
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Viewer Log: Wheel of Time ep 12

Moonhunter has returned. That's what the wolves call her.

Last time on The Wheel Of Time, Rand approached Logain. The Dragon Reborn tried to get the False Dragon to show him how to control his channeling. Logain told him that he’d help, but only in exchange for a wine from Ghealdan. With the help of Selene, his innkeeper and NSA hook up, he infiltrated a fancy party to get his hands on the wine, and inadvertently attracted the attention of some Cairhien nobles. He brought the wine to Logain, only to find that Logain is unstable, his advice is to just let the power flow, and that he still believes himself to be the Dragon Reborn. He leaves, heads back to his room, and loses control of his powers, burning down the inn. Not a great night for Rand. Nynaeve entered the Three Arches to take her Accepted Test. She passes the first two tests, leaving her parents and then the Two Rivers in their time of need, but ends up getting stuck in her third. She lives a fantasy life of simple pleasures with Lan back in the Two Rivers. Everyone outside the Three Arches assumes she’s dead when she doesn’t come out. Liandrin, seemingly in a rage, releases Mat and tells him to do whatever he likes so long as he’s out of her sight. He almost goes to comfort Egwene, chickens out, and then frees Min so they can both escape. Min, it turns out, is working for Liandrin and is leading Mat somewhere in exchange for something. Egwene pretty much spends the episode in mourning, but refusing to believe Nynaeve is gone. Perrin is forced to watch as Uno is executed by the Seanchan and forced to swear oaths to them. He’s being taken to Falma, their home base on this side of the Aryth Ocean, but he’s freed by Elyas and the Wolves. Nynaeve’s happy dream is ended when Trollocs attack, killing Lan, Perrin, and Mat. Nynaeve kills the Trollocs, grabs her daughter, Elnore, and tries to escape the Arches with her. She gets out but her daughter evaporates in her arms. Dark stuff. Enough Recap. Let’s get to it.


Episode 12: Daughter of the Night


We open on Ishamael entering a canyon. He finds a particular spot and begins to chant a prophecy in the Old Tongue and he channels. Some people were mad and thought that the chant was part of the unsealing… but… no, Elan Morin Tedronai aka Ishamael the Betrayer of Hope is just extra. Case in point, his evil name. Anyway, he finishes his dark prayer and breaks the seal, freeing a woman literally coated in blood. “Blood feeds blood. Blood calls Blood. Blood is, blood was, and Blood shall ever be,” he says as he reaches out a hand to her.


We shift to the home of Anvaere, the noble woman we met last time at the party. She dresses, including heavy makeup to hide her wrinkles and a wig, before putting on a robe and sitting in a chair in her art room. She’s roused by her butler saying that her older sister has come to see her. Turns out that’s Moiraine. Yep, this is Anvaere Damodred. Moiraine is lead into the dinning area to see her sister. This is a small but significant change that I was unaware of until this episode. See, in the books, Moiraine started her quest to find the Dragon Reborn within days of being Raised from Accepted to Full Aes Sedai. She was on the younger end of the spectrum to do so, so she was in her early 20s. Flashforward to the events of the books and she’s only about 45 or so, despite the ageless air she puts on. For the show, they’ve aged her significantly, implying that she didn’t get the mission until she was already a seasoned Aes Sedia. Hence why her little sister is played by Lindsay Duncan, age 72 at time of writing, instead of a woman in her 40s. Moiraine tries to control the situation, steamrolling over her sister to get access to her old rooms and some wine for her journey. Anvaere is quite livid with this, as she shouts at Moiraine that it’s been decades, so they really should catch up. Moiraine tells her she can do lunch, as there’s someone she needs to meet with this morning.


Rand, meanwhile, is helping with the clean up of Selene’s inn. She tells Rand that she’s hired some men to rebuild the top floor room for her, and since it’ll take them a week to finish it, she wants to take a trip. She says her family has a cabin in the wilderness near Kinslayer’s Dagger and invites Rand along. Rand is in a bit of a foul mood after the accidental arson and says he’s not in the mood, but Selene insists.


