
Monday, July 28, 2014

Hero Profile: Rocket and Groot

He is Groot
You will NEVER forget this.
In anticipation for the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, I’ve decided to do the Hero and Villain profiles for the characters. I’ll try to finish them all by August 1st but no promises. Also, I recently got my hands on the Marvel Encyclopedia, which I will be using as my primary source material unless otherwise specified. I'll be getting the DC version in the next few weeks.
So who shall we start with? If you read the article title you’ll know it’s the unlikely friendship of Rocket Raccoon and Groot. I’m combining these two together chiefly because there isn’t too much to say about Groot.
Let me explain. Groot is an alien life form known as a Floral Colossus, furthermore, he’s the last of his kind. Now, on paper this sounds like a background that create a lot of depth and interesting plot lines, but there is one big problem for that. Groot can only say this sentence, “I am Groot.” I don’t think he is even capable of mixing the letters up to say “Groot am I” or “Am I Groot.” When you are limited only one three word sentence there isn’t much anyone can do.
Groot’s background, all that has been revealed anyway, is interesting. Groot came to Earth originally to experiment and study humans, but was discovered, captured, and “recruited” by SHIELD. He also served with the monster themed team The Howling Commandos. He later returned to space and joined Star Lord’s iteration of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and even later rejoined the group after it was recreated by Rocket Raccoon.
File:Rocket Raccoon Dialogue 1.png
He's so cute when filled with homicidal rage.
Rocket Raccoon also has a rather unique backstory. He was a chief of security on a planet known as Halfworld, an entire planet devoted to caring for insane humanoid aliens. After a run in with a Hulk, he left Halfworld with him, and his close friend Wal Rus (two guesses what animal he is) and Rocket’s girlfriend Lylla an evolved Otter. He served with the second Guardians and was instrumental in creating the third.
Groot is an incredibly strong and durable organism. He is the backbone of any assault force he is on. He is also regenerating from even a few tiny scraps of his body provided that it is planted and well cared for.
Rocket specializes in explosives and heavy artillery. If it fires projectiles, odds are Rocket has used it at least twice. He’s incredibly intelligent and also one of Groot’s best friends. A super power in and of itself, since he can usually convince the usually gentle giant to break things very easily.
Best Friends, Forever. Or as long as Rocket's alive.
I'm willing to bet Groot will outlive us all.
In terms of outside comic book appearances, I’ve only ever seen this delightful duo in two TV series (both as guest appearances) and one video game. The TV show The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes plays them as serious warriors’ intent on protecting the galaxy from Michael Korvak, a dangerously unstable human that was given godlike power. In the TV show Ultimate Spider-man they are still warriors but like most characters on that show, the comedy is played up. Groot, in fact, was largely played for laughs in their first outing because he was stuck as a small shoot of himself as he regenerated for most of the episode. Lego Marvel Superheroes was along the same vein.
I’m looking forward to seeing these two do in no small part to the their comedic potential, we have so few funny Superheroes-
HEY, me and Spider-wuss resent that remark!
In movies, Deadpool. Let me finish next time. You have to admit you were not funny (or even seen) for most of X-men Origins and Spider-man really wasn’t all that funny in three of his five times up to bat in film.
… You got me there.
Good, now get out of here, I’ll call you next time I want your input.
Fine, Mr. Grouchy.
Noisy fourth wall aware weirdo.
We should totally team up sometime
I heard that. Vengeance will be mine, Ginger.
Get out of here! And my hair color/complexion isn't an insult. Where was I… oh right, rare funny superheroes. In film, most of the Heroes we see are the UBER serious type or mildly comedic, where as the previews of GotG suggest these two will be very funny. Bradley Cooper looks like a good choice for the trigger happy and quick to anger Rocket. And if Vin Diesel has proven one thing with his previous animated parts (The Iron Giant) he can make you really care about a guy that doesn’t say too much.
Well that’s all I’ve got for this one. I’ll be back in the next few days with Drax the Destroyer. I hope this movie is going to be worth all the attention the rest of the world and I are going to and have laid upon it.

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