchange for his loyalty, but Optimus decides to take a page from a plant he saw earlier and rips the bee off him and throw it at Megatron. As it’s also a bomb, Megatron ran off to try to get it off him. Cheetor arrives, gets the antidote, and cures Optimus. They all flee, victorious. At the end, Dinobot says it’s good to have him back and back to normal. This closing the story arc for him this episode, where he initially is unimpressed by Optimus’ scientific thinking, strategy, and ingenuity, and now realizes that these make Optimus a better leader not a worse one. Enough recap. Let’s get to it.


We open with an aerial shot of the Axalon that shifts to a cavern in the cliffside it’s stuck on. Deep inside are small lights attached to robotic spider drones, and Waspinator, Blackarachnia and Terrorsaur working on something. The something is a large device Waspinator is forcing into a tunnel. He calls it a bomb, but Blackarachnia corrects him, saying it’s a sonic emitter. It’ll blow open a hole in the Maximal base… so it feels like they’re arguing semantics. Terrorsaur says they need to dig a wider tunnel, causing Waspinator to say, “screw you guys, I’m going home.” Terrorsaur tries to force Blackarachnia to take over digging, but she threatens him better, so he does it.


We jump up to the Maximal base proper, where Rhinox is showing a simulation of the upgrades he’s been making to the ship’s security system. It shows Megatron getting tied up in energy cables, hit with stun guns and then hit with an energy field to knock ‘em out for real. Optimus and Rattrap are impressed with Rhinox, who rather smugly says the base is now impregnable. Rhinox says he’ll have the system, Sentinel, up and running in 3 or four megacycles (hours). They get an alert for Waspinator flying near the base. Optimus notes that this is the third time they’ve detected Predacons in that area in a week, so he’s suspicious. He orders Cheetor to contact Tigertron and to have their scout meet him at those coordinates and flies off.


Shifting to Waspinator, he’s flying and whining about not being respected by his peers as Tigertron watches from the forest floor. Optimus joins him and asks how long Waspinator has been flying in circles. He says long enough to make him dizzy; he asks if he should shoot Waspinator down, but Optimus has a better idea. He’s going to scare the bug and see where he flies to, he wants Tigertron following from the ground in case he loses Waspinator. Optimus transforms and flies up to Waspinator, doing the shoulder tap to get his attention. Waspinator, freaking out, flies off with both Maximals in pursuit.


Back at the base, Dinobot is less impressed with Rhinox’s defense upgrades, thinking the nonlethal route he took with them was a waste of time. Rattrap, being a dick, turns on the “tangler” energy guns and tangles Dinobot in them. Dinobot, extremely pissed at this attack, breaks free and tries to stab Rattrap with his sword. Rattrap shoves Rhinox and then dives out of the way himself, letting Dinobot stab the console. Sentinel starts going off, having detected “intruders” which turns out to be Rhinox, Rattrap, Dinobot and Cheetor. Rattrap asks why the Friend or Foe program isn’t working to which Rhinox, rightly, angrily says he was installing when Rattrap pulled this stunt. They’re forced to flee the base, Cheetor grabbing Dinobot and Rhinox running after. Rattrap, instead, runs farther into the base and pulls a panel off the airducts. He says that they can’t abandon the base, and because he broke Sentinel, he’s got to fix it. As he’s climbing through the ducts, he laments that he’s starting to sound like Optimus Pinhead.


Optimus, meanwhile, is chasing Waspinator. Waspinator ducks into the cavern to avoid him and Optimus almost runs into the cliff. He scans for Waspinator, but can’t find him, and then starts shorting out so must return to Beast Mode. He links up with Tigertron, who also lost Waspinator, visually, but still has his scent. Optimus gets the alert from Sentinel about “intruders” in the base and is confused that the system is already online. Tigertron tells him to go check in on that and he’ll keep searching for Waspinator. Optimus offers to send backup when he can, but Tigertron says he doesn’t need help. Optimus transforms again, his computer telling him he’s at 15% shielded, but decides to risk it to get back to base. He activates his maximum burn and flies off.


The three Maximals make it outside of Sentinel as it activates its proximity shield. Rhinox tries to get in contact with Rattrap, but the shield is blocking them. Dinobot notes that Rhinox “built a better mouse trap,” as we go into Rattrap’s POV. Inside, he’s avoided detection, but Sentinel actives “zero friction fluid” a water like substance in the hallways. Rattrap isn’t impressed, dropping a grate onto the fluid, and riding it like a surfboard. Sentinel then activates several energy nets. He leaps over it and onto dry ground. Rather cockily, he says this isn’t a security system but a gym for spy guys like him. Sentinel starts firing plasma bolts at him, but he dodges around them, down a hall and then out of sight… only to pop back into the camera’s view and waving goodbye. He’s got so much Bugs Bunny in him.


