
Saturday, July 29, 2023

Viewer Log: My Adventures With Superman ep 5

Superman faces off against his most dangerous foe yet. His own lies. And Deathstroke.

Last time on My Adventures With Superman, Clark and the gang get their first real assignment. They’re sent to Amazo tower to get quotes from people about Amazo Tech CEO Dr. Anthony Ivo for a Most Eligible Bachelor article. The fact Cat Grant didn’t want to go do it herself really should have told them something. They arrive at the gala and Clark and Lois immediately butt heads on what they should be doing. Clark wants to follow the cards and get the quotes for Cat, Lois wants to ask some in your face questions, ya know, real news. Clark gets to talk with Ivo himself, Ivo attempts to bride Clark with an offer of introducing him to hot women if he forgets some incriminating things Clark heard him say to one of his Board members, and then insults Lois. Clark freaks out and gets thrown out. Clark and Lois bond a little as she sews up his torn jacket, allowing them to see that Ivo has a bunch of stolen tech weapons in a secret lab. He unveils the Parasite 1.0 armor and tries to kill his board member to get Superman’s attention. When Superman saves the member, he gets caught in the Amazo Panic Room, and Ivo uses it and the Parasite’s energy draining function to try to suck Superman dry. Lois and Jimmy are able to shut down the Panic room and Clark realizes that the Parasite will lose power so long as he doesn’t fight him. The suit hits critically low energy and basically sucks Ivo dry to try to keep going. Superman saves Ivo and turns him over to the authorities, but unfortunately in all that confusion someone steals all the tech. Clark and Lois have a moment, both admitting to thinking of tonight like a date before Clark walks her back to the Planet. Leaving Jimmy behind and feeling left out. At the Planet, Lois types up her story about the Amazon tech collapse, but then gets distracted by a magazine. Clark had earlier seen a tabloid article that Jimmy and Lois were going to research in talk about his flying escapade as a child and had hastily torn the story out, stuffed it in his pocket, but then been distracted by Lois so forgot to dispose of the magazine. Lois puts together a new timeline, finds the article in Clark’s pocket (he’d given her his jacket at the end of the night), and she rather angrily announces that Clark Kent is Superman. Enough recap. Let’s get to it.


We open with Lois staring at her personal murder board, not getting any sleep. She’s staring specifically at a headshot of Superman she’d gotten and drawn glasses onto. Obviously, still not too happy about learning that her friend and love interest has been keeping secrets from her for several weeks at least. We jump over to Jimmy excitedly waking up. See, he’d gotten Lois and Clark to agree to go with him on a camping trip to search for bigfoot. He looks down from his bunk to gush to Clark, only to find out that Clark’s already gone. He assumes “jogging”, but I think we all know he’s doing the Superman thing. He gets an alert on his phone saying that he’d gotten a response video on Flamebird. Turns out, some dude has found his stream and is now going through all his videos and just shouting “NAH!” at them to ‘disprove’ his actually completely true conspiracy theories, like Atlantis being real.


We jump a few hours ahead to Jimmy making his way to the office. He calls Clark to remind him of the camping trip, but Clark is only half listening because he’s got Superman stuff to do. And because he’s nervous due to his decision to tell Lois he likes her. Jimmy tells him that he’s pretty sure she already knows, but he’s dead set on the idea that it’s not real until he says it. He notes that Lois has been staring at him a lot for the last day or so and that feels like a good sign to him. Oh, you poor dumb Superman. He gets distracted by a train going off the tracks and tells Jimmy to cover for him until he gets to work. Jimmy then calls Lois, also to remind her of the trip. She says she’s already packed but wants to know, hypothetically, if she listed off some dates for Jimmy if he’d be able to remember where Clark was at those times. She then notes a time that Clark ran off to get a bagel, disappeared for 20 minutes and then came back without a bagel. And then notes that he uses that excuse a LOT. Jimmy asks if she’s hungry and wants a bagel, but she says no and asks him to also cover for her while she’s doing her Superman research. Jimmy makes it into the office and is stopped by Steve Lombard. The big sportswriter says he needs a camera man for a special assignment and Perry gave him Jimmy. Jimmy looks at his boss’s office and just sees Perry drop the shade on his window. Jimmy is dragged off by Steve.


In town, a criminal crew, lead by Rory aka Heat Wave, are preparing to rob a pawn shop. They are all outfitted in the tech weapons, most of them with strength enhancing gloves like Roughhouse, but Rory sports a full suit of armor with flamethrower gauntlets. Their group is suddenly attacked by someone that moves like a blur. In seconds, most of the crew are captured by the blur. Rory beats a hasty retreat. We see just enough of the blur and then glowing red eyes to know that it’s not Superman… so who is it?


