
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Viewer Log: Wheel of Time ep 13

The Seanchan are on the rise.

Last time on The Wheel Of Time, Moiraine is on the hunt for the Dragon Reborn once again. She arrived in Cairhien, snubbed her old lady little sister Anvaere, and started searching. Unfortunately, Rand had been whisked away to the countryside by his landlady and NSA hook up Selene. Anvaere was aware of this and made Moiraine eat crow by forcing her to ask politely for the information. There’s a lot of hostility there from Moiraine having left the house to be Aes Sedai decades earlier. Nynaeve spent time recovering from the PTSD going through the Arches had given her, shunning Egwene just a little to process it. Liandrin informed her that Perrin and Loial had been captured by invaders, which helped kick her out of her funk. She and Egwene headed out of the Tower to help them, Egwene’s new friend and needer of attention Elayne following them, but all three are ambushed by Liandrin who knocks them out with a blast of wind. Perrin began to learn about some of his new Wolfbrother powers from Elyas, befriending a wolf named Hopper. Mat and Min make their way away from Tar Valon. Min has a secret attic meeting which turned into a secret dream meeting with Ishamael. The Forsaken ordered her to take Mat to Cairhien, her part of the deal for him to remove her visions from her. In the mountains, Rand and Selene are attacked by a Fade and Rand has to channel to destroy it. Selene is initially freaked out but accepts Rand and takes him into a cabin to bang him. She begins to reveal that she’s “a monster too,” when Moiraine arrives, stabs her through the heart and cuts her throat. Rand is obviously freaked out by this and goes to choke Moiraine, but she reveals Selene to in fact be Lanfear, another of the Forsaken. She’d been freed by Ishamael some time earlier. The two of them run from the cabin and black specks fill Lanfear’s eyes and she starts to regenerate.


Ep 13: Damane


We open with the Seanchan in Falme, their ships fill the harbor and surround the city. High Lady Suroth, Ishamael and her Voice Alwhin arrive and meet with the head of their force, High Lord Turak. Suroth tries to make Alwhin talk for her, as a power play, but Turak’s voice orders her to speak for herself. The Voice scolds her for going against orders and invading the village from two episodes ago. She tries to placate by saying she captured a foreign lord and an Ogier slave, but Turak isn’t having it. Turak tells her that they have a mission to unite the world under the Empress, May She Live Forever, to fight the Shadow. A mission that she jeopardized by taking a village outside their current borders. Suroth begs forgiveness but is told she’s barred from the council until she’s once again presentable. She’s forced to kneel and they cut off her like two feet long fingernails. Gonna be a while before those things are the correct length again. She’s taken away. Ishamael calls up Fain and has him present the Horn of Valere. Turak opens the case and announces that with the Horn the whole world will be there’s.


Jumping to Rand and Moiraine, they’re running through the woods like they’re in a horror film. He asks why they’re doing it when Lanfear is dead and Moiraine tells him that wound will barely slow her down. Back at the cabin, Lanfear recovers, black flecks surging through her eyes before black threads of power encircle her. She grabs a cloak and heads after them. Rand and Moiraine make it to a stable and Moiraine forces the sable master to saddle three horses and for them to head out. She kills the fourth horses to keep Lanfear from following them on foot. Lanfear reaches the stable and dubs Moiraine clever. A random dude rides up and asks if she needs help, he confirms that the road leads to Tar Valon and she kills him to take his horse, bemoaning that nothing is slower than a horse.


Elyas and Perrin are still marching, Perrin asking if his eyes will turn gold like Elyas’. He says eventually, and for his sake hopefully sooner rather than later as Wolf eyes kick ass. Perrin realizes that they’ve returned to Atuan’s Mill, the town from before, and is infuriated to realize that Elyas lied to him and is in fact taking him away from Falme and his friends. Elyas says they aren’t his pack, nor are the humans from the Two Rivers or his wife. Perrin says he doesn’t know anything about his pack. The wolves surround them. Perrin says he’s going to find his friends, and Elyas says he can’t run from what he is.


