Monday, January 27, 2025

Viewer Log: X-Men: TAS ep 32

And now there are space pirates, because why not? 

Last time on X-Men: The Animated Series, we had a couple family reunions. Charles Xavier’s new lady friend Lilandra of the Shi’ar was kidnapped by his step-brother Juggernaut and Juggernaut’s new partner Black Tom Cassidy. Juggernaut, wanting to end things with Charles, hurls him out a window. He’s saved from drowning by Sean Cassidy via his ability to fly while screaming. Because the baddies cleared out before they could get back to Charles’ room, and weirdly that Miur Island doesn’t have security cameras, both Moira MacTaggart and Sean believe Charles just had another psychotic episode. Charles calls the X-Men in to prove him right. While the team is skeptical, Cyclops agrees to send them over because they at the very least need to check it out. At Muir Island, Logan quickly confirms that three other people were in Charles’ room and one of them doesn’t smell human. Turns out Juggernaut and Black Tom were hired to capture Lilandra for Eric the Red, and after he tried to stiff them on the bill he arrives to collect her. Lilandra is able to get a psychic message out to Charles which included an image of a Stag and Dragon crest that Sean recognized as his own family crest and deduces that Black Tom is held up at their family’s castle as the two are brothers. The X-Men plus Sean Cassidy in his Banshee costume arrive at castle Cassidy and do battle with Eric the Red, Juggernaut and Black Tom. Their fight is interrupted by the arrival of Gladiator, the captain of the Praetorian Guard of the Shi’ar Emperor. He makes quick work of Juggernaut as he’s basically blue Superman, and tries to take Lilandra so she’ll take him to the M’Kraan Crystal. Lilandra calls out psychically to Charles who calls out psychically to the X-Men, inadvertently waking up the Phoenix within Jean Gray. As the Phoenix, Jean flies to castle Cassidy and humbles Gladiator by hurling him back into deep space. We learn that the Phoenix is the guardian of the M’Kraan crystal from Lilandra and that she needs its help to stop her brother. Gladiator stops just in front of Emperor D’Ken’s ship as it comes out of hyperspace. Enough recap. Let’s get to it.


We return to Castle Cassidy and see Black Tom is really hoofing it out of the castle. We jump up to the roof of the castle where Charles assures Lilandra that his X-Men will help protect the crystal. She says she needs to get back to her ship ASAP, but her transporter isn’t strong enough to take two people. Phoenix gets up and says that she can do it, but Logan points out that she don’t look it. Phoenix says that her body is young and strong, and it recovers quickly. They’re distracted from her condition and odd word choice a second later when the Blackbird flies in, I guess Cyclops, Beast and Storm must have sprinted to it when Jean left and broke the sound barrier to get from New York City to a castle on the coast of Ireland in like 45 minutes. Scott runs out and demands to know where Jean is, Charles pointing him to where she’s floating. He runs up beside Wolverine who is watching her float, saying that as best he can tell she’s searching for something. We see Phoenix using her powers to locate D’Ken’s ship and look within it, we see he’s appearing before (assumedly) his Praetorian Guard and one member sense Jean’s mental probe and tries to track her.


Scott gets Phoenix’s attention and asks her what’s up. Phoenix says she’ll need his help to prepare the others for the battle that is to come. Beast introduces himself to Lilandra and says that he’s looking forward to learning more about her people before Phoenix comes over and says it’s time to go. She teleports all of them skyward and releases a psychic shockwave that is felt all the way in London. It at least gets the attention of Captain Britain (Not England’s Captain America, he’s more of a magic Superman) and Emma Frost of the Hellfi- Inner Circle Club. They edited the name of the group but not Emma Frost’s outfit of a coreset and thigh high boots? The 90s were weird. Oh, and Dr. Strange felt it in New York too. Back at the Castle we see that Phoenix just took the adult active duty X-Men, leaving Charles, Jubilee, Moira and Sean on the rooftop. Charles begs to come to, but Jubilee says she’s not coming back, and that the way Phoenix said goodbye makes it sound like none of them will.


