
Saturday, November 25, 2023

Viewer Log: Loki ep 8

 Loki is out hunting.

Last time on Loki, Loki returned to the TVA but discovered he’s the first person in history to “Time Slip” while there. He shifted from the present to a past where He Who Remains aka Kang ruled the TVA openly, and hears a recording of He Who Remains striking a deal with Ravanna Renslayer to rule time together. As the shifts are painful and sporadic, Mobius takes Loki to see someone who he thinks can help. This man, Ouroboros aka OB, is able to help, due in part to a time shifted Loki getting him to set thing up for him a few hundred years in the past. They take a Temporal Aura Extractor to the Time Loom, the great device that transforms time into the physical line that the End of Time castle rode on. The plan requires Loki to prune himself once Mobius has the device in place to pull him out of the Time stream and plant him solidly in the present. Another sudden shift ruins this plan as Loki drops his time stick. He finds himself in the future where it seems some sort of attack is happening. He is drawn to a ringing phone and sees Sylvie before someone prunes him from behind, sending him back to Mobius just in the nick of time. At the same time, the new Judges Council of the TVA dispatches a strike force to the End of Time to find Sylvie. Sylvie, meanwhile, ended up in a Branch timeline Oklahoma and said she wanted to “Try everything” in a McDonalds. Enough recap, let’s get to it.


Ep 8: Breaking Brad



We open with Loki and Mobius stepping through a time door to London, UK circa 1977 in the Sacred Timeline. Loki is certain that Sylvie isn’t there, as it’s too ‘safe’ a space for her. Sylvie, to his knowledge, preferred hiding out in war zones, apocalypses or places of other chaotic nature. Mobius thinks she may have changed her patter after everything that has happened and points out they got a hit on Hunter X-5’s TemPad here before it went dark. Loki isn’t sure, but Mobius points out that since General Dox and X-5 aren’t responding to their calls, this is their only lead. They enter a recarpet event for Zaniac the movie, starring X-5 under the stage name Brad Wolf. Mobius thinks maybe he’s undercover, but Loki isn’t buying it. They corner “Brad” and say they need to chat. He acts happy to see them, offers to buy them drinks, but then runs the second he’s away from them. He’s cornered again by B-15, she gets his TemPad away from him as Mobius chase him down. He tells Mobius that they’ll ruin his life here, Loki blasts him before he can elaborate on that. They chase Brad into an underground parking garage. Loki asks if X-5 really thought he could outrun Loki, he says yeah, revealing he’s got another TemPad and a Looper bracelet on. He loops back on Loki and tries to escape through the London streets. He gets cornered by some tugs. He tries to hold them off with a pipe, only to discover their Loki illusions. X-5 tells him to stop with the magic and fight fair, but Loki says it’s not a fair fight. He finally captures X-5 with his own Shadows. Mobius asks if that was a bit much, but Loki thinks this was all spot on.


They bring X-5 in and fit him with a looper collar. B-15 is there and asks him about the TemPad but he plays dumb. They’re going to bring X-5 in and put him in a holding cell for a bit to see if that’ll loosen his tongue a little. B-15 tells them to take the TemPad to OB to have him check it out. They go to his lab and find the recluse building something. He explains that he’s working on a device to help the Loom handle all the new timeline branches. They ask him about the TemPad. He’s sure he can get into it but asks if this is a higher priority than handling a temporal meltdown. Two of them agree that Meltdown avoidance is the bigger issue and OB tells them to look through the manual he wrote on the subject.


B-15 goes to Casey and asks him if he’s gotten any hits on Renslayer’s TemPad. He says no, it’s been difficult because without Miss Minutes, they’ve had to scroll through all their data manually and it’s really slowing the analysts down. But Casey did find something else, Renslayer deleted all her own data but he’s tracked down the last person she contacted before she left.