We jump back to Lanfear chasing after Rand and Moiraine, using the One Power as a whip to make her horse run faster. Moiraine and Rand come out of the woods as she passes, revealing they sent the stable master ahead with the horses to distract Lanfear, hopefully giving them a few days to put distance between them. Rand demands to know the truth. Moiraine gives her the short version, they freed Ishamael and they didn’t defeat the Dark One. Moiraine says that if Ishamael releases all the Forsaken, they have no hope of winning the Last Battle. Rand stops and looks back in horror.


Perrin is walking by himself when Hopper joins him. The wolf leads Perrin to Atuan’s Mill. He tells Hopper he’s not going back, he’s going to look for his friends, but Hopper shows him a vision of Uno’s body. They left it out to rot. Perrin won’t stand for that and slips into town to give his friend a proper burial. He grabs a hammer and prepares to break the cage, but an Aiel in a cage nearby tells him that’ll be loud and draw attention. Another man joins them, warning Perrin to stay back as the last man that got close to her had his arm broken and nearly ripped off. The man, Dain, gives her some water and Perrin asks what she did. Dain doesn’t answer, saying that there’s a curfew in effect and that he’ll have to stay the night. Perrin follows Dain, the man recognizing Perrin’s wedding ring as Two Rivers work. Perrin asks more questions, but Dain ignores him. They stop at the inn and Perrin asks again what the woman did. Dain says she arrived at the town at the wrong time and that she’s past helping at this point. The innkeepers dog comes out to Perrin and touches her paw to Perrin’s hand. Perrin decides to turn in for the night and as he goes in realizes that Dain Bornhald is a Whitecloak. Perrin follows the barkeeper in, finding out that the man took over from the previous owner as she ran off after the caravan to try to get her granddaughter back, and that the Whitecloaks drove the Seanchan off a few days ago. The innkeeper thinks that they were probably better off with the Seanchan, as after the oaths were swore they leave you alone largely, but the Whitecloak Questioners are less forgiving. Perrin hears a voice he recognizes and tells the innkeeper to keep quite. He goes to the window to see Dain speaking with Child Valda. Valda, the Questioner that scarred Perrin’s back last season, is chastising Dain for giving the Aiel water. Dain sees no harm in it, as it took like 15 guys to disarm and then cage the Aiel, so there’s little chance Valda’s “questions” will do anything. Valda insists that there’s a connection between the Aiel and the Seanchan and that they’ll head to Falme soon to drive them into the sea. Valda hears a noise from the inn, but the dog runs out to distract him, Dain saying that there are no wolves here. Oh you poor fool. Valda says that someday Dain’s father’s name won’t protect him.


Lanfear is still riding. She comes across the stable master and asks where they are. She reveals that Moiraine told her to race the horses to the Tower as fast as she could. Lanfear asks who’s idea that was, the stable master says Moiraine, and she shakes her head saying Rand is “still so young.” Lanfear says that Moiraine is ruthless to use this woman as bait, but sooner or later they’ll sleep and then she’ll have them. When the stable master says she won’t say anything, Lanfear says she knows she won’t and uses her powers to fuse her lips together. Dark. Before riding off.


At the Tar Valon, Verin rides in and meets with some of her Brown sisters. She pays the two off with some strong liquor to get access to the library. They start chatting about the New and Powerful Novices, under the guise of getting gossip for Adaleus.


We jump to the Way, the dark and scarry interdimensional highway, where Liandrin has Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne held captive. Nynaeve tries to play possum, but Liandrin notices and tells her that she’s bound and shielded, and to not try anything. Nynaeve asks how she could attack them with the One Power, as that shouldn’t be possible. When Nynaeve accuses her of breaking the Three Oaths, she mutters she’s broken more than those. She asks Nynaeve if she knows why the Aes Sedai swore the oaths. She reveals that a thousand years ago, a king threatened the tower with his vast army, forcing them to swear the Oaths to make him back down. She complains that the more the Aes Sedai make themselves seem inhuman, with their rituals, ceremony, predictability, the more they seem like the tides and the more men stop measuring themselves against them. Nynaeve realizes she wasn’t being recruited for the Red Ajah but for the Dark One. She says she’ll never do it, but Liandrin believes that everyone has their price. Nynaeve points out that Liandrin’s son is dying, she betrayed her Sisters and she’s trying to justify herself to a woman she kidnapped and asks if her price was worth it.


