Thursday, September 26, 2024

Viewer Log: Batman: Caped Crusader ep 10

 It's the noble cops vs the corrupt cops, who'll win?

Last time on Batman: Caped Crusader, Harvey Dent had an extremely rough night. Harvey Dent, his face horribly scarred after acid was thrown on it and is dealing with a lot of anger. Bruce arrives and takes Harvey out to eat. He claims it’s to get him out of his apartment, but Batman’s goal is to grill him a little on what happened. Harvey has a paranoid breakdown, feeling like everyone is mocking him for his melted face, rips the bandages off and shows his damaged face to everyone. He runs off and decides to get payback after burying the thoughts that considered he might have done a few things to deserve being attacked. He cuts a bloody swathe through Gotham, beating up gangsters, shooting muggers, and paying off girlfriends to find the man that threw the acid, Tony Zeto. Batman is trailing him the whole time but arrives too late at each pitstop to stop Harvey. He catches up to Harvey just after killing Zeto in an apartment fire, but Harvey loses him in the chase. Batman finally corners him as Harvey attempts to murder Rupert Thorne. They struggle for a bit, but Batman is able to get through to the better half of Harvey, ironically represented by his scarred face, who sobs over what he’d done and turned himself in. After, he’s introduced to his lawyer, Barbara Gordon. Enough recap. Let’s get to it.


Ep 10: Savage Night


The episode begins at GCPD and Harvey refusing to have Barbara represent him. The refusal is about half stubborn pride, not wanting to be represented by someone he’s butted heads with so often, and half self-pity, that he doesn’t deserve to be helped by anyone. Barbara being her father’s daughter, refuses to just walk away and pulls out a coin, saying heads she’s his lawyer, tails she leaves. She flips it and gets heads. Immediately she tells Harvey that she’s going to get him transferred to Arkham for a psyche evaluation and that he shouldn’t talk to anyone without her until then. She tosses him the coin, as it was his that she got from lockup, and it’s revealed to be his two headed coin.


We shift to Rupert Thorne speaking to Flass over the phone. He wants an update on where Dent’s at. Flass says he’s being moved around tonight to Arkham for the evaluation and then to court. Thorne orders him to take care of Dent, as the man is dangerous to his business and the business of other powerful men in Gotham. Turns out that Dent has been cutting deals for a while and knows where a lot of metaphorical and probably a few literal bodies are buried.


At Arkham we see an inmate start screaming as Barbara gets checked in. He only stops when Harvey brings him the pig stuffed toy he dropped. Barbara goes to speak with Harvey. She asks how he’s doing, he says not well but he’s better off than some other inmates. Barbara says that he won’t be there long, as the evaluation will be tomorrow and the court case the day after. She thinks she can get him some lenience and then into a private hospital for treatment. Harvey is much less optimistic, believing his murder spree guarantees he’ll be sent to prison forever. Barbara suggests that they might get some leniency if he squeals on some of the corruption he’d dealt with as Gotham’s DA for the last decade, but Harvey asks if a man that knew about that stuff but did nothing deserve help. Barbara pleads with him to give her anything to work with. Harvey’s anger gets the better of him and he starts screaming at her about how he’s a spineless coward. He pulls back and apologizes for screaming. She says it just surprised her, and he apologized again, saying surprise is his favorite trick. His other side doesn’t get a nickname like Two-Face or Big Bad Harvey like in Batman: The Animated Series, but that seems to be who he’s talking about.


Later, Barbara reviews Harvey’s case in her office when Batman slips in. He asks about Dent, and Barbara says, “not much.” She wants to help but she can’t get him to help her. Batman suggests that while Harvey tipped the scale a little as DA, he cares about justice and that she should put pressure on that part of him to get his help. She’s not certain he’ll listen to her. Batman goes to leave, and Barbara asks for some means to contact him, rather than have her wait for him to break into her office again. He gives her his private number before slipping away.


Batman visits Harvey as Bruce Wayne. Guess he figured he could reach Harvey. He apologizes for taking Harvey out earlier, as he thought that pretending everything was normal would make Harvey feel better. Harvey bitterly calls Bruce the ‘great pretender’ but then apologizes, saying he’s just angry sometimes. He says it’s not Bruce’s fault this happened, and Bruce points out that it’s not his fault either. He begs Harvey to let his lawyer help him cut a deal, but Harvey points out that anyone else in his position couldn’t cut a deal. Bruce shifts to Batman a little and tells Harvey to not waste time and grow a conscience now. He tries the “Harvey Dent never gives up” line but Harvey says that was just a campaign slogan. Alfred drives Bruce home and asks him what he’s going to do now, but he’s not sure.


