Friday, September 27, 2024

Viewer Log: X-Men: TAS ep 22

 Rogue deals with a living nightmare.

Back to X-Men for a bit, we’ll cover Agatha All Along in October and November.


Last time on X-Men: The Animated Series, a new time traveler entered the arena. It’s revealed that Bishop, the mercenary from Genosha, is in fact a time traveler from the far future. He witnesses a time storm that begins erasing things due to Bishop interfering with the flow of time in 1993. Cable attacks the X-Men several times trying to stop Bishop but is unable to stop events from unfolding. He uses his computer to get a refresher on the X-Men and their powers, intentionally skipping Cyclops and Jean for some reason, and gets an idea when he’s reminded about Wolverine. He attacks the X-Men again during the senate hearing and kidnaps Wolverine just as things turn into a fiasco. He knocks Wolverine out for a bit, but then brings him along when the X-Men face off against Graydon Creed and the FoH scientist that’s really Apocalypse in disguise. Cable throws Wolverine into the tank of the virus, using Wolverine’s healing factor to create a perfect immunity to it, thus stopping Apocalypse’ plan and also exposing everyone to the virus that will one day stabilize the Mutant Genome. Bishop and Cable return to their respective futures. In Bishops, his ally Forge doesn’t know anything about any plague now, and Cable is reunited with his son Tyler. Alls well that ends well. Enough recap. Let’s get to it.


We open with a woman walking in the rain. A man tries to steal her umbrella. She covers herself with it and then reveals herself in a monster form, screaming at the man and making him run. Okay, so this is Mystique. Mystique enters an old apartment building and lights a candle, saying the person inside said they had a gift for her. It’s revealed to be Mr. Sinister. His gift is to tell her that Xavier is currently missing and that without their professor to look after them it might be easy for her to reclaim her daughter. Mystique runs off and Sinister laughs evilly.


We cut to the Brotherhood of Mutants, Avalanche, Pyro and Blob, causing a scene at a carnival. The X-Men arrive, and a fight ensues, for some of them. Pyro says that their job was to just lure them out and since they did that they could bail, but Avalanche and Blob want to stay and fight. Rogue bounces off Blob’s bulbous belly and crashes into a booth. She makes a crack about having just washed this uniform when she suddenly sees a blonde woman standing over her. This seems to trigger something in Rogue’s mind as she starts seeing mental flashes of the woman and screaming bloody murder. She passes out and has a very trippy dream seeing all of the people she’s absorbed power from floating in bubbles and the blonde woman as a lizard creature.


Rogue wakes up in the X-Mansion infirmary with Gambit and Scott looking after her. Scott asks her what happened, and Rogue tells him that she’d been seeing that woman in ‘flashes’ lately. We learn that Xavier had been working with Rogue with some kind of past trauma, he’d used his powers to repress memories she couldn’t handle but bring up during their therapy sessions. She can’t remember what they were working on since, ya know, the professor isn’t there. Jean comes in with a portable computer and disk recording, saying she used the Mansion’s system to run an image search on the blonde. She’d appeared at a lot of incidents they’d been involved in recently, like she wanted them to see her. Gambit shows Rogue the photos of the woman and asks if she recognizes her. Rogue doesn’t but seeing her triggers another mental pain spike. Rogue says she’s fine, just needs some air. She flies out of the mansion and finds Logan chopping wood with his claws. She then sees the blonde superimposed over Logan, saying “You can’t keep me bottled up forever.” She screams at this thing to leave her alone and she punches through the log Logan had been using to hold up the lumber. This knocks Logan back and he’s very confused. She hears someone say “Way to go, Rogue-y-roo” Gambit arrives outside and tries to get her attention but she lashes out and knocks him back. She tells them all to leave her alone and flies off.


She returns to the mansion, looking for Jean. Scott finds her first and he asks her wants wrong, but then Rogue sees the Blonde again. She starts screaming in pain and drops to the ground. She’s pulled into the lower depths of her mind by the woman, who says she wants Rogue to see what Rogue had put the woman through. She accuses Rogue of taking away her life.  She turns giant and attacks Rogue, who tries to fly away and screams at the woman to leave her alone. She crashes into Cyclops. He’d gotten Jean in the last minute, and they ask Rogue what’s wrong. Rogue answers in the voice of the blonde, asking where she is and who these people are. Jean tries to reach out to her but in her normal voice tells them to get away. Jean uses her powers on Rogue to stop her, probing her mind and trying to figure out what’s happening to her. She senses another presence in Rogue’s mind. Rogue sees the Blonde as some kind of goblin in her reflection. The woman dives at Rogue, and they wrestle before Rogue flies up and through the mansion, startling Jubilee, Logan and Ororo as she goes. They’re all on different floors. Scott tells Jean to tell Storm to follow her, they need to be prepared for the worst.


