
Friday, November 24, 2023

Viewer Log: Loki ep 7

 Time is broken, have we tried turning it off and on? 

Last time on Loki, Loki and his Variant Sylvie reached the end of time and met He Who Remains. He Who Remains aka Nathaniel Richards aka Rama Tut aka Kang the Conqueror, among a few other labels he’s gone by. He gives them the whole back story on the TVA, how he discovered time and interdimensional travel, and how his Variants started a Time War that nearly destroyed all of the Multiverse. He survived and discovered Alioth, the matter eating monster that let him prune timelines in order to ensure no Variants of himself pop up and restart the Time War. He offers them a deal, to put the Lokis in charge of his project. He’s old, probably older than any other thing to ever exist and he’s looking to retire. He says that they can either take his deal, or kill him and suddenly have to deal with a Reign of Kangs. Loki wants to take him up on the offer, but Sylvie wants her pay back. The two fight, Loki finally being pushed out of Time Door that Sylvie opened using He Who Remains’ own TemPad. When alone, she kills him, He Who Remains going out with an ominous “See you soon.” While that was going on, Mobius lead a little tiny Coup against Renslayer, proving to the other hunters that they’re all Variants of humans on Earth. How? By finding the ‘original’ Renslayer, a teacher out in Ohio. Renslayer escapes him, saying she’s going out to “find freewill.” At the TVA, they watch as their instruments determine that the timelines are redlining. That meant that enough deviations are occurring from their ‘set’ path, that once they cross it, it’ll be impossible to use a reset charge to undo it. They hit that line. Loki goes to find Mobius, only to learn his friend doesn’t recognize him, and that the statue of the Timekeepers, He Who Remains proxy in the TVA, have been replaced by a statue of Kang. Not a great way to end one’s adventure. Enough recap, lets get to it.


Ep 7: Ouroboros


We open on a close-up shot of Kang’s statue and Loki running through the halls of the TVA as Mobius and other agents chase him. Loki gets cornered and he tries to talk to Mobius, but he claims to not know Loki. Not having any other option, Loki leaps out of a window, landing in a hover truck. The truck driver freaks out, hits Kang’s statue causing cracks before crashing back into a TVA office. Loki falls out of the truck, and dusts himself off, the truck falling behind him. Loki assures us she’ll be fine. Loki tries to talk to Casey, one of the TVA members he’d met before, but Casey also doesn’t recognize him. Loki has some sort of distortion fit and appears in a different room. Casey is there and recognizes Loki this time. Loki jumps to the idea that he was in another timeline somehow, but then notes that a crack that he caused with the crash is on THIS TVA’s office floor too. Casey tells him that that crack has been there as long as he can remember. He asks where Mobius and B-15 are, Casey starts to lead him to them, but he warps out of existence.


We shift to Mobius and B-15. They’re watching the timelines grow exponentially. Mobius asks what they do now, and B-15 tells him that they’ll just have to let the timelines keep growing and tell everyone the truth about this place. A power surge strikes and Mobius asks if that’s really the best call. Imagine how people would react to learning their “gods are dead and everything you know is a lie.” Casey walks up to them and tells them Loki was here looking for them. Mobius tries to use his TemPad to detect Loki or get Miss Minute’s help but neither works. A Minute Man named X-5 gets his attention and teases him about his Jet Ski obsession. When Mobius tries to explain some of the nuances of his favorite mode of transportation, X-5 tells him he doesn’t care. He’s there under the orders of the new Judges Council. They needed new leadership now that Renslayer has gone missing. Judge Gamble and General Dox want to see them. They walk to the elevator and the doors close. A moment later Loki returns and gets pointed to the War Room.


As Mobius and B-15 walk to their day in court, Loki warps in and tries to get their attention but he can’t seem to stay solid long enough to talk. Loki follows them into the War Room to find it empty. He clearly warped to another Kang ruled dimensions as there’s a mural of his face on one of the walls. In Mobius’s Timeline, the judge’s council are listening to Loki’s message about the Timekeepers being fake. The judges start grilling them about what happened with B-15’s order to stop pruning timelines.


Loki turns on a recorder and hears He Who Remains thanking someone for working with him. He plays it back a little and learns He Who Remains was talking to Renslayer, saying that he’d be happy to rule with her.


The Judges council asks B-15 under who’s authority did she decide to stop pruning timelines. B-15 says they didn’t have time to follow proper procedure, and again stresses how they’re all Variants, people kidnapped out of the timeline. Mobius tries to down play the situation, saying that the sky isn’t falling despite the branching, but X-5 points out the robot head sitting on the table and insists the sky is falling. B-15 insists that their job hasn’t been protecting things, but destroying real people and lives with each pruning. B=15 insists that the TVA needs to change and now. One of the judges agrees that they need to stop pruning. Loki flashes back into the room and tells Mobius that he found ‘him.’ Mobius asks who “him” is, and Loki decides to be dramatic. He takes the pruning stick from X-5 and uses it to burn the mural of the Timekeepers, revealing Kang’s face behind it. He loudly announces this is who stole their lives and who is coming back. Mobius takes his friend away. X-5 is ordered to go to the end of time to try to find Sylvie.


Loki fills Mobius in on the things he missed after he and Sylvie got past Alioth. He seems to be having a nervous breakdown upon realizing what was unleashed by killing He Who Remains and trying to understand why Sylvie did it. Loki insists that this, where they’re standing, is He Who Remains’ kingdom and is certain that Mobius doesn’t remember this because he had his memory wiped. Loki wants to talk to the judges, but Mobius wants to know where Loki came from. Loki says that he’s traveling back and forth in time. Mobius says that can’t be true as time doesn’t work like that in the TVA. Loki vanishes to prove the point. Mobius takes to medical to look him over. Mobius theorizes that being forced through He Who Remains’ TemPad may have caused Loki’s shifting and that they’ll need to talk to an expert to find out why it’s happening.


