Thursday, February 27, 2025

Viewer Log: X-Men: TAS ep 42

 The Dark Phoenix raises! 

Last time on X-Men: The Animated Series, The Phoenix joined upper echelon of society. Held in an illusion by Jason Wyngarde, she was brought into the Inner Circle and celebrated as a queen. Much to the annoyance of Emma Frost, a previous Inner Circle Queen. The X-Men were held with inhibitor collars and forced to watch Phoenix in Jean’s body ingratiate herself with these weird cosplayers. All except Wolverine, who is damp, angry, and looking to scrap. Scott attempts to reach out to Jean mind-to-mind, but Emma Frost senses this and pulls Wyngarde into the mindscape so they can duel each other. Scott almost beats Wyngarde but Phoenix steps in and says that she’s been liberated by the Inner Circle, and she likes it. Wyngarde stabs him and pronounces Scott dead, but he hangs on thanks to his connection to Jean. There’s a hostile takeover as Wyngarde uses his position as puppet master of the Phoenix to usurp Sebastian Shaw’s position, but that’s interrupted by Wolverine bursting in. While the Inner Circle bicker, Phoenix scans Wolverine’s mind and a memory of their… spark, breaks Wyngarde’s control for a second allowing the Phoenix to say, ‘screw all of you’ and fly away. The X-Men fight and humble the Inner Circle, all its members beating a hasty retreat except Wyngarde, who thinks he can fix this. He tries to enthrall Phoenix again, but she’s had it up to here with his BS, breaks his illusion to reveal his real self and then fries his brain with her real self. Scott arrives in time for the Phoenix to announce she’s rebranding as the Dark Phoenix! Enough recap. Let’s get to it.


We return to the story to see Dark Phoenix announce herself, revealing her giant fiery form to Scott, the X-Men, and all the random bystanders outside the Inner Circle club. She announces that she’s never giving up this body or returning to the cold void of space. The others join Scott on the roof as he tries to reach Jean. He begs her not to leave and Jean breaks through for a second before Dark Phoenix launches them clear across the city to Central Park. The fliers save the non-fliers, and they regroup. Wolverine asks why Dark Phoenix is attacking them, since she used to be on their side, and Beast says that the professor was probably right. The emotions the Phoenix felt through Jean corrupted her and drove her mad. The Dark Phoenix finds them and announces she’s here to destroy them. Scott orders the team to defend themselves but to be careful. Storm summons up a hurricane to stop her, but she’s barely inconvenience here. They all try to stop her, but Dark Phoenix seems to barely notice as she redirects lightning, transmutes trees to gold and smacks her friends around. Rogue tries to drain her, but Dark Phoenix fire seems to hurt Rogue more than Dark Phoenix. Dark Phoenix asks why he’s trying so hard save her, and Scott announces for the hundredth time that he loves her. Dark Phoenix can’t seem to process that answer so blasts him. Jean breaks through for a moment and tells Scott she loves him and asks him to remember that regardless of what happens next. Dark Phoenix takes over again and morphs into her giant bird form, sending off psychic shockwaves that draw the notice of bystanders, Dr. Strange, Thor, and Uatu on the moon. She flies off into space.


We see the Dark Phoenix fly through the cosmos, passing the physical manifestation of Eternity itself as she leaves the solar system. She’s detected by some Shi’ar scouts mapping the D’bari star system. She pops in right as the captain complains about how they’re being tasked with the boring job of mapping a dead star system. They detect the Dark Phoenix enter the D’bari’s star and feed upon it. They flee before the star can go supernova. Fun fact, while the episode goes to great lengths to tell us that the planets in the D’bari system are lifeless… in the comics they very much were not. Gotta soften Dark Phoenix’s fall to madness for the kids. The captain of the survey ship orders they stop and try to destroy the Dark Phoenix before it can do more damage. But she easily slices through their ship’s wing, leaving them stranded. The Shi’ar loses track of the Dark Phoenix, and he contacts Empress Lilandra. She orders her cruiser and guard be made ready, as their greatest fear has come to pass.


Back at the Mansion, Charles debriefs his team on his fears concerning Jean and the Dark Phoenix. Namely that that cosmic entity has clearly eaten Jean’s mind. Scott refuses to stop trying so long as Jean’s alive. Charles does agree that he won’t give up on her either, but they do need to face the reality that unless Dark Phoenix drops Jean’s body willingly, then they really don’t have another option to save her. Scott gets a painful headache and senses the Dark Phoenix returning. Charles promises that they’ll try to save Jean, but they need to protect the Earth. Wolverine asks how they can even fight something that can melt them in a second. Scott thinks that’s the key, that while the Phoenix has the power to do that, the fact it hasn’t clearly means Jean has some control left. Beast and Charles postulate that they could beat the Dark Phoenix by targeting Jean, using a Mnemonic scrambler to temporarily disorientate her and hopefully cause the Dark Phoenix to bail out of her. Charles kicks himself for not realizing that the therapy that they were giving Jean earlier was just making her a more perfect host for the Dark Phoenix to inhabit.


