
Monday, August 28, 2023

Viewer Log: My Adventures With Superman ep 9

 What was Zero Day?

Last time on My Adventures with Superman, Clark developed Super Hearing. Clark spends most of the episode exhausting himself, using his hearing and speed to try to save as many people as possible. Roughly 48-72 hours of Supermaning left Clark exhausted and behaving slightly erratically. He heard that Mist has escaped wherever he’d been held and was causing trouble in Metropolis. Clark tried to stop him, but tracking a dude that can be invisible is tough. He caused a major car accident saving Mist from getting hit by a truck, causing the public to start to turn on him. Because from their perspective he dived in front of a truck for no reason. He finally cornered Mist, who tells him that Siobhan and Albert are still being held at a black site and are about to be moved. He begged Superman for help saving his family, Clark agreed due to the illegality of holding people without trial. Meanwhile, Lois dealt with learning that their is a chance that her Clark could become evil but is quickly distracted by her latest job. She and Jimmy are assigned by Perry to help visiting journalist Vikki Veil with a Superman article she’s working on. Vikki is quickly revealed to be an anti-Superman type, so Lois and Jimmy take her to interviewees that have glowing recommendations. Vikki, though, went to speak with Ivo’s old assistant Alexander, who hates Superman with passion. Vikki writes a hit piece that unfortunately corresponds with Clark’s car accident. Clark arrived at the base and goes to free the villains from a plane, only to be attacked by the group. Ivo the Parasite, Silver Banshee, Heat Wave, Roughhouse, Livewire, and Deathstroke rush him. The five others overwhelm Superman with attacks and Ivo runs in to drain him of his strength further. It’s also revealed that Mist has one of the Taskforce X collars on, making all this a set up. Clark is defeated in the park and taken, Jimmy and Lois arriving too late to do anything to stop it. Enough recapping. Let’s get to it.


We start with Lois and Jimmy frantically searching for Superman. According to Lois, they’ve got just about the whole Daily Planet staff looking for him or at least keeping their ears open for rumors about him. Jimmy’s keeping an eye on his Flamebird stream, but no one is posting new info there either. Flip Johnson and the Newskid Legion arrive to help Lois and Jimmy search, having pooled their money to get Walkie talkies and make missing posters for Superman. Lois tells her that it’s too dangerous and she should go home, but Flip is insistent that they help. The woman of business says that Superman makes the city feel safer and after he saved her several times, she owes it to Superman to look for him. Helping Superman makes her feel less small. Lois agrees to let them help and takes a walkie.


Superman wakes up strapped down in a metal stockade in a room full of red light. He’s shocked a moment later as the General walks in. Superman asks where he is and gets shocked for it. The General tells him that he’s not going to punch his way out of his confinement and demands to know dates and numbers. Superman is super confused by this question and gets zapped again. The General wants to know when the next invasion is and how many are coming this time. Superman still has no idea what he’s talking about, and the General is growing irater. The General activates a holographic recording of Zero day, saying that he and Superman were both there when it happened.


The hologram shows an army camp set up under a giant archway. We learn from the CO that the archway arrived on earth 72 hours ago and has been dormant sense. A younger Amanda Waller notices that the General, whom she refers to as Sam, is missing and goes to get him. She finds him in a tent talking to someone on the phone. Given who I know who the General is at this point and how he’s talking, he’s speaking either to his wife or an infant daughter. Waller grabs him and scolds him for hiding in the command tent to make a call on a top-secret mission. Sam shrugs and tries to play it off as no big deal. Then the attack happens. The arch way opens a portal into deep space. Through the hole we can see an armada of warships lead by an armored being in a cape. The war ships launch dozens of small pods that land and transform into attack robots. All of them have a distinct emblem on their chests, a V made of three interconnected circles. The robots start shooting up the place, large units land and wreck tanks and the leader fires heat vision blasts from his helmet. He almost shoots Waller and Sam, but an explosion occurs on their end of the portal, knocking him back and destabilizing the wormhole. When the wormhole shuts, the robots power down. Sam and Waller seem to be the only ones that survived.