Mobius and Loki work on getting into the TemPad. Since neither is particularly technically minded, it’s not going well. B-15 and Casey come over and tell them that Miss Minutes was working with Renslayer. Loki remembers hearing that conversation between Renslayer and He Who Remains. He thinks they were partners. Casey sees them tinkering with the TemPad and asks why they’re doing it. Loki tells him that X-5 told them that it blocks time tracking. Casey doesn’t think so, he takes the TemPad and because he is technically minded, he thinks he can get into it for them. They go to interrogate X-5.


Mobius reminds the other two that they just need to find out where Dox is, what the TemPad does and where Sylvie is. He reminds them that Brad is an asshole and not to let him get under his skin. They ask him what the TemPad does and he lies to them about it again. He insists he’s Brad now and that they don’t have the authority to hold him. Loki tells him there are lives at stake, and Brad starts laying into Loki for trying to make up for constantly making things worse. He brings up Frigg, and Loki doesn’t take kindly to being reminded of his mother. Loki thanks him for giving his perspective and says he has  point. Maybe he’s just been biding his time, waiting for an excuse to do terrible, awful things to Brad. Brad is intimidated for a moment but then tells Loki he’s obsessed and should seek therapy. Mobius suggests that he starts playing ball so they can release him back to the Sacred Timeline. Brad seems to have had a nervous breakdown since he left the TVA looking for Sylvie, as he tells Mobius how none of this is real, how Mobius isn’t an analyst, Brad isn’t a hunter, it’s all an illusion. He asks Mobius if he’s ever though about who he “really” is, what his real name is, Mobius says he hasn’t given it thought. Brad insists he needs to ‘wake up’ or he’s a nowhere man. Mobius gets angry and slaps him. Loki pulls Mobius out and leaves him with B-15. Loki asks what happened there, but Mobius tries to play it off. They head to the break room and get some pie to try to recenter. They get key lime.


After eating some pie, Mobius admits that he lost control in there. Loki says that it happens to everyone, him going with the example of when he was so mad at his father and Thor that he attacked New York. That wasn’t tactical, that was emotional. Loki asks if Mobius is even curious about where he came from on the timeline. Mobius says that’s the last thing he should be thinking about. Mobius says no, as that isn’t his life. Loki says that he understands, better to not think about the path not taken. Mobius admits that he could handle it if his pre-TVA life was bad, it’s if it was good that scares him. Loki thinks X-5 isn’t going to talk, but Mobius isn’t sure. They theorize, and decide that X-5 found Sylvie, found her but she didn’t realize it. He decided not to turn her in for some reason and then went on to living his best life as Brad Wolfe. They just need to make him talk. Mobius has faith in the God of mischief to handle it.


OB has finished his device and prepares to use it to stabilize the Temporal Loom. He plugs his device in and tries to power it up, but gets an alert that he has invalid access.


Loki goes to Brad and admits he’s going to try some hard ball tactics on him. Mobius wheels in a device. Brad doesn’t seem that intimidated by the device. Loki tells him they forgot the controller and heads out to get it. Loki locks him out and says that he’s going to make Brad talk. He pulls out the controller for the device and plugs it in. He asks if Brad found Sylvie. Brad is clearly starting to get scared when Loki gets the machine running. He apologizes for bringing up Loki’s mom and for being a dick. Loki uses the device to trap the chair in the time bubble and shrink it down. He traps Brad in a time cube. Brad says he doesn’t know where the others are. Loki shrinks his box down and makes Brad panic. He says that he was ordered to find Sylvie but he bailed. Loki doesn’t believe Brad would do that and put the squeeze on him, Brad finally cracks, saying that she has a new life. Mobius comes in and reveals that was planned out. They help Brad up and tell him that he’s going to show them where Sylvie is.


B-15 brings Casey to OB to try to help him out. OB comes in and tells them they’re all going to die. He explains that the blast doors are stuck. After Casey gushes a little at meeting THE Ouroboros, OB explains the situation. The blast doors are shut and locked and the only way to open them is with the Temporal Aura of the person that designed them. Obviously, He Who Remains is dead, so that’s not an option. Their only alternative is to get Miss Minutes back and get her to help them override the lock. They need to hurry or they’ll all die.