We jump to the dark side of the Moon where Lilandra’s ship is parked. Her crew fires on the Phoenix as it approaches, which is understandable. If I saw a firebird I’d probably fire on it too. They dodge the shots and appear in the ship. The transfer visibly weakened Phoenix but she bounces back quickly. We’re shown the M’Kraan Crystal for the first time. It’s about the size of a big truck tire. Gambit asks the obvious question of how a universe could fit in there, with Beast saying the faceted configuration of the crystal allows it. Rogue jokes that she knew there was a simple explanation and Gambit says he’ll get her one for Christmas if she likes it. A ship arrives and starts firing on them. Lilandra orders evasive action, but they get hit with a stun blast that disables everyone. The X-Men recover quickly but Lilandra and her crew are out cold, Beast theorizes that the blast was probably calibrated to specifically effect Shi’ar biology. The docking bay hatch opens and we’re introduced to the Starjammers, alien pirates lead by Corsair, a human. A firefight breaks out to get the M’Kraan Crystal. The X-Men hold off the Starjammers long enough for Phoenix to read their minds and tell the X-Men what their deal is. Corsair calls back to his ship’s pilot, Raza, and tells him to recalibrate their stunners for Humans. Cyclops tells him to standdown of he’ll shoot. Phoenix reads Corsair’s mind and sees two boys in his memory, clearly a young Scott and his brother Alex. Phoenix realizes who Corsair must be and stops Scott from shooting, but Corsair’s stunner gets through and drops the X-Men. I’m a little shocked that it works on such non-standard humans like Beast, but what ya gonna do? Corsair is grabbed by his crew who also get the M’Kraan crystal and flee. Wolverine is the first to recover and grabs a woozy Phoenix and helps her to a seat. She says they took the M’Kraan Crystal and Scott too. He asks why she stopped Cyclops, to which she says she can’t tell him. But thicks to complete the sentence, that Corsair is Scott’s father. We cut to Corsair’s ship where they have Cyclops in shackles. Raza asks if they took him to be a hostage, but Corsair says that he took Cyclops because he’s a weapon, the last one they’ll ever need.


We cut to Gladiator as he’s hauling Erik the Red (real name Davan Shakari) to D’Ken’s ship for Erik to be debriefed. Onboard, D’Ken demands to know how his agents could be beaten by lowly humans. Gladiator tries to tell him that the Phoenix kicked their asses, but D’Ken insists the Phoenix is only a legend. Their meeting is interrupted by a holographic message from Corsair, who Gladiator calls a traitor. Corsair reveals he has the crystal and offers to trade it for half the imperial treasury. D’Ken agrees, swearing a sacred oath to do it. Corsair promises to hand over the treasure along with Scott for D’Ken’s amusement. When the transmission ends, D’Ken orders Gladiator to dispose of Corsair and the Starjammers immediately after they have the crystal. Gladiator is clearly not okay with this, as D’Ken swore an oath, but must accept. He calls in the other Praetorian Guard and tells them to execute the Starjammers and bring Corsair in to face the emperor’s judgement.


We cut to the Starjammer ship. Corsair meets with Cyclops. It looks like in the interim between scenes they stuck a device on his visor, presumably to keep him from using it. He reveals that he’s agreed to give D’Ken the Crystal. When Scott protests, asking him if he knows what the mad emperor will do with the Crystal, Corsair says that D’Ken will never touch the crystal as Cyclops is going to wipe out his miserable existence. He says that the only way to get close to D’Ken was to offer him the crystal, and while he might suspect an attack from Corsair, he won’t from the ‘helpless prisoner’ Cyclops. He should be able to get off one full power blast at the Crystal during the exchange which should kill D’Ken. Cyclops asks why he’s so hellbent on getting D’Ken and Corsair reveals that D’Ken killed his wife. As he leaves, Scott asks if one woman’s life is worth all the bloodshed, to which Corsair says that she was to him. … And would be to Scott too if he knew your name is Christopher Summers and your wife was Katherine, ya dingus.