The General tells Superman that after this, he formed Taskforce X and adapted the technology left behind for their use. He made the “hard calls” to make sure Earth was ready for his return. Someone watched Invincible recently, it seems. He calls Superman a weapon and demands answers. Superman starts crying, saying that he doesn’t know and asking why “they” (I assume his bio parents) would do this.


In Metropolis, Lois and co are looking for Superman. Lois and Jimmy are at the docks and found nothing, Flip, and her crew at the shipping yard, also found nothing. Lois is clearly freaking out, Jimmy asks her what’s up and she explains she’s feeling like crap for not believing in Clark when he needed her. The “normal” she said to him is eating at her conscience it seems. Jimmy tells her that they’re going to find him.


Back at the black site, Ivo is having a nervous breakdown in his cell, demanding he get to kill Superman like he was promised. Siobhan in her cell with her boys tells him to shut up, while Albert comforts Kyle. Kyle, I assume, is not feeling great about leading Superman into being caged like them. Leslie is playing with a quarter she snuck into her cell, and notices that she’s conducting electricity without her harness. She looks at the camera in her cell and then looks away quickly. We cut to Amanda Waller’s office, where she’s monitoring all the camera feeds. She tells the General as he enters that Superman’s power level remained stable during the interrogation and thinks the Parasite collar and Cadmus Omega Field are working to keep him powerless. She congratulates Ivo for living up to his own hype and says that she thinks they can get a little more use out of him before he completely loses his mind. The General is clearly having issues with torturing Superman for information. He points out something I’ve been muttering at my screen for like a month now, that Superman is too young to have been involved in Zero Day, at least if his kind ages at the same rate as humans. Waller isn’t interested in the ethics of torturing someone that might not be involved with Zero Day and says they should execute Superman now. The General insists they need information. Waller suggests turning Superman over to Ivo if the General doesn’t think he can execute him himself, but the General shouts that down. Waller asks him if he’s having doubts about something “real” or because Superman reminds him of “her.” They don’t elaborate on the ‘her’ but assume either a late wife or a daughter who doesn’t talk to him anymore. The General says they’re keeping him alive for questioning, it’s his call, not hers and dismisses her. Waller leaves, but hits something on the desk as she goes.


Leslie’s camera powers down and she rips her collar off. She frees herself and then Ivo, asking him if he wants to take down Superman. Ivo gets his Parasite armor on and rushes through shoulders to get Superman’s cell. He demands a rematch against him, the beatdown of the century. Superman doesn’t want to fight, but Ivo isn’t interested in that. He says that Superman doesn’t hurt him, this time, he hurts Superman. The General sees the fight break out and calls Code Orange to his team. Parasite beats the crap out of Superman. To keep himself going, he rips into the bases electrical grid and drains electricity to mutate further. Superman, dazed, tells Ivo that he doesn’t want to fight him, that he doesn’t want to fight anyone. Ivo tells him that he guesses he’s going to die. Before he can attack, the General and Slade with extra guards arrive. Ivo stabs his tail into a light and mutates into a giant insect monster. The rest of Taskforce X’s prisoners arrive looking for payback. The group knocks back most of the General’s troops, Livewire getting in close to Wilson and puts his eye out with an electrified stab. Superman starts hearing Lois calling out to him and is able to pull himself out of the hole Ivo slammed into and out the ceiling. With Superman gone, Livewire decides to use Ivo to cover their escape. She supercharges him, turning him into a giant Kaiju. As the base crumbles around them, the villains escape out another hole.


Superman drags himself out of the Taskforce X base, which is apparently in the Metropolis sewers, as Flip was riding by. She radios into the others and tells them to meet her at the Newskid club house. I’m not sure how a ten-year-old moved the 200+ pounds of Superman, but she must have. We cut to the clubhouse, Superman sitting in a corner. Jimmy and Lois arrive. Clark tells them about what he saw. He believes now that he was made for destruction and that he came to Earth to kill them all. Lois tells him that she won’t accept that and that he’s not a weapon, he’s a person. Their talk is interrupted by Parasite bursting from the underground, demanding that Superman come out or he’ll make him. Superman goes to face Parasite. Lois tries to stop him, saying he can’t fight the Parasite in his condition, but Superman says he must try.


