
Friday, January 31, 2025

Viewer Log: X-Men: TAS ep 36

 Mojo's back and I'm feeling sick remembering it.

Last time on X-Men: The Animated Series, Archangel and Apocalypse returned. Warren Worthington III has developed a lasting, burning hatred for Apocalypse and is trying to uncover any hint on how to kill him despite his immense power. An aide brings him a scroll telling of a weak spot on Apocalypse’ back, conveniently just before Apocalypse attacked New York. He faced off against the man that turned him into Death, but metal wings > Apocalypse and his like 15 different powers. The X-Men, meanwhile, use a Shi’ar enhanced Cerebro to track down Apocalypse’s ship, a massive mile long vessel that can cloak itself. They get the alert about the fight and go to give Warren backup. Apocalypse flees after they arrive and they take Warren back to the Mansion to recover. While the others formulate a plan of attack, Rogue looks after Warren and gets drawn in by his talk of revenge, implied to be an effect of having absorbed his memories a few months back. The X-Men tell Warren about their plan to turn Apocalypse’s ship against him, but that’s not good enough for Warren who flies off to fight Apocalypse again, Rogue following him and Gambit following her. Beast, Cyclops and Wolverine find and land on Apocalypse’s ship. The ship is intelligent and seems to not like working for Apocalypse, so lets them aboard and set a trap to capture Apocalypse in his own force cage. Archangel, Rogue and Gambit track down Apocalypse and do battle with him, driving him off. He returns to his ship and is promptly captured in the force cage. Warren arrives and can’t accept Apocalypse being imprisoned as just punishment. He tries to break the field holding Apocalypse to try to kill him, but it doesn’t work. Apocalypse frees himself, revealing he had a failsafe override code the entire time. And then revealing he was the aide, and planted the idea of having a weak point to draw Archangel into the open. The ship, having bonded with Beast, leads him to an override control to the override. The ship activates a containment protocol, trapping Apocalypse in a pod and jettisoning him into space. It is severely damaged though and crashes into the ocean below, dead. The others escape, Archangel flying off in a fury when it's clear that no one, even Rogue, agrees with his insane vendetta anymore. Beast mourns his lost friend, the ship. Enough recap. Let’s get to it.


We open with Logan doing his best to teach Jubilee how to drive. She’s… inconsistent to say the least. Logan has her pull into a convenience store so he can grab something, and when she’s alone, Longshot materializes in his seat. For those who don’t remember, Longshot was the star of an interdimensional TV show of the same name run by Mojo. Mojo being a gross bloated alien creature that walks on robotic spider legs. Jubilee missed that adventure so they get introduced right before Mojo sends some goons including the six armed Spiral to grab him. Spiral seems upset with Longshot for trying to leave and prepares to slice him, but Jubilee blasts at them, allowing Longshot to escape. Longshot grabs Jubilee and they run. The aliens summon up some war dogs to hunt them. Logan, somehow having missed all that, scents Longshot and goes after them.


The war dogs chase the duo for a few block, catching them in an alley, just before Logan catches up and starts slicing them. Jubilee and Longshot help out, disabling the war dogs but then Spiral and the others catch up. They drive Spiral and co back, who hadn’t anticipated him having backup, fall back to regroup. Logan, after checking on Jubilee, demands to know what Longshot is up to. Longshot claims he doesn’t know, as he can’t remember anything. Yep, it’s an amnesia story. Jubilee goes to bat for Longshot, saying he’s on their side. Logan’s not so sure, but is willing to take Longshot to the professor for some mental scans.


