
Monday, November 25, 2024

Viewer Log: Agatha All Along ep 4

I wanna rock and roll all night, and do magic every day.

Last time on Agatha All Along, the test began. The Witches were lured into a beach house and locked inside. They were led to drink some wine the turned out to be poisoned, Mrs. Hart aka Sharon getting the first dose, the other Coven Witches all got it at the same time, and Agatha got it last as she attempted to not drink it at all. Jen Kale was tapped to make an antidote. The Witches gathered the ingredients while dealing with hallucinations of their nightmares. Jen saw a man that tried to drown her, Alice saw her mother during her psychotic break, and Lilia saw Lady Death claiming some kind of 15th century noble lady. They mixed up the potion, but not before Agatha saw her hallucination, the Darkhold in a bassinette. They finished their antidote, but it wasn’t the right color. With only a minute left, Jen started panicking. Agatha grabbed her then and gave her the ‘I hate you, but you do good work” speech, having Jen remember that the last ingredient was blood of the unpoisoned. They added Teen’s blood to the potion and drank. The oven opened to let them out and the group bailed. Outside they started bickering again, only to discover that Sharon had died from the poisoning. Enough recap. Let’s get to it.


Ep 4: If I Can’t Reach You / Let My Song Teach You


We open on Agatha contemplating while looking at Sharon’s corpse. She says she didn’t think someone had it in them. Teen asks her what she meant but Agatha just makes a noise at him. He gets back to digging the grave. The other Witches pay their respects, Alice’s mother’s death is brought up again and Alice reveals that she knows her mother is dead. She didn’t die on the Road, but in a fire while on tour. She claims to be on the Road not to look for her mom but because before she died, she told Alice the Road would “Save” her. Agatha says RIP Mrs. Hart and tries to go on her way, but the others won’t leave just yet. When Agatha tries to get them moving, Jen points out that it’s not just her callousness that’s keeping them in place, but the fact the coven is incomplete now. Agatha tells them that that’s to their benefit, more power for the group. When Jen pushes back on that, Agatha says that they just needed a complete Coven to access the Road, but after that it’s anyone’s game. They start arguing what the lines of the Witch’s Road Ballad says, “Coven True” or “Coven Two” and they ask Alice what the line is, as she’s an expert by proxy. She instead asks Agatha how many Witches came back from the Road with her last time. Agatha confirms she came back with one. The group start fighting about who is to blame for Sharon’s death, Teen cutting them off and saying that they’re all at fault. They were supposed to look out for each other, but they didn’t. They come back to the point of needing a Green Witch and Agatha suggest they try to summon one. The other’s think it’s a bad idea, as a lot could go wrong with a spell like that, but Agatha insists it could work.


They form an outline of a person in leaves and perform a spell to summon the Green Witch. They each ask for qualities they need, Alice being the most practical and asks her to bring Advil. They finish the spell. There’s the classic joke of ‘oh we have to wait a bit before anything happens’ only for it to happen immediately. A being rises out of the grave they dug for Sharon. It’s not Sharon, but Rio Valda. Agatha demands to know what she’s doing here, and Rio says she heard they were having a party, and she was in the neighborhood. Agatha tries to slap her, but the others stop her and Agatha storms off. Rio introduces herself to the others, claiming not to be ‘a’ Green Witch but “The” Green Witch, in a demon voice. She then starts skipping after Agatha and Teen.


