Sunday, September 29, 2024

Viewer Log: X-Men: TAS ep 24

 Mojo is gross looking... No I have nothing else to say. 

Last time on X-Men: The Animated Series, we saw what happens when you push a kind man too far. Beast had been helping a doctor friend of his work on a treatment to restore the sight of a blind young woman named Carly. He was quite taken with her, and she seemed to like him, but Hank really couldn’t pursuit anything with her due to his appearance and the fact her Father was a bigot. When Carly was kidnapped by the Friends of Humanity for associating with him, Beast went berserk, hunting the group down and attacking their base single handedly. Meanwhile, Logan infiltrated the group. He’d wanted to stick it to the FoH for a while, but Jean had insisted trying a light touch this time. So, he faked being attacked by a Mutant, told Graydon how much he hated Mutants, and it was all to learn a particular piece of information. Namely that Graydon Creed hails from Canada. The other X-Men arrive, having been called by both teammates independently, and activate the hologram projector Logan told them to bring. It played the image and relevant data of one Sabretooth aka Graydon Creed, Sr. Finding out their leader is the son of a Mutant caused the FoH to abandon him as Graydon shrieked at the ghostly image of Sabretooth that he is NOT his father and shooting at it. After things calmed down, Beast admitted his feelings for Carly but said they couldn’t be together due to prejudice against Mutants. He told her to carry his love and hope the world can change. Her bigot of a father showed that was possible, as when they’re reunited, he thanked Dr. McCoy by name and the two men shook hands. Enough recap. Let’s get to it.


We open on a blonde man with a mullet battling alien monsters in a futuristic city. He escapes them and then out run some security robots and then does a bunch of other cool action stuff before it’s revealed to be the title sequence for Longshot, a TV series. We’re then introduced to Mojo, an obese alien monster that walks around on cybernetic legs that resemble a scorpion.  He’s screaming in rage and calling for his assistant Domo. When Domo asks what’s wrong, we learn that Mojo is a producer/director of Longshot and their ratings are in the toilet. He screams at the titular Longshot that his action figures aren’t sell and threatening with physical harm if he doesn’t do something about it. Longshot tells Mojo he’s a disgusting monster and there’s no way Mojo can replace him as he’s already abused every actor in the universe. Longshot and his entourage stormed out. Domo gives Mojo some Pepto for his indigestion and he asks if they have a replacement. Domo suggests a group from a primitive, backwater dimension that they don’t usually bother with, the X-Men. Mojo is instantly enamored with the idea, thinking that he’s making money on them just standing there. He orders the X-Men brought to him.


We cut to Scott and Jean shopping for a new TV for the mansion. Turns out Jubilee… broke the last one. Their shopping experience is interrupted by Mojo appearing on every screen in the store. Mojo tells them that he’s been following his career with great interest and is willing to offer them a lifetime contract. Scott and Jean try to leave, Mojo gets pissed and starts blasting them with electricity. Scott starts eyebeaming TV’s, but Mojo keeps on electrocuting him. The commotion draws Wolverine, Storm, Rogue, and Beast over as well. With most of the X-Men gathered, Mojo decides that’s good enough and orders his assistant Spiral to grab them and get them into wardrobe. Spiral, a six-armed warrior woman phases into their dimension through the TV’s and teleports everyone away.


The team arrive in a stadium on Mojoworld and are forcibly changed into their costumes. Mojo is already singing the group’s praises, saying that they’re already putting Longshot to shame and that he’ll never work in their dimension again.  Longshot, watching from just out of sight, is not happy to hear this. Cyclops tells Mojo they have ten seconds to send them back. Mojo ignores that comment and tells the X-Men are going to entertain his studio audience and the trillions watching at home or die.  Storm and Cyclops try to tell him no, but Mojo tells them that they need to increase his ratings or he’ll cancel the show and the actors permanently. He starts the first series, teleporting Storm and Cyclops away.