Superman flies to Parasite and tries to convince him to leave the citizens alone. Parasite says no, knocking Superman around and then draining him and the city’s power grid even more. Lois obviously is freaking out at what she’s seeing and asking what they can do to help. Jimmy, seeing his 5 million viewers count on Flamebird has an idea. He and Lois stream to the city the situation, that they’re Superman’s friends and that he needs help to protect them. Lois’ impassioned speech convinces the whole city to start shutting down their buildings to starve Parasite of energy. Superman also hears the speech via his super hearing and rallies. Power starts cutting out around the city as Clark stands up. The Parasite visibly shrinks as his energy gets cut off. The two of them brawl, Ivo blaming Superman for turning him into a monster, saying he’s not even human. Superman tells him that he chose to be a monster as he catches Parasite’s hands again when he tries to slam down on his again. Ivo asks him “what does that make an alien freak like you?” Superman’s eyes turn blue, and he uses his X-ray vision for the first time to see the physical body of Ivo within the Parasite’s chest. He charges up and slams through Parasite’s chest, saying “don’t you read the paper? I’m Superman.” He pulls Ivo from the Parasite as he does so. The whole town celebrates as the sun comes up and the Parasite turns black and dead.


Superman flies to the Daily Planet. Jimmy hug-tackles him and says he’s never letting Clark go again. He then notices Lois waiting, so backs off. Clark says that he heard everything that Lois said, she says she meant every word and then punches him in the arm, saying to never scare her like that again. She tells him she loves him, Clark flies at her and lifts her into the sky, kissing her and saying he loves her too. Jimmy, wanting to give them space, grabs Lois’ purse and heads out. On the walk down from the roof, he notices a green glow and pulls out the orb.


Back at Task Force X’s base, Amanda Waller tells The General that he’s being relieved of duty as the leader of Task Force X. According to their governing body, Checkmate, Amanda is now in charge, and she’s focused on taking lethal action against Superman. She gives the General Ivo’s last weapon, the Omega Canon, saying that it should weaken Superman enough for the General to kill him. Oh, and Slade is still alive, wearing an eyepatch to cover his burnt eye socket. Well, that’s a dark way to end an episode.


Damn, this was a good episode. We finally got to see what Zero Day was, after having it teased all the way back in the second episode. The invasion was intense, with that faceless armored Kryptonian leading an invasion fleet of Drones, it was chilling. For those who didn’t recognize the symbol, the three connected circles in a V-shape are the logo of the one and only Brainiac. I’m not sure if the armored Kryptonian is supposed to be his latest body or if that was minion of some kind, but it’s clear to me at least that Brainiac has something to do with why Clark was sent to Earth. Also, with the reveal that his first name is indeed Sam, it’s basically confirmed that the General’s full legal name is Samuel Lane, father of Lois Lane. So, the meet-the-parents part of Lois and Clark’s relationship is going to be even more awkward than for your average couple.  The villain’s escape was basically inevitable, but it’s cold blooded that Waller set it in motion. She was clearly displeased at letting Superman live this long, and her ends justifies any means mentality meant she’d not sit for keeping him alive long, but hitting the button is a low for her. And I liked that Lois and Jimmy got Metropolis itself in on helping Superman. Starving Parasite as part of a way of showing that the city loves Superman and believes he’s fighting for them is just a nice touch. It was also nice to see Superman once again choosing to stop Ivo but let him live instead of justifiably executing him. Using his X-Ray vision to pinpoint him target Ivo is just a perfect Superman thing to do. Ending the episode with the happy moment of Superman and Lois saying they love each other, the dark moment of Jimmy seeing the recording of the evil Supermen, and darkest moment of the General getting his new weapon and mission to kill Superman is tonal whiplash. But the good kind. And we have one more episode to see how that all shakes out. Next time Guardians 3, definitely. 


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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