Recovered, Lilandra’s ship heads out to chase after the Starjammer’s ship, the Starjammer. As they fly, Beast checks out the ship specs while Wolverine paces and Gambit tosses cards into a Shi’ar helmet. Wolverine kicks the helmet in frustration and asks how they can fight something they can’t reach, to which Gambit says they’ll fight little green men soon enough. Lilandra begs Phoenix to transport them into the Starjammer like she did with Lilandra’s ship, but Phoenix says she’s too weak just yet. She needs a little more time to recover. She claims to grow stronger with each use of her powers.


Corsair returns and asks Scott to help him stop D’Ken. Scott says that they both know he doesn’t have a choice. After saying goodbye to his crew, and ordering them to flee if anything goes wrong, they head out. On the trip crossing ships, Corsair reveals he’s from Earth but says that the story is too long to tell. He asks Cyclops if he has kids, to which Cyclops says no, and Corsair says he wouldn’t recognize his own if he saw them, but does remember his oldest had his mother’s eyes. Of course he does.


Back on Lilandra’s ship, Phoenix reveals that if she can get in contact with Scott’s mind she can use it as a beacon and transport them all to him. Corsair and Cyclops arrive in the throne room as Phoenix connects to him. Phoenix flies them towards Cyclops in her phoenix form. Corsair presents the crystal to D’Ken. He orders Cyclops to shoot, but the Praetorian Guard and X-Men arrive. Corsair runs to kill D’Ken but finds out the D’Ken there is a shapeshifting decoy. The X-Men battle the Praetorian Guard and play keep away with the crystal. Corsair tells them to fall back to the Starjammer. They fall back but are outmaneuvered by D’Ken and Gladiator who grab Lilandra and the crystal. He tells the X-Men he’ll have Gladiator crush Lilandra if they interfere. Wolverine is obviously still up for a scrap, but Phoenix tells him to stand down as this is her fight now. D’Ken does a chant and awakens the M’Kraan crystal’s power. Phoenix tries to grab it, but he finishes the chant and starts absorbing the energy of the Crystal. Phoenix says she wasn’t strong enough yet to stop him and he’s taking in its power. Wolverine asks if that means the power will get out, but Phoenix tells him it’s more like all of this universe will be pulled in. Dun Dun DUUUUN.


Took a little while to get back out into space but we’re here and things are heating up. I find it funny that Jean as the Phoenix now has access to nearly infinite amounts of cosmic power but she’s still constantly getting hit with dizziness and fainting spells as per usual. The writers have one trick to keep Jean “Phoenix” Gray from just ending things immediately. I’m trying to refer to Jean with her Phoenix power as just Phoenix to differentiate her from her normal state. While she’s usually powerful, when infused with the Phoenix she’s on a whole other level. And the Phoenix Force itself is a fairly distinct entity from Jean herself, so treating the combined version as something wholly separate from Jean alone feels right. The introduction of the Starjammers feels a little sudden and out of nowhere but I guess there’s literally no other time to introduce us to Scott’s dad. Don’t judge him too harshly for not returning to Earth for like 15-20 years, he was… dealing with some stuff. What with his wife being killed by the Shi’ar emperor and such. Plus Scott and Alex were intentionally split up do to the machinations of a insane 18th century geneticist, it was a whole thing and finding his boys would have been tough. Before you ask, no, Christopher “Corsair” Summers isn’t a Mutant, he’s vanilla human with fancy alien tech. But literally every child he and his wife produced are, so odds of him having a dormant form of the X-Gene is high. He certainly hasn’t aged enough to look like an at minimum 55 year old man, but maybe that’s just the animation style. And in his defense for not recognizing Scott, it is a fairly common name and most of the X-Men call him Cyclops in the field. Obviously with a five part story, D’Ken was going to get the crystal at some point in this episode so they can actually face off with him in the finale… but it did seem a little contrived to just have him get it during a scene change. At least show us how Gladiator got the drop on Lilandra to get the crystal. Yeah, there’s no doubt in my mind that D’Ken stayed back and let his literal superman do the dirty work to get the gem. So he’s now filled with negative energy, this will go along swimmingly, I’m sure. See you next time. 



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