
Monday, November 30, 2015

Viewer Log: Jessica Jones ep 10

Episode Ten picks up immediately after number nine. Kilgrave escapes the isolated little prison by forcing Jeri Hogarth to be his getaway driver. It’s also revealed Hogarth disabled the shock button, as part of a deal to get Kilgrave out. What does she get? Why Kilgrave promised to force Wendy to sign the divorce papers. All I can say is, “you short sighted egocentric numbskull.” I could use harsher words, but hey, my mother and my sister occasionally read these. Anyway, back in the bunker, Trish desperately tries to follow Kilgrave’s order to “Put a bullet in [her] head.” Jessica stops her by finding a loophole in the wording, and sticking a bullet into Trish’s mouth. Order followed, she free to move on. It’s significantly harder for Dr. Anderson, who was ordered by his dear son to cut out his own heart. They have to restrain him.
Jessica reveals to Trish, Dr. Anderson, and Clemens that she appears to be immune to Kilgrave’s power now. Anderson explains Kilgrave’s powers are the result of a virus he emits. The virus was designed to halt the neurological degeneration that Kilgrave would have suffered, but somehow mutated to give him power over others. Trish and Anderson take a sample of Jessica’s blood, in the hopes of creating a vaccine for Kilgrave’s powers. Jessica tries to find Kilgrave. And Clemens stays to hold the fort.
Hogarth took Kilgrave to Wendy, in part so her doctor ex could patch up the injure sociopath, and to make her sign the papers. Kilgrave also learns about his and Hope’s aborted child, and that Hogarth has the remains. He orders Wendy to kill Hogarth, “death by a thousand cuts.” Not sure if mind control was 100% necessary for Wendy to go off. Hogarth is saved by her Hoe, who bashes Wendy’s brain in.
For someone who can fly, or at least jump really far, she sure
runs a lot.
Around this time, Simpson is pretty much on the warpath. High on his performance enhancing drugs, he’s sworn to kill Kilgrave, and anyone else that gets in his way. Which includes Clemens, poor guy. Jessica enters her apartment, and is met by Kilgrave. He offers her a deal, his Dad for Hope. He’d already taken the liberty of forcing a Judge to dismiss the case against Hope, and she’ll be paroled the next day. They also discuss their…relationship. Kilgrave points out there was an 18 second window where Jessica was “free” but seemed to want to stay with him. He paints a rather lovely picture of this moment with his…well, slave. Jessica remembers it differently, admitting that she was going to jump off the roof and escape, but it took her too long to force the lingering effects of Kilgrave’s powers out. When she doesn’t immediately follow his next order, he tells her to cut her ears off, since she isn’t using them. He stops her before she slices them off, though. Jessica then shows the scar, proving her version of events, and then knocks out Kilgrave.
Back with Malcolm, who has had a real tough time keeping Psycho sis Robyn from learning her brother’s fate, confides in the support group. Robyn, who’d been stalking him, hears everything. Infuriated, she whips a few of the support group into a frenzy to get Jessica. They break into her apartment about 2.5 seconds after Malcolm arrived to warn Jessica, and Robyn, like a total moron, frees the bound and gagged Kilgrave.
Simpson tracks down Trish and Anderson, and assaults them both. He wanted to hurt Anderson, for making Kilgrave, but didn't want to hurt Trish. She got in the way to protect the ailing Doctor. He still seems to genuinely care for Trish, though, as he apologizes for flipping out, and listens to her when she kicks his butt to the curb. He also didn’t notice that Trish nabbed some of his pills.
The next day, Jessica is horrified to learn that Hope had been collected by Kilgrave. The deal still remains, so she collects Anderson and the untested Vaccine. They go to Kilgrave’s favorite restaurant, as per instruction by a mind controlled currier. Kilgrave has Hope by his side, and the Support Group with nooses around their necks. It’s not a great situation, but since we’re trying to avoid episode ending spoilers I’ll get to that next time.
Overall, very good episode. Action and pacing are great, and as I’m one of those more technical minded guys, it was also great to hear the explanation of Kilgrave’s powers in this universe. And it was kind of interesting to see how far and fast Simpson fell after getting on his super soldier pills. The kind of a jerk but still overall good man becomes a remorseless murderer in less than twenty-four hours. Impressive. That being said, there are a few issues with the episode. I still think that it’s stupid that Hogarth was that selfish/stupid to let Kilgrave out, but given what I’ve seen of the character I’m not that shocked. I’m just glad that her arc is basically over. Couple that with Kilgrave escaping, again, because psycho sister did something rash and stupid felt way too easy. Like they couldn’t think of a better way for him to escape, now that we know Jessica is immune to his powers, so they Deus Ex-ed him free. Granted, they did set this up a bit with how crazy Robyn is, but it still feels cheap. So yeah, good, not great, best way to sum up the episode.

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