X-5 takes Loki and Mobius to Broxton, Oklahoma, 1982. Mobius promises that if he’s lying to them he’s going back into the Gizmo. X-5 is incredibly jumpy about this and tries to stay back. The trio enters the McDonalds and find Sylvie working the counter. Loki goes to talk to her. She tells him that her breaks in five minutes and they’ll talk then. They head outside. Loki tells Sylvie about his time travels and that Sylvie was at the TVA during the big cataclysm. Sylvie says she has no idea what is going on and she doesn’t care. She isn’t running and she’s happy here. Loki says that he saw it happen, so it will happen, but Sylvie insists that she stopped inevitability when she killed He Who Remains. Inside, Mobius enjoys some fast food with X-5. X-5 is anxious to leave the branch and get back to the Sacred Timeline. Mobius senses something up. Loki asks Sylvie what she’s going to do when more Kang’s show up and she says she’ll kill them too. Mobius comes out and tells them that X-5 has been holding something back. He tries to play dumb, but insists they go back to the TVA before they all die. Sylvie grabs and enchants him. She realizes the plan Dox came up with was to use all the armaments they took to bomb this and all other branched timelines back out of existence.


They return X-5 to the TVA as B-15 and the others start detecting charges being set up on all the new branch timelines. Mobius radios in and tells her Dox’s plan to basically burn all the other timelines out of existence. She warn them they need to stop them now.


Loki and his team find their base of operations with the memories Sylvie spied. Dox’s crew are opening a lot of Time Doors and dropping charges across time and space. They’ve already destroyed 30% of the new timelines. Loki goes to distract them. Dox sees them and says their mission is compromised. They work to try to set off as many charges as they can. They fight off a bunch of Minute Men before Loki and Sylvie grasp hands and blast them away. They capture Dox and bring her and her soldiers in. Everyone returns to the TVA and sees that nearly all the alternate timelines are gone. Casey gets a hit on Renslayer’s TemPad. Loki goes to Sylvie and apologizes for failing her. She says that the TVA is the problem, that it’s rotten to the core. She leaves in a huff.


Sylvie returns to her Timeline and relaxes on her truck. One of her coworkers asks if she’ll be in tomorrow and she says she will. When alone, she looks over a glowing pendant. How odd.


I like the stuff that OB is doing. The idea that the Loom is being overloaded because it wasn’t designed to handle more than one… we’ll say type of timeline. I don’t think there was ever just one perfect timeline, just one accepted course of events that the TVA forces to play out repeatedly. The fact that the repairs he needs to make are impossible without He Who Remains or Miss Minutes just adds to the ticking clock. As to the rest of the episode… I feel like we’re missing some story beats. Like, last episode ended with Dox and her Minute Men leaving to find Sylvie, and now we start where they’ve been clearly missing for days, if not weeks subjective time, and X-5 has had long enough to be “Brad Wolfe’ for a while. Feels like there’s a whole episode missing. Something like Loki and Mobius searching for Sylvie on their own, maybe see hints of what Dox and co are doing, before we realize how long they’ve been gone and what damage they’ve been doing. Speaking of Dox and X-5… I feel like we’re speed running these two characters that either didn’t appear at all or didn’t matter in season 1. Dox I know didn’t show up, and if X-5 was in season 1 he was background at best. But the show seems to be treating it like it’s a big deal who these two are and what they’re doing. I supposed that’s what happens when the focus was mostly on Loki, Mobius, and Sylvie last season. Sylvie… hm… I like that she’s trying to live a normal life post killing He Who Remains. Cliché? Yes, but it’s Cliché because trying to move on after getting what you want is a basic story beat. I hope we get more of her ‘real’ life as the story goes on, just because a chaos god just living as a cashier in the 80s seems like a neat idea. I’ll be curious how she gets pulled back into things when she so clearly wants to be out. So yeah, I’m still interested in seeing more even if it feels like we’re speed running this story. We’ll talk about episode 3, see you tomorrow. 


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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