They enter a hidden office and meet Short Round… I mean Waymond Wang… I mean Ke Huy Quan… I mean Ouroboros. AKA OB. Mobius clearly has no memory of OB, but OB remembers him. He is the only member of his department. Loki vanishes again, and OB says that he Time Slipped. Mobius asks if he can fix that, to which OB says no. Loki appears in the office in front of a younger OB, dubs him OB and asks for his help. In the present, OB says that it’s impossible to Time Slip in the TVA again, only to remember talking with Loki about it in the past. Apparently, as Loki is altering the past talking to OB, OB is remembering the conversation in real time. Trippy. Loki asks him how to stop Time Slipping in the TVA. OB says they need a Temporal Aura Extractor. Loki has OB whip one up and then leave it for when Mobius comes for it. In the present, OB remembers the Extractor and tells Mobius he needs to take it to the Temporal Loom and use it to pull Loki directly from the timeline. OB says that the process isn’t too bad, but if Mobius dawdles too long, the time energy will rip his skin off. When Mobius points out that that doesn’t SOUND easy, OB says that he meant that it’s easy compared to what Loki has to do. Loki, it turns out, has to remove himself from time and space, AKA prune himself, so the extractor can pull him out. Loki vanishes again and returns to the present.


OB notices that his lamp is flashing, Mobius says that they’ve been having power surges all day. OB is clearly shocked by this information. The boys meet up with B-15 as OB explains the surges are probably what’s causing Loki to Time Slip. OB says that the branching of the Time Lines is overloading the Temporal Looms, which is bad. He says that they should all known this stuff, as it’s in the manual that he wrote. They reach the Temporal Loom. OB says that this is where time is extracted and worked into a physical timeline. It wasn’t designed to work with so many branches, so that’s why it’s overloading. OB says that Miss Minutes is the one that handled the Day to Day stuff, he just had to run diagnostic checks every few hundred years. He tells them they need to start pruning branches, B-15 refuses, saying they won’t kill countless people anymore. OB says that then he’ll need to try to jerry-rig the system to handle multiple timelines. He’ll need to seal the chamber to protect the rest of the TVA. Oh, and they’ll need to fix Loki now or never.


The plan is for Mobius to go out into the time stream room and launch the extractor, Loki will then prune himself and the extractor will pull him all the way through to their time. He gives Loki a timer synced to the Loom and tells him to only prune himself moments of it turning green. They have one hour… until the glass cracks, then they have five minutes. Another Minute Man arrives and says that Dox’s people are raiding the armory and preparing to go after Sylvie. Loki wants to help but they need to focus on fixing him. Loki tries to tell Mobius something for if he doesn’t come back, but he then Time Slips again, dropping the Pruner. Damn. He reappears in the same room, determining that he went into the future this time. In his present, Mobius is suited up in a time-space suit and OB tells him how to use the extractor. He has to hurry or the time energy will rapidly age him into nothing. When he notes there’s a crack in his helmet, OB puts tape on it and says he’ll be fine. OB leaves, opens the blast doors and Mobius heads out to save Loki.


Meanwhile, Loki is running around the TVA looking for a pruner. Mobius puts the Extractor in and powers it up. Loki looks around the TVA but can’t find a pruner. While he searches, we see a monitor showing the expanding timelines, but it then shows things reverting back into a single line, how odd. Mobius has a little trouble getting the Extractor going, but then it powers on. Loki is still looking for a pruner. OB tells Mobius they have thirty seconds for him to pull Loki before they close the blast doors. Loki doesn’t make it in time and hits the blast door button. Loki hears a ringing phone and goes towards it. He sees Sylvie trying to force open an elevator door before getting pruned from behind. He gets launched out of the timeline, hitting Mobius, and knocking them free of the Loom. He tells Mobius they need to find Sylvie.


Meanwhile, Dox and a large battalion of Minute Men suit up and head out. B-15 asks if all of this is to capture Sylvie and the other Minute Man says he doesn’t believe it. The plot thickens.


A post credit scene has Sylvie appearing in Broxton, Oklahoma in a branched time in 1982. She walks into a McDonalds of all places and orders ‘everything.’ She looks around the place as she says this, implying that she wants to try everything in life, but the server things she just wants a lot of burgers, it seems.


Okay, this is an interesting start to Loki season 2. I think having Loki shift through time and space to give us clues as to the origins of the TVA is a decent idea to start the season. From the context of the scenes we were shown, there was a time when He Who Remains/Kang was actively ruling the organization, at least he was in charge enough that he felt like he needed his statues everywhere. The question of why he decided to switch tactics and remove people’s memories of when he was actively in charge is probably going to be a main plot point of the season. Adding Ke Huy Quan was a brilliant use of 2023’s Best Supporting Actor according to the Academy Awards. I’ve just really enjoyed seeing his star rise after returning to acting in Everything, Everywhere, All At Once. But, his character of OB was interesting, quirky, and I even liked that they had a decent explanation as to why he wasn’t in season 1 despite being a major part of the TVA. Namely, he has a department he runs alone, and Miss Minutes handles most of his day-to-day tasks. I can buy that. I’ll be curious to see how they handle Sylvie going forward, as her actions at the End of Time are clearly having ramifications across time and space. The future look that Loki got of her doing something while the TVA is in an emergency situation was a decent teaser for the future. So… yeah, good start. I’ll see you tomorrow when we do number 2.


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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