Sometime later, Lois arrives at the Daily Planet and is going over her notes on a plan to get Clark to tell her he’s Superman. She’s distracted once she gets to the Newspaper Morgue and sees a package waiting on the desk. Lamenting for the thousandth time that this is NOT the mailroom, she tries to move the big box, only to discover that it’s filled with Dumbbells for Steve. I speak as someone in shipping. Don’t. Order. Weights. Online. You. Asshole. Clark comes in and says he wants to tell her something, but noticing the reclosed box asks if she needs help with that and lifts the dumbbells like the box was empty. Lois immediately says she knows, back tracks and encourages Clark to tell her what he’s talking about. He says that he wants her help with a story and that it’ll be easier to show her than tell her. He goes to get something from the hall, throwing the dumbbells onto one of the cabinets and shattering it. Clark, buddy, you’re doing a terrible job today with the secret. He wheels in his own Murder Board, though he calls it an investigation board, and explains that he wants to do a story on the advanced weapons that Livewire stole and have since been circulated throughout Metropolis. While they know Livewire stole them, they don’t know who made the weapons. He wants to track down who did and expose them. Clark says that there’s also something familiar about those weapons, though he’s not sure why. He shows Lois an old dispatch scanner he dug out of the Daily Planet’s storage, thinking they can use it to hear reports of the tech weapons being used and then investigate. Clark really wants to pursuit this story and would like her help to do it. Lois suggests that maybe they should talk to Superman about them, Clark says that he’s pretty sure that Superman doesn’t know. She’s insistent that the three of them sit down to talk, obviously trying to force Clark to tell her he’s Superman, but he’s not biting, distracted by the idea that Lois is willing to help him with the story. He almost says he likes her but is distracted by the dispatch scanner saying a bus is out of control. He runs off, saying something about a bagel and quickly saves the day. Lois gets both an update on her phone about Superman stopping the bus and on the scanner. Clark comes back in, hears another alert, and goes back out to fix it. Lois decides on a “new plan” and throws on her coat.


Lois said earlier she’s 99% certain he’s Superman. Pretty sure after this we can bump it up to 99.9%.


We go to the street where Jimmy is suffering through time with Steve. While Steve pontificates about how he’s going to show Jimmy how to live, because he thinks they’re similar, Jimmy texts Lois and Clark for help getting him out of this but neither sees the texts. Steve claims Jimmy is the “Steve” of the group, that he’s a “lone wolf.” Jimmy refuses to believe this. Steve then lists how he’s separated from the other two and that he is a Steve. Steve tells him that being a Steve is great and shows Jimmy the Steve Code, words to live by. All we know for certain about the code is that Don’t Skip Leg Day is on there three times. They arrive at Metropolis Stadium and Steve runs off to get started. Jimmy begs Clark to send him a text about a fake emergency so he can leave, but obviously Clark doesn’t answer. He gets Steve’s phone and starts recording, only to discover Steve is Nah, the dude trolling his Flamebird account.


Superman flies around town saving people and cats, and Lois sprints behind him. She always arrives just after he leaves, so this strategy isn’t going well. She gets a lucky break when the Scanner says there’s a robbery in progress at the McGuinness Luxe Garage, the building she just so happens to be standing by. Superman hears the report and that tech weapons are involved and flies off. Lois calls out to him and tells him to hold it. She tells him that her “good friend” Clark has questions about the tech weapons and how she wants his help with that story. She asks, with an obviously suspicious look on her face if he knows Clark Kent. Superman plays it off, saying that Clark is that quite young man that works with her and Mr. Olsen, complimenting himself by saying Clark is thoughtful and upstanding. Clark, buddy, the hole you’re digging yourself in is turning into a chasm. Lois gets in close, saying that she’s not going to let Superman out of her sight until Clark can have a chance to talk to him, handcuffing herself to him while he’s distracted by her getting into his personal space. It’s just then that a car pulls up and Heat Wave and her crew get out of the garage. Superman does his best to fight them while handcuffed to Lois, the two of them basically doing a weird dance while he moves her out of the way. Lois kicks one of the goons in the gut, then is almost hit with a tech gauntlet, only for Superman to grab it and crush it. He gets a vision of flaming debris, a damaged cornfield and a man in a tank top looking horrified. He drops the gauntlet and tries to pretend he’s okay. They notice that Heat Wave’s gloves aren’t working, he zooms over to stop her. Heat Wave, upon seeing her getaway car drive off, drops to her knees and says she’s sorry and begs him not to kidnap her.