At the Tower, Nynaeve isn’t doing so hot. Sure, she’s got the nice Accepted rooms with a view now… but the whole “watch my friends and the love of my life die before my daughter melted in my arms” thing is… traumatizing. She hears a knock on her door and gets out of bed to see who it is, she stops part way there to slip her Great Serpent Ring on. It’s Egwene, she brought her a honeycake. Egwene tries to talk to her but, again, traumatized, so Nynaeve is kind of cold to her. Egwene hugs her and insists it wasn’t real, which clearly doesn’t get through Nynaeve’s head or make her feel better.


We jump over to Lan, who is with Alana, Ihvon, and Maksim in the country with Alana’s family. Her relatives tease Alana at now having 3 warders over lunch. Lan steps away to take a piss, Alana coming over to check on him. He admits to having figured out that they’re all keeping an eye on him due to fears that he might be suicidal after his bond to Moiraine broke. He breaks down their formula, jokes about his hair or age, warm memories, things to live for etc. Alana decides to skip all that and asks him what he wants to do. Lan isn’t sure. She reveals they’re going back to the Tower tomorrow and that Nynaeve is going through the Arches soon. Lan is clearly interested when it’s pointed out that Nynaeve might be looking for a Warder soon, but he gets stone faced and says he’s not looking to repeat his mistakes. Alana waxes nostalgic about how Moiraine “used to be,” saying that she changed suddenly 20 years ago, “the way water becomes ice.” He asks if she was happy then, and Alana says she’s not sure.


Getting back to the woman in question, Moiraine pulls the dust covers off her old things. There’s a picture amongst the things of Moiraine as when she looked to be in her late teens, a sun themed headdress on her head with Anvaere, who is like 10. Damn, time makes things weird for Aes Sedai. Moiraine leaves her room, sees Anvaere talking with the butler, grabs the wine and leaves. She visits the mental hospital and asks about Rand. The head of the place said he didn’t come to work today. She asks to see “that” Ward. She finds Logain in the garden, and he says he should kill her. She plays it off and asks how he’s doing. He accuses her of sending him here, which she confirms, saying that the Yellow and Brown sisters wanted to study him and that she doubted he’d have enjoyed that. She asks if he started training Rand yet, he scoffs and says that after everything he’s lost, does she really think he’ll play ball for a bottle of wine? She switches tactics and offers him what he really wants in exchange for information, a knife. Logain clearly wants to that knife, and is willing to answer questions. He tells her he’s staying at an inn called the Cresent in the Foregate, and he’s as strong as Logain ever was. Moiraine tells him that he’s going to train Rand, show him everything that Logain knows and when she’s satisfied, she’ll let him die.


At the Tower, Elayne and Egwene are mopping badly as Egwene tells the other girl that she feels like there’s something different about Nynaeve since she came back. She wants to help Nynaeve, but Elayne asks why she feels that she needs to. Egwene says that Nynaeve helped her last year after losing someone important, and she wants to return the favor. Also, BFF. She complains that since coming to the tower she just feels smaller and smaller.


When I say they’re moping badly, I mean they’re moping away from themselves. You’re walking on clean floors, ladies! Elayne, you have an excuse because royalty, but Egwene, you’re an innkeeper’s daughter!


Nynaeve enters the Warder training ground looking for Ihvon and Maksim. Another younger Warder tells her they’re out of the Tower and… okay, it’s like he’s flirting with her, but specifically for choosing him as a Warder. Like, nothing romantic or sexual about it, but he’s definitely hinting he’d serve her if she wanted. Apparently Nynaeve channeling in the Arches is rumor now and it’s impressed everyone. He tells her she has time to figure it out, and that he just hope she doesn’t choose Red. Liandrin is watching her and smiles smugly. She gets a report and storms off.


