
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Viewer Log: One-Punch Man ep 11

Continuing immediately after the previous episode, Saitama is still causing huge amounts of damage to the Warship. The captain of the Warship, Lord Boros, goes to discuss this “intruder” on his ship with his communications officer. Said officer, Space-Squid (not his real name but easier to spell) informs his boss that in the… oh, four minutes that Saitama has been aboard he’s damaged nearly a quarter of the ship and killed about as much of the crew. So yeah, give him twelve more minutes and this fight should be all wrapped up. We’re given a glimpse of Saitama’s surviving foes watching them on the news. Hammerhead is watching with his folks, Genus and Armored Gorilla are cooking some squid, and Sonic is oiling his blade. Glad to see they’re all okay, isn’t it?
The first villain to take a semi-serious punch.
This should be good.
The various heroes do their best to kill Space-Clayface. Puri-Puri Prisoner, Bang, and newcomers Atomic Samurai and Metal Bat keep smashing him despite his constant recovery. Metal Bat uncovers the secret to Space-Clayface’s regeneration, silver marbles at the core of his various heads. Break those, and the head dies. Easy-peasy. Back onboard the ship, Saitama is hopelessly lost. The man has no sense of direction. Space-Squid contacts Saitama over the PA system and demands that Saitama vacate the premises. Saitama reveals his status of being lost, and Space-Squid offers to help him leave. At a fork, he tells Saitama to go right. Realizing that that means the aliens don’t want him going left, he goes that way. He breaks into the control room, and confronts Space-Squid. Space-Squid shows off some impressive telekinetic powers, but all he really ends up doing is killing the rest of the crew. Lesson here? Messing with gravity is a bad idea. Saitama kills him with a strongly thrown pebble, and goes after Lord Boros.
Child Emperor, boy genius, uses some crazy looking tech to determine that the aliens are preparing another volley. Somehow, I’d have thought that would be pretty damn obvious. They have an Alien WMD, a half dozen threats to their invasion, and their only vulnerable asset is a being that is capable of rapid regeneration. I’m no world conquering alien, but that is a no brainer. Upon learning the obvious, the Hero Association calls back their Search and Rescue teams. They obviously don’t want to endanger their normal assets, but thankfully Mumen Rider and some other C and B class heroes show up to pick up the slack. The S-Class heroes on the ground are able to reduce Space-Clayface to just two heads, and Tornado shows off her telekinetic might by stopping the latest volley and fling it back at the Warship. The heroes reduce Space-Clayface to one head, before he snaps and goes on a berserk rampage. He hits and seemingly kills Bang. Rather than being broken, the heroes rally to try and take out Space-Clayface’s final head.
This may sting a little. And I can bet Saitama couldn't be more
Saitama meets up with Boros. To quote Robin, Saitama seems pretty “whelmed” by the situation. Boros doesn’t seem to notice that Saitama doesn’t give two (expletive deleted) about why he’s attacking earth. He explains his background, Boros is essentially an alien version of Saitama. Super-powerful being that grew so strong that no one could stand against him. As such, he grew bored with conquest, and sought out different ways to alleviate his boredom. His chance at excitement again came in the form of an alien Seer, who told him to search the cosmos for his ultimate challenge. Saitama, who’s already bored, punches Boros through a few pillars. Boros reveals he was wearing power surpassing armor, goes Super Saiyan (feels like it’s been a while since someone has done that), and rushes Saitama. The episode ends as the fight begins. You (expletive deleted) teases! Still, not a terrible way to end an episode. But it’s still frustrating.
So we now have two episodes of build-up. Which, for a season, and at the time possibly series, finale that’s to be expect. Boros needs to be a bigger threat than any previous villain, or else it’s not really upping the ante from the Deepsea King. And, so far, he seems to be meeting expectations. It’s also interesting to know that his background mirrors Saitama’s, just in space. I also love that Saitama’s kept short attention span. Remember, when giving your background to Saitama, keep it to twenty words or less. While it’s kind of hard to build tension with Saitama, a hazard of any Superman style character, this web comic/manga/anime does do a good top at showing the consequences of Saitama failing/being late. The guys he keeps running into, Deepsea King, Boros, Carnage Kabuto and the rest do a lot of collateral damage regardless of how long they’re on screen. And so do his minions. Bang and the the other heroes are having a heck of a time against Space Clayface, and if Saitama can't finish things quick, more heroes could be pushing up daisies. Next time, the epic conclusion.

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