
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Villain Profile: Ronan the Accuser

He looks good in green.

A good superhero movie is all but impossible without an excellent villain. And while the Guardians’ are not up against a Magneto, a Red Skull, or even a Thanos (the weird looking guy at the end of the Avengers) they do have Ronan the Accuser. I know I said Drax would be first, but I figured I'd save his weirder story for another day.
Ronan is a Kree, an incredibly aggressive race that has been at war with the Skrull (called the Chitauri in the Avengers) for eons. And while I personally don’t care for the Skrull, I can’t deny that the war is pretty much all the Kree’s fault. But I’m not here to talk about the species, I’m here to talk about Ronan. Ronan is a Kree aristocrat and serves as the Supreme Public Accuser, second only to the Kree's supreme leader the Supreme Intelligence. It's an organic computer amalgam of all the most intelligent Kree. And when the Supreme Intelligence was finally destroyed, Ronan took over as the Kree Supreme leader. Real humble origins, right? Like Judge Dredd, Ronan is a Judge, Jury and Executioner for the Kree Empire. He executes anyone that goes against him, and by extension the Kree Empire, with extreme prejudice.
Ronan is not amused.
Ronan doesn’t have any sort of supernatural powers, but a Kree’s natural abilities do put them above we humans in terms of strength and endurance. Take the already enhanced strength and increase it with military training and you have a receipt for a pretty terrifying opponent. He has a number of tech upgrades, an armored battle suit similar to Ironman to increase his strength, various high tech weaponry, and, in at least one incarnation, a Green Goblin style glider. His most powerful weapon is the Universal Weapon, his Hammer, which is capable of firing beams of energy, disintegrate matter and even create force fields. Plus, he can use it like a hammer, terrifying I know.
Black replaces Green, still scary.
In terms of non-comic book incarnations there’ve been a few. He was a recurring antagonist on Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes, alongside both his Kree brothers and his eternal nemeses the Skrull. For those who don’t know, the Kree and the Skrull do most often tangle with the Fantastic Four, he even made his debut in the FF comic book series. He and the entire Skrull-Kree conflict were part of a long story arc of the Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. He was only a minor character at best, but he was still pretty dang scary for the most part.
Honestly I like Ronan. He’s one of the more classic bad guys, a villain that believes what he’s doing is for the greater good of his race and that his judgment is beyond rebuke since he IS the Accuser. He often doesn’t get involved with conflicts personally, that is until he’s sure his subordinates are about to embarrass him.
Guardians of the Galaxy will be his first time up to bat in a full movie, and while we haven’t seen much of him in the trailer I hope that he’ll live up to the hype that the heroes have generated with the promos. He’s big, mean and loves blowing things up, what’s not to like?

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