Back in Mojo’s dimension of Mojoworld, the titular disgusting creature that I can best describe as looking like aged cheese smells, is screaming at Spiral and Co for losing Longshot. He’s still under contract so every second he’s not spending on screen is costing Mojo big bucks. He whines about his issues, as he’s currently dealing with slave rebellions, employees demanding to be paid, all the usual despot stuff. Spiral, tired of his whining, snidely asks why he doesn’t get Longshot himself if he’s so hug up on him. Mojo, pissed off, grabs her and seems to suck the very life out of her with his hands. His major Domo does point out Spiral’s idea has merit, suggesting that if Mojo were to lead an expedition to our primitive planet and face off against the X-Men, it could be a major ratings hit. It takes a count of four on Domo’s fingers before Mojo is on board, positively drooling at the though of how much money they’ll make. Domo also saves Spiral’s life by pointing out that they’ll need her to pierce the veil between dimensions. Mojo restores her and orders Gog, one of the goons from earlier, to get his guys and get down to wardrobe. He also orders they scramble a remote crew, as they’re going live.


Jubilee and Logan show Longshot around the X-Mansion, Jubilee excitedly and Logan begrudgingly. They find Rogue and Beast in the rec room, and both are shocked to see him. Logan is distrustful of Longshot but Jubilee is clearly smitten with the fella. Xavier comes in and asks what’s going on, when Jubilee and Logan try to talk at once, he stops them and has Beast explain. Logan’s pretty sure this is a Mojo trap of some kind, and wants Charles to scan Longshot’s mind for clues. Charles sticks to his rule about only brain scanning the willing, so tells Longshot to think hard about it. Jubilee grabs him and says they’re going somewhere less hostile. Rogue tells Logan she’ll keep an eye on things and asks if he notice Jubilee was smitten with Longshot, to which Logan growls that he did.


Jubilee shows Longshot some of the grounds, loudly announcing that she hates it when Logan treats her like a little kid, saying she’s 15… and upping her age a little to 17. He says that she was brave protecting him and gives her a flower, which makes her swoon a little. Mojo and co appear on Earth, Mojo immediately deciding to rebrand the planet Danger World or Terror World, something to get the ratings up. He promises that there will be action and excitement, but not too much violence. Cuz this was FOX Kids in the 90s, standards were weird.


Jubilee shows Longshot to the War Room as it looks like he agreed to the mind scan. Charles begins his scan, saying that Longshot’s mind seems barren, but he’s getting a little something and he hopes he can help Longshot reconstruct his mind. Logan goes to check on Jubilee. Jubilee, meanwhile, sees a tubby scarecrow on the grounds, goes to investigate it and is attacked by Mojo. Charles helps Longshot remember what happened. Turns out, the genetically engineered slaves on Mojoworld rebelled against Mojo, and Longshot lead the group. We was captured and Mojo attempted to brainwash him to use Longshot as the face of a media propaganda campaign to get things to cool off. The rebels saved Longshot and sprung him, but in the escape Spiral hit him with a teleportation blast that sent him to Earth. Logan then interrupts via an intercom and tells them all to come check something out.


Rogue flies Beast and Longshot to Logan, at a patch of the mansion grounds where the earth has turned black and rotten. Logan says it’s Mojo’s doing, he can smell him. Which, man, I’m so sorry Logan, that sounds awful. Beast theorizes that if they don’t get Mojo off Earth fast, he might start rotting the whole planet. Logan also found Jubilee’s jacket. Longshot takes the jacket, his eye flashing and I finally learn what his power is. He’s got a form of psychometry, the ability to read aspects of people via touching an item. He also has slight control of luck, hence all his lucky escapes. He says he can’t read anything about Jubilee which is… bad. The group follow the path Mojo laid for them, Logan making it clear that he doesn’t trust Longshot. He tells him that if anything happens to Jubilee he’ll cut it from Longshot’s hide. Mojo appears, announcing they’ll be part of his new show, Intergalactic Gladiators. Live from Terror world. He also proclaims this as Longshot’s last appearance ever. Mojo unleashes a bunch of robots to serve as contestants, saying that the first to get to his compound gets the special grand prize, Jubilee. He sends Jubilee to a ‘new show’ to wait this out. Rogue tries to fly ahead but gets shot down, Mojo announcing no one can fly but him. They set off.


Wolverine tells the others to handle the goons as he can move faster alone. Beast thinks someone should go with him to watch his back and Longshot volunteers. Wolverine tries to say no, but Longshot insists, saying that he knows Mojo’s style, tech, and thoughts so he’ll be indispensable. Wolverine begrudgingly agrees.