Back with Jimmy, he’s furious to learn that Steve is Nah. Steve is super excited about this and seems to not get why Jimmy would be upset. He says that he had to do voice over for the first few videos because he doesn’t know how to work a camera, and that today is going better than he’d hoped. Jimmy is even angrier at learning that Steve tricked him into blowing off work for this side project. Steve scoffs at his anger, pointing out that they also avoid doing what Perry tells them to do. He again calls them lone wolves and Jimmy freaks out. He screams that he, Clark, and Lois are the three amigos, the Three Musketeers! Steve then asks “D’Artagnan” what happened when he called his friends trying to get out of working with Steve. I give the dude props for the solid Three Musketeers reference. He says that they’re tight now, but things change and people get left behind. Jimmy refuses to believe that, gets an alert about the Bigfoot search and he storms off to hunt it with his best friends.


Meanwhile, Lois attempts to interrogate Heat Wave. She tells the big woman that she hates two things “Secrets and liars” while giving Clark a side long look. She demands Heat Wave tell them what she meant by kidnapping, or Superman is going to go wild on her. Superman says that he won’t. She then says she’ll go wild on Heat Wave. Superman says she shouldn’t threaten people. So she settles on her “or else” being Superman will worry excessively about her welfare. Heat Wave tells them that SUPERMAN has been kidnapping everyone that has the tech weapons, her crew, members of the Gazzo crime family as well as random pickpockets and bag men. She was trying to steal a ride out of town before she got caught too. She says that only Superman could move that fast, and that she’s not going down that easy. Her suit finally powers on and she hits Superman with a flame attack, Superman just barely getting Lois behind him. Heat Wave leaps away. Lois asks what they can do now, and Superman tells her that first they need to head back to the Daily Planet. As they fly off, the man that actually attacked Heat Wave says that the two targets are going on opposite directions and asks for advice. He’s told to focus on getting the tech back.


Superman drops Lois off at the Planet. She asks what they’re going to do and Clark says that he’s leaving her here because it’s too dangerous for her. Lois says that she won’t let him go, but Superman snaps the handcuff holding to them and starts flying off. Lois screams after Superman not to do this, finally shouting Clark once he’s too far to hear. Or so it seems.


Heat Wave has been chased by the man in Black and Orange to a construction site just off the highway to Bludhaven. Her flames seem to stop him and draw Superman to where the fight is. She still thinks Superman is after her and tries to burn him. He forces her arms down and says he’s just trying to help. Heat Wave creates a fire tornado to try to get him. The man in black, watching from a crane, is finally confirmed to be Slade Wilson. He’s advised by his handlers to take out both the final target and Nemesis Omega. Said Handlers appear as holograms behind him, they’re a man referred to as the General and Amanda Waller. They were with him during Livewire’s interrogation, forgot to mention that. Waller says that the suit is operating at optimum efficiency and that integrating the recovered tech improved it. He calls in ‘support’ and goes to fight.


Heat Wave knocks Superman back with a fire fist before being hit with the freeze ray. Agent Wilson walks in, flanked by two robots. The General tells Wilson to take him out. Superman heat vision cuts the arm off one robot but is knocked around by the other. Waller, observing, notes that Superman seems weaker than they anticipated. Superman finally realizes that the tech is the army’s and that they’re the ones kidnapping people. Wilson leaps behind him and slices his neck with a pair of plasma katanas, saying he has a Super Brain too. Superman asks them why they’re doing this, and the General walks up, saying he can stop playing dumb and that there’s no one here to swallow his lies. Superman has another flashback of this man as the tank top soldier from before. He asks who this guy is, and the General says that he’s the one keeping the Earth safe. One of the robots swings the severed arm like a hammer at him, cutting through the hologram. The General tells him machines to keep hitting Superman, banging him into the ground. Superman finally catches the hit and slams the robot down again. The other robot grabs him and throws him through a wall and into the active bridge. Superman slices it to pieces with heat vision. Wilson rushes him, digging his swords into the sides of Superman’s neck. Superman throws him off, Wilson swings around, slicing the bridge supports while trying to cut Superman. The bridge starts collapsing, Superman shouts “NO! People need help!” and throws Wilson back. He catches the falling bridge and lifts it back up. Wilson combines his swords into a rifle and prepares to shoot. Waller tells him to fire the shot but The General calls him off. He doesn’t want civilian casualties. Waller gives the classic “kill 100 now to save billions later” line. The General tells her to back down and she does. He orders Wilson to retreat and says he’ll be seeing you, Superman. Superman heat visions the bridge back into place and then flies off.


