
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Viewer Log: X-Men: Evolution ep 13

 Evolution is a messy process. 

I think that unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few days, you’ve heard about that absolutely tragic loss of Chadwick Boseman to Colon Cancer. Cancer is a terrible illness, and the fact that it claimed someone as young as Boseman is heartbreaking. I remember when it was first announced that he would be taking up the role of the Black Panther that I was cautiously optimistic for his performance. I’d only seen him in the Jackie Robinson Biopic 42 and he knocked that out of the park. After seeing him in Captain America: Civil War and later in his own Black Panther, I had fallen in love with his portrayal and had hoped to see him grow into and expand the role in the same way that Robert Downey, Jr. and Chris Evans had for Iron Man and Cap. Sadly, that will not be the case. My heart goes out to his family and friends, and to the multitude of Black boys and girls that lost their Superman before he had much of a chance to spread his wings. Rest in Peace, Chadwick Boseman. You were a hero and a King, that just happened to get to play them on the big screen.



Okay, now that I’ve gotten that bit of depressing business out of the way, let’s move onto something happier. I hope this doesn’t come across as callous. As I said when the George Floyd/Black Lives Matter protests were going out of control here in Minnesota, this is how I process.


Last time on X-Men: Evolution, Magneto finally revealed himself and let slip the dogs of war. X-Men and Brotherhood were pitched against each other to prove if they were worthy to join Magneto’s ranks on Asteroid M aka Sanctuary. Xavier was given a free pass. After the fighting had mostly died down, Avalanche, Blob, Quicksilver, Rogue, Jean, and Storm were shown to be the victors while Logan and Sabertooth continued their battle. And in the closing moments, it’s revealed that Scott and his newly rediscovered brother Alex had both signed onto Magneto’s team. What a twist! Let’s get to it, shall we?


After a quick recap of the last episode’s events, we cut over to the beach where the X-Men and Brotherhood brawled. Toad is sitting by the water, eating flies, and lamenting the fact that he’s the only one from his team that didn’t get a ride to Sanctuary. A very angry Kurt grabs Toad and demands to know what happened. Toad, no longer feeling loyal due to snubbing, gives them the general info. Magneto, a super-duper Mutant pitted the two teams against each other and they were the losers so they were left behind. A still pissed Kurt demands to know where the winners were taken.

Fun fact, Alex is one of only a handful of people who
can do this without fear. The Summers brothers emit 
energies that the other absorbs.


We jump back to Asteroid M. Xavier asks Scott why he’s thrown in with Magneto, to which Scott seems confused. He says that the only came to talk. This sentiment seems to be proven when Xavier shows Scott his team in pods, which infuriates Scott. Magneto claims it’s a precaution, and that once they’ve had a bit of a dialogue, he’ll let the others out. Xavier tries to warn Scott telepathically that he knows Magneto and that he won’t just talk. Magneto, either somehow sensing or just saw Xavier put his hand to his head, magnetically pushes Xavier into a pod and knocks him out. With his last few seconds of consciousness, Xavier reaches out to Logan and tells him to throw the fight. Scott immediately demands Magneto release Xavier or risk blasting, but Alex talks him down so that they can hopefully have a peaceful discussion. Magneto, seeing that his biggest telepathic threat is taken care of, takes off his helmet tells the Summers’ he’s no ones enemy.


Wolverine and Sabretooth continue to brawl. Wolverine seems to be debating on whether to listen to Xavier or not, before sheathing his claws and letting Sabretooth throw him off a cliff. After the pod comes and collects Sabretooth, he gets back up and notices a chopper in the distance, presumably Victor’s ride to the island. And I guess he left the keys in the cockpit? That seems silly.

Just a reminder that canonically, Wolverine is quite
short and yet still intimidating as hell.


The other X-Men return to the mansion looking for Storm. Mystique reveals herself and lets them know that Storm is go. Toad finds it pretty funny that his boss lost, that is until Mystique grabs him by the scruff and lets him know in no uncertain terms to never call her a loser again. She tells the kids that she’s going to get payback, they can either come along or stay out of her way. Logan walks in and says they’re going. When Mystique tries to take command, Logan tells her she can find her own ride if she doesn’t want to work with him. So, Mystique relents, and the X-Men + Mystique and Toad strap into the X-Men’s new ride, the XM Velocity, a sort of Jet-Copter that takes off at high speed.


On Asteroid M, Scott is looking at the Arctic Landscape below and remembering his tragic backstory. Alex joins him partway through the remembrance. When he and Alex were young, their parents’ plane was damaged and was going to crash. Scott and Alex were given the two parachutes and jumped to safety. Scott helped Alex pull his shoot before the plane exploded, his chute catching on fire. Scott explains he hit the ground hard and was in a coma for a month, and when he awoke was told he was the only survivor. Alex lets him know that his foster parents took good care of him and what matters now is that they’re together. His only real problem now is the arthritis like pain his powers seem to be causing. Magneto joins the boys and lets them know that he has a way to fix both Alex’s hands and Scott’s eyes.

I love the face animation here. Magneto looks like
he's holding the holy grail or his newborn child,
and both Summers are like "Kay, it's a Rock."


