
Friday, August 28, 2020

Viewer Log: X-Men: Evolution ep 12

Mutants are forced to battle for a seat in Sanctuary.

Last time on X-Men: Evolution, we learned a little about the dark and dreary past of Logan. The Wolverine started having fits after seeing a news report about a monster attack near Mt. McKenna in Canada. He goes to find out more, with Kitty and Kurt accidentally stowing away. Logan ends up being abducted by the Doctor, whom I dubbed Colcord after the Weapon X director in the comics, and had his programing reinstated. He and Sabretooth are sent to kill Kitty and Kurt, but the two X-Men were able to break through and restore Logan’s mind. The lab gets destroyed, Logan survives and is brought home where the chip causing him pain is removed. Well, that was pretty dark, I’m sure the next episode will be much happier. Can you sense my sarcasm? Let’s get to it, shall we?


Well, this feels like the start of an alien abduction movie.
Way to set the tone, fellas.

We open on Scott and Jean arriving back at the mansion. Scott rushes into the mansion for… some reason, but Jean dawdles a bit and notes something watching her from the trees. She goes to investigate and finds Toad spying on her. The furious amphibian attacks her, claiming that he’s “getting a jump on the competition, yo.” Toad, you’re picking a fight with the most powerful X-Man. And you are Toad. This does not end well for you. Jean, not being evil, fights Toad off and throws him into a well to get rid of him. Moments later, a large metal sphere land before her. Several metal tentacles grab her and pulls her into the pod before it takes off. Well, that’s dark. Toad pulls himself out of the well and shouts that there was some sort of mistake and that “it should have been me!” Huh.


After the opening credits, we cut over to a blonde boy named Alex surfing in Hawaii. He relaxes on his surfboard for a few moments, just before a shark attacks him. Things look bad for Alex, until his Mutant powers manifest and he blasts the shark with plasma blasts from his hands. He surfaces, his hand still glowing red.

How much extra do you think guys like Xavier and
Wayne have to pay to keep the construction crews
quite on set ups like this. 100K? More?


Back at the X-Mansion, Logan joins Xavier in the new Cerebro. The wall computer that was smashed when his half-brother Cain came to visit has since been upgraded into the spherical room most folks would recognize from other media. Xavier reveals that Cerebro has detected a new Mutant, Alex Masters. While a new Mutant is exciting, this one is even more shocking as Alex Masters birth name was Alex Summers. Xavier tells Logan to prep the Blackbird and be prepared for trouble.


It’s only hinted at here, but, Scott and Alex were orphaned as young children when their parents plane crashed. The two were separated in the wreckage, both believing the other killed. In the comics, their separation was part of a plan to isolate Scott by the villainous Mr. Sinister in a bid to use Scott as part of gene experiment to make a perfect Mutant. In the show, it seems to be just due to bad luck.


Alex, meanwhile, has gotten back to the beach and seems to be still freaked out by his powers. Magneto arrives, introducing himself and offering to help Alex. The young Summers tries to blow him off, but is drawn back when the master of magnetism promises to take the pain of his ability away and offer him sanctuary.


Back at the mansion, Logan has the jet prepped while Xavier tells Scott about his little brother. Scott is incredibly distraught at learning that his little brother was alive and disgusted with himself for not looking for Alex over these years. Xavier tells Scott that Alex had been living with foster parents in Hawaii. After ten years apart, Scott is hellbent on getting to his brother, and insists they take off the moment Xavier is loaded into the jet. Unfortunately for the other X-Men, they take off seconds before the other young heroes arrive. Kurt, still wanting a beach trip, suggest that they take the X-Van out of town for their own beach day. I don’t see how this could backfire. As they drive off, we see a cat slink around. It turns into Mystique, whom radios her team and tells them that the other X-Men are on the move. There it is.

Reunited and it feels so good. 


The team lands on the Beach in Hawaii. Not sure which Island, though. Logan and Scott go out to search while the wheelchair bound Xavier searches the area telepathically. They find tracks which abruptly stop, which leads Logan to believe Magneto is involved. He’s able to tell Scott a little bit about Xavier’s old friend and rival before being cut off. At the same time, the Blackbird is stolen by Magneto, who uses his power over metal to draw it to him. Logan rushes over and gets on the landing gear before the Jet goes too far off the ground. Moments later, Alex and Scott reunite. The two brothers hug it out, the joy of seeing Alex briefly making Scott forget about the kidnapping of his mentors. Alex tells him Scott that he’d met Magneto and that he’d told the younger Summers that the older would be arriving. He reveals that Magneto claims that he just wants to show Xavier something, and that the master of magnatism left a sphere for them to follow along with. Scott is skeptical but goes along to protect his little brother and find his friends.


