
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Viewer Log: One-Punch Man ep 10

So this time around a mega-sized dinosaur awakens and breaks out of a block of ice. The supersized monster is King of the Terror Lizard Clan, and claims that the deaths of the kings of the Deep Sea and the Subterranean have given him the opportunity to take over. Some military guys fire off some rounds, and then hit him with the big gun, Tornado. She’s a little green haired woman with CRAZY psychic powers, in case the name doesn’t ring a bell. Tornado is almost immediately called back in by her superiors at the Hero Association. This, of course, irritates her. And her ignoring him irritates the Terror Lizard King. He tries to crush her, and rather stupidly remarks that only a meteor had any chance of killing him. Unfortunately for him, Tornado is able to pull a meteor from space, turning him into burnt street pizza.
Find myself wondering how he'd wear a hat.
Space-Clayface, real name: Melzalgald.
We cut back to Saitama and Genos getting a martial arts lesson from Bang. Teaching a cyborg and the equivalent of Superman martial arts… kind of like trying to teach Matthew McConaughey pick-up artist techniques. Would he ever really need them? We get some background on Bang, that until recently his dojo was really popular, but then his top student went nuts and beat the snot out of the majority of his students. Tough break, dude. A Hero Association official shows up and tells Bang and Genos that all the S-Class heroes are being called in because of a major emergency. Bang and Genos also insist that Saitama come along as well. They meet a bunch of heroes, including the Atomic Samurai and Tornado, both of whom are unimpressed by Saitama. We’re shown 15 of the 17 S-Class Heroes. Couple of bruisers, a few cyborgs, a morbidly obese…thing, a child genius, and a guy in a dog costume. I deal with a weird subject matter. The only ones not there are Metal Knight, who is anti-social, and #1 S-Ranked Hero, Blast.
A few Officials arrive, led by a man named Sitch, who explain the situation. Apparently, a short time ago a powerful psychic named Shibabawa predicted a major catastrophe mere moments before her death. Her predictions, while sporadic, have always been 100% accurate. As she chocked to death on a cough drop, yes you read that right, she wrote down “The Earth’s in trouble.” Apparently she’s never been so vague, hence why Sitch and the others are worried. They have a six-month window for when this disaster could occur. Saitama points that ‘today’ falls in that six-month period, right as the Hero Association Headquarters is bombed. We see some bird people, led by the Sky King, just before they’re slaughtered by an alien version of Clayface and a giant warship. The alien has an actual name, but it’s really hard to write or pronounce, so I’m just going to call him Space-Clayface.
They should have brought a bigger ship.
The Warship obliterates 99% of A-City, leaving only the Hero Association Building standing. They explain Metal Knight had designed the building, hence its sturdiness. Why didn’t he share that with the rest of the town? Because he’s a jerk, duh. Space-Clayface starts attacking survivors, but he’s temporarily stopped by a weird knight. He’s a student of Atomic Samurai. While the other heroes are still reacting to the warship and devastation, Genos notices that Saitama has literally leapt through the ceiling to get at the Warship. He blocks, dodges, and even flings back several projectiles back at the Warship before breaking into it. Beneath the ship, Space-Clayface blows Mr. Knight’s left arm clean off. He’s have been killed, if Atomic Samurai hadn’t stepped in to save his student. He slices Space-Clayface into powder, but the alien quickly regenerates. Samurai slices him up again. And again. Space-Clayface just keeps regenerating. The Hero Association is preparing evacuation/rescue procedures, and unofficially declaring this a Kami Situation. For those who don’t remember, Kami=possible human extinction. So…yeah, very bad. Meanwhile, Saitama has started smashing through the Warship and killing the crew. We see a creepy image of some sort of Cycloptic monster.
This episode is focused on build up. We get to see most of the seventeen best heroes of their world. While some are clearly based off of pre-existing heroes, Metal Knight = Anti-Social Iron Man, Bang = Old Man Iron Fist, and Child Emperor = any pre-teen super genius, but some are pretty unique, like Watchdog Man, that guy in the dog costume, and Pig God, the morbidly obese guy from earlier. We also get to see Puri-Puri Prisoner again. Still pretty creepy, but entertaining. And, while I say Space-Clayface resembles the DC’s supervillain, I just mean his powers. Appearance-wise he’s much more visually distinct, with multiple heads and apparently more than one personality. With his regenerative powers, it’s a shame that Saitama didn’t start from the bottom. He might have gotten a few more punches in against him. So yeah, building to an epic conclusion. Next time, episode 11. Two to go.

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