He takes them and the Brotherhood to his Genetic Enhancer. The device he designed uses the Gems of Cyttorak, the same rocks Cain Marko used to trigger his powers, to develop a machine to push Mutation to it’s limit, perfecting it and making them more powerful. The process is supposedly voluntary, but Magneto won't release the others until the Summers’ go through it. To prove its’ not dangerous, Scott demands Magneto do it. He claims to have already done so, but has Sabretooth go through to show it’s safe.


A few miles out, the Velocity is rocking towards Asteroid M. Toad claims to hear the metal shrieking in protests, but Logan reveals the jet-chopper is entirely metal free, which only seems to scare Toad more.

1. Neither of them look good with white hair.
2. Why do I want to hear them both say "I'll be Back!"?


Sabretooth emerges, his powers enhanced… which in his case makes him look more like Bigfoot then ever before. Judging that to be an adequate demonstration, the Summers agree to try it. As they walk in, Magneto wakes the X-Men to watch. Xavier tries to warn Scott that the device will alter his mind as well as his body, but Magneto slams the heavy door on them, announcing to Xavier that “He’s mine, now.” The machine actives and clearly causes Alex and Scott immense pain as they’re altered. When they emerge, they’ve packed on a noticeable amount of muscle and their hair has turned white-grey like Magneto’s. And, Alex seems to be pain free, and Scott can take off his sunglasses and see. Magneto dubs Alex Havok… for some reason, and also explains his machine purged their minds of “weakness” like compassion for humans. Oh boy. Before he can pontificate more, Sabretooth warns a ship is incoming. Magneto tries to pull it from the sky, but has no effect. He throws Xavier a dirty look, whom just shrugs in reply. If I knew my magnetic best frenemy was involved in something you can bet your ass I’d get a metal free vehicle built. He orders Cyclops and Havok to shoot it down. The brother’s Summers comply. The combined optic and hand blasts cripple the Velocity, but it’s momentum carries it forward to crash into the Asteroid. Jean is able to pull the two out of the way of the Velocity before it can crush them. The combined X-Brotherhood team charge, with Mystique going to show her boss how displeased she is at being left behind.


Wolverine frees the captives and tells them to prep the Blackbird just before being tackled by Ultra Sabretooth. Xavier has Storm and Rogue go prep the jet while he and Jean go to save Scott and Alex. Some chaos ensues while the battle rages. During the scuffle, Magneto’s enhancer is opened up and powered up. Mystique and Magneto brawl, with Toad actually giving his blue boss a hand, but Mystique is ultimately thrown into the Enhancer, with Magneto following to pull her out of his precious machine. Rogue helps Evan take out Quicksilver, and Toad grabs Blob and Avalanche and everyone books it for the Jet. Except Storm, who dives back in and saves Logan from being killed by Sabretooth.


Scott and Alex are able to blast free after Jean moves some of the rubble. They’re furious with Xavier for ruining their chance at having Mutants unite. But Jean and Xavier won’t let them just rage at them, the two telepaths guilt Scott and Alex for crossing Magneto’s line in the sand and attacking their friends. The two leave, giving the brothers Summers a chance to choose who they’ll follow. The enhancer opens and an incredibly buff and more reptilian Mystique comes out with a roar.


Everyone sans Magneto, Mystique and the Summers’ are on the Blackbird. The two Summers boys run up to join them, but the landing pad breaks off and the Blackbird plummets to the ground before they can join. Wolverine is able to pull up, but Scott and Alex are kind of boned. Asteroid M tips to the side, knocking them off. They grab hands mid fall and use their powers together to slow their descent and land. The Blackbird circles around to get them, but debris from Asteroid M cause the jet to crash.

A very cool image to close out on. Just spectacular.
But... what are they staring at?


Two pods escape the Asteroid as it’s come down. Implying Magneto either willingly saved Mystique for some reason or that the pods are automated. Huh, not sure on that one. As the Asteroid falls Alex and Scott combine their powers and blow it out of the sky. Now, either over exerting them to that extent, or being hit with some sort of aftershock from the Asteroid’s destruction causes their enhancements to wear off, reverting their looks and flaws back to normal. Jean gives Scott his glasses back and helps him up. The Brotherhood notes that their bosses escaped, so there probably not done yet either. Xavier offers Alex a spot on the team if/when his powers fully manifest and we close out on the line “We are the X-Men.”


Overall, this was a solid season finale. There were a few twists, a fairly expansive brawl, the villain revealed himself in full and almost got away with his plan. All the boxes were checked. That said, I think this two-part finale really could have used a third part. Just to give us more time with Enhanced Scott and Alex, to see how Magneto’s machine altered them and to have them do something a little more terrible than blasting their friends out of the sky. That was pretty bad, but I could have used a little more of the evil Summers to drive the point home, just saying. I did like the callback to the Gems of Cyttorak. In the shows lore, and the comics, the Ruby of Cyttorak was what gave Cain Marko his powers. Obviously they tweaked it so that the one Ruby became many Gem's for Magneto's machine to work. Magneto explains that while thought to be mystic, the Gems in fact give off a kind of radiation that empowers Mutants. I like it when Science and magic and source material can mix like that. You think that bit about Mystique getting a boost before the Asteroid went down will come up again? Nah… The show tied off it’s plot fairly well, it’ll be interesting to see how things continue when we come back for the first couple episodes of season 2. See you then.


And, finally, Rest in Peace Chadwick Boseman. You were so good, you deserved another goodbye. Tell Jackie Robinson, James Brown, Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Kobe Bryant and all the rest that we say hey. 


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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