She goes to see Leane and demands to know why they aren’t sending Aes Sedai to the west. They’re just now getting reports of the Seanchan invasion. Leane says they’ve sent sisters to investigate and for her to pay it no mind. Liandrin asks her if the Amyrlin is aware and Leane rather huffily says that when the Amyrlin is away, the Keeper fills her shoes, so the woman in charge is very aware of the situation. Liandrin heads out, warning Leane that when the Amyrlin falls, she’ll fall with her. Cryptic.


Perrin is currently traveling with Elyas and the wolves. He’s anxious to find the others and questioning if Elyas knows where they’re going. He says wolves don’t get lost, when Perrin questions this, Elyas finally tells him what they are. They are Wolfbrothers, people who can communicate with wolves and inherit some of their strengths. Perrin asks if he’s going to turn into a wolf, and Elyas tells him not to be stupid. They get a vision of a deer, Elyas saying that this sort of mental image is the Wolves language, and that the rest of the pack is showing them where food is. Perrin asks how it’s done and Elyas says instinct. They stop to eat, Perrin cooking his hunk of deer and Elyas telling him that he’ll lose the taste for cooked food soon. He tells Perrin that one of the wolves likes him, as that wolf also lost his mate. Perrin asks what his name is and Elyas says he’ll tell him when he’s ready. He reveals that he and the wolves have had an eye on Perrin for a while now, having been the one to lead Perrin and Egwene to the tinkers and save them from the Whitecloaks. He says that Perrin’s nightmares about his wife were like screams to them. Elyas reveals that he and the wolves stayed back from Perrin for so long because they avoided Aes Sedai. Humans don’t trust what they don’t understand. Perrin has a vision of the wolf beside him leaping in the air and realizes that he’s named Hopper, or close enough to it.


Back with Lan, he is reading the poem he swiped from Moiraine. He stows it in his bag when Maksim comes to ask him to help fill water buckets for dinner. Maksim says that he’s doing well, that a broken bond is usually messier. Lan reveals that he’s had practice, as Moiraine kept the bond masked for the six months before it was transferred to Alana. Maksim is impressed, saying he thought he was the only one that could go that long. He reveals that, he figured out early on that he hated having someone in his head, even Alana, and they agreed to keep the bond between them masked outside of battle… and sex. He tells Lan that the others will tell him that he can’t go back to Moiraine, but that he’s proof that Lan can, if he wants to.


Moiraine, meanwhile, explores the Foregate. She finds the guard that Rand goes through and asks about the Cresent Inn burning down. She asks where he is now and the guard shrugs.


Rand is meanwhile in the mountains with Selene. Rand asks if her family built the cabin they’re visiting. Selene explains that she lied and that she really came to the mountains with the Man she was with before Rand. Rand reminds her they agreed no past, but she continues, saying he was the first man she ever loved. Rand says he sounds a bit boring. She says that they joked about never coming back down from the mountains, but they always did. She hugs Rand, and he says that he grew up in and loved the Mountains. When she asks why he didn’t go back, Rand says the wheel never give people what they want, least of all him. She tells him that if she wants something he has to take it.


Mat and Min are relaxing in an inn. It seems that Mat’s luck hasn’t improved since his imprisonment. He flirts with Min for a bit, but Min turns him down. She goes to pay for their drinks for the night and their rooms. She tells the innkeeper that she’ll need the attic room and that someone will be coming to meet her there. She doesn’t know who, but he should send them up when they arrive.


Back at the Tower, Liandrin finds Nynaeve sitting in the Three Arches’ chamber. She says that most Aes Sedai refuse to step foot in there ever again. Nynaeve asks if it was real. Liandrin says the pain was real but even that fades. She asks who she lost inside. Nynaeve says her daughter, and that how insane it is that she’s expected to forget. Liandrin reveals she’s kept her son a secret for the better part of a century. She told herself it was to protect him, but that she kept him here in Tar Valon for her. That she can’t risk losing the only thing that has ever been hers. She says that the men who can channel are curse by the Dark to kill the ones they love, but the Aes Sedai are cursed too. They’re cursed by watching the ones they love wither and die. She tells Nynaeve that the way to keep going is to find something to hold onto, something that’s hers, and keep it until it fades and then they’ll find another. Liandrin reveals about the invasion in the west and that Perrin and Loial were captured by them.