Later, Barbara escorts Harvey to a prison van to take him to his hearing. When they open the door, someone throws a tear gas grenade at them. They take out the guards and drag Dent away. Barbara is able to cover her mouth in time and then follows them, seeing them take Harvey away in a car. She gets in her own car and follows. It’s revealed that his kidnappers are Flass and Bullock. He wonders what this rescue will cost him, but the two corrupt cops say they’re not saving him but executing him. Barbara follows them, pulling out her gun. Harvey tries to play the sympathy card with Flass and Bullock, saying that he thought they were friends, but they tell him that he should have kept his head down and played it safe. A man doesn’t get his face melted off for now reason, after all. Flass directs Bullock on where to go and reminds him to just drop Dent off with Thorne’s men and go. Harvey, sensing weakness, says he’s surprised that Flass is the one calling the shots. And that it’s so brilliant of him to use Bullock as the guy doing the actual dirty work to keep his hands clean. Flass tells him to shut up. But Dent keeps talking, rightly guessing how their partnership has operated to now, with Flass giving orders and Bullock doing the crimes. Flass turns around to shut him up, but Dent dodges the grab, kicks Bullock in the back of the neck and causes him to crash.


Harvey pulls himself from the wreck and Barbara arrives to get him out of his cuffs. She says she’s going to get him to the cops, but Dent rightly points out that it’s not like he’s safe with them either. Case in point the two cops that were going to hand him over to the mob. She says she’ll take him to her dad. Dent says that he’s going to do things his way and pay Thorne a visit. But Barbara isn’t having that and handcuffs them together to get him to comply. Harvey’s annoyed by this but can’t really do anything about it so they drive off. Flass and Bullock wake up and get out of the wreck. Bullock thinks they’re cooked but Flass points out they’re near Thorne’s men already, so they’ll find them.


Barbara stops them to use a payphone to call her dad. She tells him that Dent was kidnapped and needs help. As she’s talking, Thorne’s men pass and clock thee back of Two-Face’s head. She makes a plan to meet with her dad and then she calls the… other number. Batman’s phone starts ringing, and Alfred picks up, transferring her to Batman a moment later.


Harvey and Barbara arrive at Gotham Docks and Harvey mocks Barbara for believing that there’s a happy ending for him tonight. Flass, Bullock, and Thorne’s men arrive, Flass orders them to not take chances and to shoot Dent on sight. Bullock points out that that’s Barbara’s car. Flass says that he must have seen them with Dent, so she can’t leave here either. When he asks if Bullock gets what he’s saying, Bullock rather annoyedly says that ‘it’s time to do the dirty work.” Looks like Harvey got under Harvey’s skin. Sorry, Dent got under Bullock’s skin, had to.


We shift to Montoya and Jim waiting for Barbara and Harvey. The fog is thick tonight so that’s definitely going to complicate tonight. Batman arrives, telling them that 15 men are on the docks tonight, and two of them are theirs. Jim guesses he means the gruesome twosome and Montoya says they thought they’d be involved. Barbara and Harvey arrive, and Batman leads them to the south exit as it’s open for now. Dent is still pessimistic about their plan, realizing that it’s just to keep him alive long enough to testify against half of city hall and then that’ll somehow change things. Jim Gordon thinks so, but Dent laughs at him. He says that one hundred other monsters will replace anyone they take down. Batman, angry, grabs Harvey by the collar and tells him that you don’t bend with the world when it goes bad, you push back. Jim adds that he knows the system is stacked against them but he will get Harvey in front of a judge. Batman batarangs one of the goons as he walks up, telling the others to run while he handles them.


Batman takes out three other goons in quick succession. While they run, Harvey grabs Barbara and pulls her aside. He tells her to let him go, as Thorne is only after him. He’ll lead them away and the others can live. Barbara refuses. Their talk is interrupted by a goon, who they close line with the handcuff chain and then Harvey stomps repeatedly. Barbara gets him to stop but he begs her to let him go. She pulls her gun and starts shooting more goons. Montoya and Jim take out a few more goons and only then notice Barbara and Harvey are gone. Flass and Bullock are still standing, Bullock pointing out that other cops will be here soon due to the gunfire. Flass tells him to just let Flass handle the talking if it comes to that.