Beast gets to work on the scrambler, designing a tiara to place on Jeans’ head. I’d prefer a ray, ya know to keep a distance, but what are ya gonna do? Beast asks anyone if they want to test it out. On the roof of the mansion, Scott gets another mental burst from Jean and realizes that the Dark Phoenix has gone back to Jean’s childhood home, a place full of childhood emotions. Dark Phoenix touches down and walks into the house calling for her family, who aren’t home. She sees her old pet cat, but he doesn’t react like he knows her, running off. She finds her bedroom and just sits with a doll of hers. It’s pretty clear that Dark Phoenix is in some kind of fugue state and acting more childlike right now. A car pulls into the lot and she assumes it’s her and rushes down to see him. As she runs out, we see that this is a trap set up by the X-Men. Charles seems to be using his powers to make Jean see what he wants her to while he protects her family and Scott is driving the car. This has got to be a weird family reunion for the Grays. He pulls out and drives away, distracting Jean long enough for Gambit to slip the scrambler onto her head. He apologizes as he does it, saying it’s the only way. Dark Phoenix takes over and hurls Gambit away. Rogue grabs him and demands to know why the gismo isn’t working. Beast tells her to be patient. Storm tries to talk to her, but Dark Phoenix away, Rogue catches her too. Beast says she’s stronger than he’d imagined and she’s frying the scrambler. Wolverine decides he must make the hard choice, tackling Dark Phoenix and preparing to execute her. Jean comes out and begs him to do it, now while she has control. Wolverine seems to earnestly try to cut her throat, but he just can’t do it. Dark Phoenix blasts him away and prepares to kill them all, but Scott interrupts her. He uses their love, all of their love for each other to bring Jean back. Charles mentally blasts her, to stun her. He says that he only bought them a few seconds of peace, they need to destroy the Dark Phoenix, now! Dark Phoenix recovers, blasts everyone away and destroys Charles chair.


Not one to surrender, Charles pulls Dark Phoenix into the mental plane and the two do battle. He swears that in the battlefield of the mind he will not be defeated. The Dark Phoenix is unimpressed by Charles’ attempt, saying that arrogant humans could never be strong enough to stop her. Charles grows fatigued I their mental battle and calls out to Jean for her help. They combine their mental powers and Bind the Phoenix in the confines of Jean’s mind.


On the outside, Jean’s Dark Phoenix outfit revers to her heroic green instead of the villainous red. Charles tells them that the Phoenix is contained, for now, and says that he was only able to beat the Phoenix with Jean’s help. Jean and Scott have like 15 seconds of peace, before the Shi’ar arrive. Charles asks why Lilandra didn’t contact him, and she reveals its because the Shi’ar high council have voted to destroy the Phoenix and Jean Gray once and for all.


Again, imagine being the Grays. Your baby girl comes home for the first time in years, possessed by a corrupted god, and then aliens show up and say they’re going to execute her. Super weird.


Damn, that was a lot to take in a 20 minute episode of television. It makes me laugh that even when Jean is at her most powerful as the Dark Phoenix, she can’t go an entire episode without someone knocking her out. She swoons in a stiff breeze sometimes, I swear. The phenomenal power of the Phoenix was brilliantly shown throughout this episode, from her casually redirecting energy, to transmuting matter, to eating a damn star, we really get a good sense of how powerful this being is. And how monumentally bad it is that she’s gotten a taste for blood. The whole, destroying a star system to show that she can, thing was a particularly vivid moment of power. Again, it makes me laugh that the show goes out of its way to say multiple times that Dark Phoenix destroyed the star of an uninhabited system when that was just not the case in the source material. I guess writer Chris Clarmont has said that it was an accident post Dark Phoenix saga, but still, my girl killed a solar system. That’s not something any mortal being should have the power to do. Using her childhood home as a trap was a clever idea. Using the fact that Jean and Dark Phoenix are separate entities, and that Jean is the weaker of the two against Dark Phoenix was brilliant. Using the house and Charles’ mind beam to lull Jean into a vulnerable state and slap the band on her head when distracted were all well thought out. Sure, the plan failed because Hank underestimated her, but the trap was smart. The thing I like most about this episode is that Scott never once stopped believing that he could bring Jean out of the Dark Phoenix. In a lot of stories like this, even the steadfast hero tends to have a moment when they break and admit to feeling like their friend/love has been consumed by the dark being possessing them. But not Scott Summers. His power might just be punch-vision, but I believe that this man would move stars if he thought it would bring Jean back to him. Which, ya know, he might have to do now that Jean is on trial by the Shi’ar. Those bird-people play hardball when it comes to defending their empire, as you’ll see shortly. Have a good night. 



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