Suroth enters her chambers and is left alone with Ishamael. He asks if she finished pouting, and she is furious at him for going to that village for the Ogier and pet wolf. She says they should just kill Turok and be done with it, but Ishamael points out that’ll put the Seanchan into a civil war and that’ll be counterproductive. Suroth tries to throw her weight around, claiming that he’s the one that needs her armies and leashes for his war. Ishamael counters by saying he knows why she swore herself to the Dark One. That humbles her. He claims that Tar’men Gaiden will be won in the skies above Falme, and that the Dragon will join them. He promises her a gift will arrive soon.


Perrin slips out of his inn and frees the Aiel woman. He tells her to run. She asks why he helped her, and he says people shouldn’t be in cages. She introduces herself as Aviendha, of the Nine Valley’s Sept of the Taardad Aiel, a Far Dareis Mai (Maiden of the Spear). He introduces himself and they try to run. The Whitecloaks corner them. Dain orders his men to attack all at once on his signal, as one at a time she’ll have them. Aviendha pulls up her veil and asks Perrin if he likes to dance. FYI, the Aiel call battle “the dance.” What comes next is a smack down as our desert dwelling red head kicks so much Whitecloak ass, with Perrin’s back up, that it’s scary. Dain comes at her with an Axe but she dodges his strikes and disarms him. She almost ends him, but Perrin stops her, saying Dain gave her water and he helped them. They head out.


Rand and Moiraine arrive in Cairhien. Moiraine tells Rand they need to gather food and supplies for the road. Rand wonders when they’ll get to sleep and Moiraine says that’s the worst thing they can do right now. Why? Lanfear was known for two things among the Forsaken, casual cruelty and being a Master of Tel’alan’riod, the world of dreams. Rand asks if she can keep them awake with the One Power, but Moiraine says no. They arrive at the Damodred house and meet Anvaere and her son Barthanes. Anvaere is still cold to Moiraine, but Barthanes apparently remembers his aunt fondly and tries to chat with them. She introduces Rand to them, and asks for horses. Barthanes invites them to the wedding and jokes that as her king she expects subservience. Moiraine goes to clean up and Barthanes offers to get Rand some clothes for the journey.


Verin enters Sheriam’s study and the two chat. She wants to speak with Egwene and Nynaeve, but Sheriam says that they’re busy doing their chores. Verin says they aren’t cleaning or in their classes and that Elayne seems to be missing as well. Sheriam checks her notes and sees they were checked out a few days ago as part of a trip to Caemlyn. Verin notes that’s unusual enough to remember, and that it’s odd Sheriam forgot, and Sheriam agrees but continues that they left with a company of Queen Morgase’s soldiers. Verin asks about a book Sheriam checked out from the library, Meditations on the Kindling Flame. Verin asks for the book, just for a short passage she’s researching. They head out of her office and a moment later one of the Browns, Yasicca, from before slips in. She checks the Novice Book. Later, she tells Verin about what she read, saying that the girls were checked out to see Elayne’s brother Gawyn’s nameday celebration, but there was a slight tremor in the notation. She notes that Sheriam seemed to write more slowly about that, as if someone was trying to copy her handwriting. Verin disagrees, believing that Sheriam remembered writing this, but then asks if she might write like this if she were under Compulsion. Compulsion is a forbidden/lost weave that can control minds. Its utility varies from making a person forget a conversation to breaking a person’s mind utterly and turning them into a living puppet. Yasicca realizes that that would break the Three Oaths, and thus proves the Black Ajah exists. Verin tells her they need to get a list of every Aes Sedai that left the Tower over the last few days.


We cut to a tropical jungle Waygate. It opens and Liandrin comes out leading her captives. The girls are grabbed and removed from their horses as Liandrin meets with Suroth. Liandrin is disgusted with the Seanchan and what they do to Channelers, saying that maybe they need to learn respect for the One Power. Suroth says they do respect it when it’s contained. Claiming that the Sul’dam trained for years to control their Damane. Suroth says that their master’s needs may change, and she’ll be the one to collar Liandrin, but Liandrin counters that Suroth will kneel to her when his needs change. She weaves quicky and frees the girls before entering the Waygate. Elayne and Egwene perform weaves to help them escape while the Seanchan follow. Nynaeve and Elayne make it out, but Egwene is captured.


