
Monday, November 30, 2015

Viewer Log: Jessica Jones ep 11

Picking up from last time, spoiler alert, Jessica chooses to save the support group, while Kilgrave escapes with his Dad, and Hope stabs herself in the Juglar. On her own accord. She makes Jessica swear she’ll kill Kilgrave before dying herself. Malcolm and Jessica are able to convince the Support Group and crazy Robyn to go with the lie that they were meeting Jessica and Hope to celebrate her release with drinks, when she for no apparent reason killed herself.
Jessica and Trish start searching New York for Kilgrave and his Dad. They start with the morgues, figuring Kilgrave wanted Revenge on dear old Dad, but come up empty. Jessica goes for about thirty-six hours without sleep before she has a hallucination about seeing Kilgrave. She gets hit by a truck. Her powers make it not all that bad, but it cracks a few ribs. Back with Trish, her show gets interrupted by an apologetic Simpson. While he sounds sincere in his apology, he’s still clearly tweaking out, so Trish is very cautious around him.
After bandaging Jessica’s wounds, with saranwrap, they get a led from a mortician they bribed about a weird death. Jessica gets in, and learns that it’s Clemens. Back at Trish’s apartment, she meets Simpson, who’d been waiting creepily outside for her. A group of Simpson’s old squad show up to try to apprehend him, but Simpson wastes them all after popping a few more pills. He then disables Trish, clears up the bodies, and tries to force a partnership with Jessica over the phone.
A best friend is someone that'll help you fight their super soldier
sort of ex-boyfriend. Or so comics would have me believe.
They meet at Jessica’s apartment. She’s real suspicious of Simpson, and tricks him into confessing to killing Clemens. A brawl ensues. I assume that even with his stimulants, Simpson wouldn’t have stood a chance against Jessica normally, but her busted ribs are slowing her down a lot. She’d have been finished if Trish didn’t rush in to save her. Trish takes some of Simpson’s super pills, too, and beats the snot out of him. Then the side effects kick in. Simpson had built up a tolerance for the pills, so he can go hours without crashing. Trish had never taken them before, so she’d need the blue “calming” pills to safely adjust her body chemistry back to normal. Her heart stops, but Jessica is able to keep her going long enough for some EMTs to arrive and save Trish’s life. Jessica breathes a sigh of relief, before getting a call from Kilgrave. He feels hurt and angry that Jessica had been seeing Luke Cage for a while, and tells her to say her goodbyes. She rushes to save him.
The “Flashback plot” for this episode is seeing Jessica adjust to life with Trish and her mother. Back in the day, Trish was kind of a B-word teen and her mother was worse. Jessica was forced to watch the hostility between mother and daughter, as Trish’s mom kept forcing Trish to keep doing things that would appeal to her public imagine, while Jessica’s super powers kicked in. Trish and Jessica, who didn’t get along at all, came up with something of a cold war pact. Trish wouldn’t say anything about Jessica’s new found Superpowers, and Jessica wouldn’t tell anyone about Trish’s mom’s physical abuse. Tensions come to a head when Jessica sees Trish’s mom try to force Trish to throw up after eating. Jessica scares the pants off of Trish’s mom, and she and Trish become actual friends.
Another solid episode. Jessica is now pretty much on the warpath, and is doing everything in her power to destroy Kilgrave once and for all. Her, Trish and Simpson’s fight is pretty well done. Sure, giving Jessica a rapidly healing injury to just seemingly put her and Simpson on equal footing is a little weak, but I’ll let them have this one. It was also interesting to see how Jessica and Trish’s friendship formed. They showed a little of how Trish and Jessica acted around each other just after the Jones’ accident, and they were pretty indifferent towards each other. Standing up for someone and getting them out of a toxic relationship is one of those experiences that seems to bond folks together for life. It’s a bit like knocking out a fully grown Mountain Troll. Harry Potter reference for the win. See you next post.

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