We shift to Lan, Maksim, and Ihvon meditating. Or trying to. Maksim gets up and walks off, Lan saying that he lasted ten minutes this time, they’re wearing him down. Ihvon asks Lan about the thing that Moiraine said, the “one cut” that has turned into a thousand in his mind. He reveals that Moiraine said she never considered him an equal. Ihvon laughs, saying that they were never supposed to be their equals.  The rest of the world sees their power, they see their weaknesses. Lan says that he’s surprised that Alana needs reminding. Ihvon laughs and says that she doesn’t as all three of them want the same thing, the triumph of the Light over the Dark and dessert after. He asks Lan what Moiraine wants, and Lan says that he doesn’t think he knows anymore. Inside the house, Maksim and Alana search through Lan’s bag and find the poem.


Moiraine returns to the Damodred mansion and finds her sister waiting up for her. Moiraine tries to get her to leave, but Anvaere isn’t being put off. She admits that she probably would have left like Moiraine did if she could channel. There were nights, she says, where she tried desperately, after their uncle ruined them, after Moiraine left and so on. She says their father believed she’d always come back. Anvaere reveals that she’s worked hard to restore their family’s honor, that her son is going to marry the queen and that she’s finally decided that she doesn’t care about Moiraine’s approval anymore. She wars Moiraine that this isn’t her house, city or sister anymore, that she’s taken control of Moiraine’s spy network and that she’ll give Moiraine information on Rand if she asks her very nicely over tea. She offers Moiraine the cup.


Egwene and Elayne are staying up drinking. Egwene says that it must be nice knowing what she’s going to be one day, and Elayne says that she has wondered what it’s like to choose her fate, but that she wouldn’t trade Egwene if she could. Nynaeve comes in and asks for the room for a moment. Elayne points out that this is her room, but Nynaeve gives her a look and she goes. She tells Egwene that Perrin and Loial have been captured and that she’s going to save them. She tells Egwene that she doesn’t have to come with, and that if she goes with her, Egwene will be expelled. Egwene realizes that Nynaeve doesn’t understand why she’s working so hard here, she felt that if she’d been prepared last year, she could have gone with Rand to the Eye of the World and maybe saved him. She vowed to never fail any of their friends again. The two slip out through Liandrin’s passageway, saying they’ll think of a plan on the ride. Elayne catches up to them, saying she wants to know why they’re sneaking out. Liandrin arrives and says that Elayne is a complication. She says she’s sorry for this and hits all three with a wind bursts that throws them to the wall and knocks them out.


Min is sleeping in the attic and has a nightmare about her aunts forcing her to be a fortune teller and seeing death from everyone that comes to see her. Ishamael arrives and tells her to open her eyes. She doesn’t see anything, and he says it’s wonderful to not see anything or be a carnival attraction anymore. He reveals he’s a Forsaken and Min freaks out. She made a deal with Liandrin, she didn’t know a Forsaken was involved. He says that there’s somethings only the dark can do, he’s the only one who can take her visions away. She says she won’t help him hurt anyone and he says she will. She says she won’t let him hurt Mat and he says she might. He tells her to take him to Cairhien. Min starts crying but asks what’s in Cairhien.


Rand and Selene are sleeping out under the stars when he wakes up. There’s a cabin nearby and he goes toward it, sword drawn. He’s attacked by a Fade from behind, Selene warning him with a shout at the last second. Rand gets disarmed by the creature, and they’re forced to the cliff’s edge. Rand Channels and kills it, turning it to ash. Selene freaks out for a bit. Rand says that he hasn’t gone mad, but from her reaction he knows he’s scaring her and says that he’ll leave her because men who can channel hurt the people they love when they go mad. Selene says she accepts him, that she once tried to hide parts of herself for ‘him’ and that it worked for a while until he looked too hard and saw the dark parts. She pulls him toward the cabin.


