
Sunday, April 28, 2024

Viewer Log: X-Men: TAS ep 12

Gambit is on the hunt?

Last time on X-Men: The Animated Series, Bishop started partying like it was 1992. In the far future of 2055, Sentinels rule the world and are hunting down Mutants for extermination. Wolverine, the last surviving X-Man, is captured by the Mutant bounty hunter, in this case meaning both a bounty hunter of Mutants and a bounty hunter that is a Mutant, Bishop. Bishop, smug and initially confident in his usefulness to the Sentinels, gets a wake-up call when its discovered he’s captured enough Mutants to hit his quote and is thus being retired. Yes, to be retired is to be executed. Wolverine frees himself and Bishop, leaving two teammates behind, and we learn they were stealing a piece for a time machine designed by Forge. Wolverine was going to go back but Bishop forced him to bow out to the younger Bishop. Both because Bishop isn’t over 200 and because he will be able to stop “him,” the man that assassinated someone and kicked off this timeline. Bishop travels back in time but is pursued by Nimrod, the Sentinel’s top hunting model. He arrives in 1992 but gets a concussion and forgets many of the details of his mission. He heads to the X-Mansion and fights most of the team before being captured. He’s interrogated by Xavier who learns about his future just in time for Nimrod to come through the breach.  The entire team fights Nimrod, breaking his body into pieces but he starts regenerating. Bishop destroys Nimrod’s time band, sending him back to the future. Just at things are winding down, Rogue and Gambit return, and Bishop pulls his gun on Gambit, remembering the Cajun is the assassin. Enough recap. Let’s get to it.


We open on Rogue and Gambit driving her convertible driving back to the Mansion. Rogue is something of a reckless driver, but Gambit likes it given his shameless flirting. Dude is trying hard to earn the favor of a woman whose kiss will literally suck the life out of him. Rogue parks the car and flies off when he makes another pass at her. Later, they go down into the sublevels and reach the War Room as the others are discussing who the assassin is. Rogue comes in first, stopping the conversation, and then Gambit follows, at which point Bishop pulls the gun. He fires at Gambit, but Rogue jumps in the way. He keeps firing and knocks Gambit on his ass. The other’s stop him, and Rogue and Gambit demand to know what’s going on. Charles explains Bishop’s deal, Gambit saying that the time travel story must be bullshit. Bishop starts screaming that Gambit is the traitor and that he’ll turn everything the X-Men love and stand for into ashes. He says that it starts with a single death in DC that snowballs into a full-scale war. A Mastermold is commissioned, and it produces thousands of Sentinels. They capture Mutants like animals and take them to detention centers. We see some Mutants fighting back, Cyclops with his brother Havok, and Sunfire (the Asian Mutant from Genosha) but they’re all taken out. But, like all ethnic cleansing attempts, it doesn’t stop with just wiping out the Mutants and eventually the Sentinels take over the government. Bishop comes out of his flashback saying that he’s hated Gambit his whole life for what he did. Charles asks if stopping the assassination would alter the timeline. Bishop says that was Forge’s theory. They don’t know who the victim is that kicks this off, speculating that it could be the President or Charles Xavier himself. Gambit asks if they’re really going to trust Bishop, but Wolverine points out they know about as much about Bishop as they do about Gambit. Gambit, feeling threatened, pulls out a card and says they should take out Bishop. Wolverine says that if he tries, he’s proving Bishop right. Storm says that she knows Gambit better than the rest of them, but even if Bishop accused her, she couldn’t be sure it would be a lie. She points out they’re all capable of committing such an act of evil. Gambit complains that no one trusts him and storms off.


Later, Gambit enters the hanger. Bishop flips on a light and demands to know where he’s going. The others also come in and Gambit admits to them that he’s going to Washington to stop the assassin. They obviously don’t think this is a good idea, saying keeping Gambit from Washington is the only way to guarantee it doesn’t happen. Bishop is told to stay behind as well and Wolverine volunteers to stay with them to babysit. The others load up into the Blackbird and take off.