Rogue and Beast lure the goons towards an attraction Mojo set up, Cretaceous Park. They’re immediately attacked by… a big… purple… T-Rex? Mojo’s right, the kids will love this dinosaur… whom I think should be named something with a B… Barry the Dinosaur? Bart? Barn… Ah whatever. The rex chases Beast into a tree and Rogue smacks it with a tree, revealing it’s a robot. They’re attacked by a few raptors too, but Rogue and Beast are able to escape. Meanwhile, Wolverine smells someone following them and tells Longshot to keep going while he doubles back. He’s snuck upon by a ram headed guy, who prepares to shoot him after a headbutt, but Longshot steps in, asking the fella (named Quark) if he wouldn’t rather be known as the man who defeated Longshot. They fight, Longshot easily dodging around him until Quark knocks himself out hitting a tree. Longshot asks if he’s okay and Wolverine says he heals fast. They see a crewman land to grab Quark, and smile at each other.


They stole a hover craft and ram it at Mojo’s ship, knocking him aside to get to the compound. Mojo, having barely dodged their strafing rush, is positively apoplectic that all this is happening without cameras on them. He orders all cameras back to the compound, letting Beast and Rogue escape in the confusion. Longshot and Wolverine make it to the main building where they’re cut off by Spiral. When Wolverine asks why she’s got beef with Longshot, he just says that they used to Date. She goes to kill him, but Wolverine blocks her and tells Longshot to save Jubilee. Unfortunately, Mojo anticipated this and removed the door controls. He orders Gog to kill Longshot, and it looks like it work too, until Rogue drops Beast on them. Rogue smashes into the building to save Jubilee, but it is knocked back by a robot that mimics her. Longshot shoots the remote, destroying it and shutting down the robots. Mojo laments that he’s putting himself in all this danger only for his ratings to start dropping. He order Spiral to take him out of here but she’s busy fighting Wolverine. He’s pissed and starts attacking Longshot. Jubilee shouts ‘NO,’ and shorts out Mojo’s legs, causing him to crash into a tree. Longshot grabs a sword and prepares to execute Mojo, but Spiral portals him away. She then uses her powers to remove all their personal and equipment, saying that she wants a rematch with Wolverine. Pay-per-view of course. The portal stays open long enough for Longshot to follow. He says a quick goodbye to Jubilee, thanking her for being nice to him and giving her a kiss on the forehead before running through. The episode ends with everyone heading back to the mansion, Jubilee tearing up.


Overall, this was an average episode. Didn’t blow my mind, but didn’t leave me feeling bored either. I think there’s a lingering bad taste in my mouth from Mojo’s first appearance, with it being essentially three action set pieces before Longshot breaks everyone free. This one at least had a bit more of plot, with Longshot arriving mysteriously and then having to compete in the race to save Jubilee. Plus a story where Logan has to learn to trust someone is always a fun ride because my favorite Canadian refuses to let grudges go until he absolutely has to. Mojo is still a creature that is just not fun to look at, being a blobby monster that just looks wet all the time which tells me he stinks to high heaven. A couple of his cracks got me laughing this time, though, like saying that there won’t be much violence because they’ll save that for the news. Longshot as a character works for me, in that I totally believe he was genetically engineered to be a leading man in a 90s action movie. All face, almost no personality. I like that between episodes they gave him some stuff to do so he’s not just a handsome fella doing action set pieces for Mojo. Do I believe he actually could lead a rebellion? No, not on purpose, but even if I don’t believe it it’s a better gig that him working for Mojo. Who is the visual equivalent to the nastiest fart you’ve ever smelt. Sorry, last one. I just really, really, really don’t like looking at Mojo. And Spiral leaving but saying she wants to fight Wolverine again on pay-per-view and with generous control of the royalties and such was a good line for her to exit on. So yeah, good, not great, happy it’s done. Next time we return to X-Men: The Animated Series we’ll be catching up with Bobby and see the episode that really throws the timeline out of whack. See you then. 



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