Storm follows Rogue to New York City and then to the Statue of Liberty. She lands on the torch and Storm follows her. Rogue admits to being scared and not sure what to do. Storm offers to help her but Rogue is sure that the Professor’s the only one who could help and he’s gone. Storm wants to try anyway. Rogue is about to accept when she sees the Blonde again, who says that Storm is lying, and that Rogue is hers now. Rogue flies at the Blonde, and Storm follows. The Blonde tells her to come to her, in the hospital where Rogue put her.  Rogue says she’s going to, and that she’ll shut her up when she does. Rogue lands on a building, rips the lock off the stair’s entrance and goes inside. Mystique appears, saying that she’s finally ready to return to her. She shifts into Rogue’s form to draw Storm in, and then has Blob attack her. She knocks Storm out with a spray, then take on her form and radios in to the others, telling the X-Men to assemble at the General hospital.


Rogue goes deeper into the building, which seems to be a long-term care facility. We see the Blonde is in a coma. A pair of nurses are looking after her, the more experienced nurse telling the newer that this is their Jane Doe that they refer to as Sleeping Beauty. She’d been brought to them a few years ago and she’s had almost no brain activity since they hooked her up to the monitor.


Cyclops, Wolverine and Gambit meet up with “Storm” and are immediately attacked by the Brotherhood. Mystique reveals herself after Blob and Avalanche trap the boys in rubble, saying they stole something important from her and she’s going to get it back. Avalanche starts to gloat, but then Cyclops hits him with an eyebeam. It’s like they forgot 2/3rds of this group are ranged specialists. Cyclops breaks them free, and a brawl begins, Pyro creating a flame lion to attack them. Mystique tells her team to keep them busy and runs off. Storm wakes up and catches the three Brotherhood boys in a hurricane and hurls them into a building to knock them out. She says they’re a distraction and that they need to search the hospital for Rogue and Mystique.


Rogue is searching through the hospital; Mystique takes on the Blonde’s form to lure her deeper into the building and up into the Blonde’s room. Mystique reveals herself and says that she did all this to lure Rogue to the Blonde to help her remember the past Xavier purged from her mind. She asks Rogue to touch her to learn the truth. Rogue does so, knocking Mystique out and turning blue before getting flashbacks.


She remembers how her powers first manifested, when she kissed her boyfriend and put him into a coma. Her father disowns her for being a Mutant and Rogue runs off on her own.  She had nowhere else to go, so when she met a kindly older woman looking to take her in, she was happy. This was obviously Mystique, she retains this older woman’s form the whole time Rogue knew her, to cover up the plot hole of how Rogue didn’t recognize her or the Brotherhood boys before. Another one opens where it’s revealed that Mystique trained Rogue to use her powers using the Brotherhood, a group that seemingly didn’t exist in universe before. Remember, in episode 9 ‘The Cure’ Pyro was introducing Avalanche to Mystique, and yet here we learn they’ve worked together for years. Whatever, Rogue drained their powers to train. The training was for ‘the most important day of her life.’


The Brotherhood attempt to steal a fighter jet from an Airforce base, Rogue draining the pilot to learn how to fly it. Their theft is interrupted by Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel, who quickly takes out Blob and the others as Rogue takes off. As Ms. Marvel chases Rogue in the jet, Mystique says evilly that her daughter has a surprise for Ms. Marvel. Ms. Marvel catches Rogue and breaks into the plane. She tries to land the plane, but Mystique via an earpiece tells Rogue to grab her and not let go. Rogue does so, draining and holding onto Ms. Marvel despite how weird it feels. Ms. Marvel flies out of the plane to try to get away from Rogue but she won’t let go. Ms. Marvel crashes to the ground on top of Rogue, the latter making a deep dent in the ground.