That evening, Gambit, Bishop, and Wolverine are playing poker. Bishop calls Gambit a traitor one too many times and Gambit throws a card at him. Bishop shows off his power, energy absorption, to take in Gambit’s bioenergy, and throws it back at him, Wolverine sarcastically saying that Bishop is ready to raise Gambit. Wolverine draws his claws, telling them to shut up and play.


The next morning, Storm and Rogue are in position to monitor what’s happening at the Capital building. Jubilee is with Rogue, though she’s still asleep and having a nightmare about Gambit betraying them. We cut over to a hotel room occupied by Mystique and her brotherhood of Mutants. This incarnation consists of Mystique, Avalanche, Pyro and Blob. Blob and Pyro agree it’s a lovely day for an assassination, Mystique coming in to say if they screw this up, they’ll be the ones to die. On the TV both in their room, and the X-Mansion, a news report is talking about this Senate Subcommittee on Mutant Affairs that everyone is interested in, highlighting Senator Robert Kelly. Wolverine yells at Gambit to get back to the table so they can keep playing. Gambit does so… but only to set off some explosions so he can run off. Wolverine shouts at him to stop but he obviously doesn’t. They ran after Gambit just in time to see him fly off in a small jet. Bishop is furious at this, saying that this is why Wolverine let him go back, because he keeps screwing things up. Wolverine, interestingly, says he still doesn’t believe this.


In DC an anti-Mutant protest is going on. Pyro, Avalanche and Blob are plants in the crowd and are about to start a distraction. Inside, Charles is answering Senator Kelly’s questions when a quake starts. An aide looks at her watch and mutters right on time as the Senators run out of the room. Pyro and Avalanche burst into the hall and start wrecking the place. Jean and Scott disable the two of them and Charles puts out a mental call to the others to assemble at the hall. As they do, Gambit touches down and infiltrates the building.


The main team chase after Pyro and Avalanche. Blob leaps out to join them and the fight is on. Pyro fires a flame bird at Storm and Rogue. They let it chase them into the upper atmosphere until it dissipates. Blob is tough enough that Cyclops’ eyebeam can’t hurt him, and he announces how powerful he is… as Wolverine’s ship lands in the background, he gets out and dives on Blob’s face, distracting him long enough to knock him into the reflecting pool. Storm flies in and freezes the water, trapping him. Cyclops runs over and asks where Gambit and Bishop are. Bishop blasts Pyro, answering that question. Avalanche starts churning up the ground, but Bishop absorbs his vibrational energy and throws it back at him. He misses, though and knocks over a building. Jean slows the building’s fall, enough so everyone save a little girl can get clear, but Rogue flies in and grabs the kid. She drops the kid off with the others before flying up again. Storm wants to chase Pyro and Avalanche but Cyclops asks where Bishop is. Rogue spots him entering the Senate build and follows him, but he ducks behind her.


Inside, the mysterious Aide from earlier leads Senator Kelly into a back room. Inside, we see the aide tied up on the floor. Yep, the lady that led Kelly here is Mystique. She shifts into Gambit’s form, saying that Kelly is about to make history here. Mystique takes the aide’s blindfold off, saying that she’ll be a witness to what happens to people that cross Mutants, but especially Gambit and the X-Men. The actual Gambit comes in then, asking if she’s surprised to see him. Mystique shoots at Gambit, Gambit knocks the gun from her hand and the two wrestle around. They’re interrupted by Bishop, who shoots the real Gambit. It’s only then that he realizes that there’s two of them. Mystique accuses Gambit of being a shapeshifter. Bishop elects to side with caution and just shoot them both, but Rogue flies in and smashes his time band to send him back to his era. She tells Kelly and the Aide to leave the rest to her. When alone, Mystique returns to normal and says that Rogue is going to help her escape. Rogue asks why she’d do that. Mystique then takes on the form of an older blonde woman that Rogue immediately calls Mama. As I’m sure you’re aware, Mystique is Rogue’s foster mother and she looked after Rogue for years before she joined the X-Men. In this continuity I guess she just never showed Rogue her usual blue form.