Aviendha and Perrin have a meal with Hopper. Perrin tells Aviendha that he thought Aiel never left the Waste, she corrects him and says it’s called the Three-Fold Land to the Aiel. A shaping stone to make them, a attesting ground to prove their worth and a punishment for the sin. They don’t remember what that sin is. She is looking for the Car’a’carn, the Chief of Chiefs. Perrin wonders where she’ll go next and she says she goes where he goes, as he saved her life, and she owes him a life debt. He tells her they’re headed to Falme.


We jump to Falme, as Nynaeve and Elayne slip in the cover of night. Elayne tells them they’re thousands of miles from the Tower, and that Falme on Toman Head is where Perrin and Loial are being held. She says they’ll need to stay under cover, since the Seanchan will be looking for them. Elayne notes the Seanchan are invaders, but Nynaeve isn’t interested in where they’re from, she just wants to find her friends. Elayne makes her stop and says they’ll need to change their clothes, as the Seanchan will be looking for women in white not locals. Nynaeve says she won’t take orders from Elayne, just before they’re both jumped by a local man. Dammit.


Liandrin slips back into the Tower, but crosses paths with Verin. Verin says that she thought Liandrin was in Jurene hunting a man channeling. Liandrin says it was a false alarm, but she brought back white asparagus, a local delicacy that just so happens to be in season right now and only found in Jurene. Verin says she’s at the Tower wanting to meet Egwene and Nynaeve, and how strange it is they aren’t there, but are on their way to a Nameday celebration in Caemlyn. Liandrin says that she heard on the road and Andoran force was attacked by bandits or Whitecloaks and rushes to tell Sheriam. From Verin’s face and scoff, she doesn’t believe a word of it.


In her room, Moiraine cleans herself up and does her best to not feel tired. Anvaere comes in to tell her the horses are ready, and asks how she and Rand got into this state. Moiraine doesn’t answer, but Anvaere helps clean Moiraine’s back of blood. Moiraine asks why she isn’t downstairs interrogating Rand. She says Barthanes encouraged her to leave it alone. Anvaere says she knows her sister and that she’s always known what she wants to do next, but now clearly doesn’t and that concerns it. Moiraine says that Rand needs protection and she’s not sure she can provide it. And that all of Cairhien could be in the crossfire if she chooses wrong. Anvaere says that she should have stayed away and Moiraine agrees. Anvaere tells her advice Moiraine gave her years ago, ask a simple question, if something is scaring you or threatening you, ask yourself if it’s true. Does she know beyond any doubt that Rand needs her protection? Moiraine agrees it’s good advice. Anvaere admits that regardless of everything, it means the world to Barthanes that she came even if she can’t stay.


We jump to Rand asleep. Ishamael is in bed with him, getting uncomfortably close to Rand. But then he asks if Lanfear is playing in his dreams again and Rand’s face melts into hers. She asks how he knew, and he says subtlety was never her strength. She claims to be biding her time waiting for “someone” to get some sleep. Ishamael says that they’re still being blamed for the Breaking, but points out how silly it is that the rest of the world never picked up the pieces. Three Thousand Years later and they’re still fighting with queens and swords. They toast to the past and future. Lanfear reveals that Moiraine revealed herself to Rand and asks why he didn’t kill her outright. Ishamael says that a dead Aes Sedai gets them nothing, but a desperate one might be open to possibilities. She asks if he’s worried that she’ll betray him, he asks fi she will and she says obviously. He asks her why she thinks that he’s being shown so much favor by the Great Lord. She responds “Moghedian is insane, Graendal is a vain idiot, and the boys couldn’t execute a plan even if they were under Compulsion.” He says it’s because he’s the only one that really believes in the Dark, that the only way to stop pain is to break the Wheel of Time. And he reveals he released her because he knows what she wants, making an image of Rand manifest in the bed. He asks how the current Dragon compares to his predecessor. Lanfear says he’s softer, less proud or strong. She asks about his collection. He claims to have just collected the girls, one that craves power and the other that fears it, that Mat was “born his,” and that Perrin will be more wolf than man soon. He asks what she thinks Rand will do with all his friends lost, and she’ll say he’ll break.