Batman takes out a few more goons, tricking two into shooting each other before fist fighting and throwing a third into the water. He’s almost shot by a shot gun, but Jim and Montoya arrive and take him out. Batman learns that Harvey and Barbara got separated from them and so grappling hooks away to find them. Harvey and Barbara get spotted thanks to an angry dog and Harvey gets winged in a firefight. He begs Barbara to just leave him, as someone like her shouldn’t die for him. Barbara says she’s not dying tonight, and then notices they ended up near her car and tries to drag Harvey to it. Batman, Flass, and Bullock all start to converge on Barbara and Harvey. Harvey tells her that she’s wasting her time with him, but she refuses to leave him. Bullock gets a bead on them, but Jim pulls his gun on him and makes him back off. Barbara and Harvey make it to her car, and she starts to undo the cuffs when Flass arrives and shoots at them. Dent gets in the way of the shot and saves Barbara.


Batman rushes over and knocks the gun from Flass’s hand. He grabs it and threatens Flass with it. Flass tries to talk his way out of it, saying that was a righteous shoot. He gets angrier as Batman points the gun at him, saying that he’s a damn police officer and Batman’s just a lousy vigilante. We hear several gun shots, only for it to be revealed that Batman shot around Flass’s head. He knocks Flass out and then throws the gun into the harbor. Dude, evidence! Barbara asks Harvey why he did that and with his dying breath he says, “damned if I know, Barbara.” Jim tells Batman that if he’s still around when the cops arrive, he’ll have to take him in, and Batman grappling hooks away.


Later, Batman is in the cave looking at one of Harvey’s mayor buttons. Alfred comes in and Batman tells him that he saw some of himself in Harvey after he snapped. Alfred tells him that while there probably is some of him in Harvey when he lost it, at the end of the day, Harvey lost himself in that dark place while Bruce Wayne did not. He says that he’s seeing more and more of Bruce in Batman every day, and that he’s even made friends, in a manner of speaking. Batman points out that it’s four on an endless tied. They’re terrible odds but he’ll take them. He heads to the Batmobile to go on patrol, beings to thank Alfred by calling him Pennyworth, but stops and thanks Alfred. He drives off. At Thorne’s mansion, he tells his men to tell Bullock and Flass to just keep their mouth shut and his lawyers will handle it. He says a bullet in the back is what Dent deserved. He suddenly gets cut by a Batarang being thrown through his window and we see Batman in the distance.


We then cut to a shack in the middle of nowhere. We hear a man laughing hysterically before we’re shown a line of corpses laid out and strapped to chairs. The laughing man dies of the giggles, and we see a man standing before him with a syringe. We get a close up look of a pale white face as he says “perfect.” Oh, something wicked this way comes next season.


I think this was a fairly solid way to end the first season of Batman: Caped Crusader. While I’m a little sorry to see Harvey Dent go so quickly, I do like the implied message here that the final boss of season one isn’t Harvey Two-face, but the corruption of Gotham itself in the shape of Arnold Flass. Flass has been the face of the GCPD’s corruption to the audience for a while now. He moves Bullock, he comes up with most of the plans, and he executes them with efficiency. I like that this was only the second time that he attempted to get his hands dirty and this was the time that ruined him, if only for a little while. I have relatively little doubt that somehow Flass and Bullock will be on the force again by the time season 2 rolls out. The whole scene on the dock is intense, with the fog making it hard for us to see who is coming next. It works to Batman’s advantage because he’s a ninja, but that advantage is lost when he’s worrying about other people. You know who he could have used tonight? A sidekick. Or a partner. Maybe a young acrobat with a lot of skills and training or a street tough. No? No Robin for Batman? Fine. Deidrich Bader was great in this last performance as Harvey Dent. He did a good job showing off how conflicted Harvey was at having all these people working hard to save him and now much anger he’s repressing. I’d have liked to see more of him progress, but his presence really would wrap up the Gotham corruption a bit too quickly and, again, that’s one of the main villains of this series. It was nice that they gave him the noble sacrifice to go out on. This Dent was far from the white knight of Gotham, but he did deserve more than he got. The tease about Joker was nice. Though I have to say we seem to be in a trend of starting out Joker free and then teasing him in the following installments. The Chris Nolan Batman films, Batman v Superman, the Matt Reeves Batman films, all promise the Joker later on. All I’m saying. I’m curious to see how he’ll fit into this noir setting and if/how he’ll interact with Harley Quinn. But we’ll have to wait and see for that one. Have a good night, everyone. 


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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