Logan meanwhile is clinging to the Blackbird for dear life as Xavier has a reasonably calm chat with Magneto. He’s not there, just somehow projecting his voice and image to Xavier. No idea if this is tech or some other Mutant’s power. He tells Xavier that he’s taking him to Sanctuary for free, but that all other Mutants must fight and battle for salvation. “We are the Future.” To prove this point, he uses Magnetism to throw Logan about before dropping the old Canadian into the Atlantic. Logan spots an island nearby and swims to it.


Ororo makes it back to the mansion and is clearly shocked to find no one around. Did no one even leave her a sticky note as to what was happening today? Or called her? Some people. She bets a cat as she walks in, only to discover that cat is none other than Mystique. The weather witch asks where everyone is, to which Mystique complains that Xavier got a free pass while they’re forced to fight it out, a fact she’s clearly furious about.


With the other four X-Men, the team is almost at the beach when the road starts getting churned up by Avalanche whom then rams into them with his jeep. He, Quicksilver and Toad are able to run the X-Men off the road and into Blob, who announces that it’s time to party. At the same time, Logan washes up on the island. He smells Sabretooth, whom reveals himself and the two begin brawling.


And in our final act, our villain appears!

Xavier finally lands on Asteroid M, aka Sanctuary, Magneto’s floating metallic fortress. It’s floating in the upper atmosphere above the North Pole. The master of Magnetism is shown in the light fully for the first time as he shows, and by that, I mean drags, Xavier in. Magneto explains that he’s pitting their two teams against each other to prove who is the strongest. Only the fittest will join them on Asteroid M. Xavier tries to convince his friend to go down another path, but Magneto isn’t listening. He claims a Dark future is rushing towards them and they need to be prepared.


The X-Men battle the Brotherhood at the beach. Kitty gets nearly crushed by Blob, but is able to phase through the ton of blubber. Unfortunately, the ride was so disgusting it causes her to pass out. Kurt gets knocked out by rubble Avalanche throws at him mid-teleport. Quicksilver buries Evan in sand up to his neck. The only X-Man to come out ahead is Rogue, who knocked Toad out with a door but was thankfully stopped by Avalanche before she drained his powers to keep him out. Four pods descend for the victors.


Meanwhile, Storm and a clearly pissed off Mystique are still brawling. Having grown tired of Mystique’s cryptic comments and decided to take her out now, Storm calls up mist to hide herself and then delivers a powerful punch to the shapeshifter’s face, knocking her out cold. A pod bursts in and grabs her. At the same time, Logan wrestles with Sabretooth. Logan gets the burly beast to spill a little more about Sanctuary before the two charge each other one last time.


At Asteroid M, Magneto reveals that Logan and Sabretooth’s fight is the only outstanding battle left. When Xavier asks what Magento does with the victors that don’t want to go, Magneto reveals his solution. Jean, Storm, and Rogue are all being kept in some kind of stasis pods. Xavier tells Magneto he’s not saving anyone, just kidnapping people. To which Magneto reveals that for every forceful extraction there is a new convert, revealing Scott and Alex in matching uniforms, implying the Summers brothers are working for him now. Dun Dun, dahhhh. Hell of a cliffhanger to end on.


Overall, I like this episode. This was an excellent full introduction to Magneto and gives us a hint at his survival of the fittest, meaning Mutants, mentality. I will say sending your own goons to battle another force to prove who’s strongest WITHOUT telling the other side really slants the victories in your own favor, but otherwise this sort of battle strategy does jive with Magneto’s usual giving every Mutant a chance mentality. Side note, I kind of wish that they’d kept Magneto’s face shrouded while wearing his helmet. It’s just… odd to see his face and eyebrows after nearly a dozen episodes of just seeing his eyes. Just saying. I will say making both of your top two lieutenants fight feels like a receipt for disaster, especially when one is fighting such a lopsided battle as the one between the shapeshifter and the weather manipulator. Experiment on her son, keep her from reuniting with him, and now putting her in an impossible battle to prove herself? Seriously, Magnus, do you want to be betrayed at a critical moment? Because that’s how you get betrayed at a critical moment. I did like the reunion between Alex and Scott, as brother coming together for the first time in a decade really should make you so happy you forget about the little things… like kidnapping. The only part I wasn’t so jazzed about was how the X-Men kids matches shook out. Really? After ten episodes of beating the Brotherhood solo or as a group, this is the one time the baddies come out on top? I suppose that this highlights how important Scott and Jean are to team unity or something, but still, feels odd. Also… why did Toad get two chances? Did Magneto really believe he could win against someone, or was this just a lopsided bracket so he decided to guarantee two X-Men? No idea. So yeah, an enjoyable start up to a thrilling conclusion, with a nitpick or two sprinkled in. Fun times! I’ll see you all tomorrow for the season finale. 

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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