Ishamael wakes and a Da’covale (slave) tells him Turak wishes to speak with him. Ishamael reveals that he’s not from Seanchan or “The Blood” (the royal family) when asked. Turak reveals that it was Ishamael that read the omens and said it was time for the Seanchan to begin the Return. Ishamael says that he is too low to see the omens, it’s only the Empress who can interpret them. Turak says that because of the Horn, Ishamael will be allowed to ask one thing of him. Ishamael instead says that he has a gift from High Lady Suroth and that he hopes he’ll accept it in good faith.  


Nynaeve and Elayne wake up in a room in town. They’re joined by Ryma and the guy that knocked them out, Basan. She’s of the Yellow Ajah and he’s her Warder. She tells them that Suroth is looking for them and asks what these Seanchan do to women who can channel.


Back at the court, Suroth comes in with her gift, Egwene in a golden hood. She reveals that Egwene was a Novice at the White Tower and is stronger than any Damane than they’ve found in a long time. She’s ordered collared. They tick a small gold collar on her neck that reforms into a large shield across her neck and shoulders like the Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger’s Green Ranger. The shield forms a connection to a bracelet on a Sul’dam’s arm and Egwene drops in pain.


Rand meanwhile is playing card with Barthanes. Moiraine comes down and tells Rand they’re staying. She takes Rand up to her rooms and tells him to sleep. When he points out this is the opposite of what she said to do the last few days, Moiraine counters by saying that Lanfear had been with him for two or three months, so if she wanted to hurt him she would have. She wants to draw Lanfear to them to figure out her plans. Rand says that before a few days ago, he’d have said she wanted him. Moiraine reveals that all of the fragments that remain pre-breaking agree that Lanfear loved the previous Dragon and swore her oaths to the dark as part of a plot to get him back from his wife. Moiraine wants him to pretend to love her to get information about Ishamael. Rand says that whatever she is, he’s not sure everything between them was a lie. Moiraine says it’s his choice. Rand goes to sleep and Moiraine promises to watch over him. He comes to consciousness in the dream strapped to a wheel in a wasteland as Lanfear watches him. She says finally as the credits roll.


I want to start off by giving props to Meera Syal who plays Verin. Verin is an interesting and difficult character to play, but she found the perfect sweet spot for Verin. In that, most of the things she says are completely unassuming and yet ever so slightly threatening when you realize how much she’s not saying. A perfectly pleasant little woman that you can chat with for an hour and then only after realizing she knew stuff you didn’t tell her. It’s a special kind of threat and she does it masterfully. Also props to Ayoola Smart, the woman playing Aviendha. If you told me that she was really a desert dwelling Red head ninja, I’d believe it. Also, fun fact, she is black and a natural red head. I actually didn’t know this until her casting, but red hair is naturally occurring in all human ethnicities, but it’s just more common in white people as our lack of melanin makes it stand out more. Think 1% of white people vs. .04% of other ethnicities. So, if you see anyone complaining about “Ginger Erasure” with her casting, what they’re really upset about is that she’s not white. Aviendha is a major cast member going forward, so get used to seeing her. Perrin’s arc is shaping up nicely, with him bucking against being a Wolfbrother, while Hopper trots beside him trying to help him see the better parts of it. Him freeing an Aiel from a cage is a nice nod to the books, even though it’s a different Aiel. Hopefully his buddy Gaul will show up some time. Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne being turned over to the Seanchan only for them to escape but Egwene getting captured in the confusion is straight from the books. We don’t get much of it, yet, but Nynaeve beats herself up hard for that one. And, no, Egwene is not in for a good time. And finally, Moiraine and Rand’s story is interesting. Running from Lanfear was the correct response as that lady is scary as hell, but Moiraine concluding that they can use her for information is brilliant. In the books, Rand largely kept his connection to that specific Forsaken a secret and Moiraine would possibly have been too intimidated by her to risk it. But to use the very simple fact that Lanfear wants her man back, even if he’s in a new body, is brilliant. Rand waking up strapped to a wheel isn’t great, but maybe he can spin this. We’ll see. Have a good night!

Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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