They’re put on a speedboat and get chased through a watery city by fighter copters. They’re able to dodge and blast their pursuiters for a bit but the boat is heavily damaged in the chase and Cyclops is nearly knocked out from the fumes. Cyclops and Storm are defeated, it seemed and put into a glass display. Mojo’s ratings are going through the roof, and he’s overjoyed. He tells Spiral in the control room to cue up show 2. Longshot overhears Mojo’s scream and that seems to give him an idea. The next show begins, Rogue Star, starring Rogue and Beast.


Rogue and Beast are placed in a space fighter and are chased by a huge warship. Rogue dodges around the big warship but it launches a missile at them that lodges in their hull. The controls get stuck and put them on courses to hit a nearby star. And to make matters worse a bunch of monster bugs. Beast and Rogue fight the things that looks a little like Broodlings, but one open a hatch and Beast gets sucked out into space just before the ship hits the star. Both Rogue and Beast are put on display as well. Mojo calls for show three to begin.


Jean and Wolverine are put in “I Dream of Jean.” No, it has nothing to do with I Dream of Jeannie, besides the title. They’re teleported to a city and Wolverine is climbing the side of a building. Jean calls out to him that Mojo is controlling all of this and so long as they’re ‘entertaining’ he won’t hurt them. Her speech is interrupted by a robot approaching her before transforming into the Punisher… I mean a guy in a skull T-shirt, who shoots at her. Wolverine leaps into the building to dodge some rubble and ends up fighting robot that take on the image off Gladiator, (Shi’ar Warrior, frenemy of the X-Men), Berserker (friend of the X-Men) and some grey alien guy. Logan fights and destroys two of them as Jean keeps fighting the skull shirt guy... Freddie… Fortress. Jean realizes that this whole thing is just super futuristic trash TV and that the electronics involved in TV can be overloaded with psychic energy.  She finds Spiral’s mind and starts ripping the control room apart with her powers. Mojo starts screaming for her to do something. Longshot slips into the control room and flips the switch to free the X-Men from the stasis glass. Why? To get them out of his timeslot. The X-Men are freed, and they do battle with Mojo, dropping control room on to him, and freeing them.


The X-Men are teleported back to the electronics store and Scott asks for someone to explain what the heck just happened. Back on Mojoworld, it’s revealed that while the audience is gone and the show is over, Mojo survived the crash. He immediately tries to get Longshot to agree to start a new show with him but gets distracted by a “Jungle Picture” playing on one of the monitors. We shift over to the Savage Land and see a Pterosaur man flying around and fighting a blonde woman. We’re shown Xavier and Magneto, who have just reached Magneto’s citadel. They hear the woman’s scream and Charles wants to help. But Magneto stops him from going to her aid. He says the Pterosaur man is Sauron, and that his powers would make him a powerful foe even if they had their powers. They watch as Sauron hypnotizes the woman and then flies off with her.


I don’t have that much to say about this episode. It feels like filler, which it very much is. Mojo is just an irritating show executive, screaming 90s television catchphrases and studio lingo for 20 minutes. The episode is basically just three action set pieces and then everyone is freed. Easy breezy. The concept of interdimensional TV is neat, but they don’t really do anything with it. There’s just no meat on this episode’s bone, which is ironic given how girthy Mojo is. Shame Jubilee had to miss this episode; she’d have probably loved being on TV for a bit. The final minutes with Charles and Magneto are short but it does hint that they’re nearly finished with their journey. They’ve reached Magneto’s citadel, so if they can get inside and get to the communications room, they can finally call for help. Sauron being there is expected, he is a pterosaur and the Savage Land is where you’d find one, but still serious complication. If he’s not the single most powerful Mutate in the Savage Land while Magneto and Charles are de-powered, it’s because his ‘boss’ is in the citadel. We’ve reached the penultimate episode next time, we’ll see why Magneto and Charles were lured here by Mr. Sinister. See you then. 


Twitter; @BasicsSuperhero

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