Teen catches up to Agatha and asks if they’re in trouble… more trouble than ten minutes ago. She doesn’t answer. The other Witches aren’t sure how to feel about Rio, as they find her scary but also hot. They come upon another house, but Alice decides she’s done and tries to bail. They try to leave only to find the house in front of them again and they resignedly head towards it. The moon on this door is waxing. Teen says that’s the fire phase. The group enters. Inside they’re all in 70s chic. Alice warns the group not to eat, drink or touch anything. They look for another note that might kick off this next challenge. There’s a tension between Rio and Agatha that she tries to ignore by just saying “no,” before they join. The group looks around the house, each finding something that seems to snare their attention. Lilia paintings of Witch burnings, Jen sees some weird masks, and Alice finds an album cover of her mom. Lilia joins her and asks if her mom was trying to open a path to the Witch’s road with her concerts. She nods, saying her mom’s fans were her Coven. Alice says that two years after the tour that cover was commemorating, they had to sell her mom’s catalog to keep the house. Lilia has another of her magic senior moments where she asks “Which is it? Am I wispy or am I kookie?” She then looks at Alice and tells her to “don’t do” something before coming out of it. Agatha tries to take a load off, but Rio follows her. She claims to be feeling bored and wants to cause damage to liven things up. Agatha says she’s early. Rio says that magic ‘follows the path of least resistance,” so when they called for the best candidate for the job, whatever force governs such things tapped her and funneled her down. Or up. Rio wants to know what Teen is here and Agatah cryptically says “many hands.” She offers to treat the Road like Switzerland, they’ll be neutral why they’re there. She offers for them to have one last ride together. She tricks Rio into talking more and hits the PA system they were standing by. Rio claims that she’ll watch as Agatha does what she does best, kill Witches, and she’ll claim the bodies. As the others hear this and start to protest, Agatha not-at-all-convincingly claims she’s not that kind of Witch anymore. Music starts shrieking an we find Teen put a record on a record player, saying he thought it was a clue due to the “play me” cover. The music gets real bad. They smash the player and a metronome starts going. The timer has started.


Nothing seems to happen at first, but then Lilia’s body starts smoking and she screams like she’s on fire. Alice grabs a knife from Rio and quickly draws a protection circle around Lilia. Once it shut, she’s fine. They spitball what they can do to end the curse, Agatha saying that once the vengeance of a curse kicks in you can’t get rid of it, and Lilia adding the only way to stop it is to face it. Jen’s next, as she starts screaming and smoking, but Alice carves a circle around her too. By the time it’s done, Jen’s shoulder is burned. Alice pulls back her jacket and we see she’s got a burn too. Alice checks the record and sees that it was the Ballad of the Witch’s Road. Agatha grabs her and says that she brought the curse in with them. Alice says she didn’t think it was real, that bad things happened to her because she just kind of sucks at life. She pulls back her shirt and shows the burn, saying that she convinced herself it was a birthmark that all her family had. The group realizes it’s a generational curse, which is extra bad. Teen gets thrown by an unseen force through a window and crashes to the ground. He asks if this means he’s part of the Coven, but no one confirms. Agatha has a lightbulb moment from the instruments around them and thinks they need to play Lorna’s version of the ballad. Alice refuses, asking how playing that song could do anything since singing it opened the way to the Road. Teen confirms Lorna’s version of the ballad is different from the ‘real’ one. They ask what Lorna did different, what she wanted from the Road, and Rio says she wanted to save her daughter. Agatha leaps on that, pointing out that Alice should have died years ago but here she is, aimless but not burnt. She realizes that that’s because that song was designed to be a protective spell and regardless of how Alice feels about it, it’s so popular someone is playing it at any given moment and protecting her. The Witches grab instruments and prepare to play.


Alice starts playing the piano, but then Agatha starts burning. She tells Alice to keep playing despite the pain and she starts singing. As they sing fire starts springing up around them. Rio says that the curse is angry. Agatha tells her to stop phoning it and play it right. They keep playing and Teen notices he’s got some glass in his side. Towards the end of the song, Alice sees the Curse, manifested as a giant Bat creature. They keep playing, Alice realizing that this could kill the curse. They keep playing, the Curse landing on Alice’s shoulders and scalding her before it vanishes. The metronome stops and they beat the challenge. Teen drops, though, due to the glass in his side.