Superman flies back to the Planet and sees Lois still waiting on the roof for him. He flies around and changes into his street clothes. He joins her on the roof and Lois, distraught, hugs him and says she was so worried about him. She notices the cuts on his neck from Slade’s blades. Clark tries to, stupidly, say that they’re cuts from shaving. Clark, 1. The cuts are too far down your neck for that to be believable and 2. Are HUGE. Lois tells him to stop lying to her. Clark tries to play dumb, and Lois hits her limit. Deciding not to give Clark an out, she says they’ll do this the hard way and jumps off the side of the building. Clark catches her and she angrily starts hitting his chest for lying to her. When he puts her back down on the roof, they have a big blow out, Lois angry that he lied to her face for so long and refusing to trust her with what he’d been up to, and Clark furious that she’d risk killing herself to force him to talk and accusing her of wanting to publish all his secrets. Lois tells him that she said that before knowing Superman was him and is clearly hurt, he still thought she’d do that. She tells him that whatever they were, they’re done now and storms off, ironically as a storm starts.


Jimmy waits at the bus stop for his friends until 9 pm and decides that if they’re not going to make time for him, then he’s done with them too. He heads out into the woods and starts his investigations. He is almost immediately attacked by a giant creature of some sort, something that looks like a giant gorilla. Well… crap.


I’ll start with the villain of the week. Now, I personally feel like Deathstroke is overused. He’s a cool character, don’t get me wrong, but he seems to work his way into every DC project of the last decade. It makes sense, he’s like the Doctor Doom of DC, having seemingly outgrown his original team of heroes. That said, I suppose if I was outfitting a soldier with an experimental suit of armor and weapons to fight the God Damned Superman, Slade Wilson is the man for the job. The combination of the plasma swords, his enhanced strength and speed, and the robots for back up make him especially deadly. It’s interesting to see how his handlers’ handled things. Amanda Waller, like in all her incarnations, is very much an “ends justify the means” sort of woman, whereas the “General” seems to want to put Superman down with as little collateral damage as possible. These competing philosophies are going to buttheads sooner rather than later. This is the first time that we’ve heard many details on Zero Day and confirmation that Superman is Nemesis Omega. From context, it seems that Clark’s landing in this universe was chaotic. Most stories I’ve seen seem to suggest Clark landed on the Kent Farm with little fuss. Maybe some kryptonite raining down with him, but that’s about it. I’d wager that with a name like Zero Day, Clark’s landing is more like in Smallville, where Clark’s pod came with some much kryptonite raining down that it caused mass destruction and death. But I guess we’ll see where this goes. Heat Wave is funny too, the fact her suit never seems to work right is a fun sight gag. Okay, I’ve delayed long enough, let’s talk about the breakup. I’ve already seen folks dog pile on Lois for her reaction here. While I wouldn’t say she’s blameless, if you remember the context from the previous episode, I think you might get why her last straw was Clark telling an “I’m fine,” lie. Forgot that context? Her mother died when she was young, her mom was extremely sick before she died, and ma and pa Lane kept how sick she was from Lois. Care to guess what little white lie a child might be told in that situation a lot? “I’m fine.” “It looks/sounds worse than it is,” “I’m okay.” With that context, I very much get why her friend/love interest saying “I’m fine” while having cuts that look like if they were much deeper would have taken his head off is too much for her. I also get Clark being scared to tell her given how vocal she’d been about her dislike of Superman and the fears that as ambitious as she is she might say something she shouldn’t about him in an article. They both really should have taken a breath, separated, and come back to talk later, but obviously that didn’t happen. I will say, Lois not taking the reveal well is a unique spin on their relationship. Most I’ve seen either see her surprised but happy upon learning the truth, or perhaps she was angry at first, but she’d found out earlier and kept it to herself long enough to cool off by the time Clark tells her. At the end of the day, they’re two stubborn young people that let flaring emotions make them say things I’m pretty sure they’ll regret. I’m just glad Clark didn’t try to pull the “I was trying to protect you from my enemies” line. I don’t care who says it, 9/10 a love interest is safer knowing to look out for costumed psychos than being surprised when they get kidnapped. Shame Jimmy wasn’t there, he might have been able to get them to cool off. Speaking of Jimmy, I think his subplot was well done. I think most of us can empathize with feeling squeezed out of a relationship when a friend is in a new relationship, even more so when it’s both your best friends testing the waters. He’s feeling insecure and Steve obviously fed into it with his trolling, and it really sucks it all went down on this day where Clark and Lois are dealing with some shit. I hope everyone can say they’re sorry in the following episode, but we’ll see. Next time, back to Beast Wars, see you there.


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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