Tigertron is still searching for Waspinator. He followed the scent trail to its end but couldn’t see anything. He looks around and then puts his paw through a wall. He walks in and realizes the wall was being created by a holo-projector. He walks into the cave, sees one of the spider lights and follows it.


Back at the base, the Maximals try to blast through the shield, but it takes all they can dish out. They start shorting out and return to Beast Mode as Optimus joins them. They let him know what’s going on, Cheetor saying Rattrap must deactivate Sentinel soon or he’s toast. Rattrap enters a maintenance shaft. Sentinel actives a crossbow with disruptor ammo and a disabling field. It fires on Rattrap, who dodges and says that Sentinel has no chance, as he’s a stealthy, a master marksman and a demolitions expert. He pulls out a demo charge at that last bit and throws it at the crossbow destroying it. He’s the best at what he does… which is ironic as his voice actor, Scott McNeal, would go on to play Wolverine in X-Men: Evolution. Scott is also Dinobot and Waspinator, just saying. Anyway, Rattrap blows the crossbow, so Sentinel decides to upgrade its defense protocol and activates more crossbows. Rattrap almost falls into the disabling goo, but dodges around crossbow fire and blows a hatch open. He says he now must get to the core show the ship who’s boss.


Tigertron finds the Predacons, Waspinator demanding that his allies stop what they’re doing to get rid of Optimus. Tigertron Maximizes and creeps around closer to the Predacons. He almost gets caught when a thermal vent goes off, but they Predacon don’t give it a second glance. Blackarachnia activates the emitter, saying they’ll be in the base in 15 cycles. Tigertron says they’re going to the slag heap instead and starts firing. He grabs the emitter, rips it from the wall and runs off. The Predacons Terrorize and chase after him. He leads them deeper into the cavern, leaps up and gets behind them. Blackarachnia says that he can’t escape, the emitter will go off and destroy him. He decides to return it, throwing the emitter and imbedding it between the Predacons. They scatter, Tigertron returning to Beast Mode and running off. The emitter goes off, blowing a hole a few feet from the Maximals. They maximize and go to investigate, only to find Tigertron digging himself free. He says he’ll explain, but they’ve got to deal with the base first.


Inside the base, Rattrap enters the computer core. He climbs round and finds Sentinel’s main terminal. Sentinel detects him and activates its turrets. Rattrap dodges around and gets to the terminal, but almost falls into a disabling liquid. He catches himself with his tail and transforms. He shoots the turrets and starts putting in the code shut down Sentinel. He hits the terminal to get it to reveal the shut down button, and Sentinel actives a shatter cannon to finish him off. Rattrap dodges one shot but gets pinned under debris. He stretches to reach the button as the cannon prepares another shot.


We cut to outside, where Sentinel shuts down. Rhinox is terrified by this because Sentinel wouldn’t shut down if an intruder was still active. Cheetor refuse to believe he’s gone. Optimus says Rattrap was a difficult, almost impossible Maximal to deal with, but he’ll remember him with honor. Dinobot says that he “won’t disgrace his memory with lies. He was a stinking, omnivorous pestilence. But still, in some perverse way, I will miss him.” Rhinox says that of course he stank, as he’s a rat, but he was still Rhinox’s best friend. The episode almost cuts to the credits, but then pulls back in as Rattrap comes down from the ship. He says that there’s not a security system he can’t get around with. You just need to know how to talk to them.


We’ve had a few episodes where Rattrap being a rat has been useful, but this one really highlights how his beast mode coupled with his other skills makes him an expert infiltrator. Climbing through ducts, dodging cannon fire, using a prehensile tail, all really useful things for an infiltrator to have. I do also appreciate that he immediately tries to take responsibility for breaking Sentinel by being the one to fix it. Rattrap is often a colossal dick, but he’s at least willing to own up to his mistakes. This won’t, like, stop him from being a dick to Dinobot in the future, but he never intentionally shoots him again. The bit where everyone thinks he’s dead and mourns him for a moment is hilarious. I’ll be snickering to Dinobot’s summation of the rodent for a while now. Rhinox, I think summed him up best, as he’s an asshole but he was their asshole. The B-plot was neat just to show off Tigertron. While he’s literally a bigger Cheetor with stripes design wise, the show does a good job of highlighting his unique skill sets when he’s in an episode. Namely, he’s the best tracker the Maximals have, as he’s most in tune with his Beast Mode’s senses and uses them when his optics and sensors fail him. And, not every Maximal could take on three Predacons at once and come out a winner. I also liked the seeming confirmation that these guys do wait around for the best lines before springing their attacks. It’s good to be vindicated. So yeah.  I’m still figuring out what the last post of the month will be, so I’ll see you there. 


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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