Cyclops and Wolverine arrive in time to see Kelly and the Aide leaving. They explain what happened here, the Mutant hating Kelly clearly befuddled by the Mutants that helped him, and the Aide explains about the shapeshifter. Cyclops realizes this is why everyone thought Gambit did it and they go check it out. They find Gambit laid out on the ground without his coat and they wonder what happened. Rogue, meanwhile, drops Mystique off by the reflecting pool. Mystique says she’s in trouble now, as her Master Apocalypse wants Kelly dead in order to cause chaos. Rogue tells Mystique to leave Apocalypse, but Mystique is loyal to Apocalypse. Rogue asks why she’s working for Apocalypse and why she tried to turn Rogue into his slave. Mystique says it seemed like the only way to get her back. She leaves and Rogue starts crying.


Bishop returns to the Future. It’s still a shattered, ruined hellscape. Forge comes in, saying that he can try again, and again, until they find a way to fix the future. Once the time machine is rebuilt. Bishop tells Forge that he didn’t fail, he stopped the assassination. Forge says that something else must have happened to keep the timeline on this track. We see Wolverine’s skeleton, complete with claws, floating in a tank of some kind, which tells us that Nimrod’s attack didn’t go well.


Back in 1992, Cyclops asks Xavier why Kelly wants to speak with him. Xavier is hopeful this means Kelly will be willing to listen to his proposal for Mutant-Human cooperation. Jean sense something is wrong in Kelly’s office and they burst in to find the office a wreck and a huge hole in the wall. Cyclops thinks it’s due to the same gang, but Charle’s isn’t so sure. Why? His watch has stopped… due to it being magnetized. Damn it Magneto!


One thing that I’ve been reminded of during this rewatch that X-Men: The Animated Series did better than anyone else back in the day was the interconnected story telling. Every episode of this first season either connects directly with the next one, like this Days of Future Past multiparter or calls back to previous episodes, like Mystique operating for Apocalypse. It’s all woven together so elegantly, I love it. Sure, it made things harder to watch back in the 90s when your options were to watch the episodes as they play in their timeslot or just be okay with the recap at the start off the episodes to inform you what is happening. People today are so spoiled by streaming, I swear. I also got to give props to Apocalypse for this relatively simple plan. Use his shapeshifter to take on the form of one of the more mysterious X-Men and use his image to trigger a war. Way less convoluted than to kidnap Mutants to turn into his Horsemen and then just attacking countries at random. I do wonder if the X-Men from the unaltered timeline realized that Gambit wasn’t really to blame or if he was ousted from the group once the Sentinels started touching down on Xavier’s front lawn. And like I said last time, this probably worked really well in 92 as Gambit was such a new character that no one watching could be sure if he’d kill Kelly or not. Less so today, because, again, Scoundrel with a heart of gold. I imagine he’ll have questions for Rogue when he wakes up from his little nap time, but we’ll see. The reveal that Mystique is Rogue’s adopted mother was fine, too. At this point, the fact that Mystique is Rogue’s foster/adoptive mother as well as Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler and Graydon Creed’s biological parent is fairly well known. But I imagine a lot of kid’s jaws dropped right here in 92 when her identity was revealed. ... I say ‘parent’ because, if you haven’t kept up with Marvel comics buzz, it was revealed/retconned earlier this year that Mystique is Kurt’s father. She… shapeshifted the required anatomy to impregnate her longtime lover Irene Adler aka Destiny. Yes, Comics are weird. It’s disheartening for Bishop to return to the Future just to learn that nothing that he did make demonstrable change to the future. I could imagine just feeling defeated to return to the future to learn that nothing you did worked. But from a storytelling perspective it does give Bishop some additional reasons to keep hopping back to the past. So, yeah, this isn’t the last we’ll see of Bishop. And ending the episode with Kelly being kidnapped and heavily implying Magneto did it was an excellent hook for the season finale. Magneto’s back and he’s going to make sure people respect Mutants. Or is he? We’ll see next time. 


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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