They get him outside and get the glass out of him. Agatha clearly starts panicking and demands the others try to save him. Jen makes a potion from moonlight and water and pours it on the wound. Lilia says this has to do with the Three of Swords. They pour the potion on his wound and it heals him. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief and try to make him comfortable while he recovers. The group takes a break around the fire and get to know each other a little. Jen reveals she’s also a root worker and a midwife. They ask how she was bound. Jen reveals she was invited to the ’brand new Obstetrics Association of Greater Boston” where she was attacked by ‘him’ that bound her powers and she still doesn’t know how. Alice reveals that after her mom’s death she tried to forget Witch stuff because of how angry she was with her mom. She says she wanted to believe the Road wasn’t real so she could just stay Mad. Lilia notes that now she’s sad because of the fact it's real, but sad is better than angry. Lilia complains that the worst part of being a witch is the rumors and stereotyping. Teen wakes up and asks if Agatha put the sigil on him. She says no, but if she did, she wouldn’t know. The reason Witches don’t use them that often is because it affects the caster too, which is irritating. He asks if it can be lifted, and Agatha says they have to be destroyed, not lifted, and that it’ll go away on it’s own. Teen asks what happened to her son, but Agatha doesn’t answer. She tells him to heal fast.


Back at the fire, Lilia shows a scar from a vampire bite on her neck, saying she got it right before knocking out his other tooth. Lilia says that in the beginning they kind of hated each other before trailing off. The others realize this is another of her weird moments and asks ‘where do you go’ when that happens. Agatha joins them and tells them Teen is alive and mouthy. They asks to see her battle scars. She rolls up her sleeve and shows them one, from a knitting needle to her elbow. She asks if they’d heard of the daughters of liberty and when they say no, she says “exactly.” Rio offers to show her scar. She says that a long time ago she loved someone, that she had to do her job and doing it hurt that person. And now that person is her scar. Agatha walks off to stretch her legs and Rio follows.  Lilia grabs her hand and tells her to not think she forgot what was said in the sound booth before letting her go. When alone Agatha and Rio hug, and Agatha prepares to kiss her, but Rio stops her and says that that boy isn’t hers. Agatha then smiles weakly and walks off.


Of the three extra Witches we brought along on this trip, I didn’t think Alice would be the first one to get her backstory explored. I assumed we’d get them in the order they were recruited, with Lilia’s story being first, then Jen, then Alice and finally the Teen.  The Teen being last because he’s Agatha’s sidekick for this story. It was interesting to hear more about Alice’s mom and how this family curse ruined her. I think we could have dived a little deeper on the how and why of the curse, but maybe they’ll go into it more later. There are five more episodes to do after all. The twist that Lorna’s Ballad was effectively an anti-curse spell for Alice was extremely neat. It made Lorna being a Goddess of Rock matter to the actual story instead of just being an anecdote for Alice. The rocking out session was great, I don’t know if everyone was digitally fine tuned or they got voiced over, or if maybe Kathryn Hahn and co all have naturally good singing voices, but the final product was well done. Having Teen get injured during the trial to force Agatha to show a little of her softer side was nice too. It’s clear that regardless of how she treats him that he matters to her in some way, so him being hurt messed her up a little bit. The return of and relationship Agatha has with Rio is interesting. It’s clear they have a long history at this point, and that whatever her job, it’s tied to Agatha’s son’s death and why their relationship soured. The episode tried to play it a little coy, but Agatha storming off after we hear about Rio’s scar isn’t exactly subtle. Nor was the almost kiss. Having Rio tell Agatha that the Teen isn’t hers seems important. Obviously, we don’t know her state off mind, but I could believe Agatha starting to hope that maybe somehow Teen was her son reincarnated or something. That sort of thing isn’t unheard of in Marvel and when you’ve got magic and demons in the mix anything is possible. Especially when the episode specifically points out that sigils affect the caster as well. So, I can see why her hopes getting dashed would kill the mood. I am curious to see what the next trial will be, as the only one left is the divination Witch and Lilia is my favorite of the Coven. Hopefully we’ll start seeing the context of some of her outbursts soon. See you then. 



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