Maksim, Ihvon and Alana meet and talk about the poem. It’s a prophecy in the old tongue. They realize it’s about Lanfear and that her seal is broken. The poem is about how Lanfear is back and that she’s hunting for the Dragon Reborn and that the Shining Walls will kneel.


Back at the cabin, Selene ties Rand to the Bed and says that there’s something Rand should know, she’s a monster too. She arches her back and straightens, it mirroring the movement of the blood covered Lanfear before. Selene starts to channel, Rand only seeing ripples in the air. Suddenly, she’s stabbed through the heart and gets her neck slit by Moiraine. She frees Rand saying they have to escape. Rand starts to Channel, throwing her back and demanding to know why she killed Selene. She says she hadn’t and couldn’t, and that Selene is Lanfear, the most dangerous of the Forsaken. Rand denies it, but Moiraine says she lied to him, something Moiraine could never do. And then they need to run. As they run, black dots fill Lanfear’s eyes and she begins to regenerate. Well… shit.


Well, that’s a lot to process. It’s good to see Perrin finally beginning to understand some of his new powers. He struggles the most with his abilities in the books, as he feels that embracing the wolf inside will cause him to lose his humanity, but his powers are just so cool and useful that I want to see more of them. Some folks complained that the wolves they used seemed rather small, and I think they had unrealistic expectations. The breed they’re using are Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs, they’re only about 28% wolf genetically, but they’re much easier to train and control than other breeds (according to the internet). They’re around average size for a wolf, being around 90 pounds, but they seem a lot smaller than Marcus Rutherford because that man is huge. So yeah, they’re bigger than they look, and they went with a breed that’s reasonable to control and train, if you have an issue with that, sucks for you. Nynaeve having lasting trauma from her trip through the Three Arches is good. There’s speculation that the real aim of that test is to cut people off from their friends and loved ones, to indoctrinate a channeler to the Tower, and I think you can see why. Not an issue for me, I’d be gentled if I showed up to the Tower looking to learn to channel but being forced to walk away from loved ones would mess anyone up. Liandrin suddenly attacked the trio is good. In the books, this betrayal was much, much more obviously coming a Liandrin basically screamed “I’m evil” from minute one. Kate Fleetwood’s version of the character has been much more subtle and having her reveal a secret son and seemingly always encouraging Nynaeve makes it much more shocking when she lashes out at them. Min in the inn’s attic I think was really well done. As I think has been well established before, Ishamael loves coming into people’s dreams to have meetings, it keeps them off balance. The choppy editing them do, where maybe a frame or two is out of place, like Ishamael is jittering in place is a simple but brilliant way to show off the unreality of the dream world. The fact he’s twisting her arm is, well, heartbreaking. Some folks wonder if this makes Min a Darkfriend, but I argue that no, she’s being manipulated by one. She assumed Liandrin was on the up and up Aes Sedai wise when she made the deal, she clearly was not expecting a Forsaken to show up. Glad we got that Selene is Lanfear twist out of the way. This version of the character was more subtle than her book counterpart (within minutes of Rand meeting her, she was telling him they could rule the world together) but the red flags from this woman were popping up all over the place. She just has this… possessive vibe to her that feels unhealthy. I obviously knew going in she was going to be a Forsaken in disguise, but I’m honestly shocked Rand didn’t pick up on a single red flag. Crazy ex-girlfriend vibes were strong. Her being stabbed but getting over it is new, but tracks. The Forsaken of the books were just as vulnerable to mundane death as anyone really, stab them and keep them from getting healed and they’d bleed out like anyone. But, as they’re servants to a guy who’s got the divine epithet of Lord of the Grave, it’s not a huge leap in logic that his servants get a get out of death free card. I’ll explain the black dots when the show does, I promise, just know that yeah, those are probably tied to her Wolverine impression.  So yeah, good episode, I enjoyed it. 


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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