Rogue asks Mystique why she made her hang onto Ms. Marvel like that, asking why her love wasn’t enough for Mystique. Rogue continues to narrate her memories, saying that hanging onto Ms. Marvel so long let Rogue steal her powers permanently, giving her Ms. Marvel’s super strength and flight. But not her energy blasts, how odd. Rogue reveals that she also had Ms. Marvel’s mind trapped in her own, and she started seeing visions of Ms. Marvel accusing her of stealing Ms. Marvel’s life. Rogue pretends to be fine when the first vision made her crash, but the next time she had a vision she decided to run away. While flying away, Charles called out to her telepathically, saying he could help. He said he couldn’t return Ms. Marvel to her own body, but she could ‘quiet’ her, for both her and Rogue’s sake.


In the present, Mystique says that’s how she lost Rogue to Xavier and that she’d sworn to get her back one day. She hugs Rogue, but Rogue’s smarter than that. She knows now that Mystique was just using her as a weapon. She shapeshifts into Ms. Marvel uncontrollably. Mystique says that her power will fade soon, but until then Rogue will keep shifting since she never learned to control it. Carol’s mind in Rogue exerts control, forcing her to shapeshift into her costumed form, announcing that she’s taking this body, and that Ms. Marvel is reborn. The X-Men arrive and see Rogue shift between forms. Ms. Marvel takes control again, grabs Mystique and flies off, Storm in pursuit. Storm can’t keep up, but Jean reveals she’s monitoring the situation with Cerebro.


Jean reaches out into Rogue’s mind and sees her and Ms. Marvel battling in Rogue’s subconscious.  Ms. Marvel keeps shifting between her normal form and a green monster form as they fight. Ms. Marvel believes that if she can beat Rogue in the mind, she’ll be able to seize control of the body and get her life back. Jean tells her that it doesn’t work like that and if Rogue dies, they both do. Ms. Marvel says it’s better to end it then than live like this. She keeps accusing Rogue of taking everything from her, Rogue apologizes profusely as she truly didn’t know this would happen. She says that this ends now, but Jean grabs her and captures her in a box. Rogue seals her up, crying as she does so and saying she’s sorry. Jean reassures her that there was no other way. Rogue returns to normal and puts Mystique down. Mystique tries to get Rogue to come back with her, but Rogue knows she just used her before and will do so again. She’s an X-Man now and isn’t looking back.


Later, we see Rogue in casual clothes. Gambit is impressed and asks if she’d dress up like that for him. She says she might, but today she’s going to spend time with an old friend.  She heads to Ms. Marvel’s hospital room, telling the Nurse that their Jane Doe is in fact Carol Danvers. She says they were close as she brushes Carol’s hair. There’s a mental ping as she does so that no one notices.  She leaves with the nurse. When alone, Carol’s brainwaves start picking up and she seems to force a smile.


This sort of episode is a good news, bad news sort of one. On the one hand, it’s interesting and fun to see things like Rogue’s past explored. This is the origin of her flight and superstrength in the comics as well, she started as a Brotherhood Mutant and adopted daughter of Mystique, who was told to hold on and not let go of Ms. Marvel until she absorbed her powers permanently.  The only problem is that continuity errors this creates with the first season. Now, this is true in comics as well. When a medium reaches hundreds, perhaps thousands of writers over multiple decades, you’re bound to have some wires crossed, things get confused, and errors happen. The problem is that that’s normally for stories decades old, not one season old. They do the same thing later when the writers decide the X-Men have been a thing for a while before the first season and that it was the OG 5-man team back in the day, even though no one recognized Warren (Angel/Archangel) in his previous appearances. Probably wasn’t an issue in the 90s where a lot of these episode get jumbled up so maybe they did show episode 22 before episode 9 or something, but in the age of streaming it’s a bit odd is all I’m saying. I do like the whole plot though; Rogue being haunted by the ghost in her mind and Mystique trying to bring her back into the fold is a neat concept. As a late 90s kid, this is how I learned that Rogue and Mystique have a history together and I was shocked. Granted, lots of things shocked me in 1998, I was 7 for most of it but it was still a big deal. The only other thing that really disappoints me about this episode is that it’s a one and done. To my knowledge, they never bring up Ms. Marvel again or show her waking from her coma. I know, they had a lot of stuff to cover, but it would have been nice to see her wake up and make amends with Rogue is all I’m saying. So yeah, fine episode. Next time is a Wolverine and Beast episode. One gets mad and one acts smart and it’s not the ones you think. See you then. 


Twitter: @BasicsSuperhero

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